My Tasks
Katie Macpherson (Deactivated)
Emily Bivona (Deactivated)
The tasks that are assigned to you and Unassigned tasks are displayed in the Home section of the Dashboard. The My Tasks displays tasks that have been assigned directly to you. Each task assigned to you will include a short description of the task including the student to which the task pertains. You will be able to use the search and filter processes (see Student Search for details) to search for specific items. Items are displayed in red if they have not been completed in the expected time frame for doing so.
How Do I Process A Task?
When you click on the row containing a task, the details of that task are displayed at the bottom of the page. If you then click on the student ID, you will be taken directly to the student record to complete the task.
Once you have completed the task, click on the Open Tasks tab and click the Edit icon at the bottom of the page. Change the status of the task to the appropriate value and then click Save. Once a task is marked as closed, it moves to the Completed task tab.
Note: If the "Show reminder when closing tasks whose documents have not been updated" setting under the Task Settings section of Institution Setup is set to yes, and you update a document-related task to closed/completed/waived, the system will remind you to update the status of the related documents.
If you try to change the status of multiple document tasks at once, the reminder will ask for your confirmation and display the number of tasks that have incomplete documents. You can still close tasks with outstanding documents, but this reminder will reduce the number of forgotten documents.
How do I review the activity related to a task?
To view the activity related to a specific task, click on the row containing the task on the student's task tab or within a task queue. Then click on the Activity subtab. This will display all the activity which has taken place related to the individual task.
How do I reassign tasks?
Under My Tasks (or Unassigned Tasks), click on the appropriate task queue. Search for the task or tasks you need to reassign. check the box to the left of the task(s) to be reassigned. Click the Change icon and set it to Assignee and select the appropriate role and/or person to reassign the task to and then click on the Submit icon. If you check the box in the description row, all the items on the page will be selected.
Unassigned Tasks
Unassigned tasks are displayed in the Home section of the Dashboard. The tasks displayed in this section are tasks that have been assigned to the role you are currently logged in, but not to you specifically. The Tasks are sorted into Queues by task type. Each task will include a short description of the task including the student to which the task pertains. You will be able to use the search and filter processes (see Student Search for details) to search for specific items.
How do I assign myself a task?
Under Unassigned Tasks, click on the appropriate task queue. Search for the task or tasks you need to reassign. check the box to the left of the task(s) to be reassigned. Click the Change icon and set it to Assignee and select the appropriate role and/or person to reassign the task to and then click on the Submit icon. If you check the box in the description row, all the items on the page will be selected.
How do I process a task from Unassigned Tasks?
You can process a task from Unassigned Tasks without first assigning it to yourself by clicking on the icon to the Student ID in student details. Once you have completed the task, click on the Open Tasks tab and click the Edit icon at the bottom of the page. Change the status of the task to the appropriate value and then click Save.
How do I assign a task to another person or role?
To assign a task to another person or role, follow the same steps listed above for assigning a task to yourself selecting the appropriate person and/or role in the process.
User Queue Refreshment Process
As the end user completes a task, they will be assigned a new task from the same queue, as long as tasks are available in that queue to be assigned to them. The first tasks to be assigned will be the highest priority tasks available in the unassigned "pool" of tasks for that task queue.
If an end user completes tasks in bulk, they will still only be assigned one task. This ensures that the highest priority tasks are distributed evenly amongst the team working the tasks pools – as we would not want a single user being assigned the 10 highest priority tasks, which are all due within three days, while another user has all low priority tasks, which are not due for 2 months.
If a user has a task in an "Open" status, the process will assume that the task is not yet being worked. When the scheduled auto-task assignment process is ran (or the icon is clicked from the UI), the process will redistribute tasks. If the "Open" tasks in a user's pool of tasks are of lower priority then tasks in the "Unassigned" pool, then the process can remove the lower priority tasks from the user's "My Tasks" queue, and replace them with higher priority tasks.