Regent Plan Landing Page

Regent Plan Landing Page


Regent Plan is a set of tools to improve awareness of student loan debt and financial aid over time. The main page displays an at-glance dashboard with information about current and future borrowing.

Page Layout

My Borrowing displays several tiles with different components. A school may customize the content in Regent Plan Setup.

Graduate students with Graduate PLUS loans may see additional tiles.

Dashboard Header

The screen displays a customizable icon, text, and optional instructional message. The content is configurable in Regent Plan Setup.

Loans & Repayment

The Loans & Repayment section displays a summary of the student's current lifetime aggregate federal loan usage. The data is as reported by NSLDS.  The information informs the student how close they are to the Federal maximum limits.

A message reminds the borrower that the numbers are estimates. The system links to the Repayment Estimator (Loan Simulator) on StudentAid.gov. 


Information in this section depends on having recent Financial Aid History (FAH) data from the National Student Loan Data System. Regent requests schools using this tile to update FAH files regularly - suggested at least twice a month.

Example undergraduate:

Lifetime Aggregate Borrowing Limits

Many students have previous loans from other schools. The "Lifetime Aggregate Borrowing Limits" tile helps students understand how much of their Federal lifetime aggregate loan limits they have already used. The aggregate usage is based on the student's current program level (undergraduate or graduate) - see Direct Loan Annual and Aggregate Limits. The data have two main sources: Regent Award, and NSLDS.

  • Current Plan at (school name)
    • Completed Academic Years
      • This category includes all originated, Accepted loans regardless of disbursement status. It does not include any non-originated loans or loans in other statuses (Estimated, Declined, Cancelled, etc.).
        • Total Regent Award packaged amounts for the completed prior AYs, for the student's current program level (i.e., undergraduate or graduate level).
      • To avoid double-counting loans from NSLDS, this category only includes loans in AY1 and later. It does not include any AY0 loans (from prior to the program's Academic Plan start date in Regent Award).
      • If the student's current program is a graduate program, all undergraduate and graduate loans will be included. If the student's current program is an undergraduate program, only loans associated with the undergraduate program will be included (academicLevel is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
    • Current Academic Year 
      • This category includes the sum of all Regent Award packaged amounts for the current academic year for the student's current program level (i.e., undergraduate or graduate level).
      • Amounts include all Regent Offered and Accepted awards, regardless of disbursement or origination status.
      • Awards in an Estimated status are only included if Regent Plan is configured to "Display Estimated Awards."
    • Future Academic Years
      • Regent Plan only displays this category if the "Display Future Academic Years" is enabled. See Regent Plan Setup.
      • If enabled, the Future Academic Years shows all Offered and Accepted loans in Regent Award, for Academic Years that start in the future.
    • Remaining Federal Student Loan Aggregate Limit
      • Regent calculates the remaining aggregate usage based on the student's program type - see Direct Loan Annual and Aggregate Limits. Note: Health Profession programs use the HPPA limit of $224,000.
      • The system calculates the difference between the program's lifetime aggregate statutory limit, and the sum of the student's current usage at the Regent school and at Other Schools.
        • If the "Display Future Academic Years" configuration is disabled, the system will not subtract the Future Academic Years.
  • Previous at (school name)
    • This category uses a combination of NSLDS loan data and Regent Award data. It includes any AY0 loans or amounts from non-Regent loans at the same school as the Regent school code.
    • The amount is the sum of the student's Outstanding Principal Balance the NSLDS Financial Aid History, Loan Detail data (Type 5).
      • The system only shows loans with the following criteria: Loans with an Outstanding Principal Balance higher than $0; Loans with the same attended school code; and loan period end date is before the Regent Award Academic Plan start date
  • Other Schools 
    • This category covers all remaining amounts not already accounted for by the other categories - i.e., loans with the NSLDS data that have a different school code than the Regent school.
    • The system calculates the difference between the student's NSLDS Aggregate Combined Outstanding Principal Balance (OPB) for their program, and the sum of the NSLDS loan detail data OPB, for loans with the Regent school code.
      • Regent uses the Combined OPB appropriate to the program level (graduate or undergraduate). 

The screen also displays a textual message below, with the total amount borrowed compared to the student's lifetime aggregate limit for their program level and dependency status. If a student is currently in an undergraduate program, but the student has previous graduate-level loans, the screen also displays a message noting that those graduate-level loans are not included in the undergraduate lifetime limits.

Subsidized Loan Usage 

My Plan optionally displays a Subsidized Loan Usage bar graph beneath the Lifetime Aggregate Borrowing Limits. When Display Subsidized Loan Usage is enabled, the graph shows the student’s current Subsidized Usage Period (SUP) percentage, relative to the 150% maximum for their active program. During packaging, the system calculates the student's total Actual Subsidized Usage Percentage (SUP) compared to the program's Calculated Maximum Eligibility Period from Program Setup. See Subsidized Usage Limit Applies (SULA) for more details on SULA and SUP calculations.

The Subsidized Loan Usage graph is only displayed to students who have SULA restrictions (student's SULA flag = 'Y'). The system will not display the SULA graph If the student’s SULA flag is ‘N' or the Display Subsidized Loan Usage configuration is not enabled in Regent Plan Setup.


Estimated Federal Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan Repayment

The Estimated Federal Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan Repayment tile displays an estimation of total amounts borrowed and estimated monthly repayment obligations. 

Total Borrowed: Sum of the existing total borrowed amounts. The Total Borrowed amount will also include Future Borrowing amounts if "Display Future Academic Year Borrowing" is enabled.

Total Interest: Estimated interest accrued with a ten-year repayment plan.

Total Amount to be Repaid:  Sum of the Total Borrowed and Total Interest amounts.

Monthly Federal Loan Repayment: Calculated based on a ten-year repayment plan and 5.05% interest rate.