Anchoring a BBAY 

Anchoring a BBAY 


The configuration option, "BBAY Anchor Determination", at the Institution, Campus, and Term Setup levels determines how a term is anchored. All of the following situations start an AY as the first term in an Academic Year, for a BBAY1 or BBAY2 calendar.  This page describes how each of the options available under "BBAY Anchor Determination" function in Regent Award.

Actual Registered Units by the Term Start Date

The BBAY will be anchored when actual registration is received by the Term Start Date. If no registration is received by the Term Start Date, the BBAY will shift to begin with the next term.

Actual Registered Units by the Term Begin Actual Date

The BBAY will be anchored when actual registration is received by the Term Begin Actual Date. If no registration is received by the Term Begin Actual Date, the BBAY will shift to begin with the next term.

Actual Registered Units by the Term Census Date

The BBAY will be anchored when actual registration is received by the Term Census Date. If no registration is received by the Term Census Date, the BBAY will shift to begin with the next term.

Actual Registered Units by the Term Auto Withdraw Date

The BBAY will be anchored when actual registration is received by the Term Auto Withdraw Date. If no registration is received by the Term Auto Withdraw Date, the BBAY will shift to begin with the next term. The Auto-Withdrawn Date only comes into play when the student has non-withdrawn course registration by the Begin Actual Date. Otherwise, if the student does not have non-WD course registration by the Begin Actual Date, the term is invalid to anchor the BBAY and it is removed from Academic Plan. The exception to this rule for the term remaining on the Academic Plan is when the term has awards that are marked as must not delete. The removed term in this case though could still come back onto the Academic Plan. This would occur if the student did get course registration for the term prior to the Auto-Withdrawn Date. 

Direct Loans Greater Than $0 

The BBAY will be anchored when Direct Loans are packaged for the term in an "Accepted", "Offered", or "Estimated" status with an amount greater than $0. Please note that Enrollment and Term Dates will not be considered when this option is selected. Shifting of the BBAY will not occur until the end of the term if the term does not have packaged loans greater than $0 at that point. 

If loans were disbursed and subsequently refunded in full, the loan period and academic year dates will be updated to the newly shifted BBAY dates. If the first term in a BBAY with loans has all loans reduced to $0, the BBAY will shift to begin with the next term. When a BBAY shifts, a "container" AY is created that will house the term(s) that do not contain Direct Loans. The "container" AY will mimic a normal AY BBAY structure. These AYs will be flagged as fully non-anchoring. Terms for which there is attendance and/or other award amounts (not Direct Loans) greater than $0 will remain visible on the Academic Plan and will be placed in their own container AY as mentioned previously.  The costs associated with the non-anchoring term will remain in place.  Here are some examples to consider:

Example 1:

  1. Fall 2019 DL < $0 which means the BBAY will shift to anchor beginning with Winter 2019.
  2. Fall 2019 will be in its own container AY1
  3. Winter 2019 Direct Loans are > $0 and will anchor the BBAY and begin AY2

Example 2:

  1. Fall 2019, Winter 2019, Spring 2020, and Summer 2020 Direct Loans are NOT > $0.
  2. Fall 2019, Winter 2019, and Spring 2020 will be in their own container AY1
  3. Summer 2020 will be in its own container AY2
  4. Fall 2020 Direct Loans are > $0 and will anchor the BBAY and begin AY3

When a student becomes eligible for Direct Loans in a non-anchoring term (a blocking document has been cleared, the student filed the FAFSA), Regent Award should "start over" with packaging for the Academic Year to evaluate enrollment and Direct Loan eligibility.  Regent Award will evaluate the most immediate previous past term, and if the student is eligible in that term, Regent Award will evaluate the term prior to that in cases with a 3-term academic year. If the student was deemed ineligible in the first re-evaluated past term, Regent Award will not re-evaluate any additional past terms.  The reason for this approach is that if the student is eligible for Direct Loans in the "starting" term of the AY, but the 2nd term is not eligible, this would create a "Donut Loan" scenario, which we want to avoid for these BBAY anchoring scenarios. 

Example 1:

Student files FAFSA in Spring 2020 and is eligible for a re-evaluation of Direct Loans beginning in Fall 2019. Winter 2019 does not have Direct Loan eligibility. Regent Award will not re-evaluate Fall 2019 for Direct Loan eligibility as Winter 2019 did not have eligibility and would cause a Donut Loan scenario. Spring 2020 will anchor the BBAY. Fall 2019 and Winter 2019 will be placed in an AY1 "container"

Example 2:

Student had a blocking document that cleared in Spring 2020 and is eligible for a re-evaluation of Direct Loans. Winter 2019 is re-evaluated first and deemed eligible for Direct Loans. Fall 2019 is then re-evaluated and is deemed eligible for Direct Loans. Fall 2019 will now anchor the BBAY as Fall, Winter and Spring all have Direct Loan eligibility.  

There are some other nuances of this functionality:  

  1. Calculating SAP
    1. Regent Award calculates SAP on a "non-BBAY" term
    2. The BBAY Anchoring Determination option for "Direct Loans Greater Than $0" will not support AY-based SAP calculations
  2. Terms considered "non-BBAY" are noted as such on the Academic Plan with a new REM icon titled “Non-BBAY” when the option to Anchor for Direct Loans > $0 is set.
  3. If loans were disbursed and subsequently refunded in full, notes in the Activity Log document the disbursements and returns, the loan period and academic year dates are updated to the newly shifted BBAY dates.
  4. If a term ends and a loan disbursement greater than $0 remains for the term, this may be a late disbursement or PWD.  The BBAY will not shift if this exists.  If the disbursement is subsequently zeroed out, the BBAY will shift.

A user has the ability to access Advanced Packaging and select whether a term is considered an "Anchor" or "Non-Anchoring". See BBAY Anchoring Override for additional details. 

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