Report Description
Regent created a new report to support Year Round Pell (YRP) called, “Year Round Pell Crossover Exceptions.” This report provides information on Pell crossover awarding. It identifies students for whom the current, configured FAY Crossover Awarding option (on Institution Setup) has not resulted in the highest amount of Pell award that the student could have received for the crossover payment period (PP). In other words, the report identifies cases where the student would have received a larger Pell award if the student had been packaged in the "other" FAY available for the crossover payment period.
Report Name: Year Round Pell Crossover Exceptions | |||
Parameters | Type | Option Descriptions | Rules |
Enterprise | Dropdown | Enterprise Name displays per Enterprise Setup | |
Institution(s) | Dropdown with checkbox options | Institution Name(s) display(s) per Institution Setup(s) |
Campus(es) | Dropdown with checkbox options | Campus Name(s) display(s) per Campus Setup(s) |
Site(s) | Dropdown with checkbox options | Site Name(s) display(s) per Site Setup(s) |
Type | Dropdown |
FAY Crossover Period | Dropdown |
Return Exceptions Only | Dropdown with checkbox options |
Include Historic (AY0) Crossover Payment Periods? | Dropdown with checkbox options |
Student is Active? | Dropdown with checkbox options |
Output | Descriptions | ||
ExternalID1 | External Identifier 1 displays per student table. | ||
ExternalID2 | External Identifier 2 displays per student table. | ||
First Name | First Name displays per student table. | ||
Last Name | Last Name displays per student table. | ||
Campus Name | Displays student's campus(es). | ||
Site | Displays student's site(s). | ||
Term / Payment Period | Displays the name of the crossover term / PP | ||
Payment Start Date | Displays Academic Plan's Start Date for the Crossover Payment Period. | ||
Payment End Date | Displays Academic Plan's End Date for the Crossover Payment Period. | ||
Crossover Payment Period is Historic (AY0)? | Returns Y or N, depending on whether or not the crossover payment period is in an AY0. | ||
Current Crossover PP FAY | The FAY currently selected for use for the student’s crossover PP. For example, for 2016-2017, if the student’s crossover PP is currently packaged with 2016-2017, the report would return “2016-2017” in this field. | ||
Current Crossover PP ISIR Transaction # | Displays the transaction number of the ISIR currently used to package the crossover PP. | ||
Current Crossover PP Active ISIR EFC | Displays the student's 9-month EFC (Primary EFC) from the ISIR currently used to package the crossover PP. | ||
Current Crossover PP Pell Amount | Per RNA packaging for the student, not just based on EFC. | ||
Current ISIR's Transaction Processed Date | Displays the date that the current ISIR was processed. | ||
Current Crossover FAY option | Returns either "former" or "latter." This value identifies how the student is configured to package (or how the student was packaged) right now. | ||
“Other” Crossover PP FAY | Displays the “other” FAY (the one that is not currently used to package the Crossover PP). For example, for 2016-2017, if the student’s crossover PP is currently packaged with 2016-2017, the report would return “2017-2018” in this field. | ||
“Other” Crossover PP ISIR Transaction # | Displays the transaction number of the "other" ISIR used to calculate the crossover PP. | ||
“Other” Crossover PP Active ISIR EFC | Displays the 9-month EFC (Primary EFC) from the "other" ISIR used to calculate the crossover PP. | ||
“Other” Crossover PP Pell Amount | Per RNA packaging for the student, not just based on EFC. | ||
"Other" ISIR's Transaction Processed Date | Displays the date that the "other" ISIR was processed. | ||
"Other" Crossover FAY option | Returns either "former" or "latter." This values identifies how the student would have packaged if configured to use the "other" FAY. | ||
Last Successful Packaged Date | Returns the Last Successfully Packaged On date from the Student table. | ||
Student is Active? | Returns Y if the student is active; N if the student is not active. Informational Note: Inactive students are listed as such on the student Summary tab. Students become inactive via the SBL file (active=false). |