ISIR Verification & Corrections

ISIR Verification & Corrections

SOP Title: ISIR Verification & Corrections

Document #:


Revision #:


Effective Date:








1 Purpose

These procedures will guide {INSERT TEAM NAME} through [list process(es)].

2 Scope

The {INSERT TEAM NAME} will be impacted by this procedure.

3 Roles and Responsibility

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} with a {define role} will be responsible for [list action].

4 Definitions





5 Procedure

5.1 Regent Review: Initial Verification Worksheet Smart Form


  • Student

  • User with appropriate permissions

  • Verification Worksheet Smart Form

  • Student Portal

  • Regent Award


  • Imported ISIR indicated the student has been selected for verification (V1 or V5)

Basic Flow

  1. Regent Award populates the ‘Verification Worksheet VWS’ (SmartForm for V1) or the ‘Verification Worksheet VWS – V5' (SmartForm for V5) and any applicable income verification documents on the student’s Documents tab when the ISIR is imported.

  2. Regent Award sends the communication to the student via the Runbook schedule.

    1. Sends the “Missing Information’ communication to the student to notify the student of the verification and document requirements according to the Runbook schedule.

      1. The ‘Missing Information’ communication is sent to the student.

  3. The student:

    1. Accesses the student portal

    2. Completes the Verification Worksheet (SmartForm)

    3. Opts to E-sign by agreeing to “Terms and Conditions”

    4. E-signs the document

    5. If Dependent, invites the parent to the portal

  4. Once all signatures have been received, Regent Award updates the Verification document status as ‘Received’ and triggers the following tasks:

    1. ‘Review Student Document(s)’ task in the ‘Review Verification Document(s)’ task queue for each document submitted by the student with any of the document use types listed below.

      1. Facilitate Verification

      2. Facilitate Student IRS Data Match Flag (FAY 23-24 and prior)

      3. Facilitate Parent IRS Data Match Flag (FAY 23-24 and prior)

      4. Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent (FAY 24-25 and forward)

      5. Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent Spouse or Partner (FAY 24-25 and forward)

      6. Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student (FAY 24-25 and forward)

      7. Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student Spouse (FAY 24-25 and forward)

    2. Once all documents with the use types listed above are in a 'Satisfied' or 'Waived' status Regent Review will trigger a task in the Ready for Verification task queue


  • All documents with a document use type of ‘Facilitate Verification’ or ‘Facilitate Student IRS Data Match Flag’ or ‘Facilitate Parent IRS Data Match Flag’ or ‘Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent’ or ‘Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent Spouse or Partner’ or ‘Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student’ or ‘Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student Spouse’ are in ‘Satisfied’ or ‘Waived’ status.

5.2 Non-Regent Review: ISIR Verification Document Workflow (Non-Smart Form)


  • Student 

  • User with appropriate permissions 

  • Verification Worksheet  

  • Student Portal 

  • Regent Award 


  • ISIRs are imported into Regent Award and matched to a student via ISIR import process. 

  • Manual Verification document requirement is pre-configured with a downloadable verification worksheet school form 

  • Student’s ISIR is self- selected by institution 

Basic Flow 

  1. The User: 

    1. Manually adds the non- Regent Review Verification Worksheet’ and any other required income related documents in a ‘Needed’ document status in Regent Award 

    2. Sends the ‘Missing Information’ communication to the student to notify the student of the verification requirement according to the Runbook schedule.  

      1. The ‘Missing Information’ communication is sent to the student. 

  2. The student (and parent for dependent students): 

    1. Downloads the ‘Verification Worksheet’ school form from the portal. 

    2. Completes the ‘Verification Worksheet’. 

    3. Uploads the document(s) to the Student Portal, or 

      1. If the documents are uploaded via the Student Portal, Regent Award automatically updates the document status to ‘Received’. 

    4. Provides the document(s) in person to the school. 

      1. If the documents are provided in person, the User uploads the documents in Regent Award or manually updates the document(s) status to ‘Received’ by: 

        1. Navigating to the student record 

        2. Clicking on the Documents tab 

        3. Selecting the appropriate document  

        4. Uploading document (if applicable)  

        5. Changing status of selected items to: ‘Received’ 

        6. Clicking submit 

  3. Regent Award creates a ‘Review Student Document(s)’ task in the ‘Review Verification Documents’ task queue for each document submitted by the student with any of the document use types listed above. 

  4. The User:

    1. Reviews each submitted document for completeness. If the verification worksheet is:

      1. Satisfactory:

        1. Change the document status to ‘Satisfied’

        2. Change the associated task status to ‘Completed’

      2. If Not satisfactory:

        1. Change the document status of the original incorrect worksheet to ‘Incomplete’

        2. Enter a message to the student in the Reasons box

        3. Change the task status associated with the incorrect worksheet to ‘Completed’

  5. The User reviews each submitted document for completeness. If submitted income documentation is:

    1. Review all verification-related documents, is satisfactory:

      1. Change the document status to ‘Satisfied’

      2. Change the associated task status to ‘Completed’

    2. Review all verification related documents, if not satisfactory:

      1. Change the document status of the incorrect document to ‘Incomplete’

      2. Add a comment to the Reason box to display to student

      3. Change the task status associated with the incorrect document to ‘Closed’

  6. The ‘Review Facilitate Verification Document(s)’ tasks are populated in the ‘Ready for Verification’ task queue when:

    1. All documents submitted by the student with any of the document use types listed above are in a ‘Satisfied’ or ‘Waived’ status. 

    2. All tasks associated with the verification documents have been ‘Completed’ or ‘Closed’.

  7. The User can either self-assign the task or the task is assigned by the task assignment process.  


  • All documents with a document use type of ‘Facilitate Verification’ or ‘Facilitate Student IRS Data Match Flag’ or ‘Facilitate Parent IRS Data Match Flag’ or ‘Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent’ or ‘Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent Spouse or Partner’ or ‘Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student’ or ‘Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student Spouse’ are in ‘Satisfied’ or ‘Waived’ status.

5.3 ISIR Verification/ Correction Wizard


  • Student

  • User with appropriate permissions

  • ISIR

  • Regent Award


  • ISIRs are imported into Regent Award and matched to a student via the ISIR import process.

  • Student’s ISIR is self-selected by the institution

  • All documents with a document use type of ‘Facilitate Verification’ or ‘Facilitate Student IRS Data Match Flag’ or ‘Facilitate Parent IRS Data Match Flag’ or ‘Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent’ or ‘Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent Spouse or Partner’ or ‘Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student’ or ‘Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student Spouse’ are in ‘Satisfied’ or ‘Waived’ status.

Basic Flow

  1. The User:

    1. Navigates to the student ISIR tab

    2. Clicks on the Active ISIR

    3. Under ISIR Details, clicks Start ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard

    4. Compares verifiable information contained in the ISIR record with the data from the document(s) reviewed (e.g. household size, income, etc.) for all the data categories.

      1. If data corrections are required:

        1. Clicks on the field and enters the Corrected Value field.

        2. Clicks on the Correction Processing Information tab.

        3. Selects ‘Yes’ for Professional Judgement under the Corrected Value column.

        4. Clicks ‘Continue’.

      2. If there are no changes to be made, proceeds to the next step by clicking continue.

    5. Repeats verification for each data category, until all categories are reviewed.

      1. If additional forms are required, then assign the additional documents to the student in ‘Needed’ status, selecting an applicable document reason.

        1. The User WILL NOT complete the task. 

          1. NOTE: The task should remain open until the document is returned by the student.  This will allow the FA Processor to keep this student in their open task queue for follow-up.

    6. When the student provides the additional documents, the User resumes verification.

    7. Reviews the data in Results of Recalculation (if available) and in Listing of Changes.

  2. Click on Verification Status dropdown box and change status to Verified.

    1. If changes are in the data fields on previous screen, click ‘Mark Corrections for Submission to CPS?’ dropdown box and change answer to Yes.  The Results of Recalculation displays the EFC recalculation value.

      1. Note: Packaging will be restricted until the corrected FAY ISIR is received from CPS.

    2. If there are unusual circumstances involved or if there are some complicated factors add the information in the Notes field (internal use only).

    3. Click Finish.              


·       The ISIR has been successfully verified.

5.4 Corrections to Verification Worksheet (Revised-Request SmartForm)


  • Student

  • User with appropriate permissions

  • Verification Worksheet (SmartForm)

  • Student Portal

  • Regent Award


  • Imported ISIR indicated the student has been selected for verification and Regent Award has auto-populated the Verification Worksheet (SmartForm).

  • The student completes the Verification Worksheet and submits via the Student Portal.

  • User identifies inconsistencies and determines corrections are needed.

Basic Flow

Note: The initial Verification Worksheet (SmartForm) will only auto-populate from Regent Award once per Federal Award Year.

  1. The User:

    1. Reviews each submitted document for completeness. If the verification worksheet is not satisfactory:

      1. Changes the document status of the incorrect document to ‘Waived’

      2. Changes the task status associated with the incorrect document to ‘Closed’

    2. Navigates to ‘Documents’ tab of student record.

    3. Adds ‘Verification Worksheet (VWS)-Revised Request’.

    4. Confirms status is set to ‘Needed’ and confirm correct FAY.

    5. Adds comments to the Reason box to indicate what data element is incorrect or needs to be revised.

    6. Clicks ‘Save’


  • Student has received the updated missing communication via the Runbook schedule.

Alternative Flow (V Group Change)

  1. Subsequent ISIR is imported and flagged for a change in verification group.

  2. Initial ‘Verification Worksheet’ had not been previously submitted by student/ parent and is in ‘Needed’ status.

  3. Regent Award:

    1. Auto waives the ‘Verification Worksheet’

    2. Auto-populates the ‘Verification Worksheet-Change’ in a ‘Needed’ status

  4. The User will review each submitted document for completeness and follow the verification process as normal.

5.5 New Inactive ISIR


  • Student

  • User

  • ISIR

  • Regent Award


  • A new ISIR transaction has been imported into Regent Award.

Basic Flow

  1. Regent Award populates the ‘Review New Inactive ISIR’ task in the ‘Review ISIR’ task queue.

  2. The User:

    1. Navigates to the student ISIR tab and reviews the new Inactive ISIR imported the date the ‘Review New Inactive ISIR’ task was triggered.

    2. Clicks Compare ISIRs to compare the new Inactive ISIR to the Active ISIR to review the changes.

    3. Selects the Active ISIR and the new Inactive ISIR.

    4. If the User determines the new Inactive ISIR should be made active, clicks ‘Make Active’ on the new Inactive ISIR, displayed in the Active column.

    5. Navigates back to the Tasks tab.

    6. Changes the status to the appropriate value.

    7. Clicks Save.

  3. Once the task is marked as closed, the task moves to the Completed task tab.


  • The New Inactive ISIR has been reviewed and made Active if the user determined the ISIR should be made Active.

5.6 Subsequent Unclean ISIR


  • Student

  • User with appropriate permission  

  • ISIR

  • Regent Award


  • A new ISIR transaction has been imported into Regent Award and generates new document requirements.

Basic Flow

  1. Regent Award populates the ‘Review Subsequent Unclean’ task in the ‘Review ISIR’ task queue.

  2. The User:

    1. Navigates to the student ISIR tab and reviews the ISIR triggered by the Review Subsequent Unclean ISIR task..

    2. Clicks Compare ISIRs to compare the Subsequent Unclean ISIR triggered by the task to the previous Active ISIR to review the changes.

    3. Selects the ISIR triggered by the task and the previous Active ISIR.

    4. Reviews the changed data elements in the Subsequent Unclean ISIR.

    5. Navigates back to the Tasks tabs.

    6. Changes the status to the appropriate value.

    7. Clicks Save.

  3. Once the task is marked as closed, the task moves to the Completed task tab.


  • The unclean ISIR has been successfully reviewed and documents have been added (if applicable)


5.7 Review FPS (Formerly CPS) Generated/Pushed ISIR

  1. Regent Award populates the ‘Review CPS/ Pushed ISIR’ task to the ‘Review ISIR’ task queue.

  2. The User follows the steps outlined above for Review Subsequent Unclean ISIR.

  3. The task is marked as closed, moving the task to the Completed task tab.

5.8 ATB Data


  • Student

  • User

  • ISIR

  • Regent Award


  • An ISIR transaction has been imported into Regent Award and shows the value for high school diploma as None of the Above or Blank.

  • The imported SBL indicates the Grandfathered ATB flag as ‘false’

Basic Flow

  1. Regent Award populates the ‘Review ATB’ task in the ‘Review Student Eligibility’ task queue.

  2. The User:

    1. Navigates to the student ISIR tab and reviews the student’s response to the High School question.

    2. Validates high school diploma information in the SIS for accuracy.

    3. If necessary, navigates to ‘Documents’ tab and manually adds the ‘High School Verification’ document in a ‘Needed’ status.

      1. If ‘High School Verification’ document has not been satisfied, the task must remain open.

      2. If ‘High School Diploma Verification’ document has been satisfied, navigate back to the tasks tab and change the status to the appropriate value and click save.

    4. Navigates to the Student Details tab and updates the High School information:

      1. Clicks ‘Edit’,

      2. Selects the applicable SIS High School Diploma Type.

      3. Clicks ‘Save’.

  3. Once the task is marked as closed, the task moves to the Completed task tab.


  • The high school information has been successfully reviewed and updated appropriately and student is packaged.

Alternative Flow

Student Updates ISIR

  1. Student submits a correction to the High School Information on the ISIR.

  2. School receives a subsequent ISIR with valid High School Information.

  3. User marks the task as closed.

5.9 Dependent Record Unsub Only


  • Student

  • User with appropriate permissions

  • ISIR

  • Regent Award


  • An ISIR transaction has been imported into Regent Award and flagged with

    • Reject 14 and Comment Code 049 (“Special Circumstance Flag” of “4” FAY 23-24 and prior)

Basic Flow

  1. Regent Award will populate the ‘Review Dependent Record Unsub Only’ task in the ‘Review Professional Judgement’ task queue.

  2. The User will:

    1. Navigate to the ISIR tab and review the active ISIR to review student information.

    2. Review notes in the SIS or other applications to identify if any discussions on a dependency override have occurred with the student.

      1. If no discussions have occurred, reach out to the student to review the unique situation and discuss documents or FAFSA update required

    3. If student will be submitting documentation as proof of dependency override, add required documents and assign a status of ‘Needed’ selecting an applicable document reason.

    4. The User should not complete the task until all documents have been returned.


  • Student has submitted documents for a dependency override or corrected FAFSA.

Alternative Flow

Dependent Unsub Only

  1. If student will not be submitting documentation for a dependency override, the user should update the task status.

  2. The student will receive Unsubsidized loan only during awarding.

  3. The task is marked as closed, moving the task to the Completed task tab.



Description of Change



Description of Change



  1. Minor Text Changes

  2. Updated, ‘Dependent Record Unsub Only’ to ‘Dependent Record Unsub Only (2023-2024 FAY and Prior)’


Jen Dewey