COD Web Response Review Queue

COD Web Response Review Queue


The COD Web Response Review Queue displays award data imported from COD Web Response (WB) files. The screen also allows users to reprocess selected WB data after correcting dates in Regent Award.  By default, the screen filters the data, and only displays awards needing user action.

COD Web Response Review Queue 

The following section outlines the fields and business rules of the data on the COD Web Response Review Queue screen, as well as provides a system screenshot of the screen.

Data Fields

Field NameDescriptionBusiness Rules
First Name

Student's first name from the COD Web Response file.

<FirstName> from COD file.
Last Name

Student's last name from the COD Web Response file.

<LastName> from COD file.
External Student ID

Student identifier. 

User can click to view the student's information in Regent Award.

Column heading and column content will match the information on Institution Setup, Student ID tab, Student ID1 Name.  Default to "External Student ID" if that setting is blank.

Links to the student.


Most recent status of updating the Regent Award data to match the COD data.

Processed or Failed.

Processed awards were successfully imported and updated in Regent Award. Note, an award may be successfully processed while still failing some validation tests, such as date matching. 

Failed awards in the WB file were not processed by Regent Award (no updates were made to Regent data). User can review the Message for the failure reasons.


System message or data validation errors, if any.  Validation messages are set by the system, giving information about the reason for success or failure. 

The Message will be blank if the award was successfully processed and no user action is needed.

The Message will have a warning if the award was successfully processed, but user action is required.

Reprocess button

Allows a user to resubmit the COD WB award data for processing validation. See Reprocessing below.

When a user clicks the Reprocess button, the system will check the COD data against Regent Award data and will update any validation messages and the "Action" flag.

If the reprocess button is unavailable, no user action is needed.

For unrecoverable errors, the Reprocess button is unavailable.


Academic Year on the student's Academic Plan

For Loans, the Academic Year number. For example, "0" for AY0, "1" for AY1.

Blank for Pell and other FAY-based awards.


Federal Award Year from the COD Data

Four-digit Federal Award Year, e.g. 2020

Financial Award Type from the COD Data

<FinancialAwardType> from the COD data. Example: DLSubsidized, Pell

For Loans, the last three digits of the Financial Award ID in COD data

For loans, display the last three digits of the <FinancialAwardID> from COD data. Do not suppress leading zeroes.Example values: 001, 002, 003, etc.

Financial Award Amount from COD data

<FinancialAwardAmount> from the COD data. Format as currency. 

Left justify

Example: <FinancialAwardAmount>13612.00</FinancialAwardAmount>  would display as $13,612.00


Student's Site in Regent Award

The Site corresponding to the Site on the Student Summary tab.

The Site will be blank if the award did not match to a student.


Date and time of most recent attempt at applying COD WB data to Regent Award

Transaction process ID date/time stamp, for the transaction with the most recent attempt at applying COD data to Regent Award.

COD Review Queue screen will sort in order by Date values, with most recent first.

Use standard date display format, e.g. 03/29/2019 01:23:29 PM

Process ID

Process ID from the Process Log. Hyperlinks to the Process Log entry.

Hyperlink(s) to the Process IDs that processed this information in the Process Log. 

If a user clicks an ID, the user will see the Process Log entry, Process Details tab, for that process.

If the award was reprocessed, the system will show the most recent reprocessing attempt, then the original process ID when the data file was originally imported. List each hyperlink separately, with a comma and space in between. Example: 2598121124


Is any user action needed?

  • Yes if the data can be reprocessed.
  • No if no action is needed.

Action is either Yes or No, depending on if user action is needed.

The filter will default to Yes when the screen is initially loaded.

Example Screen


When a user clicks the Reprocess button, the system will validate the award's COD WB data against the information in Regent Award. The award-level validation tests are the same as if the award was imported as a new data file into the system. For example, a user might edit a Loan Period or Manual Academic Year using the Program Management Wizard, and then click "Reprocess" to ensure the WB dates match the dates in Regent Award.

Reprocessing is only available for the following validation errors:

  • No match to an existing Payment Period
  • No match to an existing Award Period
  • No match to an existing Loan Period
  • Academic Year Begin/End dates do not match the Award Period Dates
  • Financial Award Begin/End dates do not match the Loan Period Dates 

For all other errors, the Reprocess button is unavailable.

If a user clicks Reprocess, and the COD dates already match the updated dates in Regent Award, the system clears the validation error. The system notes in the student's Activity Log that the data was submitted for reprocessing and no action is needed.

Additional Information

Whenever the system successfully imports the WB data, the new information is visible on the Loans tab. The Loans tab shows the award's COD Metadata.

Warnings vs. Errors for Date Mismatches

  • Existing Loans (Warnings) If the WB and Award dates don't match, but the award exists, the award will still successfully match and import. The WB data will still update the Loans tab. However, a Warning in the Message column will alert the user about different dates. 
    • Reason for the warning message - If the award is repackaged later, and the LP/AY dates are different, the system might change the dates to be different than the WB data.
  • Newly created loans (Errors) - If the Message shows an Error, it means the award did not already exist and could not be created. The WB data is still stored in the system's temporary holding area in the database. However, the import failed because the award did not exist in Regent Award and the system could not create it due to the mismatch. If a user creates the missing AY and/or LP, then Reprocesses the award, then the system will successfully create the award.
    • Creating an award at COD is expected to be a very rare occurrence.


Users need permission to "View/Edit COD Web Response Review Queue." Location in permissions tree: Global Permissions → Process Permissions → Regent Student Conversion, under "View/Edit Imported Awards Review" 

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