Break Setup Data Elements

Break Setup Data Elements


All breaks of 5 days or more during a term must be accounted for in break setup or the R2T4 calculations for the terms will not be calculated correctly. For non-term programs, all breaks in instruction (regardless of length) need to be accounted for so that the proper calculation of payment period length and weeks will occur.

Data Requirements

Field NameRequired/OptionalTypeValuesBusiness Rules/Description
Break NameRequiredAlphanumeric
Used as an identifier for when a break occurs. It is recommended to include the year in the Break Name.
A description of the nature of the break being configured. This field provides additional information, such as "Dental Programs" or "Undergraduate" for user reference.
Scheduled Gaps Between Modules?OptionalCheckbox
  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected
Indicates that a break is a gap between modules, for the purpose of R2T4 denominator calculation for the following check in automation: Is the student in a term program offered in modules (not subscription period) and have they successfully completed half of the term?
Start DateRequiredDate Picker
Enter the first day of the break.
End DateRequiredDate Picker
Enter the last day of the break. Regular classes resume the day after the End Date.
Assign to all ProgramsRequired (if break is not program specific)Checkbox
  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected
This checkbox is intended to ensure that the break is assigned to all programs.
Available ProgramsRequired (if break is program specific)Multi-list select box
Listing of available programs to which the break could be applied.
Selected ProgramsRequired (if break is program specific)Multi-list select box
Identifies the academic programs affected by the institutional break.

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