Reports: Awarding - Overawards
Report Description
This report enables schools to readily identify students who may be over-awarded need or cost for a specific period of time.
Payment Periods (one line per payment period in the selected date range, so if a student has three Payment Periods with start dates in the range selected, the report should show a row for each)
Loan Periods (one line per payment period in the selected date range, so if a student has three Loan Periods with start dates in the range selected, the report should show a row for each)
Academic years (one line per payment period in the selected date range, so if a student has three AYs with start dates in the range selected, the report should show a row for each)
Program start date (show data for each academic year in the student's program.)
Needs-Based T4 Awards" will include the total amount awarded for the following five awards in the amounts they were awarded to a student during the period selected for the report:
Federal Direct Subsidized Loan
Federal Pell Grant
Federal Perkins Loan
Federal Supplemental Grant
Federal Work Study
Report Parameters / Filters
Institution (multi-select)
Campus (multi-select)
Sites (multi-select)
Period Type
Academic Year (if chosen, disable all date ranges other than Academic Year)
Term/Payment Period (if chosen, disable all date ranges other than Payment Period)
Academic Year Start Date From
Academic Year Start Date To
Term Based
Non-Term Based
NonStandard Term
Term (multi-select)
Payment Period Start Date Range From
Payment Period Start Date Range To
Exclude Students with No Financial Need
Student is Active?
Output Columns
External Student ID (1-4 as applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Payment Period
Payment Period Start Date
Payment Period End Date
Resources + Manual Resources
Need (COA-EFC-Resources)
Unmet Need
Unmet Cost
Student is Active?