Entering a SAP Appeal

Entering a SAP Appeal

Students often request an appeal of their SAP status. The first step in processing a SAP appeal is to request and receive documentation from the student. This documentation is captured and stored on the document tab. When the document is in a "Received" status, a task is assigned to review it and make a decision related to it.

To modify a student's current SAP status, access the student record in Regent Award, go to the Award tab and click on the Calculate SAP icon.

Next, click on the row containing the SAP Review period that you wish to update. The detailed information will then be displayed at the bottom of the page.

The next step is to record the results of the appeal by entering the information under the Appeal Review tab. 

The student's resulting SAP status for the SAP Review Period must also be updated by providing a new Manual SAP record that reflects the student's SAP status for the SAP Review Period as a result of the Appeal.  Click on the Run SAP button to make the appropriate award adjustments.  Click the Close button to exit the SAP Wizard. 

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