Task Management

Task Management

SOP Title: Task Management

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1 Purpose

These procedures will guide {INSERT TEAM NAME} through list process(es)

2 Scope

The {INSERT TEAM NAME} will be impacted by this procedure.

3 Roles and Responsibility

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} with a {define role} will be responsible for list action

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} will be responsible for list action share.

4 Definitions





5 Procedure

5.1 Task Escalation and Assignment Process Flow     


  • User with appropriate permissions 

  • Regent


  • Student has been created in Regent

  • Tasks and Task Queues are configured

  • Regent Award has generated Tasks 

Basic Flow 

  1. Regent system runs “Task Escalation Process” via Runbook schedule. 

  2. Regent system runs “Task Assignment Process” via Runbook schedule. 

    1. Regent system assigns task per a round robin assignment: User Roles are configured with maximum number of tasks per queue per user.  For example: if a role is configured to be assigned 5 task queues with a maximum number of 10 tasks per queue, the user could have up to a maximum of 50 tasks. 

  3. User accesses task queues by clicking on ‘Home’ on left-side menu bar.   

    1. The tasks menu contains three sections: My Tasks, Assigned Tasks, and Unassigned Tasks. 

      1. My Tasks: Tasks which have been assigned to the individual user. 

      2. Assigned Tasks: Current outstanding tasks which have been assigned to a user. 

      3. Unassigned Tasks: Current outstanding tasks which have not yet been assigned to a user. All unassigned tasks should be assigned to a user using the following methodology prior to working through the task. This ensures there are never two users attempting to work the same task simultaneously. 

  4. User begins workflow by clicking on highest priority task in ‘My Tasks’ 

    1. Sorts by priority by clicking on ‘Priority’ in the heading. 


  5. Clicks on task to be worked. 

  6. Scrolls to bottom of ‘General’ sub-tab and clicks ‘View Student’ next to Student ID. 


  7. User reviews task and updates task status appropriately and updates corresponding documents as applicable.   

5.2 Assigning a Task  


  • User with appropriate permissions 

  • Regent


  • Student has been created in Regent Award  

  • Regent Award has generated Tasks

Basic Flow 

  1. User accesses task queues by clicking on ‘Home’ on left-side menu bar. 

    1. The tasks menu contains three sections: My Tasks, Assigned Tasks, and Unassigned Tasks. 

      1. My Tasks: Tasks which have been assigned to the individual user 

      2. Assigned Tasks: Current outstanding tasks which have been assigned to a user 

      3. Unassigned Tasks: Current outstanding tasks which have not yet been assigned to a user. All unassigned tasks should be assigned to a user using the following methodology prior to working through the task. This ensures there are never two users attempting to work the same task simultaneously. 

  2. Click on ‘Unassigned Tasks’ 

  3. To assign tasks, user either: 

    1. Clicks the selection box on left side for individual task assignment, or 

    2. Clicks the selection box in the heading to select all currently displayed tasks. 
      Note, when selecting ‘All Tasks,’ the screen selects Tasks that are currently visible (i.e., only the first 20 results).

    3. With the tasks selected, at the top of the sub-tab, the user selects the “Change” menu and chooses “Assignee” from dropdown list.  

    4. Selects user to whom to assign the task (such as the current user, for self-assignment)

    5. Clicks Submit to change the assignee on all the selected Tasks. 

  4. Task is removed from the Unassigned Task flow and moves to the Assigned Tasks flow, as well as the users My Tasks flow. 

    1. Note: Generally, Tasks should be assigned based on the oldest outstanding task (if applicable).


Change Log


Description of Change



Description of Change


May 31, 2024

Reviewed content and updated screenshots.

Jennifer Black



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