Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Component

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Component


The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) component of the Student Experience product is configurable and optional for a school to use. The SAP component configuration screen is located within Institution Setup, as a subtab to Portal Setup, and is accessible to users with permission to change these settings.  See Student Experience Portal Data Elements for details on the various SAP configuration settings.

Getting Started

Schools will need to:

  1. Be on or upgrade to Regent Award Release or a subsequent Release
  2. Confirm Institution Setup 'View' and 'Edit' Permission
  3. Enable the SAP Component under the Institution → Portal → SAP Setup
  4. Configure the SAP Setup
  5. Test SAP Component in Regent Award


Institution Setup Permission

To access the SAP Component Setup, Regent Award users must have the 'View Institution' permission enabled under the Institution Setup Permissions for the role in which the user is assigned.  To enable and update the SAP Component content, the 'Edit Institution' permission must also be enabled 


SAP Setup

The configured benchmarks in SAP Setup are used to display the policy requirements on the SAP Component page. Schools that do not use Regent Award to calculate SAP may opt to configure the SAP benchmarks to display policy requirements. 

SAP Setup Example

SAP Component Setup

The SAP Component Setup must be enabled on the Portal Configuration SAP Component tab.

SAP Setup Options

Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalField TypeOption ValuesBusiness Rules
Display SAP Component

When this checkbox is selected, the SAP component will display on the Dashboard and Menu.

  • Selected
  • Unselected (Default)

SAP Display Name

The text entered here will display as the SAP Component name for the Menu and Dashboard.

Required, if SAP component is enabled

Text - 50 character maximum

  • Alpha-numeric and special characters

Display Instructional Message

When this checkbox is selected, the Instructional Header and Message configured will display at the top of the SAP component.

  • Selected
  • Unselected (Default)

Instructional Message Header Text

The text entered here will display as a customized Header on the SAP component Instructional Text.

  • No default text

Instructional Message Text

The text entered here will display as Instructional Text on the SAP component.

Required if Display Instructional Message is enabledWYSIWYG Editor
  • No default text

Not Calculated Informational Text

The text entered here will display in the SAP component as informational text when a student has a 'Not Calculated' SAP status..

OptionalWYSIWYG Editor
  • Default Text: 
    • You do not have any information to calculate. Once you have attempted at least one period at <Site Display Name>, a calculation will be made to determine your SAP status.

Satisfactory Informational Text

You are meeting cumulative program applicable requirements and are eligible to receive federal aid.

OptionalWYSIWYG Editor
  • Default Text: 
    • You are meeting cumulative program applicable requirements and are eligible to receive federal aid.

FA Warning Informational Text

The text entered here will display in the SAP component as informational text when a student has a 'FA Warning' SAP status.

OptionalWYSIWYG Editor
  • Default Text: 
    • You are not meeting the cumulative program applicable requirements. You are eligible to receive federal aid for only one period while you try to reach the requirements again. If you do not reach the requirements at the end of your Warning period, you will be placed on Suspension and lose eligibility to receive federal aid. However, if placed on Suspension, you will be provided the opportunity to submit an appeal.
FA Probation Informational Text

The text entered here will display in the SAP component as informational text when a student has a 'FA Probation' SAP status.

OptionalWYSIWYG Editor
  • Default Text: 
    • You are not meeting the cumulative program applicable requirements, but your requested appeal has been approved. You are eligible for federal aid and will continue to be eligible as long as you complete your Probation requirements each period.

FA Suspension Informational Text

The text entered here will display in the SAP component as informational text when a student has a 'FA Suspension' SAP status.

OptionalWYSIWYG Editor
  • Default Text: 
    • You are not meeting the cumulative program applicable requirements and are therefore ineligible for federal financial aid. However, you may be eligible to appeal for federal aid.

MTF Suspension Informational Text

The text entered here will display in the SAP component as informational text when a student has a 'MTF Suspension' SAP status.

OptionalWYSIWYG Editor
    • Default Text: 
      • You are projected to complete your program at more than 150% of the credits required for your degree and are therefore ineligible for federal financial aid.

Display SAP Policy

When this box is selected, the SAP Policy for the student displays on the SAP Component. When this box is not selected, Your Current Information and Required Minimums Policy will not display on the SAP Component.

  • Selected (Default)
  • Unselected

Display GPA

When this box is selected, the Grade Point Average (GPA) displays in the SAP Component.

  • Selected (Default)
  • Unselected

GPA Display Name

The text entered here will display as the GPA name under the 'Your Current Information and Required Minimums Policy' section on the SAP Component.

Required, if 'Display GPA' is selectedTextbox
  • Default Text: Grade Point Average (GPA)

GPA Allowable Decimal Places

The number entered here will the number of decimal places that will be used when displaying the GPA under the 'Your Current Information and Required Minimums Policy' section on the SAP Component.

Required, if 'Display GPA' is selected

Numeric box
  • Default: 2

Display Completion Rate

When this box is selected, the Completion Rate (Pace) displays in the SAP Component.

  • Selected (Default)
  • Unselected

Completion Rate Display Name

The text entered here will display as the Completion Rate name under the 'Your Current Information and Required Minimums Policy' section on the SAP Component.Required, if 'Display Completion Rate' is selectedDropdown
  • Default Text: Completion Rate (Pace)

Display Maximum Timeframe

When this box is selected, the Maximum Timeframe displays in the SAP Component.

  • Selected (Default)
  • Unselected


Maximum Timeframe Display Name

The text entered here will display as the Maximum Timeframe name under the 'Your Current Information and Required Minimums Policy' section on the SAP Component.Required, if 'Display Maximum Timeframe' is selectedDropdown
  • Default Text: Maximum Timeframe

SAP Component Setup

SAP Component Functionality

The SAP Component is accessible via the Menu in the order configured in the Menu Settings section on the Portal Configuration General tab when enabled. Schools may opt to have the enabled component display on the Dashboard. When the SAP Component is configured to display on the Dashboard, a SAP tile with the most recent SAP Status is displayed. The SAP tile displays as a half-width tile in the order configured in the Dashboard Settings on the Portal Configuration General tab. A Satisfactory, FA Warning, or FA Probation / MTF Suspended  icon, along with the SAP status and SAP Effective date dsiplay on the tile with a link, 'Review Satisfactory Academic Progress Details' that directs the user to the SAP Component page.

The SAP Component page allows users to configure an Instructional message that displays at the top of the page, similar to other components within the Student Experience portal.   A Satisfactory, FA Warning, or FA Probation / MTF Suspended icon, along with the SAP status and SAP Effective date displays on the SAP tile with a configurable message for the SAP status (e.g. FA Probation). A tile titled, 'Your Current Information and Required Minimums Policy' displays the Policy Requirements using the SAP Setup benchmarks configured and the student's current SAP status progress for each respective benchmark. Green checkmarks display next to the GPA and Completion Rate benchmarks if the student's progress is acceptable.  A yellow (FA Warning) or red (FA Probation / MTF Suspended) arrow displays next to the failing benchmark(s) when the student's progress does not meet the respective policy standard.


Dashboard Tile - Satisfactory 

Dashboard Tile - FA Probation 

Dashboard Tile - FA Probation / MTF Suspended

SAP Component