Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)


Regent Award provides the ability to manage Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status for students. This page describes how Regent Award processes SAP-related data and applies the SAP Policy, including detailed calculations for the Calculated Policy. 

Additional References

SAP Policy 

A school must first configure the SAP Policy before Regent can calculate SAP. The configured SAP Policy governs how Regent Award handles SAP and can be applied to specific programs independently. Multiple SAP policies can be defined for each institution; however, the SAP policies cannot overlap by program and/ or effective date range.  See SAP Setup Data Elements

SAP policy types available are:

  • Student Information System (SIS) provided

  • Calculated by Regent Award

  • Manually updated by the user in Regent Award

  • Assume Satisfactory

SAP Status 

SAP-related data is loaded in the Student Batch Load (SBL) process. When the student is packaged and the SAP process runs, the system processes the SAP data and creates a SAP Record with the SAP Status.

A user-entered Manual SAP status will always override any system-provided SAP statuses for a SAP review period. If multiple non-Manual SAP statuses are provided for the same SAP review period, Regent Award will use the SAP status with the latest SAP date.  If there are multiple non-manual SAP statuses on the same, latest SAP date, Regent Award will use the most restrictive status.

Regardless of the SAP Policy selected by a school, Regent Award will utilize the following SAP statuses to determine student eligibility for awarding and disbursement. 

SAP Frequency

Regent Award is configured with SAP frequency which determines when a school wishes to run the SAP Policy calculation. This is required for all calculated SAP policies. 

The frequencies are outlined as:

  • Academic Year (AY) 2-Step

    • Not Calculated or Satisfactory -- > Suspension per AY

  • Payment Period (PP) 2-Step

    • Not Calculated or Satisfactory -- > Suspension per PP

  • Payment Period (PP) 3-Step

    • Not Calculated or Satisfactory -- > Warning-- > Suspension per PP

When Batch Packaging process is either auto-scheduled or manually completed, Regent Award can be configured to run the SAP process.

SAP Wizard and Manual SAP Records

Once the student is packaged and a SAP record is created, the SAP record's details are visible via the SAP Wizard. Additional, optional SAP data may be sent via the SBL SAP node to be available in the UI. For example, cumulative GPA, maximum time frame, and cumulative pace will appear in the SAP record if those data are provided on the SBL.  The additional details may be useful when talking to students.

A user can create a Manual student SAP record in the SAP Wizard. For a Calculated SAP policy, a Manual student SAP Record always overrides any system-provided SAP status. If a student has multiple Manual SAP statuses for the same SAP Review Period, Regent uses the latest Manual student SAP Record. For a SIS-provided SAP policy, the system uses the latest student SAP record, which may be a Manual status or a more recent SIS-provided student SAP record. See Adding a Manual SAP Status.

The following screenshot shows a system-generated SAP Record in the SAP Wizard.

SIS Provided Policy 

Some Student Information Systems (SIS) can also evaluate SAP status. The school sends the result in the "SIS-provided" SAP node on the SBL. For those schools, Regent applies the SAP status directly to the student, without special calculations. The SIS-Provided SAP Node must have the SAP Date, SAP Review Period End Date, SAP Review Period Frequency Code, and the SAP Status. See Attributes Document (SBL Data Dictionary).

The SBL is required to include the SAP status for the student at the end of every payment period/term or academic year depending on the configured policy.  As soon as an updated SAP status is available, the SBL should include the SAP node for the student and associate it with the most recently completed payment period/ term or academic year. This data only needs to be sent one time per change. If the SAP status changes after it has been posted initially, the new data should be sent again with the SAP review period end date and a new, later SAP date.

Regent Award creates a new SAP record every time the SAP status is sent on the SBL SAP Node with a new SAP date, and the student is packaged with the SAP Process. The most recent SAP status provided by the SBL becomes the SAP record used by Regent Award in determining student eligibility and triggering dependent system actions.

Assume Satisfactory Policy

For an Assume Satisfactory policy, Regent Award automatically applies a Satisfactory SAP status to all SAP review periods. The school does not separately provide SBL SAP data. Schools should only choose the Assume Satisfactory option when all students covered by the policy will always be considered to be meeting or exceeding the school’s SAP standards, as determined by the school outside of Regent Award.

Regent Calculated Policy

Regent Award can be configured to automatically calculate SAP for schools. The school sends data in the Student Batch Load (SBL) data file. The SBL data has essential SAP-related data: GPA, and potentially other SAP values - see Attributes Document (SBL Data Dictionary). When SAP is calculated by Regent, both the quantitative (pace/ completion ratio) and qualitative (grade point average or GPA) standards are reviewed at each review period governed by the configured frequency.  Regent Award can also provide a “forecasted” Maximum Time Frame (MTF.)

Quantitative Measures Pace/ Completion Ratio

Regent Award consists of several components that can be considered for quantitative measures when using a calculated policy.

  • SAP Review Period for Attempted Units:

    • Counts all units, as configured by the school, during the SAP Review Period for which attendance was recorded for an attendance taking school.

  • Cumulative Attempted Units:

    • Counts all units, as configured by the school, for which attendance was recorded in an attendance taking school.

  • SAP Review Period Earned Units:

    • Counts only units, as configured by the school, that count towards progression in the SAP review period.

  • Cumulative Earned Units:

    • Counts only units, as configured by the school, that count towards progression in the entire review period.

The quantitative measures above can be configured in Regent Award to include or exclude Remedial, dropped, and non-program applicable units.

  • SAP Review Period Pace:

    • Counts earned units divided by attempted units for courses taken during the review period.

  • Cumulative Pace:

    • Counts earned units divided by attempted units for student’s entire history at the school.

Maximum Time Frame (MTF)

Regent Award’s MTF calculation as well as forecasted MTF, as configured by the school, are as follows:

  • The MTF is calculated using the formula:

                               (Attempted Units + Program Applicable Transfer Units)
                                                    Total Units in the Program

  • Forecasted MTF is calculated using the formula:

(Attempted Units + Program Applicable Transfer Units + Units Remaining in the Program)
                                                     Total Units in the Program



A student is in a 120-unit program and has attempted 60 units and transferred in 15 units.  Because of failed and withdrawn courses, the student has completed 45 units toward the current program of study, leaving 75 units to complete.  The students MTF and forecasted MTF are calculated as follows:

MTF = 60 + 15 / 120 = 0.625 or 62.5% of the program

Forecasted MTF = 60 + 15 + 75 / 120 = 1.25 or 125% of the program

Regent Award provides the option to calculate the student as ‘MTF Suspended’ when the forecasted MTF calculation reaches 150%.  This option enables the school to work with the student to ensure that he/she has an academic plan to complete the program prior to hitting the MTF benchmark. 

Qualitative Measures (Grade Point Average or GPA)

Qualitative SAP uses the SAP Review Period GPA and Cumulative GPA components sent on the SBL.  The GPA must be provided on the SBL when utilizing the Calculated SAP policy.

For Regent Calculated SAP, schools have two methods of providing the data for the SAP evaluation: SAP Node and Auto-Generated SAP.

  • SBL SAP Node- Schools provide the 'SAP Node,' a special set of data in the SAP section of a student's SBL data. SAP Nodes have different data depending on the type of SAP Policy. For schools with a Regent Calculated SAP policy, each Calculated SAP Node must include the SAP Date, SAP Review Period End Date, and SAP Review Period Frequency Code (similar to SIS-provided SAP). The school might separately send some GPA information at the student level data section of the SBL, but Regent only uses the GPA from the SAP Node if the SAP node is sent on the SBL.  

  • Auto-Generate SAP Node from Student GPA- Allows Regent Award to calculate a student's SAP status using the student-level GPA, without sending SAP data separately in the SBL SAP Node. When the 'Auto-Generate SAP Node from Student GPA' is 'Yes,' Regent Award will create its own SAP node. The GPA value will come from the student's GPA provided on the SBL, in the student section. The SAP Date and SAP Review Period End Date are inferred based on the data file's date and the configuration settings. The system will then use that auto-generated SAP information to calculate the SAP status in the same way as if the SAP Node was received. When the 'Auto-Generate SAP Node from Student GPA' is 'No,' the school must send its own SAP node in the SBL data. 

These two approaches are not mutually exclusive. A school may optionally use one or both of these methods for Regent-Calculated SAP; however, the system will use the most recent SBL data. If a conflict occurs (such as the same SAP Date and SBL data file date with different GPAs), the SBL SAP Node will take precedence over the student-level GPA. 

Neither Calculated SAP method can be used if the student has an SIS-provided or Manual SAP policy. 

Qualitative Assessment for CBE

A qualitative assessment for CBE provides a qualitative measure for the student. CBE schools use a basic concept of "pass" or "fail" for the qualitative portion of the SAP calculation (instead of providing a GPA as other schools do.) In other words, the student either meets the requirements for passing the qualitative portion of the SAP calculation, or the student does not meet the requirements for passing the qualitative portion of the SAP calculation.
To indicate that the student has “passed” the qualitative portion of the SAP calculation, a school may enter any value in this field (a word, number, phrase, etc.) Regent Award will interpret the value as indicating that the student has passed the qualitative portion of the SAP calculation.
To indicate that the student has “failed” qualitative SAP, a school should not send this field to Regent Award at all. Regent Award will interpret the NULL value of this field as an indication that the student has failed the qualitative portion of the SAP calculation."

Delaying SAP for Missing Grades

Regent Award can be configured to delay a student's SAP calculation if the student is missing grades on any of the courses within the SAP Review Period. When the "Delay SAP Calculation Due to Missing Grades" is configured, Regent Award will check that all courses within the SAP Review Period are graded before calculating SAP for the student. If one or more grades are missing, the student's SAP status will be reported as "Not Calculated" with a reason of "Missing Grades." The SAP calculation and future disbursements will be blocked for the student until all grades are received for the SAP Review Period.

'Delay SAP for Missing Grades' only applies when a school or program has a configured a Calculated SAP policy and the program is either term or nonstandard term.

Calculated SAP for Student GPA

Regent Award's SAP Calculations can automatically evaluate SAP based on the student-level GPA, without requiring separate SAP information in the SBL data (i.e., without a separate SAP node). When configured to "Auto-Generate SAP Node from Student GPA," Regent Award will automatically calculate SAP using the student's GPA provided in the Student node of the SBL. The Auto-Generated SAP uses the GPA value from the student-level fields, 'Cumulative Undergraduate GPA' or 'Cumulative Graduate GPA.'

  • Term-based programs: SAP can be calculated before the end of the term, using the Term Setup configuration for “SAP Evaluation Period Start Date.” This date is expected to be after the last date a student could be expected to add a new course for the term. The related SAP Evaluation Period End Date (expected to be before the first date GPAs will start being calculated for the next term) must also be configured to support this option. Once the ‘SAP Evaluation Period Start Date’ arrives, the Regent Award Batch Processing process will start trying to calculate student SAP for students in the specific term using the most recently provided GPA or SBL SAP node for those students.


    • Regent suggests that schools also implement the preexisting Institution Setup option to delay a student’s SAP calculation if there are still missing grades for the term(s) in the SAP review period.

  • Nonterm programs: As before, Regent Award does not recognize a nonterm SAP review period as completed until the SIS provides course completion data for all units needed to complete the payment period(s) in the SAP Review Period. Nonterm programs will now have a new, optional, configured ‘Offset Days for Calculating SAP for Nonterm Review Period.’ With the new option, automatic SAP calculations for nonterm programs will begin once the final payment period of the SAP review period is complete, and the calculations will use the most recently provided GPA from the student node of the SBL for each student. Because there may be an administrative delay between the time successful course completion information is provided in the SBL and when the GPA including that course is calculated and provide to Regent, schools may configure the number of SAP calculation offset days that should pass after the end of the SAP review period end before attempting the SAP calculation. Once a nonterm SAP calculation has been completed, Regent will cease attempting to calculate SAP for that review period unless the school sends a new SBL SAP node for the SAP review period.

Schools may still send SAP data on the SBL in the <studentSAP> node. The system will use the data (GPA or SAP node) with the most recent date. In the rare case of a conflict when both sets of data have the same date, the system will use the SAP node. Schools may also add Manual SAP records at any time. Either case will still trigger a SAP recalculation, even if the SAP Evaluation Period End Date is in the past. As a reminder, the system still will not update awarding based on any updates to SAP status for an in-progress SAP review period before the review period's end date is reached.

Term-based SAP Calculation

Calculated Term-based SAP occurs in a specific, configured date range. The system looks for data received in the configured Term Setup Data Elements settings for SAP Evaluation Period Start Date and SAP Evaluation Period End Date.

  • The SAP Evaluation Period Start Date is the first date on or after when Regent will start trying to evaluate SAP for a SAP Review Period ending with that term.

    • Once the ‘SAP Evaluation Start Date’ arrives, the Regent Award Batch Processing process will attempt to calculate student SAP for students in the specific term using the most recently provided GPA or SBL SAP node for those students, received on or after the SAP Evaluation Period Start Date.

      • For example, a school with Modules might want to start calculating a preliminary SAP status for the Fall term when grades are received at the end of the first Module's courses in mid-October. The Fall term actually ends in December. The school might configure the 'SAP Evaluation Start Date' in late October, when the Fall term's initial grades are first posted. The school would send SAP information on the SBL starting on that October date. The school would continue to send updated as the Fall term progressed.

    • Regent recommends that schools should configure the SAP Evaluation Period Start Date to occur after the last date a student could be expected to add a new course for the term. The reason is to prevent premature SAP evaluations if a student might add later courses that could alter their GPA or SAP status.

  • The SAP Evaluation Period End Date is the last date when Regent will evaluate SAP for a review period.  The school is expected to provide the SAP-related information (i.e., GPA or SAP node) on or before this date. This date is also expected to be before the first date the school would send updated GPAs for the following term.

    • For example, if a Fall-Spring semester school starts calculating GPAs for the Spring term in mid-March, the school would configure the Fall term's SAP Evaluation Period End Date value to occur after the Fall term ends, but well before the Spring GPAs are posted.  The school might configure the Fall term's SAP Evaluation Period End Date to a date in January or February.  If a school later sent a new GPA value in April, Regent would not apply that April GPA to the Fall term's SAP calculation, because the GPA was received after the Fall term's February date for the SAP Evaluation Period End Date.

The SAP Evaluation Period Start and End date fields must be configured if a school chooses to enable the 'Auto-Generate SAP Node from Student GPA.' 

A student's calculated SAP status can change whenever new information is received within the date range. For example, the school may load different GPA values and/or SBL SAP nodes up through the SAP Evaluation Period End Date. Regent calculates a SAP status using the latest SAP-related data received within the SAP Evaluation date range.

If a term-based student does not have any SAP-related information provided for the configured date range, or if the information is received but cannot be processed (e.g. due to Missing Grades), then the system will not calculate a SAP status for that review period. The school will need to manually update the student by adding a Manual SAP record on the SAP Wizard. Schools may configure a Task to help identify these students - see Regent Award Task Triggers.

Regent also suggests that institutions using Auto-Generated SAP should also implement the preexisting Institution Setup option, 'Delay SAP Calculation Due to Missing Grades.' That setting will prevent a premature SAP calculation when a student is still missing grades for the term(s) in the SAP review period. See Institution Setup Data Elements.

In Term Setup, an older setting called 'SAP Date' was renamed 'Reanticipate Academic Plan Date' in  This field was renamed to reflected its remaining functionality. Upon upgrade, the values for SAP Evaluation Start Date and SAP Evaluation End Date were auto-populated by a build script. The script set both fields to the current value in the preexisting configuration setting, formerly labeled SAP Date. That older field will still be used for determining when Regent Award should add units to the Academic Plan.

Nonterm SAP Calculation

Regent Award cannot calculate SAP before the end of a nonterm SAP review period.  Regent Award does not recognize a nonterm SAP review period as completed until the school provides course completion data on the SBL for all units and weeks needed to complete the payment period(s) in the SAP Review Period.

For Auto-Generated SAP, nonterm programs have an optional, configured 'Offset Days for Calculating SAP for Nonterm Review Period.' When that setting is configured, Regent will delay the SAP calculation before the system starts trying to calculate the nonterm SAP status. The purpose is to allow schools extra time to send updated GPAs on the SBL file. Regent's SAP calculations will normally use the most recently-provided GPA from the student node of the SBL for each student. However, some schools might have an administrative delay between the time successful course completion information is provided on the SBL and when the GPA (including that final course) is calculated and provided to Regent from the school's SIS.  To accommodate that delay, institutions may configure the number of SAP calculation offset days that should pass after the end of the nonterm SAP review period end date, before Regent tries to calculate SAP. If schools wish to calculate SAP immediately upon receiving new SBL SAP node data, the school would configure 'Offset Days for Calculating SAP for Nonterm Review Period' with the default value of blank or zero (0). See Institution Setup Data Elements

Once Regent has calculated the SAP status for a nonterm SAP Review Period, Regent will cease attempting to calculate SAP for that same review period unless the school sends a new SBL Calculated SAP node for the SAP review period.

  • For example: A nonterm PP ended December 31, with a configured Offset Days value of 5. The system will start trying to evaluate SAP and calculate the SAP status if packaging occurs the morning of January 5 or later. If the school provides a cumulative GPA January 1, 2, 3, or 4, the system would ignore that cumulative GPA value for Auto-Generated SAP calculation. If the school provides a GPA on January 5, 6, or later, the system will take the first student GPA received after the offset date is reached and apply that GPA value to the recently completed nonterm SAP Review Period.

Some schools continuously send GPA values on the SBL for all nonterm students. Regent will still store the SAP data for students with incomplete payment periods. However, Regent will not try to calculate the SAP status for that nonterm SAP review period until a student has fully completed all payment period(s) in the SAP Review Period (i.e., fulfilled all the required units and weeks), plus any Offset Days (if configured). 

The system will try to evaluate the SAP whenever the student is packaged, and today's date is on or after the nonterm closed PP (as adjusted for offset days if any). The SAP evaluation will occur until the student has a SAP Status for the SAP Review Period.  The system will apply the SAP-related data received on or after the last day of the SAP review period (as adjusted for the offset days, if configured). Once a nonterm student has any SAP Status for a SAP Review Period (including any Calculated or Manual SAP record), Regent will normally not auto-calculate a new SAP status. The exception is if the school sends a new SAP node with the SAP Review Period end date matching the closed PP for the nonterm SAP review period. 

Using Both Auto-Generated and SBL SAP Nodes

Auto-Generated Calculated SAP is in addition to the existing SBL Calculated SAP node. Schools may optionally still send Calculated SAP Nodes in the <studentSAP> node of the SBL file, regardless of whether they are using the auto-generated SAP feature. The system will use whichever data (GPA or SAP node) that has the most recent date (the sblCreatedDate value from the top line in the SBL data file, compared to the sapDate on the SBL). In the rare case of a conflict when both sets of data have the same date, the system will use the SAP node data. Schools may also add Manual SAP records, independently of either process. If a new SAP node is received, or a user adds a new Manual SAP record, those actions will still always trigger a SAP recalculation, even when the SAP Evaluation Period End Date is in the past.

Manual Policy and Overrides

Regent Award provides the SAP Wizard for manually adding and overriding SAP records for a payment period/term. When a school or certain program are configured with a manual policy, Regent Award cannot be updated by another source such as the SBL. 

When a school or certain program are configured with a SIS provided policy, a manually added SAP record overrides any SIS-provided SAP record attached to the override period unless a new SAP record is sent on the SBL with a more recent SAP date. For example, if it is discovered that the SBL sent an incorrect SAP status for a student, a user with SAP override permissions may add a manual SAP record with the correct SAP status. That SAP status will remain effective until a new SAP status for the same SAP period (determined by SAP date) is received from the SBL.

When a school or certain program are configured with a Calculated policy and the SAP status is calculated more than once for a student for a given period, Regent Award will use the SAP status with the latest SAP date; however, a manually added SAP status would override the calculated SAP status with the same SAP Date. 

FA Probation Check

Schools using an AY SAP frequency policy may elect to review students after a single payment period of ‘FA Probation’ status.  Regent Award provides an opportunity to assess progress with SAP Probation Academic Plans or to make other adjustments before the end of the full academic year.  Regent Award supports this by allowing a PP level SAP status to be provided for a student, mid-AY, after a prior AY-Based SAP Review Period SAP status of ‘FA Probation’ or ‘FA Suspended.’

The PP level SAP statuses can only be updated manually via the SAP Wizard.  The SBL will not update the PP level SAP status if the school or certain programs have a configured an AY-based SAP frequency policy.

When Does Regent Evaluate SAP?

During packaging, Regent automatically checks if any current SAP Review Periods require a SAP status. If any SAP Review Period is missing a SAP status, Regent checks for any new SAP-related data that was received in the correct timeframe for that SAP Review Period. When Regent finds new SAP data, Regent calculates the student's SAP status using that data.  Regent then applies the SAP status to the SAP Review Period.

SAP and Dates

SAP is time-sensitive. Most student GPAs will change over time.  Regent's Calculated SAP depends on the school promptly loading the updated data, including GPA for Calculated SAP policies. For schools using SAP nodes, the "SAP Date" is the date when the school calculated the SAP status or the GPA value supplied in the SBL. In the case of an auto-generated Calculated SAP node, Regent Award infers the SAP Date from the SBL data file's creation date. The SAP Review Period End Date is either explicitly sent by the school in the SAP node, or inferred based on the SAP Evaluation Start/End Dates (for term) or the SBL data date (for nonterm). 

Awarding with SAP

Regent Award considers SAP status when packaging a student.  The SAP status must be attached to an existing SAP review period that is based on a period payment period or academic year. Students without prior coursework at the school do not have a prior payment period/term to which a SAP record can be attached. These students have a status of ‘Not Calculated’ until completion of the first payment period/term, which allows awarding and disbursement. After completion of the first payment period/term, the SAP status is included in the SBL (for SIS provided) and the SAP record is attached to the payment period/term just completed.

Regent Award provides the 'SAP FA Suspension cancels all future aid' option in Institution Setup which cancels all future aid automatically when a student’s SAP status is ‘FA Suspended’ or ‘MTF Suspended’. When this option is selected, Regent Award cancels all awards configured to require SAP in future payment periods/terms. The student will not be packaged for future aid until the student has regained eligibility or has successfully appealed, and the SAP status has been updated. If the student successfully appeals and is placed in a probationary status, Regent Award reinstates awards cancelled due to SAP status. See Institution Setup Data Elements.

Manually awarded funds are not cancelled automatically and must be manually reinstated should the student regain eligibility, e.g. successfully appeal and go to FA Probation status. Once the student regains eligibility, the fund that was manually awarded can be configured to trigger the ‘Review Eligibility’ task to notify staff to re-instate the award. Note: This task triggers on several other changes to manual awards as well. Manual awards that have been manually canceled must be manually reinstated.

Reminder, the system still will not update awarding based on any updates to SAP status for an in-progress SAP review period before the system reaches the SAP Review Period's end date. So if a term student has a SAP status calculated before the end of the term, and the change in SAP would affect their Title IV eligibility in future terms, the system would not adjust those future Title IV awards until the term's end date.


Regent Award will not disburse a student with a ‘FA Suspended’ or ‘MTF Suspended’ SAP status. All other SAP statuses qualify for disbursement to include the student’s first payment period when SAP status is ‘Not Calculated’. Regent Award holds disbursement for the current payment period until the most recent completed payment period has been updated with a SAP status. For term-based programs, if the student’s enrollment status for the term is equal to ‘Auto-withdrawn’ or ‘Actual-None’ for the last scheduled term and there is no SAP record for that term and the configuration is set to ‘Inherit SAP Status’, Regent Award uses the SAP record from the most recently attended term to determine disbursement eligibility.

Regent Award provides the option to perpetuate the SAP status to future payment periods/terms. When this option is selected, Regent Award applies the most recent SAP record to all future payment periods/terms, until the next SAP record is received by the SBL. This configuration setting only pertains to a SAP Frequency of Payment Period.  Because there may be a delay in the SAP calculation, a scheduled disbursement may be made prior to receiving an ineligible SAP status. 

Other Factors Affecting SAP

Program Changes

Regent Award provides two configuration options to apply the student’s current SAP status to the student’s next program when a student changes a program. When these options are selected, the student’s SAP status from the student’s most recent completed payment period/term in the previous program becomes the SAP status used to determine eligibility in the first payment period/term in the current (new) program. This option is set at the Institution level, but may be overridden in the Program Management Wizard when processing the program change.  See Institution Setup Data Elements and Program Changes via Program Management Wizard.

Inheriting SAP Status from a Prior Term

Regent Award provides a configurable option for term and nonstandard term programs, that will allow for a prior term’s SAP status to be inherited to a term that would not otherwise have SAP calculated.  The option, “Inherit SAP for Unattempted Periods,” is available for payment period-based SAP policies only. When this option is enabled, Regent Award will inherit the SAP status from a prior term if the current term meets the following criteria:

  • The term has not received a SAP status (Manually, SIS Provided, or Calculated) and

    • A SAP node containing a Cumulative GPA has NOT been provided via the SBL, for the term.

  • The term has no attempted units and

  • The term is marked with an enrollment status of "Autowithdrawn" or "Actual – None”


    If “Inherit SAP for Unattempted Periods” is enabled, the Summer term will “Inherit” the SAP status from the Spring term after the Summer SAP date (from the Term Setup) has elapsed and the SAP process has been run.  The Summer SAP status will be “FA Warning (inherited).  The SAP Date on the Inherited SAP status will be the date the SAP process was run.

When a term has inherited the SAP status from a previous term, visual indicators are provided on the Regent Award UI on both the SAP Wizard and the Awards screen.

Historic SAP Status

At the time of launch, Regent Award will need to have the current SAP status of all students. The SBL needs to include the SAP node for students at the time of a SAP Review Period End Date corresponding to the most recently completed payment period/term for the student. If the student has an award imported into Regent Award from a COD rebuild file, and the SAP status has not been provided, Regent Award assumes a SAP status of ‘Satisfactory’.

For conversion schools, if a student is in the first payment period/term at the time of conversion, no SAP node is needed for the student.

Note:  A historic SAP status is able to be modified in Regent Award.


Change Log


Description of Change



Description of Change


July 6, 2023

  1. Added this change log to the preexisting page.

  2. SAP Wizard and Manual SAP Records: Added note on more recent SIS-provided SAP records taking precedence over Manual for SIS-provided policy. 

  3. Awarding: Corrected to refer to Institution Setup setting for 'SAP FA Suspension cancels all future aid'

RS-25909 Release | RS-25942 Release, July 2023

J. Black


Updated the 'note' under the Historic SAP Status section to state that the historic record "IS" able to be modified.

Jen Dewey


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