SAIG Send/Resend Files; View Sent and Received Files; Import Unprocessed Files Screen

SAIG Send/Resend Files; View Sent and Received Files; Import Unprocessed Files Screen


The SAIG: Send/Resend Files; View Sent and Received Files screen provides multiple functions for schools using Regent Award's SAIG mailbox integration.  The screen provides a way for schools to manually send or re-send SAIG-related export files as well as view the files that have been sent and received from SAIG. 

  1. The screen provides filtering options that allow the user to choose file types for work or viewing.
  2. The screen allows the end user to manually send files to the SAIG mailbox, as well as re-send previously transmitted files.
    1. When a previously sent file is resent, it will create a new row in the display grid.  

Field Specifications

Field NameDescription

Required /


Grid Display filtering Options
  • All files
    • Display all files that have been sent to SAIG, are pending transmission to SAIG, or have been Received from SAIG. 
  • Files Pending Transmission
    • Display all files that are pending transmission to SAIG. 
  • Transmitted Files
    • Display all files that have been sent to SAIG. 
  • Received Files
    • Display all files that have been Received from SAIG. 
  • Imported Files
    • Displays all files that were received from SAIG and Imported into Regent award.
RequiredRadio button
  • All files
  • Files Pending Transmission
  • Transmitted Files
  • Received Files
  • Imported Files
Available Process Types

Display a list of supported SAIG import and export Process Types available in Regent Award, using the SAIGMessageClass table, which has been selected for use with the school's active SAIG mailbox via the SAIG Credentials Screen.

If either the "Files Pending Transmission" or "Transmitted Files" parameters are chosen, the "Available Process Types" selection box will show only export processes.

If either the "Received Files" or "Imported Files" parameters are chosen, the "Available Process Types" selection box will show only import processes.

N/AText - Display Only

Display BelowIf the checkbox is selected, the files displayed in the grid should be further filtered to include only those files associated with the selected processes.OptionalCheckbox, default to unselected

A grid of Sent, Pending, and Received Files

All columns in this grid both filtering and sorting functionality.  The grid displays 20 records per page and allows for hyperlink paging to the next set of 20 records available.


The SAIG Process ID associated with the Sent or Received files.  Files pending transmission to SAIG will not have an associated SAIG Process ID. 

Process IDThe Regent Award Process ID associated with the generation of the import/export file.N/AN/AN/A
Process TypeThe Regent Award Process ID type.N/AN/AN/A
Generated DateThe date the file was generated, per the Regent Award Process ID.N/AN/AN/A
Message ClassThe Message Class associated with the file.N/AN/AN/A
File NameThe filename as a clickable hyperlink to the file itself.N/AN/AN/A

The status of the file.  See File Status Definitions below.

Sent / Received DateThe date the file was sent to or received from SAIG, per the SAIG Process ID.N/AN/AN/A
Processed By The name of the person who initiated the SAIG Process ID associated with the file.N/AN/AN/A
Send / ResendThis checkbox is available only for files that have been sent or are able to be sent to the SAIG mailbox.  The checkbox will not appear for received files.OptionalCheckbox, default to unselected

Regent award will display a checkbox in this column for Import file types ONLY, and only if the file has been received from SAIG, but not yet imported into Regent Award.  Received but unprocessed files will display a Status of "Received."

These files are located in the Unprocessed FileWatcher folder.  Once the files are processed (imported) they will be removed from that folder.

OptionalCheckbox, default to unselected
SendInitiates the process to send the selected files associated to the SAIG mailbox.N/AN/AN/A
ImportWhen the user selects the checkbox in the "Import" column and selects the "Import" button, Regent Award will process the unprocessed files.N/AButtonN/A
CancelCloses screen.N/AN/AN/A

File Status Definitions

Status NameDefinition
SentExport file generated by Regent Award was transmitted to SAIG
PendingExport file generated by Regent Award but has NOT been transmitted to SAIG
Re-SentExport file generated by Regent Award was transmitted to SAIG a second, third, fourth (etc) time. Sent to SAIG again after being sent once.
ReceivedFile has been Received (downloaded) from SAIG and NOT yet Imported into Regent Award.
Imported By SystemFile has been Received (downloaded) from SAIG and Imported into Regent Award by the system.
Imported Manually

File has been Received (downloaded) from SAIG and manually Imported into Regent Award via the User Interface.

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