My Borrowing Setup

My Borrowing Setup


The My Borrowing Setup Tab provides the user with the ability to enable My Borrowing.  It provides configurable options for the My Borrowing display and functionality within the Student Experience portal.

Configuration Consideration

Configuration in the following areas may impact the functionality and display within My Borrowing and should be reviewed:

  • Financial Aid Settings on the Portal Setup

  • Packaging Philosophy Setup

  • Site Setup

  • Term Setup
  • Cost Setup
  • Program Setup
  • Fund Setup

My Borrowing Tab

The following table details the data fields on the My Borrowing Setup screen.

Field Name





Business Rules

My Borrowing Settings
Enable My BorrowingWhen this checkbox is selected, the My Borrowing is accessible via a link on the Financial Aid tile in the Dashboard component and on the My Borrowing tile in the Financial Aid component.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected 
  • Unselected (Default)

When this field is unchecked, all other fields on the screen are hidden and disabled.

Effective as of

When this field is left blank, My Borrowing is enabled for the current Program or the current Academic Year.

When this field is set to Date, My Borrowing is enabled as of the date set for the current Program or the current Academic Year that the date falls within.

When this field is set to FAY, My Borrowing is enabled as of the Academic Year FAY set for the current Program or the current Academic Year.

Note:   The 'Effective as of' setting depends on the 'Enable for Academic Year or Program' setting.

  • Select (Default)
  • Date
  • FAY


My Borrowing is enabled as of the date set for the current Program or the current Academic Year that the date falls within.

Displays only if the Date option is selected.

Required if 'Effective as of' is set to Date

Date picker


My Borrowing is enabled as of the Academic Year FAY set for the current Program or the current Academic Year.

Displays only if the FAY is selected.

Required if 'Effective as of' is set to FAY

  • 2019-2020 & forward

Enable for Academic Year or Program

When this is set to Academic Year, My Borrowing is presented for each Academic Year. When this is set to Program, My Borrowing is presented once for the Program.

  • Select
  • Academic Year (Default)
  • Program


When this checkbox is selected, My Borrowing is presented and required to be complete for the Academic Year prior to displaying the Financial Aid for the incomplete Academic Year in the Financial Aid component.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected 
  • Unselected (Default)

Re-RequireWhen this checkbox is selected, My Borrowing is presented each time there is an eligibility change, and a new award is created or there is an increase to an existing Subsidized loan, Unsubsidized loan, or Graduate PLUS.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected 
  • Unselected (Default)
  • This configuration only displays when the 'Require' configuration is checked.
  • This field displays if the Enable Academic Year or Program configuration is set to Academic Year AND the Re-Require configuration is checked.
Display Instructional MessageWhen this checkbox is selected, the Instructional Header and Message configured displays at the top of the My Borrowing screen.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected 
  • Unselected (Default)

Instructional Message Header

The text entered here displays as a customized Header on the My Borrowing Instructional Text.

Required if 'Display Instructional Message' is selectedText box - 50 characters maximumAlphanumeric

Instructional Message Text

The text entered here display sas instructional text on the My Borrowing screen. The Editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.Required if 'Display Instructional Message' is selected


Alphanumeric and HTML

Display My Borrowing Summary Message

When this checkbox is selected, the My Borrowing Summary Message configured displays beneath the My Borrowing tiles in the My Borrowing section of the My Borrowing screen.

  • Selected 
  • Unselected (Default)

My Borrowing Summary Message Text

The text entered here displays as the My Borrowing Summary text beneath the My Borrowing tiles on the My Borrowing screen.  The Editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.Required if 'Display My Borrowing Summary Message' is selected 


Alphanumeric and HTML
Award Settings

Inherit from Regent Plan Settings

If this field is checked, the configurations in this section automatically inherit the Regent Plan Setting configuration from the award Settings section on the General tab.  If this field is not checked, the configurations in this section can be updated.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected (Default)
  • Unselected 

This field will be Inheritable from Regent Plan Settings

Display Estimated Awards'

When this field is set to Yes, My Borrowing screens display and include Estimated Awards when award information is provided.OptionalDropdown
  • Yes
  • No

The field will be inheritable from the Award Settings on the Regent Plan tab.

Academic Year Settings

Messaging Logic for 'Select a Borrowing Plan' Tiles

This field gives the user the ability to select ‘Static’ or ‘Dynamic’ logic for the message presented in the 'Select a Borrowing Plan' tiles.

This field determines the titles/functions of the two text editor boxes displayed below.

When ‘Dynamic' is selected, the fields displayed below will be ‘Over Direct Costs for Academic Year Text’ and ‘Under Direct Costs for Academic Year Text’.

When 'Static' is selected, the fields displayed below will be 'My Borrowing Packaging Philosophy Display Order 1 Text' and 'My Borrowing Packaging Philosophy, Display Order 2 Text.'

  • Static
  • Dynamic
Defaults to Dynamic.

Over Direct Costs for Academic Year Text

The text entered here displays in My Borrowing for each Academic Year where the total awards exceed the Direct Costs.  The Editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.

OptionalEditorAlphanumeric and HTML
  • Displays only when 'Messaging Logic for 'Select a Borrowing Plan' Tiles' options is 'Dynamic.'
  • '{OverUnderDirectCost}' can be used to insert the value into the configurable text to populate the dollar amount by which the award is over the Direct Costs amount.

Under Direct Costs for Academic Year Text 

The text entered here displays in My Borrowing for each Academic Year where the total awards are less than or equal to the Direct Costs.  The Editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.OptionalEditorAlphanumeric and HTML
  • Displays only when 'Messaging Logic for 'Select a Borrowing Plan' Tiles' options is 'Dynamic.'
  • '{OverUnderDirectCost}' can be used to insert the value into the configurable text to populate the dollar amount by which the award is under the Direct Costs amount.
My Borrowing Packaging Philosophy Display Order 1 Text Text entered will display within the packaging philosophy tile on the left (top for mobile). No other logic will be applied. The Editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.OptionalEditorAlphanumeric and HTML
  • Displays only when 'Messaging Logic for 'Select a Borrowing Plan' Tiles' options is 'Static.'

My Borrowing Packaging Philosophy, Display Order 2 Text

Text entered will display within the packaging philosophy tile on the right (bottom for mobile). No other logic will be applied. The Editor allows the user to apply formatting to the text, and provide HTML to manipulate the display.  There is no character limit.OptionalEditorAlphanumeric and HTML
  • Displays only when 'Messaging Logic for 'Select a Borrowing Plan' Tiles' options is 'Static.'

Inherit from Regent Plan Settings

If this field is checked, the configurations in this section will automatically inherit the Regent Plan Setting configuration from the Academic Year section on the General tab. If this field is not checked, the configurations in this section can be updated.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected (Default)
  • Unselected 

Display Future Academic YearsWhen the box is checked for this field, Future Academic Years is available to display in the My Borrowing component. If the box is not checked for this field, Future Academic Years is not available to display in My Borrowing.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected (Default)
  • Unselected 
  • The field will be inheritable from the Academic Year Settings on the Regent Plan tab.
Display Next Academic Year as Default if Completed My Borrowing for Current AYWhen this field is set, the next Academic Year is the default display for the Financial Aid tile and in My Borrowing if My Borrowing is complete.RequiredCheckbox
  • Selected
  • Unselected 

Change My Borrowing Amount

Change My Borrowing Amount

When this field is set, the Change My Borrowing Amounts link displays on the dashboard tile in the Financial Aid component once My Borrowing is complete instead of the Change My Borrowing Plan Option.  The Change My Borrowing Amount allows students to easily change their borrowing amounts and does not allow changes to the borrowing plan option unless eligibility changes and the 'Re-Require' configuration is set.

  • Selected
  • Unselected (Default)

Decline Loan Settings
Decline Loans Header TextText entered here will display as the title for the Decline Loans tile on the My Borrowing ScreenOptionalText box - 50 characters maximumAlphanumeric
Decline Loans Display TextText entered here will display as informational text to the student on the decline loans processOptionalEditorAlphanumeric and HTMLDefault Text:  By selecting the 'Decline Loans' button below, you are not electing to borrow any Federal Direct Loans that may be available to you. You will be responsible for any balance owed to the school that is not covered by other means.
Display Decline Loans Box Above My Borrowing OptionsIf this box is left unchecked, the Decline Loan option will be displayed below the current My Borrowing optionsOptionalCheckbox
  • Selected
  • Unselected (Default)

My Borrowing Setup Screenshot

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