Reports: EST Transactions

Report Description

This report allows the user to pull paid transactions (positive and negative) from a date range of ESTs or for certain payment periods, federal award years, and/or funds.

Report Parameters / Filters

  • Enterprise
  • Institution (multi-select)
  • Campus (multi-select)
  • Site (multi-select)
  • Federal Award Year (multi-select)
  • Fund (multi-select)
  • Period Type 
  • Term (multi-select) - if Term are selected, disable the PP to dates and Release Date selections. .
  • Payment Period Start Date Range From - if Payment Period is chosen, disable the Term selection and Release Date selections.
  • Payment Period Start Date Range To
  • Release (EST) Date From - If Release Date is chosen, disable the Term and PP selections.
  • Release (EST) Date To
  • Transaction Date From - If Transaction Date is chosen, disable the Term and PP selections, and Release Date To/From fields.
  • Transaction Date To
  • Is R2T4-Refund?
    • All
    • Yes
    • No
  • Is R2T4-PWD? 
    • All
    • Yes
    • No
  • Student is Active?
    • All
    • Yes
    • No

Output Columns

  • Institution
  • Campus
  • Site
  • External ID (1 thru 4 as applicable)
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Term / Payment Period
  • Payment Period Start Date
  • Payment Period End Date
  • Fund
  • Federal Award Year
  • Scheduled Disbursement Date
  • Release Date
  • Transaction Amount (including negative AND positive transactions)
  • Transaction Date
  • R2T4-Refund
  • R2T4-PWD
  • Student is Active?