Column Name on File | Field on Form | Field Type on Form | Valid Values | Notes |
academicYear | N/A | | | |
academicYearRange | N/A | | | |
areYouMaleOrFemale | Are you male or female? | Dropdown | 1-Male;2-Female; | |
areYouOnActiveDutyInUSArmedForces | Are you currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces or are a National Guard or Reserves enlistee called into federal active duty for purposes other than training? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
asofTodayAnEmancipatedMinor | Are you now or were you an emancipated minor (released from control by his or her parent or guardian) as determined by a court in your state of legal residence? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
asofTodayInLegalGuardianship | Does someone other than your parent or stepparent have legal guardianship of you, as determined by a court in your state of legal residence? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
atRiskOfHomelessness | At any time on or after July 1, XXXX, did the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or was self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
bannerPrimaryBackgroundColor | N/A | | | |
bannerPrimaryForegroundColor | N/A | | | |
bannerSecondaryBackgroundColor | N/A | | | |
bannerSecondaryForegroundColor | N/A | | | |
certificationIntroduction | N/A | Text Only | | |
certificationOptionA | | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | Client custom field. |
certificationOptionB | | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | Client custom field. |
certificationOptionC | | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | Client custom field. |
certificationPermanentResidency | | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | Client custom field. |
certifyPermandentResidencyApplication | N/A | Text Only | | Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
contentWidth | N/A | Textbox | | |
degreeCertificate | What college degree or certificate will you be working on when you begin the XXXX-XXXX school year? | Dropdown | 1-1st Bachelors Degree;2-2nd Bachelors Degree;3-Associate Technical Degree;4-General Associates Degree;5-Certificate or Diploma of less than 2 Years;6-Certificate or Diploma of at least 2 years;7-Teaching Certificate;8-Graduate or Professional;9-Other or Undecided; | |
doYouWantSelectiveServiceToRegisterYou | | Checkbox | 1-I certify that I am in compliance with federal Selective Service registration requirements. | |
drugConvictionAffectingEligibility | Have you been convicted for a drug offense while you were receiving student aid? | Radio Button | 1-No;3-Yes; | |
encourageCreateProfile | N/A | Text Only | | Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
fathersHighestSchoolCompleted | Highest Level of Education Parent 1 Completed | Dropdown | 1-Middle school/Jr. High;2-High School;3-College or Beyond;4-Other/unknown; | |
fathersStepfathersDateofBirth | Parent 1 Date of Birth | Date | | |
fathersStepfathersFirstName | Parent 1 First Name | Textbox | | |
fathersStepfathersIncomeEarnedFromWork | Parent 1 Income Earned from Working ($) | Textbox | | |
fathersStepfathersLastName | Parent 1 Last Name | Textbox | | |
fathersStepfathersSocialSecurityNumber | Parent 1 SSN | Textbox | | |
federalSchoolCode1 | School 1 | Dropdown | | |
federalSchoolCode10 | School 10 | Dropdown | | |
federalSchoolCode2 | School 2 | Dropdown | | |
federalSchoolCode3 | School 3 | Dropdown | | |
federalSchoolCode4 | School 4 | Dropdown | | |
federalSchoolCode5 | School 5 | Dropdown | | |
federalSchoolCode6 | School 6 | Dropdown | | |
federalSchoolCode7 | School 7 | Dropdown | | |
federalSchoolCode8 | School 8 | Dropdown | | |
federalSchoolCode9 | School 9 | Dropdown | | |
firstBachelorsDegreeBy | Will you have your first bachelor's degree before you begin the 2023-24 school year? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
gradeLevelInCollege | Expected Grade Level in College | Dropdown | 0-1st Year or Freshman, Never Attended;1-1st Year or Freshman, Attended Before;2-2nd Year or Sophomore;3-3rd Year or Junior;4-4th Year or Senior;5-5th Year or More, Undergraduate;6-1st Year Graduate or Professional;7-Continuing Graduate or Professional; | |
gradeLevelInCollegeFundingMessage | N/A | Text Only | | Text is shown/hidden based on client. Column will be blank in file for all clients. |
haveChildrenYouSupport | Do you have children who will receive more than half of their support from you between July 1, XXXX and June 30, XXXX? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
haveLegalDependentsOtherThanChildrenOrSpouse | Do you have dependents (other than your children or spouse) who live with you and who receive more than half of their support from you, now and through June 30, XXXX? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
highSchoolCity | High School City | Textbox | | |
highSchoolName | Name of High School | Textbox | | |
highSchoolState | High School State | Dropdown | Two-letter state code Blank | |
houseBill1079 | | Radio Button | 1 2 blank | Client custom field. |
HSDiplomaOrEquivalent | High School Diploma or Equivalent | Dropdown | 1-High School Diploma from a high school;2-GED or diploma equivalent;3-Homeschooled;4-None of the Above; | |
inStateRates | N/A | Text Only | | Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
interestedInWorkStudy | Are you interested in being considered for work-study? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No;3-Don't Know; | |
logoAlignment | N/A | Textbox | | |
logoHeight | N/A | Textbox | | |
logoUrl | N/A | Textbox | | |
middleInitial | Middle Name | Textbox | | |
mothersHighestSchoolCompleted | Highest Level of Education Parent 2 Completed | Dropdown | 1-Middle school/Jr. High;2-High School;3-College or Beyond;4-Other/unknown; | |
mothersStepmothersDateofBirth | Parent 2 Date of Birth | Date | | |
mothersStepmothersFirstName | Parent 2 First Name | Textbox | | |
mothersStepmothersIncomeEarnedFromWork | Parent 2 Income Earned from Working ($) | Textbox | | |
mothersStepmothersLastName | Parent 2 Last Name | Textbox | | |
mothersStepmothersSocialSecurityNumber | Parent 2 SSN | Textbox | | |
originalSocialSecurityNumber | Social Security, DACA, or ITIN Number | Textbox | | |
orphanOrWardOfCourtOrFosterCare | At any time since you turned age 13, were both of your parents deceased, or were you in foster care or were you a dependent or ward of the court? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
parentDislocatedWorker | As of today, are either of your parents a dislocated worker? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No;3-Don't know; | |
parentFoodStampBenefits | Parents' Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
parentFreeorReducedPriceSchoolLunchBenefits | Parents' Free or Reduced Price School Lunch | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
parentReceivedFederalBenefits | Did you, your parents, or anyone in your parents' household receive benefits from any federal benefit programs such as Medicaid or SSI, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Free or Reduced Price School Lunch, TANF or WIC benefits? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
parentsAdjustedGrossIncomeFromIRSForm | Parents' AGI from Income Tax Return | Textbox | | |
parentsBusinessAndOrInvestmentFarmNetWorth | Parents' Businesses or Farm Net Worth ($) | Textbox | | |
parentsCashSavingsAndChecking | Parents' Cash, Savings, and Checking Account Amounts ($) | Textbox | | |
parentsChildSupportPaid | Parents' Child Support Paid | Textbox | | |
parentsChildSupportReceived | Parents' Child Support Received | Textbox | | |
parentsCombatPay | Parents' Combat Pay | Textbox | | |
parentsCoopEarnings | Parents' Co-op Earnings | Textbox | | |
parentsEducationalCredits | Parents' Education Credits | Textbox | | |
parentsEligibilityToFileSchedule1 | Parent's Eligibility to file Schedule 1 | Radio Button | 1-No;2-Yes;3-Don't Know; | |
parentsEmailAddress | Parents' Primary E-Mail Address | Textbox | | |
parentsGrantOrScholarshipAid | Parents' Grant or Scholarship Aid | Textbox | | |
parentSignatureDate | N/A | Textbox | | |
parentSignatureName | N/A | Textbox | | |
parentsInterestIncome | Parents' Interest Income | Textbox | | |
parentsInvestmentNetWorth | Parents' Real Estate or Investment Net Worth ($) | Textbox | | |
parentsIRAPayments | Parents' IRA Payments | Textbox | | |
parentsLegalResidenceDate | Parents' Residency Date | Date | | |
parentsLegalResidenceDateCO | Parents' Residency Date | Date | | |
parentsLegalResidentsBefore | Parents' Residency Before 01/01/XXXX | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
parentsMaritalStatus | Parents' Marital Status | Dropdown | 1-Married or Remarried;2-Never Married;3-Divorced or Separated;4-Widowed;5-Unmarried and Both Parents Living Together; | |
parentsMaritalStatusDate | Parents' Marital Status Date | Date | | |
parentsMilitaryOrClergyAllowances | Parents' Military or Clergy Allowances | Textbox | | |
parentsNeedBasedEmployment | Parents' Need-Based Employment | Textbox | | |
parentsNumberinCollegeParentsExcluded | Parents' Household Number in College | Dropdown | 1-9 | |
parentsNumberofFamilyMembers | Parents' Household Number of Family Members | Dropdown | 1-9 | |
parentsOtherUntaxedIncome | Parents' Other Untaxed Income | Textbox | | |
parentsPensionPayments | Parents' Pension Payments | Textbox | | |
parentsSecondaryEmailAddress | Parents' Secondary E-Mail Address | Textbox | | |
parentsStateofLegalResidence | Parents' State of Residency | Dropdown | Two-letter state code Blank | |
parentsTaxFilingStatus | Parents' Income Tax Filing Status | Dropdown | 1-Single;2-Married - Filed Joint Return;3-Married - Filed Separate Return;4-Head of Household;5-Qualifying Widow(er);6-Don't Know; | |
parentsTaxReturnCompleted | Parents' Income Tax Return Status | Dropdown | 1-Already Completed and Filed;2-Will File;3-Will Not File; | |
parentsTypeOfTaxFormUsed | Parents' Type of Income Tax Return | Dropdown | 1-IRS 1040;3-A foreign tax return, IRS 1040NR or IRS 1040NR-EZ;4-A tax return with Puerto Rico, another U.S. Territory, or Freely Associated State; | |
parentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensions | Parents' untaxed portions of IRA distributions and pensions | Textbox | | |
parentSupplementalSecurityIncomeBenefits | Parents' Medicaid SSI Benefits | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
parentsUSIncomeTaxPaid | Parents' Taxes Paid from Income Tax Return | Textbox | | |
parentsVeteransNoneducationBenefits | Parents' Veterans Noneducation Benefits | Textbox | | |
parentsWillFileInformation | N/A | Text Only | | |
parentTANFBenefits | Parents' TANF Benefits | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
parentWICBenefits | Parents' WIC Benefits | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
permanentMailingAddress | Permanent Mailing Street Address | Textbox | | |
RegentAccess_stateCode | N/A | Textbox | | |
residencyCertificationOptionVerification | | Checkbox | 1- selected; blank | Client custom field. |
senateBill13033 | N/A | Text Only | | Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
specialCircumstances | | Radio Button | 1-I will be unable to provide parent information on this application due to special circumstances.;2-My application requires parent information before submission - continue with the application process. | |
specialCircumstancesApproved | N/A | Dropdown | | Client Custom Field |
specialCircumstancesHint | N/A | Text Only | | |
spousesIncomeEarnedFromWork | Spouse's Income Earned From Working ($) | Textbox | | |
stateTuitionRatesIneligle | N/A | Text Only | | Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
studentFoodStampBenefits | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
studentFreeOrReducedPriceSchoolLunchBenefits | Student's Free or Reduced School Price Lunch | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
studentHousingStatus1 | Housing Plan for School 1 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; | |
studentHousingStatus10 | Housing Plan for School 10 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; | |
studentHousingStatus2 | Housing Plan for School 2 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; | |
studentHousingStatus3 | Housing Plan for School 3 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; | |
studentHousingStatus4 | Housing Plan for School 4 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; | |
studentHousingStatus5 | Housing Plan for School 5 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; | |
studentHousingStatus6 | Housing Plan for School 6 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; | |
studentHousingStatus7 | Housing Plan for School 7 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; | |
studentHousingStatus8 | Housing Plan for School 8 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; | |
studentHousingStatus9 | Housing Plan for School 9 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; | |
studentLegalResidentBefore | Did you become a full-time resident of the state/country you entered above before January 1, XXXX? #end | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
studentOrSpouseDislocatedWorker | As of today, are you (or your spouse) a dislocated worker? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No;3-Don't know; | |
studentReceivedFederalBenefits | In XXXX or XXXX, did you, your spouse, or anyone in your household receive benefits from any federal benefit programs such as Medicaid or SSI, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Free or Reduced Price School Lunch, TANF or WIC benefits? Answering these questions will NOT reduce eligibility for student aid or these programs. | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
studentsAdjustedGrossIncomeFromIRSForm | Student's AGI from Income Tax Return | Textbox | | |
studentsBusinessAndOrInvestmentFarmNetWorth | Student's Businesses or Farm Net Worth ($) | Textbox | | |
studentsCashSavingsAndChecking | Student's Cash, Savings, and Checking Account Amounts ($) | Textbox | | |
studentsChildSupportPaid | Student's Child Support Paid | Textbox | | |
studentsChildSupportReceived | Student's Child Support Received | Textbox | | |
studentsCombatPay | Student's Combat Pay | Textbox | | |
studentsCoopEarnings | Student's Co-op Earnings | Textbox | | |
studentsDateofBirth | Date of Birth | Date | 01/01/2000-01/01/2000; | |
studentsDriversLicenseNumber | Student's Driver's License Number | Textbox | | |
studentsDriversLicenseStateCode | Student's Driver's License State | Dropdown | Two-letter state code Blank | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
studentsEducationalCredits | Student's Education Credits | Textbox | | |
studentsEligibilityToFileSchedule1 | Student's Eligibility to file Schedule 1 | Dropdown | 1-No;2-Yes;3-Don't know; | |
studentsEmailAddress | Student’s Primary Email Address | Textbox | | |
studentsFirstName | First Name | Textbox | | |
studentsGrantOrScholarshipAid | Student's Grant or Scholarship Aid | Textbox | | |
studentSignatureDate | N/A | Textbox | | |
studentSignatureLocation | N/A | Textbox | | |
studentSignatureName | N/A | Textbox | | |
studentsIncomeEarnedFromWork | Student's Income Earned from Working ($) | Textbox | | |
studentsInterestIncome | Student's Interest Income | Textbox | | |
studentsInvestmentNetWorth | Student's Real Estate or Investment Net Worth ($) | Textbox | | |
studentsIRAPayments | Student's IRA Payments | Textbox | | |
studentsLastName | Last Name | Textbox | | |
studentsLegalResidenceDate | Please provide the month and year you became a full-time resident of the state indicated. | Date | | |
studentsLegalResidenceDateCO | Please provide the month and year you became a full-time resident of the state indicated. | Date | | |
studentsMaritalStatus | Student's Marital Status | Dropdown | 1-Single;2-Married or Remarried;3-Separated; 4-Divorced or Widowed; | |
studentsMaritalStatusDate | Student's Marital Status Date | Date | | |
studentsMilitaryOrClergyAllowances | Student's Military or Clergy Allowances | Textbox | | |
studentsNeedBasedEmployment | Student's Need-Based Employment | Textbox | | |
studentsNumberinCollege | Student's Household Number in College | Dropdown | 1-9 | |
studentsNumberofFamilyMembers | Student's Household Number of Family Members | Dropdown | 1-20 | |
studentsOtherNonReportedMoney | Student's Other Non-Reported Money Received | Textbox | | |
studentsOtherUntaxedIncome | Student's Other Untaxed Income | Textbox | | |
studentsPensionPayments | Student's Pension Payments | Textbox | | |
studentsPermanentCity | Permanent Mailing City | Textbox | | |
studentsPermanentPhoneNumber | Student’s Primary Telephone Number | Textbox | | |
studentsPermanentState | Permanent Mailing State | Dropdown | Two-letter state code Blank | |
studentsPermanentZipCode | Permanent Mailing Zip Code | Textbox | | |
studentsStateofLegalResidence | Student's State/Country of Residence | Dropdown | Two-letter state code Blank | |
studentsTaxFilingStatus | Student's Income Tax Filing Status | Dropdown | 1-Single;2-Married - Filed Joint Return;3-Married - Filed Separate Return;4-Head of Household;5-Qualifying Widow(er);6-Don't Know; | |
studentsTaxReturnCompleted | Student's Income Tax Return Status | Dropdown | 1-Already Completed and Filed;2-Will File;3-Will Not File; | |
studentsTypeofTaxFormUsed | Student's Type of Income Tax Return | Dropdown | 1-IRS 1040;3-A foreign tax return, IRS 1040NR or IRS 1040NR-EZ;4-A tax return with Puerto Rico, another U.S. Territory, or Freely Associated State; | |
studentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensions | Students' untaxed portions of IRA distributions and pensions | Textbox | | |
studentSupplementalSecurityIncomeBenefits | Student's Medicaid or SSI Benefits | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
studentsUSIncomeTaxPaid | Student's Taxes Paid from Income Tax Return | Textbox | | |
studentsVeteransNoneducationBenefits | Student's Veterans Noneducational Benefits | Textbox | | |
studentTANFBenefits | Student's TANF Benefits | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
studentWICBenefits | Student's WIC Benefits | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
studentWillFileInformation | N/A | Text Only | | |
title | N/A | Textbox | | |
transactionNumber | N/A | Textbox | | |
unaccompaniedYouthDeterminedByHUD | At any time on or after July 1, XXXX, did the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or was self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
unaccompaniedYouthDeterminedBySchoolDistrictLiaison | At any time on or after July 1, XXXX, did your high school or school district homeless liaison determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or was self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
veteranofUSArmedForces | Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | |
WAareYouMaleOrFemale | Gender | Dropdown | 1-Male;2-Female;3-X; | Client custom field |
WAfirstBachelorsDegreeBy | Will you have your first bachelor’s degree before July 1, XXXX? This includes bachelors degrees earned at non-US higher education institutions. | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | Client custom field. |
WAInStateTuitionRates | N/A | Text Only | | Client Custom Field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
WAInStateTuitionRatesIneligible | N/A | Text Only | | Client Custom Field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
WAorphanOrWardOfCourtOrFosterCareCommentCode166 | N/A | Text Only | | Client Custom Field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
WAResidencyDACAStatus | | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | Client custom field |
username | N/A | | | |
userExternalId | N/A | | | |
userCreatedDate | N/A | | | |
userLastIpAddress | N/A | | | |
applicationId | N/A | | | |
institution | N/A | | | |
institutionExternalId | N/A | | | |
campus | N/A | | | |
campusExternalId | N/A | | | |
site | N/A | | | |
siteExternalId | N/A | | | |
program | N/A | | | |
programExternalId | N/A | | | |
type | N/A | | Financial Aid Application | |
name | N/A | | | Name from Document Setup |
status | N/A | | | |
createdDate | N/A | | | |
eSigned | N/A | | | |
eSignedDate | N/A | | | |
EFC | N/A | | | |
dependencyStatusCode | N/A | | I= Independent; D= Dependent | |
dependencyStatus | N/A | | Independent; Dependent | |
correctionProcessDate | N/A | | | |