Campus Setup Data Elements

Campus Setup Data Elements

Below are the setup items to be used for each campus that you configure in the system.

General Subtab

Field Name



How it's Used

External Campus ID:

External ID that can be used for mapping or reporting purposes by the school.RequiredText box - alphanumeric 60 characters max

Used in data exchange between the system and the school's student information system and other third party systems.

Must be unique within a given institution.

Campus Name:

Name of the CampusRequiredText box - alphanumeric 60 characters max

School defined

Used in system UI and in student communications.

Must be unique within a given institution.

Campus Display Name:

OptionalText - alphanumeric 500 characters max

School defined

Used in SNAP questionnaires and the student portal in drop-down menu.

Campus Details:

OptionalText box - alphanumeric 60 characters max

School defined

Used in system UI and in student communications.


RequiredText box - alphanumeric 8 characters max

Federal OPEID for the Campus

At the campus level, the last two digits of the OPEID are not required to be 00.

Federal School Code:

RequiredText box - alphanumeric 6 characters max

X#####; Valid characters for the first position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.

The system uses the Federal school code to match the ISIR record to the appropriate Campus, and/or Site beginning with the site. Sites can inherit the Federal school code from the Campus.

Delay First Disbursement 30 days:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

This is required for schools with a high default rate. If YES, delay the first disbursement 30 days for Perkins, sub and unsub loans for students who are first time and first year borrowers (Aggregate loan amount = $0.00, has no loans for prior Payment Period at present, and is Grade Level 1). If NO, do NOT delay first disbursement 30 days.

Multiple Disbursement Requirement:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

This is required for schools with a high default rate. If checked, for Perkins, sub and unsub loans, the school is required to have multiple disbursements for single-term loans.

Offers Degree in Education?

  • Yes
  • No

Used in some of the fund eligibility rulesets in conjunction with licensure programs.

Instructional Days per Week:

Determines whether schools will use weekend days in their disbursement scheduling. RequiredDrop-down
  • 5
  • 7

Used to determine instructional weeks. If 5 is chosen, do not count weekends when calculating weeks. If 7 is chosen, counts weekends when calculating weeks. Programs will inherit the selection made here.

Do You Take Attendance?

Informational onlyRequiredDrop-down
  • Yes
  • No

Used by the disbursement release rules in disbursement setup. This is inherited in program setup where the value can be changed individually for each program.

Attempt To Keep Paid Disbursements Unchanged?

  • Yes
  • No (default)

See Fund Setup - Treatment of Paid vs Unpaid Disbursements for details on how this setting works with the Fund Setup "Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements” setting.

With this setting Regent Award attempts to keep any paid disbursements the same amount.

  • If the award amount is increased, Regent Award will create a new disbursement vs. changing existing paid disbursements.
  • In the case of a decrease, Regent Award will attempt to apply the reduction through the unpaid disbursements before changing a paid one.

This field has no impact on the method Regent Award uses to reduce disbursements. Regent Award first attempts to reduce unpaid disbursements. This setting doesn't prevent award reductions.

Mailing Address

Inherit from Institution

  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

If the information is the same as the Institution, checking the box will allow for the information to be pre-populated based upon the Institution information

Line 1

The first line of the school's mailing addressOptionalText box - alphanumeric 40 characters max

School defined

Available for inclusion in student communications

Line 2

The second line of the school's mailing addressOptionalText box - alphanumeric 40 characters max

School defined

Available for inclusion in student communications


The City value for the school's mailing address.OptionalText box - alphanumeric 30 characters max

School defined

Available for inclusion in student communications


The State value for the school's mailing address.OptionalDrop-down

School defined

Available for inclusion in student communications

Postal Code

The Postal Code value for the school's mailing address.OptionalText box - alphanumeric 40 characters max

School defined

Available for inclusion in student communications


The County value for the school's mailing address.OptionalText box - alphanumeric 30 characters max

School defined

Available for inclusion in student communications


The Nation value for the school's mailing address.OptionalDrop-down

School defined

Available for inclusion in student communications

Phone Number

The Phone Number value for the school.OptionalText box - numeric auto formatted

School defined

Available for inclusion in student communications

Fax Number

The Fax Number value for the school.OptionalText box - numeric auto formatted

School defined

Available for inclusion in student communications

Default Academic Calendar/Period/Unit Settings

Inherit from Institution

  • Unselected
  • Selected

(A separate checkbox exists for each item in this section)
If the information is the same as the Institution, checking the box will allow for the information to be pre-populated based upon the Institution information.

Default Academic Calendar Type

  • Inherit (default)
  • SAY
  • BBAY1
  • BBAY2
  • BBAY3

These values are inherited as a group, from the Institution default. To choose a different set of values, uncheck the "Inherit from Institution" checkbox.

Default Academic Period Type:



  • Inherit (default)
  • Standard Term Semester
  • Standard Term Trimester
  • Standard Term Quarter
  • Standard Term Quarter 4 
  • Non-Standard 2 SE9W Terms
  • Non-Standard 3 SE9W Terms
  • Non-Standard 4 SE9W Terms
  • Non-Standard 5 SE9W Terms

Default Academic Year Unit Type:



  • Inherit (default)
  • Semester
  • Quarter
  • Clock hour
  • Other

Default Settings

Default Academic Year Units
RequiredText box - 4 numeric characters maxInherits the value from the Institution Default, but is editable

For Undergraduate Programs, the Academic Year definition should not be less than the minimal Federal Academic Year definition (24 semester credits or 36 quarter credits/30 weeks for credit hour; 900 units/26 weeks for clock hour).

For Graduate Programs, the Academic Year definition should not be less than the minimal Federal Academic Year definition (30 weeks for credit hour; 26 weeks for clock hour).

Default Academic Year Weeks
RequiredText box - 2 numeric characters maxInherits the value from the Institution Default, but is editable.

For Undergraduate Programs, the Academic Year definition should not be less than the minimal Federal Academic Year definition (24 semester credits or 36 quarter credits/30 weeks for credit hour; 900 units/26 weeks for clock hour).

For Graduate Programs, the Academic Year definition should not be less than the minimal Federal Academic Year definition (30 weeks for credit hour; 26 weeks for clock hour).

Default Payment Period Crossover

OptionalTwo drop-downs, one for month, one for dayDate (month/day only)

Inherits Value from the Institution by default, but is editable.

Any crossover payment period that begins on after this date will use the next FAY ISIR. (Pell crossover in object model). The program start date of the student must be LESS THAN the date specified in this configuration. 

Default Academic Year Crossover

OptionalTwo drop-downs, one for month, one for dayDate (month/day only)

Inherits Value from the Institution by default, but is editable. 

Any Academic Year that begins on after this date will use the next FAY ISIR. The program start date of the student must be LESS THAN the date specified in this configuration.

For example, if this date is configured as May 01, and an Academic Year starts on May 1, 2019, all AY-based awards are packaged using the 2019-2020 ISIR. If the AY started April 1, 2019, the system would package AY-based awards using the 2018-2019 ISIR.

If Auto-Assign Loan Crossover FAY Based on ISIR Availability = "Yes," and the AY crosses more than one FAY, Direct Loans may be awarded from the next-year FAY instead.

FAY Crossover Awarding

  • Inherit (default)
  • Exhaust current year
  • Award ONLY from prior Year
  • Award ONLY for next Year

Determines how FAY based awards will be packaged in a crossover period (for FAY based funds only).

  • Exhaust current year: If any eligibility remains for Prior Year, award from Prior Year. If none, award from Next Year.
  • Award ONLY from prior Year: Award ONLY from Prior Year. Do NOT award from Next Year even if zero eligibility remains from Prior Year.
  • Award ONLY for next Year: Award ONLY from Next Year. Do NOT award from Prior Year even if eligibility remains from Prior Year.

Auto-Assign Loan Crossover FAY Based on ISIR Availability

  • Inherit (default value)
  • Yes
  • No

Inherits Value from the Institution by default, but is editable. 

When this setting is "Yes," and a student does not have an ISIR from the preferred FAY per the configured Default Academic Year Crossover Date, but the student has an ISIR from the other FAY in a crossover AY, the system will award loans using the other FAY's ISIR.

(Non-Term) Courses for Anticipation:

OptionalText - numericInherits the value from the Institution Default, but is editable.

Used to calculate per course costs for anticipated packaging.

Alt-EFC Rounding:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Round Up
  • Round Down
  • Standard Rounding

Determines method used for rounding to determine the alt-EFC months when a student has less than a full AY remaining to complete his/her non-term academic program.

Default Alt-EFC Months:

OptionalText box - numeric 2 characters maxInherits the value from the Institution Default, but is editable.

For Non-Term – the default number of months of EFC for the BBAY.
For Term – the default number of months for EFC for EACH of the terms in a BBAY.

Census Date Option
  • Inherit (default)

  • No Census Date Used

  • Always use Full Term Census Date

  • Always use Multiple Census Dates

  • Use Multiple Census Dates unless course enrollment spans all configured dates, then use Full Term Census Date

  • Use Multiple Census Dates unless course enrollment exists for Census Date 1 and at least one other configured Multiple Census Date, then use Full Term Census Date

This setting controls how the system will apply Census Dates configured on Term Setup to determine enrollment for Pell Grant awarding. Multiple census dates may be configured to support modular courses.

Inherited from Institution Setup be default.

Automatically Award Grade Level Progression:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

For term-based programs only. Used to determine when the system should auto-create additional loan awards for Grade Level change increases.
If auto-package GL progression is "Yes," the eligibility increase will create a new award. It will use the auto-acceptance settings in fund setup. So if the awards are passively accepted both awards will be automatically accepted. If they require acceptance, both awards would start as offered and require student acceptance.

Apply SULA Calculations

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

When this setting is enabled, the system will calculate and limit the total Subsidized Loan awarding if the Subsidized Usage Limit Applies (SULA) for that student.

Inheritable from Institution Setup. Can be inherited to Program Setup.

Pell Recalculation Option

  • Inherit (default)
  • Include withdrawn attempted units prior to census
  • Exclude withdrawn attempted units prior to census

Used for recalculation of the Pell Grant amount to be included in the R2T4 worksheet.

Allow Partial Payments

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

Allowing partial payments will enable a disbursement to be EST'd for a COD award before the full current disbursement amount has been accepted by COD.

Extend Academic Years for Non-Standard Term:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

The system uses this to know whether or not additional terms must be added to the AY if the student fails to complete the AY units/weeks. If "No", the number of terms is based on the program setup. If "Yes", and the student lacks the AY units/weeks, the AY is extended with additional term(s).

Auto-Generate SAP Node from Student GPA
  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

This configuration controls whether the system will try to calculate a SAP status from a student’s cumulative GPA. When the setting is Yes, the system will keep a record of Cumulative GPA values and apply them to evaluate Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). When the setting is No, the institution must supply a SAP record by importing SAP data on the Student Batch Load (SBL) process.

See Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Offset Days for Calculating SAP for Nonterm Review Period


  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

When not inherited: Numeric, positive integer, up to 3 digits. Zero is a valid value. Default is empty/null.

This setting is used in conjunction with Auto-Generate SAP Node From Student GPA. When a value is provided in this field on a nonterm program, Regent Award will not automatically evaluate Satisfactory Academic Progress for a closed nonterm payment period based on the student’s Cumulative GPA until the specified number of days after the end of the payment period being closed. The system will evaluate SAP using the most recent cumulative GPA received on or after the offset day. If this value is blank or zero, the system will evaluate SAP when the student is packaged and the payment period is closed.

See Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Enable Abbreviated Periods (Non-term Only):

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

When this option is set to "Yes", schools will have the option, on the Program Management Wizard, to designate an academic year as an "Abbreviated Period" for external transfer students with an open academic year at a prior school, who are transferring into a non-term program. Schools will also have the ability to set up separate disbursement schedules for these abbreviated periods.

Split Weeks Across Payment Period
  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

When this option is set to "Yes", once the units requirement for the payment period has been met, a portion of a course's weeks can be counted to close that payment period, while the remaining weeks and all of those units of that course are counted for the next Payment Period.

When this option is set to "No", Regent Award will not close a payment period until all of the in-progress courses started within that payment period have been completed.

Uses Modules
  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No
Select "Yes" if the school uses modules. Select "No" if the school does not have modular programs.
Allow Packaging to Move Paid Disbursements
  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

When this option is set to "Yes", Regent Award will allow packaging to move paid disbursements from the payment period in which they were originally paid, to another payment period.

When this option is set to "No", Regent Award will present a packaging error and prevent the disbursement from being moved.

Assume Attendance
  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No
When "Yes" is selected, Regent Award will assume attendance in a course, as of today's date (or the course withdraw or course end date, as appropriate), if at least one indication of attendance has been provided on the course via the SBL or Course Override. 
Effective as of
Required if Assume Attendance = YesDate
This field is required when "Assume Attendance" = "Yes" as it indicates the date at which a school wants to begin using this functionality. Regent Award will not assume attendance for courses that end prior to this date
First Day of Instructional Week
  • Inherit (default)
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
Allows the school to set a specific day of the week as a first day of the instructional week for all Programs within the Campus.
Package to the Net Loan Amount for Direct Costs
  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

When this option is set to "Yes", Regent Award will package Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Loans (via the Regent Award Packaging Philosophy) using the Net Amount of the loan(s) when using a "Package To" target of "Direct Costs."

When this option is set to "No", Regent Award will package a fund using the Gross Loan Amount. 

Please see the Packaging Philosophy Setup Data Elements

BBAY Anchor Determination 
  • Inherit (default)
  • Actual Registered Units by the Term Start Date
  • Actual Registered Units by the Term Begin Actual Date
  • Actual Registered Units by the Term Census Date
  • Actual Registered Units by the Term Auto Withdraw Date
  • Direct Loans Greater Than $0

Stipulates when Regent Award can "anchor" a term-based BBAY. Regent Award determines "anchor" eligibility based on a configured Term Date or when Direct Loans are greater than $0 in the term.

  1. The "Actual Registered Units by the Term Start Date" uses Term Setup's "Start Date" to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date.
  2. The "Actual Registered Units by the Term Begin Actual Date" uses Term Setup's "Begin Actual Date" to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date.
  3. The "Actual Registered Units by the Term Census Date" uses Term Setup's "Census Date 1" (term's first Census Date) to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date. Student-level Census Functionality Note: Regent Award uses the Term Setup's Census Date 1 regardless of the Student-level Census Date.
  4. The "Registered Units by the Term Auto Withdraw Date" Date uses Term Setup's "Auto Withdraw Date" to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date.
  5. Direct Loans Greater Than $0 will anchor the term when Direct Loan amounts in the term are packaged with an amount greater than $0. Note: Enrollment and Term Dates will not be considered when this option is selected.

See Anchoring a BBAY for more details.

TSM Alert Disbursement Block

  • Inherited (default)
  • Positive Disbursements ONLY 
  • Positive and Negative Disbursements

When the student has a been placed on the NSLDS "Transfer Monitoring" list, Regent Award blocks disbursement for the student for 7 days. Regent Award also blocks disbursement if the student has a NSLDS TSM Alert. If "Positive Disbursements ONLY" is selected, Regent Award will block only positive disbursements for the student, and negative disbursement will be able to flow through EST until either the 7-day hold period is over or the TSM Alert is cleared (either by the import of a new NSLDS file or by manual override). If "Positive and Negative Disbursements" is selected, both positive and negative disbursements will be blocked for the student.

If "Positive Disbursements ONLY" is selected, the TSM Alert or 7-day hold will block only positive disbursements for the student, and negative disbursement will be able to flow through EST until the TSM Alert is cleared or the 7-day hold expires.

If "Positive and Negative Disbursements" is selected, the TSM Alert or 7-day hold will block both positive and negative disbursements for the student, until the TSM Alert is cleared or the 7-day hold expires.

Adjust Loan Amounts for Overlapping Academic Years Within Regent for Program Changes and Track Changes into Term and NST Programs

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

The setting controls whether Regent adjusts Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan amounts for term-based students for Internal Overlapping Academic Years (OAYs). The setting also controls several OAY-related Tasks.

Yes: the system will automatically adjust Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans when a student has a previous Overlapping Academic Year within Regent. The adjustment applies only to students currently in term or nonstandard term programs.

No: the system will not reduce loan amounts in new Academic Years. Users may choose to make manual adjustments.

Adjust Loan Amounts for External Overlapping Academic Years with Loans from Other Schools

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

The setting controls whether Regent adjusts Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan amounts for term-based students for External Overlapping Academic Years (OAYs). The setting also controls several OAY-related Tasks.

Yes: the system will automatically adjust Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans when a student has a previous Overlapping Academic Year at a school with a different Federal Direct Student Loan (FDSL) identifier. The adjustment applies only to students currently in term or nonstandard term programs.

No: the system will not reduce loan amounts in new Academic Years. Users may choose to make manual adjustments.

COA Settings

For Term based programs, COA Recalculation Options:

Term-based programs onlyRequiredDrop-down
  • Inherit (default)
  • Freeze at Term Start Date
  • Use Census Units
  • Freeze at End of Term

If "Use Census Units" is selected, use the (totalCensusProgramApplicableUnits + courseAdjustmentTotalCensusProgramApplicableUnits) for the student to determine COA for the term, regardless of the date when the student is being packaged. Continue to use anticipated enrollment to calculated COA for anticipated periods.
If Freeze at Term Start Date is selected, stop recalculating COA at Term Start Date (re-calculate cost of attendance for the current term that a student is enrolled in until the term start date).
If Freeze at End of Term is selected, indicates that COA will recalculate through the end of the term.

For Non-term Programs, freeze Cost of Attendance Recalculation for all except Monthly/Weekly COA items:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

COA items will not be frozen while a student's Academic Plan is "Anticipated." The option chosen only applies if the student has actual enrollment.
If Yes, stop recalculating COA items (except those that are monthly/weekly) when there is Actual enrollment on the first Payment Period of the Academic Year.
If No, the system continues to recalculate all COA items (except those that are monthly/weekly) until the academic year is closed.

For Non-Term Programs, freeze Monthly/Weekly COA items for slow student progress:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

COA items will not be frozen while a student's Academic Plan is "Anticipated." The option chosen only applies if the student has actual enrollment.
If Yes is chosen - Use the Programs Academic Year weeks' definition to calculate monthly and weekly COA items, unless the programs length is less than an academic year, then use the Program weeks.
If No is chosen – the COA will be continually recalculated for monthly and weekly COA items based on the actual start and end date of a student's Academic Year or end of academic program if program is less than an academic year in length.

For Term based programs, always include Attended Program Applicable Withdrawn Courses for Cost Items using unitsApplies to all Term and Non-Standard Term (NST) based programs with the exception of BBAY3.RequiredDrop-down
  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

When "Yes" is chosen, program applicable (PA) courses that were attended and withdrawn count towards Cost of Attendance (COA). The described PA courses count towards COA when the course's Enrolled Date is prior to the values configured in "For Term based programs, COA Recalculation Options" and the course's Attended flag is "true".

This setting does not apply to the enrollment level calculation, Repeat Disqualified units, Remedial Disqualified units, Cumulative Unit Filters on Cost Item Setup, or per course Cost Items.

ISIR Settings

Packaging Options:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Package Using Active ISIR
  • Packaging Using Corrected Active ISIR, transmitted
  • Package Using Corrected Active ISIR, not transmitted
  • Restrict Packaging until Corrected FAY ISIR is received

Sets the default value on the last step of the ISIR Correction wizard. In the wizard, you must select the appropriate option to use for packaging while the ISIR is in the process of being corrected by CPS.

Cease ISIR Matching for Inactive Students

Inherited from field at Institution level but can be changed.RequiredDrop-down
  • Inherit
  • Yes
  • No

When ‘Yes’ is selected for this field, imported ISIRs will not be matched to students if the student has an ‘Inactive’ status. If the student returns to Active status, ISIR matching will resume for the student. 

Note: If Inactive students are included in batch packaging runs, ‘Cease ISIR Matching for Inactive Students’ should not be enabled to avoid packaging with dated information.

Email Settings for Communications

Inherit from Institution

  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

If the information is the same as the Institution, checking the box will allow for the information to be pre-populated based upon the Institution information.

From Name

RequiredText box - 100 characters max

School defined name for email

Used in student communications.

From Address

RequiredText box - 100 characters max

School defined email address

Used in student communications.

CC From Name

OptionalText box - 100 characters max

School defined name for email

Available for inclusion in student communications.

CC From Address

OptionalText box - 100 characters max

School defined email address

Available for inclusion in student communications.

BCC From Name

OptionalText box - 100 characters max

School defined name for email

Available for inclusion in student communications.

BCC From Address

OptionalText box - 100 characters max

School defined email address

Available for inclusion in student communications.

Content Used in Communications
Inherit from Institution
  • Unselected
  • Selected (default)
The configured information can be used in communication templates (e.g. emails, text).
Website Address
OptionalText box - 100 characters max
The configured information can be used in communication templates (e.g. emails, text).
Email Address
OptionalText box - 100 characters max
The configured information can be used in communication templates (e.g. emails, text).

Document Signature Requirement

If checkbox is not checked, all fields in Electronic Signature and Paper Process Settings will be disabled (grayed out).

Enable Document Signature Requirements
OptionalCheckboxUnselectedSelecting this checkbox makes Electronic Signature Settings and Paper Document Process Settings sections available.

Electronic Signature Settings

This section of configuration is visible only when the appropriate licensing is in place.  The settings in this section can be inherited from the Institution level.  These Campus-level settings will automatically inherit to the Document setup level, but can also be customized per document.

Inherit from Institution
OptionalCheckboxSelectedSelecting this checkbox will automatically inherit all the settings for this section from the Institution level.
Sources of Parent Data
  • ISIR
  • Manually Entered in R8
  • Created By Student

Parent information will be extracted in the priority order listed below (skipping over those sources not chosen by the school to be used) for the selected data sources and displayed in the Student Portal.  The system will use the parent(s)' information based on the first selected data source (including email address) to determine the parent information presented to the student. Multiple sources of parent data can be selected but only the first selected data source will be presented.

  1. ISIR
  2. SBL/SIS
  3. Manually Entered in R8
  4. Created by Student

For each source of data used, the most recent data set based on the date/time the data was created, will be used.

This configuration impacts the "Request Parent Signature" screen in the Student Experience portal.  The student will be presented with their parent information pre-populated on the screen and provided the option to select the parent who will be sent a signature/portal access email.

Parent Identity Verification Attempts Allowed
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
Applicable to the SNAP Portal product only, not applicable to the Student Experience Portal product.
Portal Access Request Link Expires in
  • 24 hours
  • 48 hours
  • 72 hours

The option chosen here will determine the amount of time until the Parent invitation to create a Student Portal account expires.  The timeframe will be communicated to the parent in the email invitation text.

Paper Document Process Settings

This section of configuration is visible only when the appropriate licensing is in place.  The settings in this section will automatically inherit from Institution Setup to the Campus and Document setup level, but can also be customized at those levels.

Display Options for Paper Documents Process

Optional Dropdown
  • Upload signed form (default)

  • Send form via approved method

  • Upload signed form and send form via approved method

Selection will determine the radio button options displayed in the ‘Confirmation of Signature’ step in the Student Experience Portal, when a form is configured for electronic signature and the student has chosen not to electronically sign the document.

Options selected for this field will inherit to Campus Setup but can be changed at Campus level.

Approved Method(s) for Sending Form


Text Box 

Default Text:

Approved method(s) for sending form: Please mail the signed signature page of the form to the financial aid office.

Field only displays if selection for ‘Display Options for Paper Process’ is ‘Send form via approved method’ or ‘Both upload signed form and Send form via approved method.’

Text entered here will display in the Student Experience Portal to instruct the student how and where to send documents when not using an electronic signature/submission process.

Text entered in this field at Institution Level should inherit to Campus Setup but can be changed.

Task Settings

Inherit from Institution

  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

(A separate checkbox exists for each item in this section)
If the information is the same as the Institution, checking the box will allow for the information to be pre-populated based upon the Institution information.

Days between last completed course and task – Term:

RequiredText - numeric 0 - 999

School defined

This field pertains only to the Review Completed Courses No Current Registration task for term programs. When a student completes their current course(s) and is not registered for another course(s) within X number of days, the student should be reviewed for R2T4. This task will trigger on the X day after the last completed course for the student. In this field, enter the number of days after the last completed course in which the R2T4 review should be triggered / completed.

Days between last completed course and task – Non Term:

RequiredText - numeric 0 - 999School defined

This field pertains only to the Review Completed Courses No Current Registration task for non-term programs. When a student completes their current course(s) and is not registered for another course(s) within X number of days, the student should be reviewed for R2T4. This task will trigger on the X day after the last completed course for the student. In this field, enter the number of days after the last completed course in which the R2T4 review should be triggered / completed.

Days between last completed course and task – Non-Standard Term:

RequiredText - numeric 0 - 999

School defined

This field pertains only to the Review Completed Courses No Current Registration task for non-standard term programs. When a student completes their current course(s) and is not registered for another course(s) within X number of days, the student should be reviewed for R2T4. This task will trigger on the X day after the last completed course for the student. In this field, enter the number of days after the last completed course in which the R2T4 review should be triggered / completed.

Days between term end date and task
RequiredText - numeric 0 - 999School definedThis field pertains only to the "Review Unofficial Withdrawal for R2T4" task. Enter the number of days between the term end date and the task being triggered.

Days between course drop and task

RequiredText - numeric 0 - 999

School defined

This field pertains only to the Review Withdrawal from Current Courses task. Enter the number of days between the course withdrawal date and the task being triggered.

Fund Disbursement during Breaks

Allow disbursement of funds to students on LOA breaks:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No
  • Only for prior completed payment periods

When No is selected, students on a LOA will not receive funds via the EST for A/R process for the entire duration of the break. When Only for prior completed payment periods only is selected, funds from the current payment period will not be disbursed during the LOA, but funds for prior completed payment periods will be disbursed. Funds that are setup to be non-disbursable or are not disbursed by the system are not affected by this option. If this option is set to "Yes", and there is a scheduled disbursement during that break, the student will receive funds.

Allow disbursement of funds to students on CORE breaks:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No
  • Only for prior completed payment periods

When No is selected, students on a CORE will not receive funds via the EST for A/R process for the entire duration of the break. When Only for prior completed payment periods only is selected, funds from the current payment period will not be disbursed during the CORE, but funds for prior completed payment periods will be disbursed. Funds that are setup to be non-disbursable or are not disbursed by the system are not affected by this option. If this option is set to "Yes", and there is a scheduled disbursement during that break, the student will receive funds.

Allow disbursement of funds to students on Administrative breaks:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No
  • Only for prior completed payment periods

When No is selected, students on an Administrative break will not receive funds via the EST for A/R process for the entire duration of the break. When Only for prior completed payment periods only is selected, funds from the current payment period will not be disbursed during the Administrative break, but funds for prior completed payment periods will be disbursed. Funds that are setup to be non-disbursable or are not disbursed by the system are not affected by this option. If this option is set to "Yes", and there is a scheduled disbursement during that break, the student will receive funds.

Allow disbursement of funds to students on Unapproved breaks:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No
  • Only for prior completed payment periods

When No is selected, students on an Unapproved break will not receive funds via the EST for A/R process for the entire duration of the break. When Only for prior completed payment periods only is selected, funds from the current payment period will not be disbursed during the Unapproved break, but funds for prior completed payment periods will be disbursed. Funds that are setup to be non-disbursable or are not disbursed by the system are not affected by this option. If this option is set to "Yes", and there is a scheduled disbursement during that break, the student will receive funds.

Allow disbursement of funds to students on Institutional breaks:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No
  • Only for prior completed payment periods

When No is selected, students on an Institutional break will not receive funds via the EST for A/R process for the entire duration of the break. When Only for prior completed payment periods only is selected, funds from the current payment period will not be disbursed during the Institutional break, but funds for prior completed payment periods will be disbursed. Funds that are setup to be non-disbursable or are not disbursed by the system are not affected by this option. If this option is set to "Yes", and there is a scheduled disbursement during that break, the student will receive funds.

Disbursement Schedule Settings

For Title IV funds, schedule disbursements
  • Inherit (default)
  • Payment Period Start Date
  • Earliest Program Applicable Course Start Date
  • Earliest Non-Program Applicable Course Start Date
  • If the value "Payment Period Start Date" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for Title IV funds will be scheduled based on an offset from the payment period start date. This value is inheritable down to the Disbursement Schedule setup levels. This value can be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.
  • If the value "Earliest Program Applicable Course Start Date" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for Title IV funds will be scheduled based on an offset from the start date of the earliest program applicable course in the payment period. This value is inheritable down to the Disbursement Schedule setup levels. This value can be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.
  • If the value "Earliest Non-Program Applicable Course Start Date" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for Title IV funds will be scheduled based on an offset from the start date of the earliest non-program applicable course in the payment period. This value is inheritable down to the Disbursement Schedule setup levels. This value can be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.
For non-Title IV funds, schedule disbursements
  • Inherit (default)
  • Payment Period Start Date
  • Earliest Program Applicable Course Start Date
  • Earliest Non-Program Applicable Course Start Date
  • If the value "Payment Period Start Date" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for non-Title IV funds will be scheduled based on an offset from the payment period start date. This value is inheritable down to the Disbursement Schedule setup levels. This value can be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.
  • If the value "Earliest Program Applicable Course Start Date" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for non-Title IV funds will be scheduled based on an offset from the start date of the earliest program applicable course in the payment period. This value is inheritable down to the Disbursement Schedule setup levels. This value can be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.
  • If the value "Earliest Non-Program Applicable Course Start Date" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for non-Title IV funds will be scheduled based on an offset from the start date of the earliest non-program applicable course in the payment period. This value is inheritable down to the Disbursement Schedule setup levels. This value can be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.
For Title IV funds, require attendance for disbursement
  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No
  • If the value "No" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for Title IV funds will not require attendance to be posted in order for the disbursement to be released once the payment period or course start date (depending on the disbursement scheduling option chosen) has been reached (unless attendance is an "EST Release Requirement" defined within the disbursement schedule setup). This field is inheritable to the Disbursement Schedule setup level and be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.
  • If the value "Yes" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for Title IV funds will require attendance to be posted in order for the disbursement to be released once the payment period or course start date (depending on the disbursement scheduling option chosen) has been reached. Any "EST Release Requirements" for attended units or weeks, that have already been defined on disbursement schedule setup, will override the attendance requirement implemented with this setting, which is 1 unit OR 1 week of attendance once the payment period or course start date has been reached. This field is inheritable to the Disbursement Schedule setup level and be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.
For non-Title IV funds, require attendance for disbursement
  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No
  • If the value "No" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for non-Title IV funds will not require attendance to be posted in order for the disbursement to be released once the payment period or course start date (depending on the disbursement scheduling option chosen) has been reached (unless attendance is an "EST Release Requirement" defined within the disbursement schedule setup). This field is inheritable to the Disbursement Schedule setup level and be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.
  • If the value "Yes" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for non-Title IV funds will require attendance to be posted in order for the disbursement to be released once the payment period or course start date (depending on the disbursement scheduling option chosen) has been reached. Any "EST Release Requirements" for attended units or weeks, that have already been defined on disbursement schedule setup, will override the attendance requirement implemented with this setting, which is 1 unit OR 1 week of attendance once the payment period or course start date has been reached. This field is inheritable to the Disbursement Schedule setup level and be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.
Record Retention Settings
Inherit from Institution
  • Selected
  • Unselected
If the information is the same as the Institution, checking the box will allow for the information to be pre-populated based upon the Institution information.
Enable Student Record Retention Process
  • Selected
  • Unselected
Checking this box will enable the process to purge student data. The Record Retention Period Start Date is determined by the Last day of the LAST FAY during which the student has attended.
Use the Program Start Date for Students with no Attendance and no Awards:
  • Selected
  • Unselected
If unchecked students that never attended will not be included in the record deletion process.
Retention Period Length
  • Numeric 0-999
  • Default value = 888
Number of months AFTER the Student Record Retention Period Start Date before records will be eligible for deletion.
Include Partially Deleted Students in Future Deletions
  • Selected
  • Unselected
Allows partially deleted students to be included in future deletions.

Identifiers Subtab

Field Name



Business Rule

Inherit from Institution

  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

(A separate check box exists for each item in this section)
If the information is the same as the Institution, checking the Inherit from Institution box will allow for the information to be pre-populated based upon the Institution information.

COD Source ID:

OptionalText box - alphanumeric 8 characters max


The COD Export process will export the COD Source ID in the Routing ID tag within the <Source> element.

Third Party Servicer:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

If Yes, the COD Export process will export the COD Source ID in the Routing ID tag within the <ThirdPartyServicer> element.
If No, the COD Export process will export the COD Source ID in the Routing ID tag within the <School> element.

COD Reporting Entity ID:

OptionalText box - alphanumeric 8 characters max


The COD Export process will export the COD Reporting Entity ID in the Routing ID tag within the <ReportingSchool> element. The Reporting School Routing ID is the ID for the school that sends and receives data for the campuses and sites that it serves.

COD Attended Entity ID:

OptionalText box - alphanumeric 8 characters max


The COD Export process will export the COD Attended Entity ID in the Routing ID tag within the <AttendedSchool> element. The Attended School Routing ID is the institution, campus or site where the student attends class if that location has its own Pell Grant or Direct Loan code.

FDSL Program ID:

OptionalText box - alphanumeric 6 characters max

X#####; Valid characters for the first position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G

When a Federal Direct or PLUS loan is created, the FDSL Program ID is included within the Financial Award ID. The COD Export process will export the <FinancialAwardID> tag in the COD record for the student.

Pell ID:

OptionalText box - alphanumeric 6 characters max

X#####; Valid characters for the first position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G

When a Pell Grant is created, the Pell ID is included within the Financial Award ID. The COD Export process will export the <FinancialAwardID> tag in the COD record for the student.

Federal Perkins ID:

Required if the Perkins Eligibility Indicator is selectedText box - alphanumeric 6 characters max



Perkins Loan Servicer

OptionalText box - alphanumeric 50 characters max


Displayed only if Perkins Eligible Indicator is selected.

Tax ID Number

OptionalText box - alphanumeric 9 characters max



Alternate NSLDS Pell School Code Reporting IndentifierOptionalText box - alphanumeric 8 characters max
This field provides an alternative approach when Regent Award is determining the Pell paid percentage from the ISIR. A branch campus can report to COD through a parent campus' OPEID. The parent and branch campus' OPEID are different in these cases. This allows Regent Award to use the parent's OPEID when calculating the percentage of Pell used to determine the remaining eligible amount for the FAY

Student System Subtab

Field Name



Business Rule

Expected EST Configuration Settings

Send Expected EST Default Value For Modify Academic Plan:

  • Yes
  • No

Determines whether the Send Expected EST Checkbox on MAP is checked or unchecked, by default.

Send Expected EST Default Value For Student Pay Non-Institutional Charges:

  • Yes
  • No

Determines whether an Expected EST file will be generated when the student chooses "Yes" for the "Pay Non-Institutional Charges" field on the student portal.

Send Expected EST Default Value For Student Portal Award Acceptance:

  • Yes
  • No

Determines whether an Expected EST file will be generated when the student chooses "Accept" for an award on the student portal.

Select All Terms

  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

Determines whether an Expected EST file will include all terms.

Available Terms

OptionalMulti-select list box

List of Term(s) available for selection

List of Term(s) available for selection.

Selected Terms

OptionalMulti-select list box

List of Term(s) selected

List of Term(s) selected for inclusion in the expected EST process.

Select All Funds

  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

Determines whether an Expected EST file will include all funds.

Available Funds

OptionalMulti-select list box

List of Fund(s) available for selection

List of Fund(s) available for selection.

Selected Funds

OptionalMulti-select list box

List of Fund(s) selected

List of Fund(s) selected for inclusion in the expected EST process

Offset Days:

OptionalText - numeric (cannot be negative)


Enter number of days into the future for which you want to run expected EST. The screen would then automatically display the date associated with that number of days in the future.

Turn Off Eligibility Checks:

  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

Runs the EST export file, without regard to the student's eligibility for the disbursements.

Turn Off Document Requirement Checks:

  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

Runs the EST export file, without checking to see if the student has satisfied documents that have a restrict process=restrict disbursement.

Turn Off SAP Checks:

  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

Runs the EST export file without checking SAP status for disbursement eligibility.

Turn Off COD Checks:

  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

Runs the EST export file regardless of whether or not a COD response has been received.

R2T4 Subtab

Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeValueBusiness Rule

Date Used to Identify R2T4 Inadvertent Overpayments:

  • Inherit (default)
  • Date of Determination (DOD)
  • Date of Withdrawal (DOW)
  • If “Do You Take Attendance” = “Yes”, the default value should be “Date of Withdrawal.”
  • If “Do You Take Attendance” = “No”, the default value should be “Date of Determination.”
  • If the user chose "Date of Determination (DOD) present the user with the following options
    • Include disbursement as IOP if the disbursement release date is after the DOD
    • Include disbursement as IOP if the disbursement release date equal to or after the DOD
  • If the user chose "Withdrawal Determination (WDD), present the user with the following options:
    • Include disbursement as IOP if the disbursement release date is after the WDD
    • Include disbursement as IOP if the disbursement release date equal to or after the WDD
Originated Loan Amount to Use If Amount on R2T4 Processing Date is Lower Than Amount on R2T4 Date of WithdrawalDetermines R2T4 Step 1 Amount to be used when the originated Loan Amount on R2T4 Processing Date is Lower than the originated Amount on R2T4 Date of Withdrawal. Originated Loan Amount refers to original loan amount and any subsequent changes that have been accepted by COD.RequiredDrop-down
  • Amount as of R2T4 Date of Withdrawal

  • Amount as of R2T4 Processing Date

Inherits from Institution Setup.
Originated Loan Amount to Use If Amount on R2T4 Processing Date is Higher Than Amount on R2T4 Date of WithdrawalDetermines R2T4 Step 1 Amount to be used when the originated Loan Amount on R2T4 Processing Date is higher than the originated Amount on R2T4 Date of Withdrawal. Originated Loan Amount refers to original loan amount and any subsequent changes that have been accepted by COD.RequiredDrop-down
  • Amount as of R2T4 Date of Withdrawal

  • Lower of the Highest Amount Originated prior to R2T4 Date of Withdrawal and Amount Originated as of R2T4 Processing Date

Inherits from Institution Setup.

Date Used to Consider Non-Rebuild Loans as "Originated":

This field gives schools the ability to define when a loan is considered "Originated" for the purposes of R2T4 calculations and included as "Aid that could have been disbursed" to the student.

If the date defined is after the DOD/WDD, the loan is not considered "Originated" and therefore is not included in the R2T4 calculation as "Aid that could have been disbursed" to the student.

If the date defined is before or equal to the DOD/WDD, the loan is considered "Originated" and included in the R2T4 calculation as "Aid that could have been disbursed" to the student.

  • Inherit (default)
  • COD Accepted Date
  • Award Create Date
  • COD Initial Export Date

Criteria Used to Consider an MPN Linked to a Loan

This field will determine whether Direct Loans are included in the R2T4 calculation when an MPN is linked to the award at COD or in Regent Award.

If "Loan Record Accepted at COD has a Linked MPN" is selected, then the Direct Loan will be included in the R2T4 calculation if the COD Accepted loan has a MPN Linked at COD. 

If "Loan Record has a Linked MPN - May or may not be Linked at COD" is selected, the Direct Loans will be included in the R2T4 calculation if there is a linked MPN on file, whether it is linked manually in Regent Award or linked at COD.

Direct Loans that do not have a linked MPN will not be included in the R2T4 calculation. 

  • Inherit (default)
  • Loan Record Accepted at COD has a Linked MPN
  • Loan Record has a Linked MPN - May or may not be linked at COD

Auto-Cancel Excluded Title IV Disbursements for R2T4

When this setting is selected, any Title IV funds (except for the Federal Work Study) on a student’s account, during the R2T4 period, that are not included in the R2T4 calculation, are cancelled automatically when the R2T4 is finalized

When this option is set to "Yes," R8 will automatically cancel Title IV (except FWS) disbursements, in the R2T4 period, that were excluded from the R2T4 calculation. 

When this option is set to "No," this feature is not enabled and users are still required to manually cancel Title IV disbursements that were excluded from the R2T4 calculation during the R2T4 period.

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

Automatically Return Grant Amounts in Step 10

When "yes" is selected, Regent Award will return amounts greater than $50 on Step 10: Return of Grant Funds by the Student within the R2T4 Worksheet. 

When "no" is selected, Regent Award will not act upon the Step 10: Return of Grant Funds by the Student within the R2T4 Worksheet.

  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No
Inherits from the Institution level and down to the Program level.
Offset to Establish PWD Response Deadline

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will add the number of days entered here to the R2T4 Finalization Date to determine the value to auto-populate the "Deadline for student and/or parent to respond" field on the R2T4 Wizard PWD Tab.

  • R2T4 Finalization Date + number of offset days = PWD Response Deadline.
  • For example, 01/01/2019 + 10 offset days = 01/11/2019 - PWD Response Deadline.

When this date is populated, Regent Award will auto-set the date for which a response from the student is required to accept the PWD funds.

OptionalText boxNumeric, 2 characters maxDefault will inherit from the "Institution". Zero is a valid entry.
Offset to Establish Fund Auto-cancellation Date for IOP PWDs

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will add the number of days entered here to the R2T4 Finalization Date to determine the value to auto-populate the "Actual Cancel Date" field for IOP PWDs on the R2T4 Wizard PWD Tab.

  • R2T4 Finalization Date + number of offset days = Auto-cancellation Date for IOP PWDs.
  • For example, 01/01/2019 + 10 offset days = 01/11/2019 - Auto-cancellation Date for IOP PWDs.

When this date has arrived, and the Net Accepted Amount of the disbursement is blank or $0, Regent Award will automatically cancel the disbursement.

OptionalText boxNumeric, 2 characters maxDefault will inherit from the "Institution". Zero is a valid entry.
Offset to Establish Fund Auto-cancellation Date for non-IOP PWDs

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will add the number of days entered here to the R2T4 Finalization Date to determine the value to auto-populate the "Actual Cancel Date" field for non-IOP PWDs on the R2T4 Wizard PWD Tab.

  • R2T4 Finalization Date + number of offset days = Auto-cancellation Date for non-IOP PWDs.
  • For example, 01/01/2019 + 10 offset days = 01/11/2019 - Auto-cancellation Date for non-IOP PWDs.

When this date has arrived, and the Net Accepted Amount of the disbursement is blank or $0, Regent Award will automatically cancel the disbursement.

OptionalText boxNumeric, 2 characters maxDefault will inherit from the "Institution". Zero is a valid entry.

Include Loan Disbursements Cancelled for Below Half Time Status

If this setting is "Yes," when the system zeroes out a Direct Loan amount due to a student dropping to below Half Time enrollment status in a term, Regent Award will apply that canceled amount to the "Net Amount that Could Have Been Disbursed" in Step 1 of the R2T4 calculation. The setting applies to term and nonstandard term programs only.

See Including Funds in the R2T4 Calculation

  • Inherited (default)
  • Yes
  • No
The default is to inherit from the Institution Setup configuration.

Automation Settings

Identify Whether a Potential R2T4 is Required

This option MUST be set to yes in order to automate R2T4 within Regent Award.

This field will determine whether a potential R2T4 is required. 

If "No" is selected, If "No" is selected, Regent Award will not perform any R2T4 automation. 

If "Yes" is selected, Regent Award will automatically identify whether a potential R2T4 is required when a Date of Determination is provided on the SBL.

  • Inherited (default)
  • Yes
  • No

Offset from DOD for Evaluation of Need for R2T4s

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will attempt to automatically close those R2T4s that are "Not Required." This field will determine the number of days after the DOD that an R2T4 will first be evaluated to determine if the R2T4 is not needed.

This is an offset from the student's Date of Determination (DOD), received in the SBL R2T4 node for “Date of Determination” or updated on the R2T4 worksheet, manually, by a user.

  • DoD + number of offset days = first day Regent Award will perform the evaluation.
  • For example, 01/01/2019 + 10 offset days = 01/11/2019 - first day Regent Award will perform the evaluation.

The "Not Required Logic" will be run daily until the R2T4 can be closed as "Not Required", or until the R2T4 is "Finalized" by either a user or the R2T4 Automation Process.

If Review R2T4 Task triggered by SBL and the DOD in the R2T4 node is further in the past than the number of days for the offset(s), the evaluation will take place on the next run of the R2T4 automation process.

Required - When Identify Whether a Potential R2T4 is Required is set to yesText box - numeric 3 characters maxDefault is inherited from Institution

The default value is blank and is only editable when "Identify Whether a Potential R2T4 is Required" is set to "Yes"

Zero is a valid entry for this field.

If a value is entered into this field, but then "Identify Whether Potential R2T4 is required" is changed to "No," then the value entered into this field should be cleared.

The "Offset from DOD for Evaluation of Need for R2T4s" configuration shall have a validation where the days entered CANNOT be greater than the days entered in the "Offset from DOD to Auto-Finalize R2T4s"

Offset from DOD to Auto-Finalize R2T4s

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will attempt to automatically finalize those types of R2T4s that are configured under "Types of R2T4s to Auto-Finalize" option. This field will determine the number of days after the DOD that an R2T4 can be assessed for auto-finalization.

This is an offset from the student's Date of Determination (DOD), received in the SBL R2T4 node for “Date of Determination” or updated on the R2T4 worksheet, manually, by a user.

This offset will determine when Regent Award will begin evaluating potential R2T4s to see if they can be “Finalized.”

  • DoD + number of offset days = first day Regent Award will perform the evaluation.
  • For example, 01/01/2019 + 25 offset days = 01/26/2019 - first day Regent Award will perform the evaluation.

The "Auto-Finalization Logic" will be run daily until the R2T4 can be "Finalized" by the R2T4 Automation Process, or until the R2T4 is "Finalized" by a user.

If Review R2T4 Task triggered by SBL and the DOD in the R2T4 node is further in the past than the number of days for the offset(s), the evaluation will take place on the next run of the R2T4 automation process.

Required - When Identify Whether a Potential R2T4 is Required is set to yesText box - numeric 3 characters maxDefault is inherited from Institution

The default value is blank and is only editable when "Identify Whether a Potential R2T4 is Required" is set to "Yes"

Zero is a valid entry for this field.

If a value is entered into this field, but then "Identify Whether Potential R2T4 is required" is changed to "No," then the value entered into this field should be cleared.

The "Offset from DOD to Auto-Finalize R2T4s" configuration shall have a validation where the days entered CANNOT be lesser than the days entered in the "Offset from DOD for Evaluation of Need for R2T4s"

Types of R2T4s to Auto-Finalize

When R2T4 Automation is turned on, Regent Award will attempt to automatically Auto-Finalize the types of R2T4s selected from the list. 

When R2T4 Automation is turned on, Regent Award will attempt to automatically auto-finalize the types of R2T4s selected from this configuration option. 

  • Fully Earned/Fully Disbursed: The R2T4 results in the student earning all aid disbursed; No refund or PWD is calculated. 
  • Refunds: The R2T4 calculation results in a refund. 
  • PWDs: The R2T4 calculation results in a Post-Withdrawal Disbursement.
OptionalMulti-select list box
  • Select
  • Full Earned/Fully Disbursed
  • Refunds
  • PWDs

When the "Inherit from Institution" checkbox is selected, the field will inherit the options selected at the Institution level. The checkbox will default to selected.

Press CTRL when selecting multiple options.

Change Log

 Click to view a list of changes to this page
DateDescription of ChangeEditor
March 1, 2023

Added this change log to existing page

Jennifer Black
March 1, 2023

Added new settings for Overlapping Academic Years, release, March 2023

  • Adjust Loan Amounts for Overlapping Academic Years Within Regent for Program Changes and Track Changes into Term and NST Programs

  • Adjust Loan Amounts for External Overlapping Academic Years with Loans from Other Schools

Jennifer Black
October 28, 2024Added 'Cease ISIR Matching for Inactive Students' settingHeather Smith
November 7, 2024Added 'Census Date Option' settingHeather Smith

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