Awarding TEACH

Awarding TEACH

TEACH Reduction Fee

A TEACH Grant where the first disbursement is on or after October 1, 2020 and before October 1, 2021 requires a reduction of 5.70% percent from the award amount for which the student would otherwise have been eligible regardless of which Federal Award Year is assigned to the award. The TEACH Grant award amounts are similar to Pell awards in that there is a Scheduled Award, which is the maximum that a full-time student would earn for a year, and an Annual Award, which is the amount a student would receive by enrolling for a year in an enrollment status (e.g., full-time, three-quarter-time, half-time, or less-than-half-time). The Scheduled Award for TEACH is $4,000, and the annual awards are:

Enrollment StatusMaximum TEACH award
Three-quarter time$3,000
Less than half-time$1,000

A student may receive up to $16,000 in TEACH Grants for undergraduate and post-baccalaureate study and up to $8,000 for a TEACH eligible master’s degree program.

The "percentage reduction" amount is subtracted from the maximum TEACH award amounts in the table above (depending on enrollment status) to determine the maximum amount of the TEACH award to be offered/awarded to an eligible student in Regent Award.  Within Regent Award, the end-user will NOT see the reduction amount as a fee as we would see on other awards (for example, interest and origination fees), but instead, the "Adjusted Maximum Award Amount" is the gross amount of the TEACH award in Regent Award, depending on enrollment level, award year, and first disbursement date.

  • Any TEACH award in Offered or Accepted status created prior to 10/1 with the old fee that does not have a paid disbursement prior to 10/1 will automatically be updated to reflect the new fee amount upon packaging on/after 10/1.
  • If an award has at least one paid disbursement before 10/1, the award amount will not change due to the fee change upon packaging on/after 10/1.

The following chart shows the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 through FY 2021 sequester-required TEACH Grant Program reductions, as they apply to the 2016-2017 through 2021-2022 Federal Award Years (FAY).

TEACH Sequestration - FY 2017 thru 2021

Federal Award YearImpacted AwardsEnrollment LevelStatutory Maximum Scheduled Award AmountPercentage Reduction from Statutory Award AmountDollar Reduction Amount from Maximum Award AmountAdjusted Maximum Award Amount



First disbursed on or after October 1, 2016 and before October 1, 2017 (FY 2017 Sequester)

Three-quarter time$3,0006.90%$207.00$2,793.00
Less than half-time$1,0006.90%$69.00$931.00



First disbursed on or after October 1, 2017 and before October 1, 2018 (FY 2018 Sequester)

Three-quarter time$3,0006.60%$198.00$2802.00
Less than half-time$1,0006.60%$66.00$934.00



First disbursed on or after October 1, 2018 and before October 1, 2019 (FY 2019 Sequester)

Three-quarter time$3,0006.20%$186.00$2,814.00
Less than half-time$1,0006.20%$62.00$938.00



First disbursed on or after October 1, 2019 and before October 1, 2020 (FY 2020 Sequester)


Three-quarter time

Less than half-time$1,0005.90%$59.00$941.00



First disbursement date on or after October 1, 2020 and before October 1, 2021 (FY 2021 Sequester)

Three-quarter time$3,0005.7%$171.00$2,829.00
Less than half-time$1,0005.7%$57.00$943.00

Example Scenarios

TEACH Grants first disbursed on/after 10/1/2019 but before 10/1/2020: 5.90% reduction from statutory amounts:

  • Example 1A student has TEACH Award and 1st disbursement is on 10/1/2019 and 2nd disbursement is on 3/2/2020.
    Adjust this student TEACH award with 2020 rate. Reduce by 5.90% from the statutory amount 
  • Example 2A student has TEACH Award and 1st disbursement is on 10/1/2018 and 2nd disbursement is on 3/2/2019.
    Adjust this student TEACH award with 2019 rate. Reduce by 6.20% from the statutory amount 
  • Example 3A student has TEACH Award and 1st disbursement is on 5/15/2017 and 2nd disbursement is on 10/2/2017.
    Adjust this student TEACH award with 2018 rate. Reduce by 6.90% from the statutory amount

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