Student Experience Portal Data Elements

Student Experience Portal Data Elements


Configuration for the Student Experience Portal is located within Institution Setup in Regent Award.  For a school with multiple Institutions and only one Student Experience Portal site, configuration is managed at a single Institution. However, when using E-Signature for Regent Review, this must be configured at each Institution level.  At the time of implementation, your Account Manager will work with you to determine which Institution will house your Student Experience Portal settings.  If a school has multiple Student Experience sites, Regent will work with them to determine the appropriate Institution setup linkage with each site. 

The configuration is organized using sub-tabs that corresponds to a component of the Student Experience Portal.  A user must have access to the "View/Edit Portal Settings" permission to view any of the configurations documented below.  Regent recommends using the "View/Edit Portal Settings" permission to allow the appropriate user(s) to access the Portal settings at ONLY the Institution being used for the Student Experience Portal settings, and hide the configuration settings at all other Institutions.  

Unless otherwise noted, throughout the documentation below, when referencing the number of allowable characters in a field, these are alphanumeric characters, symbols, any html code entered, and spaces (spaces are included in the "character" count).

The User Guide: Student Experience provides additional details as to how these configuration settings display or function within the Portal.

Student Experience Licensing

The Configuration Settings (tabs) will be available to schools based on product licensing, as outline below:

Portal Tab

Publish Portal Configuration

A permission-based button is located on the Portal Tab of Institution set up with the label "Publish Portal Configuration."  A school may make modifications to the various configuration items, but those new settings will not be used by the Student Experience portal until they've been "published" using this button.  Once the configuration items are published, they will be immediately available to the student without the need to re-Sign In to the application.  If a school makes changes to their Institution, Campus, and/or Site names, the "Publish Portal Configuration" button will also make those new names available to the Student Experience portal.  There is no need to also choose "Reload RNA" from Enterprise Setup when publishing Portal Configurations.    

Updates to configuration changes should first be published and tested in a client QA environment before being configured in Production.  Clients can request that a recent copy of Production be restored to a QA environment via Customer Zone.

** IMPORTANT NOTE** - clients must publish portal configuration after restoring Production to a lower QA environment to avoid errors when testing.





General Subtab (User Guide: Student Experience-Branding)

Field Name





Business Rule

Field Name





Business Rule

Branding Settings

Site Logo

The logo URL provided here will display in the Header throughout the portal.  The URL must be publicly available, it cannot be on a password-protected site.  The recommended size of the logo is an approximate width of 120px and a height of 32px, or generally, a 3.75:1 ratio.  Clients are encouraged to preview their available logos on the portal and adjust the logo files as needed for optimal display. 



URLs provided for the links must be valid, meaning they begin with https://

Site Logo Alt Text

Brief text description of the logo for visually impaired users. The text is available to screen readers as the alternative text ("Alt-Text") for the image in the Site Logo.

100 characters maximum. If Site Logo is not blank, the Site Logo Alt Text is required.

Required if Site Logo is not blank; Optional otherwise.


100 characters maximum.

If Site Logo is not blank, the Site Logo Alt Text is required.

PDF Logo

The logo URL entered here will display at the top of the downloadable PDF for any Smart Form. The URL must be publicly available, it cannot be on a password-protected site.  The recommended size of the logo is an approximate width of 120px and a height of 32px, or generally, a 3.75:1 ratio.  Clients are encouraged to preview their available logos on the pdf output and adjust the logo files as needed for optimal display.



URLs provided for the links must be valid, meaning they begin with https://

Primary Color

The hexadecimal color code entered here will be used for the primary color throughout the portal. Use the slider bars located at the bottom of the color grid and within the color grid to choose a color, or enter the hexadecimal color code value in the input field. Then click "Apply."

The primary color will be applied to the following site elements:


Hexidecimal Color Selector

Default Value = #2F63FF

Secondary Color

The hexadecimal color code entered here will be used for the secondary color throughout the portal. Use the slider bars located at the bottom of the color grid and within the color grid to choose a color, or enter the hexadecimal color code value in the input field. Then click "Apply."

The secondary color will be applied to the following site elements:


Hexidecimal Color Selector

Default Value = #CBD8FF

Primary Background Color

The hexadecimal color code entered here will be used for the primary background color throughout the portal. Use the slider bars located at the bottom of the color grid and within the color grid to choose a color, or enter the hexadecimal color code value in the input field. Then click "Apply."

The primary background color will be applied to the following site elements:


Hexidecimal Color Selector

Default Value = #F4F7FF

Secondary Background Color

The hexadecimal color code entered here will be used for the secondary background color throughout the portal. Use the slider bars located at the bottom of the color grid and within the color grid to choose a color, or enter the hexadecimal color code value in the input field. Then click "Apply."

The secondary background color will be applied to the following site elements:


Hexidecimal Color Selector

Default Value = #E0E8FF

Dashboard Settings

Display Instructional Message

When this checkbox is selected, the Instructional Header and Message configured will display at the top of the Dashboard screen.



Unselected by default

Instructional Message Header Text

The text entered here will display as a customized Header on the Dashboard Instructional Text.  The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message" is Selected



When "Display Instructional Message" is selected, this field is required.

50 characters max

Instructional Message Text

The text entered here will display as instructional text on the Dashboard screen.  The editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

The best practice for using this editor is to type your text directly into the editor, and then format it using the tools provided.  Or, type the text into Notepad, and then copy and paste the text into the editor.  If you copy the text from another editor, you may find that the formatting is copied from the editor and displays in an unexpected manner.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message" is Selected


Alphanumeric and HTML

When "Display Instructional Message" is selected, this field is required.

Display Provisional Independent Status Message

When this checkbox is selected, the Provisional Header and Message configured will display at the top of the Dashboard screen.



Unselected by default

Provisional Independent Status Message Header Text

The text entered here will display as a customized Header on the Dashboard under the Instructional Message.  

Optional unless "Display Provisional Independent Status Message" is Selected



When "Display Provisional Independent Status Message" is selected, this field is required.

50 Characters max

Provisional Independent Status Message Text

The text entered here will display on the Dashboard screen under the Instructional Message.  The editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.

The best practice for using this editor is to type your text directly into the editor, and then format it using the tools provided.  Or, type the text into Notepad, and then copy and paste the text into the editor.  If you copy the text from another editor, you may find that the formatting is copied from the editor and displays in an unexpected manner.

Optional unless "Display Provisional Independent Status Message" is Selected


Alphanumeric and HTML

When "Display Provisional Independent Status Message" is selected, this field is required.

Portal and Questionnaire Display Settings

Office Name

This text will be used throughout the portal, in portal communications and Smart Forms where the Office name is displayed.



The default value is "Financial Aid Office."

50 characters max

Job Title

This text will be used throughout the portal, in portal communications and in Smart Forms where the Job Title is displayed.



The default value is "Financial Aid Advisor."

50 characters max

Office Phone

This text will be used throughout the portal, in portal communications and in Smart Forms where the Office phone number is displayed.



15 characters max

Office Email

This text will be used throughout the portal, in portal communications and in Smart Forms where the Office email address is displayed.



50 characters max

Display Current Program

When "Yes" is selected, the student's current program will display throughout the portal, in portal communications and in Smart Forms where the student's current active program is displayed.



  • Yes (default)

  • No

Display School Name

When "Yes" is selected, the value chosen under "School Name Display Value" will display throughout the portal, in portal communications and in Smart Forms where the School Name is displayed.



  • Yes (default)

  • No

School Name Display Value

The value chosen here will be used throughout the portal, in portal communications and in Smart Forms where the School Name is displayed.  The system will use the "Display Name" field from Institution, Campus, or Site when determining the text to display.

Optional unless "Display School Name" = Yes


  • Current Site (default)

  • Current Campus

  • Current Institution

When "Display School Name" is selected, this field is required.

Display Footer Text

When this is selected, the configured footer text will display on all portal screens, except the Sign-in and Dashboard pages, which display a fixed copyright footer.



Selected by default

Footer Text

The text entered here will be displayed as a footer on all screens throughout the portal, except the Sign-in and Dashboard pages, which display a fixed copyright footer. The editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit, so be mindful when creating the Footer text such that the final display will be the desired length.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

The footer text is not "Sticky" meaning it is displayed at the bottom of each page, below the configured items/text/widgets for that page and the user may need to scroll down to see the full footer text.

The best practice for using this editor is to type your text directly into the editor, and then format it using the tools provided.  Or, type the text into Notepad, and then copy and paste the text into the editor.  If you copy the text from another editor, you may find that the formatting is copied from the editor and displays in an unexpected manner.

Optional unless "Display Footer Text" is selected.


Alphanumeric and HTML

When "Display Footer Text" is selected, this field is required.

Display Login Instructional Message

When this field is selected, the text configured in "Login Instructional Message" will be displayed on the Login screen under the Username and Password.



Unselected by default

This setting is only applicable for Non-SSO students

Login Instructional Message

The text entered here will display as instructional text on the Sign In screen.  The editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

The best practice for using this editor is to type your text directly into the editor, and then format it using the tools provided.  Or, type the text into Notepad, and then copy and paste the text into the editor.  If you copy the text from another editor, you may find that the formatting is copied from the editor and displays in an unexpected manner.

Optional unless "Display Sign In Instructional Message" is Selected


Alphanumeric and HTML

This text will only be displayed to Non-SSO students

Display Student Portal Header Text

When this field is selected, the text configured in "Student Portal Header Text" will be displayed within the header on the student portal.



Unselected by default

Student Portal Header Text

Text entered here will display in the header on the Student Portal, 

The text color of the configured header message will be the Secondary Color configured for the portal, unless text is entered as HTML and color is specified within the code. Configured characters and line spaces should be minimized to avoid creating a header that obstructs view of other objects on the page.



Alphanumeric and HTML

Available when the ‘Display Student Portal Header Text’ setting is enabled.

Display Parent Portal Header Text

When this field is selected, the text configured in "Parent Portal Header Text" will be displayed within the header on the parent portal.



Unselected by default

Parent Portal Header Text

Text entered here will display in the header on the Parent Portal, 

The text color of the configured header message will be the Secondary Color configured for the portal, unless text is entered as HTML and color is specified within the code. Configured characters and line spaces should be minimized to avoid creating a header that obstructs view of other objects on the page.



Alphanumeric and HTML

Available when the ‘Display Parent Portal Header Text’ setting is enabled.

Communications Settings

Parent Signature Request Email

Provides a list of communications, from Communication Setup, that could be used to notify the Parent that their signature is requested on Student documents.

If multiple Institutions are configured in Regent Award each Institution will need to be configured. 



A list of communications from "Communication Setup" where the "Communication Recipient" field is set to a value of "Parent Spouse."

This communication is available for SSO and Non-SSO parents and spouse

Student Account Registration Email

Provides a list of communications, from Communication Setup, that could be used to notify the Student that their Account Registration is complete.

If multiple Institutions are configured in Regent Award each Institution will need to be configured. 



A list of communications from "Communication Setup" where the "Communication Recipient" field is set to a value of "Student."

This communication is only available to Non-SSO students 

Parent Account Registration Email

Provides a list of communications, from Communication Setup, that could be used to notify the Parent that their Account Registration is complete.

If multiple Institutions are configured in Regent Award each Institution will need to be configured.



A list of communications from "Communication Setup" where the "Communication Recipient" field is set to a value of "Parent Spouse."

This communication is available for SSO and Non-SSO parents and spouse

Student Password Reset Email

Provides a list of communications, from Communication Setup, that could be used to notify the Student that their Password as been Reset.

If multiple Institutions are configured in Regent Award each Institution will need to be configured. 



A list of communications from "Communication Setup" where the "Communication Recipient" field is set to a value of "Student."

This communication is only available to Non-SSO students 

Parent Password Reset Email

Provides a list of communications, from Communication Setup, that could be used to notify the Parent that their Password has been reset.

If multiple Institutions are configured in Regent Award each Institution will need to be configured. 



A list of communications from "Communication Setup" where the "Communication Recipient" field is set to a value of "Parent Spouse."

This communication is available for SSO and Non-SSO parents and spouse

Smart Form Submitted Email

Provides a list of communications, from Communication Setup, that could be used to notify the Student that a Smart Form has been submitted successfully.

If multiple Institutions are configured in Regent Award each Institution will need to be configured. 



A list of communications from "Communication Setup" where the "Communication Recipient" field is set to a value of "Student."

This communication is available for SSO and Non-SSO students.

Email Address Override

The email address(es) entered here (with a semi-colon after each address) will receive emails from Regent Award in QA environments only, for portal related communications that are configured in Regent Award. Account creation/registration emails will always be sent to the email address used when registering an account on Account Registration Step 1 regardless of whether the environment is QA or Production.

Account creation/registration emails are the account validation email that allows a user to proceed from Registration Step 2 to Step 3, and password reset emails.

If multiple Institutions are configured in Regent Award each Institution will need to be configured.


Text box

Alphanumeric and HTML

This setting is used for "Testing Purposes" only and should never be utilized in Production 

Maintenance Settings

Enable Maintenance Page

When this checkbox is selected, the Maintenance Page will be displayed when a user attempts to access the Student Experience portal, either via SSO or non-SSO.



Unselected by default

Page used to display in the portal during upgrades or regularly scheduled maintenance

Maintenance Page Message

The text entered here will display as the message on the Maintenance Page, if enabled.  The editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to control the display. 

The best practice for using the editor is to type text directly into the editor and then format it using the tools provided.  Users may also type the text into Notepad and copy/paste the text into the editor. If text is copied and pasted from another editor, the correct formatting may not be applied. Reference the User Guide: Student Experience- Maintenance Page for additional details.


Text box

Default text: 

Our website is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance.  We apologize for the inconvenience.  Please try again later.

Account Creation Message Settings

Display Account Creation Message

When this checkbox is selected, the Account Creation Message Text configured will display on the 'Registration Step 1 of 3: Account Creation' page, for the users selected in the ‘Display To’ field.



Unselected by default

Display To

Options selected here determine if the text entered in 'Account Creation Message Text' field will display on the 'Registration Step 1 of 3: Account Creation' page to the student, the parent, or both the student and parent.


Multi-select checkboxes


  • Student

  • Parent

Will only show if ‘Display Account Creation Message’ is selected.

Account Creation Message Text

The text entered here will display on the 'Registration Step 1 of 3: Account Creation' page, to the student, to the parent, or to both the student and parent, based on the ‘Display To’ option(s) selected.



Will only show if ‘Display Account Creation Message’ is selected.

Account Management Subtab (User Guide: Student Experience)

Field Name





Business Rule

Field Name





Business Rule

General Settings

Active Students Only

When "Yes" is selected, only active students will have access to the portal, inactive students will not. When "No" is selected, all students will have access to the portal regardless of their active status.



  • Yes (default)

  • No

Login Method

This setting will determine the method used by students when logging into the portal.



  • Non-SSO (default)

  • SSO

SSO Settings

This section will display only if “SSO” is chosen for “Login Method.”  

External ID 1

The School will have the option of selecting the External ID that will be used for SSO validation as well as provide the school's specific attribute name for the External ID being used.  Either External ID 1 or External ID 2 can be enabled, but not both. At least one of the two MUST be enabled.



Selected by Default

Reference the User Guide: Student Experience for additional information on Single Sign-On- SAML 2.0

External ID 1 Attribute Name




50 character max

External ID 2



Unselected by Default

External ID 2 Attribute Name




50 character max

Logout Redirect

The URL entered here will be used to redirect the student to a specific page upon exiting the portal.  




250 character max

URLs provided for the links must be valid, meaning they begin with http:// or https://

Non-SSO Settings

This section will display only if “Non-SSO” is chosen for “Login Method.” 

First and Last Name

If selected, First and Last Name will be used to verify the student's account in Step 3 of the account registration process.



  • Yes (default)

  • No

Display School Name

When "Yes" is selected, the student's Institution, Campus or Site (dependent upon the value chosen in the "School Name Display Value" field) will be used to verify the student's account in Step 3 of the account registration process.



  • Yes (default)

  • No

School Name Display Value

The value chosen here will be on Step 3 of User Account Registration to validate the user's location.  The Institution, Campus or Site must be set to "Active" in order to be used for this validation. The system will use the "Display Name" field from Institution, Campus, or Site when determining the text to display.

Optional unless "Display School Name" = Yes


  • Site (default)

  • Campus

  • Institution

When "Display School Name" is selected, this field is required.

External ID 1

The School will have the option of selecting the External ID used to verify the student's account in Step 3 of the account registration process.  Either External ID 1 or External ID 2 can be enabled, but not both. At least one of the two MUST be enabled.



  • Yes (default)

  • No 

External ID 2



  • Yes 

  • No (default)

Email Address

If selected, Email Address will be used to verify the student's account in Step 3 of the account registration process.  The email address is any email address for the student in the database (which may/may not be the same email address used to create the account).



  • Yes (default)

  • No

Useful Links Subtab

Field Name





Business Rule

Field Name





Business Rule

Useful Links Settings

Display Useful Links on Dashboard

When this checkbox is selected, the Useful Links feature will display on the Dashboard and Menu.  If a user attempts to access a component that is configured not to display, by entering the URL directly, the user is directed to the Dashboard, or the Sign In page if they are not logged in.



Selected by default

When this field is unselected, all other fields on the screen are disabled.

When this field is selected, at least one link must be configured in the Useful Links table.

Display Instructional Message

When this checkbox is selected, the Instructional Header and Message configured will display at the top of the Useful Links screen.



Unselected by default

Instructional Message Header Text

The text entered here will display as a customized Header on the Useful Links Instructional Text.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message" is Selected



When "Display Instructional Message" is selected, this field is required.

50 characters max

Instructional Message Text

The text entered here will display as instructional text on the Useful Links screen.  The editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

The best practice for using this editor is to type your text directly into the editor, and then format it using the tools provided.  Or, type the text into Notepad, and then copy and paste the text into the editor.  If you copy the text from another editor, you may find that the formatting is copied from the editor and displays in an unexpected manner.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message" is Selected


Alphanumeric and HTML

When "Display Instructional Message" is selected, this field is required.

Add Link

When this button is selected, additional links can be configured.  

Configuration will follow the Useful Link Setup Table below. 

Useful Link Setup Table

This table is used for configuring the links that will appear in the Useful Links component.  The first three links configured will display on the Useful Links Dashboard widget. These links will display in the order configured. Click on and move each row to arrange the order.  There is no limit to the number of links that can be configured here.

Order #

The display order of the configured links.  Users may re-order the links by clicking and holding on a row their mouse and dragging the row a higher or lower placement in the table. 


Not editable

Link Text

The text to be displayed as the hyperlink of the URL.



See Default Useful Link Configurations

50 character max


A valid website address / URL beginning with http:// or https://.



See Default Useful Link Configurations

URLs provided for the links must be valid, meaning they begin with http:// or https://

URL Description

The description of the website that will display next to the link.



See Default Useful Link Configurations

250 character max


Removes the entire row of data from the table.



See Default Useful Link Configurations

Default Useful Link Configurations

The following 5 links should be pre-configured on each instance. These are editable and can be deleted.

Link Text


URL Description

Link Text


URL Description

Federal Direct Loan information


Federal website students access to sign Master Promissory Notes (MPNs), complete Loan Counseling, find out about loan repayment options, complete TEACH counseling and Agreements to Serve, etc.

Borrowing history information


Students access the National Student Loan Data System for detailed information about their loans and grants including total amounts borrowed and to complete Loan Exit Counseling.

Managing loan repayment


This site contains information about Direct Loans including loan repayment options and responsibilities, forbearance and deferment, loan consolidation, loan cancellation, and how to avoid delinquency and default.

Loan payment calculator


Allows borrowers to enter information about their existing or potential loan debt and get an estimate of the monthly payment and total interest amounts.

Federal Student Aid information


This is the main student financial aid information site for the U.S. Department of Education and includes information about applying for and receiving federal student aid and about loan repayment. This site also includes a link to the FAFSA application.

Message Center Subtab

Field Name





Business Rule

Field Name





Business Rule

Message Center Settings

Display Message Center on Dashboard

When this checkbox is selected, the Message Center feature will display on the Dashboard and Menu.  If a user attempts to access a component that is configured not to display, by entering the URL directly, the user is directed to the Dashboard, or the Sign In page if they are not logged in.



Selected by default

When this field is unselected, all other fields on the screen are disabled.

Student Message are Read Only 

When this checkbox is selected, students will be able to read messages from FA Staff, but will not be able to respond to or send new messages to FA Staff.  This creates, effectively, one way messaging from the FA Staff to the student.



Selected by default

Display Instructional Message

When this checkbox is selected, the Instructional Header and Message configured will display at the top of the Message Center screen.



Unselected by default

Instructional Message Header Text

The text entered here will display as a customized Header on the Message Center Instructional Text.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message" is Selected



When "Display Instructional Message" is selected, this field is required.

50 characters max

Instructional Message Text

The text entered here will display as instructional text on the Message Center screen.  The editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

The best practice for using this editor is to type your text directly into the editor, and then format it using the tools provided.  Or, type the text into Notepad, and then copy and paste the text into the editor.  If you copy the text from another editor, you may find that the formatting is copied from the editor and displays in an unexpected manner.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message" is Selected


Alphanumeric and HTML

When "Display Instructional Message" is selected, this field is required.

Financial Aid Subtab (User Guide: Student Experience)

Field Name





Business Rule

Field Name





Business Rule

Financial Aid Settings

Display Financial Aid on Dashboard

When this checkbox is selected, the Financial Aid feature will display on the Dashboard and Menu.  If a user attempts to access a component that is configured not to display, by entering the URL directly, the user is directed to the Dashboard, or the Sign In page if they are not logged in.

When this field is selected, an additional field is available on Fund Setup titled "Display on Financial Aid Portlet" which will determine whether or not the fund will appear on the Financial Aid component of the Student Experience portal for students.  Simply unselect this field on the Fund level to hid the award on the portal.



Selected by default

When this field is unselected, all other fields on the screen are disabled.

Display Instructional Message

When this checkbox is selected, the Instructional Header and Message configured will display at the top of the Financial Aid screen.



Unselected by default

Instructional Message Header Text

The text entered here will display as a customized Header on the Financial Aid Instructional Text.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message" is Selected



When "Display Instructional Message" is selected, this field is required.

50 characters max

Instructional Message Text

The text entered here will display as instructional text on the Financial Aid screen.  The editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

The best practice for using this editor is to type your text directly into the editor, and then format it using the tools provided.  Or, type the text into Notepad, and then copy and paste the text into the editor.  If you copy the text from another editor, you may find that the formatting is copied from the editor and displays in an unexpected manner.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message" is Selected


Alphanumeric and HTML

When "Display Instructional Message" is selected, this field is required.

Cost of Attendance Settings

Display Full Cost of Attendance

When this checkbox is selected, the student's full Cost of Attendance will display on the Financial Aid main screen.



Selected by default

Students are able to view cost items such as "Indirect Cost", "Direct Cost", "Resources", and "Total Cost."

Display Direct Costs Summary

When this checkbox is selected, a summary of the student's Direct Costs for the Academic Year will display within each Award tile, when the Award tile is expanded, on the Financial Aid main screen.



Selected by default

Statement of Understanding (SOU) Settings

SOU Short Description

The text entered here will display on the Financial Aid component above the "Read Statement of Understanding" button.  If no text is configured here, only the "Read Statement of Understanding" button will be displayed.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

The best practice for using this editor is to type your text directly into the editor, and then format it using the tools provided.  Or, type the text into Notepad, and then copy and paste the text into the editor.  If you copy the text from another editor, you may find that the formatting is copied from the editor and displays in an unexpected manner.



Alphanumeric and HTML

If configured this must also be configured at the Fund Setup Level. Reference Fund Setup Data Elements for additional details

Statement of Understanding Text

The text entered here will display as the Statement of Understanding on the Financial Aid screen. Whether or not the Statement of Understanding is displayed is controlled by the Fund-level setting "Require student to request fund on Student Portal."

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

The best practice for using this editor is to type your text directly into the editor, and then format it using the tools provided.  Or, type the text into Notepad, and then copy and paste the text into the editor.  If you copy the text from another editor, you may find that the formatting is copied from the editor and displays in an unexpected manner.



Alphanumeric and HTML

If configured this must also be configured at the Fund Setup Level. Reference Fund Setup Data Elements for additional details

Payment Period Details Settings

Help Text

The text configured here will display as instructional or "help" text at the top of the Payment Period Details screen.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.




250 characters max

Parent PLUS Settings

Allow Actions on "Accepted" Awards

If "Yes" is selected here, the student will have the ability to take any type of action, within the Financial Aid screen, on a Parent PLUS Loan in an "Accepted" status. This will allow the student to reduce or decline a previously accepted PLUS loan on behalf of their parent.



  • Yes

  • No (default)

Allow Actions on "Offered" Awards

If "Yes" is selected here, the student will have the ability to take any type of action, within the Financial Aid screen, on a Parent PLUS Loan in an "Offered" status. This will allow the student to accept a PLUS loan on behalf of their parent.



  • Yes

  • No (default)

Award Settings

Display "Declined" Awards

If "Yes" is selected here, the student will have the ability to see awards in a "Declined" status on the Financial Aid screen.



  • Yes

  • No (default)

Display "Cancelled" Awards

If "Yes" is selected here, the student will have the ability to see awards in a "Cancelled" status on the Financial Aid screen.



  • Yes

  • No (default)

Display "Estimated" Awards

If "Yes" is selected here, the student will have the ability to see awards in an "Estimated" status on the Financial Aid screen.



  • Yes

  • No (default)

Display Option to Accept Awards at Direct Cost Amount

If "Yes" is selected here, the option to "Accept the Gross Amount Available up to the Amount of my Remaining Direct Costs" will be available on each award. If "No" is selected, this option will not be shown on the Financial Aid component for any award.



  • Yes (default)

  • No 

Display $0 DisbursementNew

If "Yes" is selected, the student will have the ability to see $0 disbursements on the Payment Details of the Financial Aid screen.

If "No" is selected, the $0 disbursement is hidden from the Financial Aid Component Award Tile for the Payment Details when in a disbursement status is ‘Cancelled',’ Declined', 'Scheduled', or 'Paid'.



  • Yes (default)

  • No

Hide Awards and Costs when Overlap Exists

If "Yes" is selected here, Awards and Costs will not be displayed for the student on the Financial Aid main screen if the student has either the "Review Overlapping Loan Period from ISIR" or the "Review Overlapping Academic Year from NSLDS" task. Awards and Costs will not display for the Academic Year that the task is associated with, nor any future academic years, until the task is resolved.



  • Yes (default)

  • No

Overlap Message

The text configured here will display when the student's Awards and Costs are hidden due to the existence of the "Review Overlapping Loan Period from ISIR" or the "Review Overlapping Academic Year from NSLDS" task.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.




250 characters max

Academic Year Settings

Display Academic Year 0

If "Yes" is selected here, the student will have the ability to select Academic Year "0" in the Academic Year dropdown on the Financial Aid screen.



  • Yes

  • No (default)

Academic Years to Display

If "Current AY and one Future AY" is selected here, the student will have the ability to select their current academic year, or their next future academic year from the Academic Year dropdown on the Financial Aid screen. If "All AYs" is selected here, the student will have the ability to select any academic year on their academic plan (unless AY0s are not configured to display) from the Academic Year dropdown on the Financial Aid screen.



  • Current AY and one Future AY (default)

  • All AYs

Program Information Settings

Display Program Information

If this setting is enabled, a Program Information grid will be displayed beneath the Academic Year selection in the Financial Aid component for term-based programs only. The grid lists each Term in the Academic Year, Registered Units in each Term, Program Applicable Units in each Term, and the associated Program Name for each Term.



Unselected by default

Resource Settings

Display External Resources on Portal

If this box is checked, external resources are displayed on the financial aid component. 



Unselected by default

Resource Section Header Name

Text entered here will be displayed as the Resource section name.



Default Text: Resources

50 chars max


Resource Informational Text

Text entered here will display as informational text to the student beneath the Resource section name on the Financial Aid component if the 'Display External Resources on Portal' configuration is enabled. 



Default Text:  Resources received from outside entities are included in your financial aid offer.  Resources are applied to and reduce the total cost of your education.  If you have received or are anticipating receipt of a resource that is not shown below, please report the amount to your financial aid office.  You may do this by clicking on the 'Add New' button below.

Unlimited chars

Does not display if the 'Display External Resources on Portal' configuration is not enabled.

Allow Student Add to Resources

If this box is checked, students have the option to add external resources not currently accounted for by the financial aid office.



Unselected by default

Add Resource Instructional Text

Text entered here will display as instructional text when adding a resource.



Default Text: To add a resource, enter the Resource Name, and select the appropriate Source and Type.  For example, ‘Lions Club Scholarship – Private – Scholarship’. If you expect to receive the same amount for each term/payment period in this academic year, select ‘Academic Year’ in the ‘Amount Per’ field and enter the amount for each period. If you wish to enter an amount for a specific term/payment period, select ‘Term/Payment Period’ in the ‘Amount Per’ dropdown and enter the amount for that specific period.

Unlimited chars

Does not display if the 'Allow Student to Add Resources' configuration is not enabled.

SP Progress Disb Subtab 

Field Name


Required/ Optional



Business Rule

Field Name


Required/ Optional



Business Rule

Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements Settings

Enable Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements

When this setting is Yes, the Student Experience Portal will display the Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements component for all students who have a Subscription Period program on their Academic Plan.

Required (defaults to No)


  • No (default)

  • Yes

Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements Component Display Name

Text entered into this field is displayed as the component name on the Dashboard tile and main menu. The text is also the title of the component Landing Page.

See Business Rules

Text Box

50 characters max

Required (cannot be blank) if ‘Enable Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements’ has a value of Yes; Optional otherwise

Default value: Subscription Period Progress

Display Instructional Message

When this field is Yes, the component Landing Page will display the Instructional Message Text and the Instructional Message Header.


  • Yes (default)

  • No

Instructional Message Header Text

Text entered into this field is displayed above the component Instructional Message text.

See Business Rules


20 characters max

Required (cannot be blank) if ‘Display Instructional Message’ has a value of Yes; Optional otherwise

Instructional Message Text

Text entered into this field is displayed on the component landing page as instructional text. The editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text and provide HTML to manipulate the display.

See Business Rules


WYSIWYG editor, 2500 characters maximum

Required (cannot be blank) if ‘Display Instructional Message’ has a value of Yes; Optional otherwise

Status Settings

Green/Good Status Headline

Text entered into this field is displayed when the student has met the required cumulative minimum units needed to disburse for the current term.

See Business Rules


300 characters max

Required (cannot be blank) if ‘Enable Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements’ is Yes; optional otherwise

Yellow/Warning Status Headline

Text entered into this field is displayed when the student has not met the required cumulative minimum units needed to disburse for the current term, but the student has met the minimum units for prior terms.

See Business Rules


300 characters max

Required (cannot be blank) if ‘Enable Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements’ is Yes; optional otherwise

Red/Stopped Status Headline

Text entered into this field is displayed when the student has not met the required cumulative minimum units needed to disburse for the current term, and the student has not met the minimum units for prior terms.

See Business Rules


300 characters max

Required (cannot be blank) if ‘Enable Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements’ is Yes; optional otherwise

Documents Subtab (User Guide: Student Experience)

Field Name





Business Rule

Field Name





Business Rule

Document Settings

Display Required Documents on Dashboard

When this checkbox is selected, the Documents feature will display on the Dashboard and Menu.  If a user attempts to access a component that is configured not to display, by entering the URL directly, the user is directed to the Dashboard, or the Sign In page if they are not logged in.



Selected by default

When this field is unselected, all other fields on the screen are disabled.

Display Instructional Message for Student

When this checkbox is selected, the Instructional Header and Message configured will display at the top of the Document screen when the student accesses the component.



Unselected by default

Instructional Message Header (Student)

The text entered here will display as a customized Header on the Document Instructional Text when the student accesses the component.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message" is Selected



When "Display Instructional Message" is selected, this field is required.

50 characters max

Instructional Message Text (Student)

The text entered here will display as instructional text on the Document screen when the student accesses the Documents component.  The editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

The best practice for using this editor is to type your text directly into the editor, and then format it using the tools provided.  Or, type the text into Notepad, and then copy and paste the text into the editor.  If you copy the text from another editor, you may find that the formatting is copied from the editor and displays in an unexpected manner.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message" is Selected


Alphanumeric and HTML

When "Display Instructional Message" is selected, this field is required.

Display Instructional Message for Parent

When this checkbox is selected, the Instructional Header and Message configured will display at the top of the Document screen when the parent accesses the component.  



Unselected by default

Instructional Message Header (Parent)

The text entered here will display as a customized Header on the Document Instructional Text when the parent accesses the component.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message" is Selected



When "Display Instructional Message" is selected, this field is required.

50 characters max

Instructional Message Text (Parent)

The text entered here will display as instructional text on the Document screen when the parent accesses the component.  The editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

The best practice for using this editor is to type your text directly into the editor, and then format it using the tools provided.  Or, type the text into Notepad, and then copy and paste the text into the editor.  If you copy the text from another editor, you may find that the formatting is copied from the editor and displays in an unexpected manner.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message" is Selected


Alphanumeric and HTML

When "Display Instructional Message" is selected, this field is required.

Enable Students to Add Document

If this field is enabled, the functionality for a student to add a document requirement via Student Experience will display.



Unselected by default

Allow Students to Add Document Message

The text entered in this box will display as the explanatory text beside the dropdown for the student to be able to add a document requirement on the Documents component in Student Experience.


Default Text: 

Select a new Document to be added to My Documents list below.

Alphanumeric, including special characters

180 maximum characters

Document Reason Heading Text

The text entered here will display as a customized Header or field title for the Document Requirement "Reason" text (from Regent Award) on the Document Details Tile.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.




50 character max

Term-based Display

The option chosen here will determine how the Term is displayed to the student on the Required Documents screen for Payment Period scoped documents. This applies to Term-based programs only. All Nonterm programs display the Payment Period Start and End Date.



  • Term Name (default)

  • Term Start and End Dates

Display "Unsatisfied" Documents

If "No" is selected here, documents with an "Unsatisfied" status in Regent Award will never display to the student, even when the student chooses "Show All Documents."



  • Yes

  • No (default)

Display "Waived" Documents

If "No" is selected here, documents with a "Waived" status in Regent Award will never display to the student, even when the student chooses "Show All Documents."



  • Yes

  • No (default)

Display "Upload" for Documents in a "Received" Status

If "No" is selected here, students will only be able to upload attachments when the Regent document status is “Needed” or “Incomplete.” If "Yes" is selected here, students will be able to upload attachments when the Regent document status is “Needed“ or “Incomplete” or “Received,” allowing for multiple attachments to be added to a student document requirement, including documents with signature requirements. 



  • Yes

  • No (default)

Sort Settings

Default Sort

The option chosen here will apply to both the order that documents are displayed on the Document component per scope and the order of documents by date within each scope. Student scoped documents will always display first, followed by Federal Award Year scoped documents in the sort order chosen here, then Academic Year scoped documents in the sort order chosen here, and finally Payment Period scoped documents in the sort order chosen here.  The date used for sorting is the Status Change Date, if available, otherwise the Created Date of the document. 



  • Newest First (default)

  • Oldest First

Smart Form Subtab (Student Portal Access-Verification Worksheet)

Field Name





Business Rule

Field Name





Business Rule

Smart Form Settings

Allow Personal Information Updates

When "Yes" is chosen for this setting, the student's address can be updated, by the Student, on the Personal Information section of the questionnaire.

These updates are not persisted into Regent Award at this time.



  • Yes (default)

  • No

Display Message for ISIR Dependency Reject Status

When "Yes" is chosen for this setting, a message is displayed to students when the ISIR dependency status equals X or Y and the Smart Form is set to pre-populate using ISIR data, which will prevent access to the Smart Form.



  • Yes (default)

  • No

Display Instructional Message for Student

When this checkbox is selected, the Instructional Header and Message configured will display at the top of the Smart Form when the Student accesses the Smart Form.



Unselected by default

Instructional Message Header Text (Student)

The text entered here will display as a customized Header on the Smart Form Instructional Text.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message for Student" is Selected



When "Display Instructional Message for Student" is selected, this field is required.

50 character maximum

Instructional Message Text (Student)

The text entered here will display as instructional text on the Smart Form.  The editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

The best practice for using this editor is to type your text directly into the editor, and then format it using the tools provided.  Or, type the text into Notepad, and then copy and paste the text into the editor.  If you copy the text from another editor, you may find that the formatting is copied from the editor and displays in an unexpected manner.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message for Student" is Selected


Alphanumeric and HTML

When "Display Instructional Message for Student" is selected, this field is required.

Display Instructional Message for Parent

When this checkbox is selected, the Instructional Header and Message configured will display at the top of the Smart Form when the Parent accesses the Smart Form.



Unchecked by default

Instructional Message Header Text (Parent)

The text entered here will display as a customized Header on the Smart Form Instructional Text.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message for Parent" is Selected



When "Display Instructional Message for Parent" is selected, this field is required.

50 character maximum

Instructional Message Text (Parent)

The text entered here will display as instructional text on the Smart Form.  The editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.

The text configured in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here using:

{OfficeName}, {OfficePhone} or {OfficeEmail}

As a result, if the Office Name, Phone or Email changes, the update can be made in one place and all related messaging that used that data will automatically be updated.

The best practice for using this editor is to type your text directly into the editor, and then format it using the tools provided.  Or, type the text into Notepad, and then copy and paste the text into the editor.  If you copy the text from another editor, you may find that the formatting is copied from the editor and displays in an unexpected manner.

Optional unless "Display Instructional Message for Parent" is Selected


Alphanumeric and HTML

When "Display Instructional Message for Parent" is selected, this field is required.

PDF Settings

External ID

In this field, the school can select the Student ID that will be displayed on the PDF generated by the Smart Form.



  • External ID 1 (default)

  • External ID 2

Verification Worksheet Settings

Enable VWS Marital Status Change

When this setting is turned on, the Student Experience portal will present a new workflow within the Verification Worksheet when the student has a marital status change.



  • Yes 

  • No (default)

Title IV Authorizations Settings

Display Title IV Authorizations Description

When this setting is enabled, the Title IV Authorizations Description will display in the Title IV Authorizations Smart Form.



Unchecked by default

Title IV Authorizations Description

The text entered in this box will display at the top of the Title IV Authorizations Smart Form.

Default Text:

Federal student aid is used to pay for current tuition charges and mandatory fees associated with attending {SchoolNameDisplayValue}. Upon receipt of each disbursement, {SchoolNameDisplayValue} will apply your financial aid funds to your tuition and other allowable charges such as books and other course materials. {SchoolNameDisplayValue} may also retain funds to pay for future tuition charges and mandatory fees associated with attending {SchoolNameDisplayValue} with the student's permission. In addition, students may incur other educationally related fees while attending {SchoolNameDisplayValue} such as graduation fees, etc. Federal student aid may be used to pay for these expenses with the student's permission. Please note that if you do not authorize federal student aid to be used to cover these costs that you will be responsible for covering these fees using non-federal aid funds. If you decide to change or cancel your authorization, the change will be in effect for future disbursements and cannot be made retroactively. Please provide your authorizations below: 

Yes, if the 'Display Title IV Authorizations Description' configuration is enabled.



Display Authorization to Retain Title IV Funds

When this setting is enabled, the 'Authorization to Retain Title IV Funds' question will display in the Title IV Authorizations Smart Form.



Unchecked by default

Authorization to Retain Title IV Funds

The text entered in this box will display as the question text for the 'Authorization to Retain Title IV Funds' question in the Title IV Authorization Smart Form.

Default Text:

I authorize {SchoolNameDisplayValue} to retain credit balances resulting from Title IV funds (such as Pell, SEOG, TEACH Grant, and Direct Loans) for use in paying future institutional or other educationally related charges that I may incur. I understand that by selecting this option I will not receive a refund for any credit balance for which I may be due unless I specifically request the refund at a subsequent point in time. This authorization will remain in effect throughout my education at {SchoolNameDisplayValue} unless I revoke it by updating the authorization to 'no'.

Yes, if the 'Display Authorization to Retain Title IV Funds' configuration is enabled.



Authorization to Retain Title IV Funds Default Option

The 'Authorization to Retain Title IV Funds' question will default to the value configured here on an initial application and will prepopulate with the student's responses on subsequent applications.



  • None (default)

  • Yes

  • No

Display Authorization to Return Federal Loan Credit Balances to Lender

When this setting is enabled, the 'Authorization to Return Federal Loan Credit Balances to Lender' question will display in the Title IV Authorizations Smart Form.



Unchecked by default

Authorization to Return Federal Loan Credit Balances to Lender

The text entered in this box will display as the question text for the 'Authorization to Return Federal Loan Credit Balances to Lender' question in the Title IV Authorization Smart Form.

Default Text:

I authorize {SchoolNameDisplayValue} to return federal Direct Loan credit balances on my account to the lender in order to reduce my loan debt. This authorization will remain in effect throughout my education at {SchoolNameDisplayValue} unless I revoke it by updating the authorization to 'no'.

Yes, if the 'Display Authorization to Return Federal Loan Credit Balances to Lender' configuration is enabled.



Authorization to Return Federal Loan Credit Balances to Lender Default Option

The 'Authorization to Return Federal Loan Credit Balances to Lender' question will default to the value configured here on an initial application and will prepopulate with the student's responses on subsequent applications.



  • None (default)

  • Yes

  • No

Display Authorization to Pay Prior Year Minor Charges

When this setting is enabled, the 'Authorization to Pay Prior Year Minor Charges' question will display in the Title IV Authorizations Smart Form.



Unchecked by default

Authorization to Pay Prior Year Minor Charges

The text entered in this box will display as the question text for the 'Authorization to Pay Prior Year Minor Charges' question in the Title IV Authorization Smart Form.

Default Text:

I authorize {SchoolNameDisplayValue} to use federal financial aid funds (such as Pell, SEOG, TEACH Grant, and Direct Loans) to pay for up to $200 of prior-year charges. These charges may include tuition and fees, or other educationally-related expenses such as school health services, laboratory fees, parking and library fines, parking permits, bookstore charges, graduation fees, or other miscellaneous fees and fines that have been incurred and not yet paid. This authorization will remain in effect throughout my education at {SchoolNameDisplayValue} unless I revoke it by updating the authorization to 'no'.

Yes, if the 'Display Authorization to Pay Prior Year Minor Charges' configuration is enabled.



Authorization to Pay Prior Year Minor Charges Default Option

The 'Authorization to Pay Prior Year Minor Charges' question will default to the value configured here on an initial application and will prepopulate with the student's responses on subsequent applications.



  • None (default)

  • Yes

  • No

Display Authorization to Pay Non-Institutional Charges

When this setting is enabled, the 'Authorization to Pay Non-Institutional Charges' question will display in the Title IV Authorizations Smart Form.



Unchecked by default

Authorization to Pay Non-Institutional Charges

The text entered in this box will display as the question text for the 'Authorization to Pay Non-Institutional Charges' question in the Title IV Authorization Smart Form.

Default Text:

I authorize {SchoolNameDisplayValue} to use my excess federal financial aid funds (such as Pell Grant, SEOG, TEACH Grant, and Direct Loans) to pay any outstanding non-qualifying charges appearing on my student account for the current award year or loan period. Non-qualifying charges can include health care, health center, university store, parking permits/fines, and other miscellaneous charges. In the event that any amount I owe becomes past due, I agree to pay any and all late charges and /or costs of collection. This authorization will remain in effect throughout my education at {SchoolNameDisplayValue} unless I revoke it by updating the authorization to 'no'.

Yes, if the 'Display Authorization to Pay Non-Institutional Charges' configuration is enabled.



Authorization to Pay Non-Institutional Charges Default Option

The 'Authorization to Pay Non-Institutional Charges' question will default to the value configured here on an initial application and will prepopulate with the student's responses on subsequent applications.



  • None (default)

  • Yes

  • No

Display Statement of Understanding

When this setting is enabled, the 'Statement of Understanding' question will display in the Title IV Authorizations Smart Form.



Unchecked by default

Statement of Understanding

The text entered in this box will display as the question text for the 'Statement of Understanding' question in the Title IV Authorization Smart Form.

Default Text:

I understand if I decide to change or cancel my authorization(s) indicated above, a new authorization form will be required and the changes will take effect for future disbursements and will not be retroactive

Yes, if the 'Display Statement of Understanding' configuration is enabled.



FERPA Authorizations Settings

Enable FERPA Authorizations SmartForm

When this setting is enabled, the FERPA Authorizations Smart Form will display on the Documents component in the Student Experience portal if configured and added as a document requirement.



Unchecked by default

FERPA Authorizations

The text entered in this box will display as the question text for the 'Statement of Understanding' question in the Title IV Authorization Smart Form.

Default Text:

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records, including financial aid information. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. Schools must have written permission from the student prior to releasing any information pertaining to a student's financial information (see https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html for additional information). I give permission to {SchoolNameDisplayValue} to release information related to my financial aid to the individual(s) authorized below.

Yes, if the 'Enable FERPA Authorizations SmartForm' configuration is enabled.



E-Signature Subtab (Student Portal Access-Verification Worksheet)

Field Name





Business Rule

Field Name





Business Rule

E-Signature Settings

Student Signature Confirmation Options

Schools must choose a minimum of three fields below to be used to verify the student's identity during the e-Signature process.  The options selected here will be used in Step 3 of the Student E-Signature process to verify the Student's identity.

First Name

If this option is chosen, First Name will be one of three fields the student must validate when e-Signing.



Unselected by default

Last Name

If this option is chosen, Last Name will be one of three fields the student must validate when e-Signing.



Unselected by default

Student ID

This field will display a non-editable value for the Student ID, that aligns with the value the school chose on the Account Management configuration under either the SSO or Non-SSO settings.

If Student ID is chosen, the External ID value chosen on the Account Management settings will be one of three fields the student must validate when e-Signing.



Unselected by default


If this option is chosen, Password will be one of three fields the student must validate when e-Signing.



Unselected by default

Current City

If this option is chosen, the student must enter their City when e-Signing.



Unselected by default

Entry in the ‘City’ field will not be validated against data in the form. The purpose of the field is to capture the city in which the student is located when they sign electronically, per regulatory requirements of some states.

Current State

If this option is chosen, the student must enter their State when e-Signing.



Unselected by default

Entry in the ‘State’ field will not be validated against data in the form. The purpose of the field is to capture the state in which the student is located when they sign electronically, per regulatory requirements of some states.

Parent Signature Confirmation Options

Schools must choose a minimum of three fields below to be used to verify the parent's identity during the e-Signature process.  The options selected here will be used in Step 3 of the Parent E-Signature process to verify the Parent's identity.

First Name

If this option is chosen, First Name will be one of three fields the parent must validate when e-Signing.



Unselected by default

Last Name

If this option is chosen, Last Name will be one of three fields the parent must validate when e-Signing.



Unselected by default

Student ID

This field will display a non-editable value for the Student ID, that aligns with the value the school chose on the Account Management configuration under either the SSO or Non-SSO settings.

If Student ID is chosen, the External ID value chosen on the Account Management settings will be one of three fields the parent must validate when e-Signing.  The parent/guardian will need to know and provide the Student ID of the student who invited them to sign.



Unselected by default


If this option is chosen, Password will be one of three fields the parent must validate when e-Signing.



Unselected by default

This checkbox will be disabled if the school chose "SSO" for Login Method on Account Management.

Tokens Sub-tab (Informational Only)

Field Name





Business Rule

Field Name





Business Rule

E-Signature Settings

Student Signature Confirmation Options

Schools must choose a minimum of three fields below to be used to verify the student's identity during the e-Signature process.  The options selected here will be used in Step 3 of the Student E-Signature process to verify the Student's identity.

First Name

If this option is chosen, First Name will be one of three fields the student must validate when e-Signing.



Unselected by default

Last Name

If this option is chosen, Last Name will be one of three fields the student must validate when e-Signing.



Unselected by default

Student ID

This field will display a non-editable value for the Student ID, that aligns with the value the school chose on the Account Management configuration under either the SSO or Non-SSO settings.

If Student ID is chosen, the External ID value chosen on the Account Management settings will be one of three fields the student must validate when e-Signing.



Unselected by default


If this option is chosen, Password will be one of three fields the student must validate when e-Signing.



Unselected by default

Parent Signature Confirmation Options

Schools must choose a minimum of three fields below to be used to verify the parent's identity during the e-Signature process.  The options selected here will be used in Step 3 of the Parent E-Signature process to verify the Parent's identity.

First Name

If this option is chosen, First Name will be one of three fields the parent must validate when e-Signing.



Unselected by default

Last Name

If this option is chosen, Last Name will be one of three fields the parent must validate when e-Signing.



Unselected by default

Student ID

This field will display a non-editable value for the Student ID, that aligns with the value the school chose on the Account Management configuration under either the SSO or Non-SSO settings.

If Student ID is chosen, the External ID value chosen on the Account Management settings will be one of three fields the parent must validate when e-Signing.  The parent/guardian will need to know and provide the Student ID of the student who invited them to sign.



Unselected by default


If this option is chosen, Password will be one of three fields the parent must validate when e-Signing.



Unselected by default

This checkbox will be disabled if the school chose "SSO" for Login Method on Account Management.


Changes of Description



Changes of Description


April 8, 2024

Added new fields for Provisional Independent displays for Release

Bianca Bagwell

July 12, 2024

Added City and State to Student Signature Confirmation Options

Heather Smith

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