Regent Award Reports
Regent Award reports allow the end user to save the report parameter values that were used to run the report. The next time the report is run, the parameters last used by that user, when running that report, will be saved, and can be used as a starting point, or for re-use when running the report again. This feature is available on all reports.
- Reports: Awarding - Overrides/Manual
- Reports: COD - Export Details and Exceptions
- Reports: ISIR - Conflicting Information (16-17 vs 17-18)
- Reports: ISIR - Identity / High School Verification Results
- Reports: Student - AY Overawards
- Reports: Overrides: Enrollment Status
- Reports: Student - Completed Units
- Reports: Student - Overawards in Overlapping Periods
- Reports: Student - Unreported Grades
- Reports: Work Study - Unearned Balance
- Reports: Work Study - Unearned Balance by FAY
- Reports: Awarding - Imported Awards
- Reports: Awarding - Packaging Status
- Reports: COD - Award & Disbursement
- Reports: COD - Award & Disbursements Rejects
- Reports: COD - Booked Loan Award
- Reports: COD - COD Export/EST Disbursement Comparison
- Reports: COD - Failed Export Validation Checks
- Reports: COD - Pending Responses
- Reports: COD - Transmittal Status
- Reports: Current Year Pell Used by School
- Reports: Disbursement Information
- Reports: EST Transactions
- Reports: External Resources
- Reports: FISAP Part II Section F Eligible Aid Applicant
- Reports: FISAP Part VI Program Summary
- Reports: FISAP Student Detail
- Reports: Fund - Budget
- Reports: G5 Reconciliation
- Reports: Illinois State Grant
- Reports: ISIR - Conflicting Information
- Reports: ISIR - Unusual Enrollment History
- Reports: ISIR - Verification/DRT
- Reports: Loan - Aggregate Limit Monitoring
- Reports: Loan - Average Indebtedness
- Reports: Loan - MPN Status
- Reports: Loan - PLUS Borrower Information
- Reports: Loan Periods to Adjust
- Reports: Loan Status Confirmation
- Reports: Loans - Overlapping Periods
- Reports: Needs Analysis
- Reports: NSLDS Import Process Results
- Reports: OH State Grant
- Reports: OTAG Award Claim
- Reports: OTAG Disbursement Claim
- Reports: Overall Status/Portfolio Executive
- Reports: Pell LEU
- Reports: Pell Verification Status
- Reports: Program Groups
- Reports: R2T4 Automated Process Results Report
- Reports: Ready to Package
- Reports: Rebuild - Unmatched Students
- Reports: SAP Review Exceeding 12 Months
- Reports: Setup - Disbursement Schedule
- Reports: Setup - Fund
- Reports: Student - Activity
- Reports: Student - Authorizations
- Reports: Student - Batch Load
- Reports: Student - Breaks
- Reports: Student - Communication Data
- Reports: Student - Course Details
- Reports: Student - Course Updates
- Reports: Student - Dependency Verification
- Reports: Student - Documents
- Reports: Student - Email Opt Out
- Reports: Student - Enrollment Statistics
- Reports: Student - Incomplete Documents
- Reports: Student - Messages
- Reports: Student - PWD Details
- Reports: Student - R2T4
- Reports: Student - Remedial Units
- Reports: Student - Roster (Detail)
- Reports: Student - SAP
- Reports: Student - SIS And ISIR Discrepancies
- Reports: Student - Unprocessed Award Data
- Reports: Student - Withdrawn All Courses
- Reports: Students - With Missing Documents
- Reports: System - Batch Packaging Errors
- Reports: System - SBL Validation Errors
- Reports: Award Information
- Reports: Awarding - Overawards
- Reports: COD - Pell Reconciliation
- Reports: Task - Status
- Reports: Tasks - User Productivity
- Reports: User and Role Information
- Reports: WI State Grant
- Reports: Work Study - Exceptions
- Reports: Year Round Pell Crossover Exceptions
- Reports: Import Wisconsin State Grant Process Results
- Reports: ISIR - Student Listing
- Reports: ISIR - Unmatched
- Reports: ISIR - Corrections
View Students
In order to accommodate a school’s need to limit access to student data to only certain users/roles within a given institution, Regent Award reports have the ability to restrict the data to be selected and returned in reports based upon role privileges. Within Regent Award setup (Enterprise, Institution, Campus, and Site level), “View Students” permissions are used to control the end user's access to student population returned by the report's output. The permissions control the availability of values in the Enterprise, Institution, Campus, and Site drop-down fields on the report parameter's UI. Enterprises, Institutions, Campuses, and Sites that the user does not have access to via the "View Students" permission will be inactivated so that they cannot be selected when running the report. The following reports use the "View Students" permissions:
- Import Wisconsin State Grant Process Results
- ISIR - Conflicting Information
- ISIR - Conflicting Information (16-17 vs 17-18)
- ISIR - Corrections
- ISIR - Identity / High School Verification Results
- ISIR - Student Listing
- ISIR – Unmatched (Note: This report has only the Institution parameter; thus, it should display only those Institutions for which the user has the "View Students" permission at the Institution level.)
- ISIR - Unusual Enrollment History
- ISIR - Verification/DRT
- Loan - Aggregate Limit Monitoring
- OH State Grant
- Pell LEU
- Pell Verification Status
- Ready to Package
- Student - Activity
- Student - Batch Load
- Student - Communication Data
- Student - Dependency Verification
- Student - Documents
- Student - Email Opt Out
- Student - SIS and ISIR Discrepancies
- Students - With Missing Documents
- System - SBL Validation Errors
- Task - Status
- Tasks - User Productivity
- Wisconsin (WI) State Grant
View Students SSN
Regent Award reports determine the display of a student's Social Security Number (SSN) based on the permissions View full SSN via "View Full SSN" icon and Full SSN always Unmasked. If the user has the View full SSN via "View Full SSN" icon or the Full SSN always Unmasked permission enabled, Regent Award displays the full SSN in the "Social Security Number" or "SSN" column of the report. If both permissions are disabled, Regent displays the masked SSN (only the last four digits). For example:
- Masked: "xxxxx6789"
- Unmasked: "123456789"
Note: A report's output can display the SSN in the "Social Security Number" or "SSN," "Financial Award ID," or "Loan ID" column. Only the display of the SSN in the "Social Security Number" or "SSN" columns are determined by the View full SSN via "View Full SSN" icon and the Full SSN always Unmasked permissions.
The following reports display SSN data based on these permissions. For additional details, please review each report's wiki page (listed above in the Reports Available in Regent Award section).
- Import Wisconsin State Grant Process Results
- Student - SIS And ISIR Discrepancies
- COD - Award & Disbursements Rejects
- COD - COD Export/EST Disbursement Comparison
- G5 Reconciliation
- COD - Booked Loan Award
- COD – Failed Export Validation Checks
- ISIR - Corrections
- ISIR - Student Listing
- Loan Periods to Adjust
- Loan Status Confirmation
- OH State Grant
- Student - Batch Load
- System - SBL Validation Errors
- WI State Grant