Adding a Manual SAP Status

Adding a Manual SAP Status

To add a Manual SAP Status to the student's record in Regent Award, go to the Award tab and click on the Calculate SAP icon.

Select the SAP Review Period for which you want to add a manual SAP status from the Review Period drop-down, then click the "Add SAP Record" button.

In certain circumstances, a PP-level SAP status must be provided manually via the UI when the Frequency of the SAP policy is Academic Year.  See Academic Year (AY) SAP - Required FA Probation Checks. For student's governed by an AY-based SAY policy:

  • For the AY-based SAP Review period following an AY-Based SAP determination of ‘Satisfactory,’ a PP level SAP status cannot be entered manually.  Therefore, the UI will not allow manual entry of a PP SAP status for the next AY-Based SAP Review Period.  
  • When the student has a status of FA Probation or FA Suspension for an AY-Based SAP Review Period, (for example, AY1), for the following AY-Based SAP Review Period, both the Academic Year and the individual terms/payment periods within that AY-Based SAP Review Period will be available for selection from the drop-down (for example, AY2, AY2_PP1, and AY2_PP2). 

Select the SAP status you'd like to give the student for the SAP Review Period from the "Result (SAP Status)" field.  Save the record.

Click on the Run SAP button to make the appropriate award adjustments.  Click the Close button to exit the SAP Wizard. 

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