Marital Status Change

Marital Status Change

SOP Title: Marital Status Change

Document #:


Revision #:


Effective Date:








1 Purpose

These procedures will guide {INSERT TEAM NAME} through list process(es)

2 Scope

The {INSERT CLIENT TEAM NAME} will be impacted by this procedure.

3 Roles and Responsibility

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} with a {define role} will be responsible for list action

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} will be responsible for list action share.

4 Definitions





5 Procedure

5.1 Marital Status Change (MSC) 


  • Student 

  • User with appropriate permissions  

  • Regent Award 


  • Student indicates a MSC while completing the Regent Review VWS. 


  1. Enable Marital Status Change on Student Portal Setup 

    1. Go to Smart Form

    2. Enable VWS Marital Status Change = Yes 

  2. Document Marital Status Documentation 

    1. Description - Assigned by VWS if the student has a change in marital status on the VWS 

    2. Attachment Allowed - Yes 

    3. Select the Process that this document facilitates: Facilitate Verification 

    4. Initial Status - Needed 

    5. Activity Type - Verification Related 

    6. Scope - Federal Award Year 

    7. Selected FA Years - 2024 - 2025 forward 

    8. Message - According to your responses on the VWS your marital status has change since you completed your initial FAFSA. Please provide documentation of the change in marital status, i.e. marriage certificate, divorce decree. 

    9. Enable Restrictions - Yes 

    10. Restrict Process Restrict Packaging 

    11. Cancel Funds if document is in unsatisfied status - No (Schools specific) 

    12. Select the funds that this process restricts: All Funds (School specific) 

    13. ISIR Assignment Enabled = No 

    14. Packaging Assignment = No 

    15. SBL Assignment = No 

    16. Electronic Signature = No 

  3. Document FAFSA Correction For Marital Status Change 

    1. Description - Manually assigned if the school wants the student to correct the marital status on the FAFSA or Assign due to Reject 21 

    2. Attachment Allowed - No 

    3. Select the Process that this document facilitates: Facilitate Verification 

    4. Initial Status - Needed 

    5. Activity Type - Verification Related 

    6. Scope - Federal Award Year 

    7. Selected FA Years - 2024 - 2025 forward 

    8. Message - According to your responses on the VWS, your marital status has changed since you completed your initial FAFSA. You will need to submit a correction to your FAFSA for the change in marital status via www.FAFSA.ed.gov.  

    9. Enable Restrictions - Yes 

    10. Restrict Process Restrict Packaging 

    11. Cancel Funds if document is in unsatisfied status - No 

    12. Select the funds that this process restricts: All Funds 

    13. ISIR Assignment Enabled = No 

      1. Marital Status Change: Selected (On ISIR Assignment tab) 

    14. Packaging Assignment = No 

    15. SBL Assignment = No 

    16. Electronic Signature = No 

Basic Flow 

Marital Status Change (MSC) after FAFSA Date - Student answers ‘yes’ to the Marital Status Changed question on the VWS 

  1. Student starts VWS and indicates MSC after FAFSA dates. 

  2. Student signs and completes VWS. 

    1. Document persist from the VWS: 

      1. Marital Status Documentation (allows attachments) in a needed status– Documentation is requested from student for proof in marital status change.  

  3. Student submits the Marital Status documentation. 

    1. Review Student Document task triggers in the Review Verification Task Queue 

  4. FA User reviews the Marital Status documentation. 

    1. If approved, 

      1. Option 1:  FA User will: 

        1. Update the Marital Status document to ‘Satisfied’. 

          1. Temporary Workaround-Update Spouse/Parent documents to a ‘Waived’ status if the documents were auto-populated via the previous ISIR and are no longer applicable. 

          2. FA User will update the task status to ‘Closed’ or ‘Complete’ for Review Proof of Marital Status document 

        2. Add Verification Worksheet (VWS) Revised Request document

        3. Submit MSC correction ISIR on student’s behalf, OR 

      2. Option 2:  FA User will: 

        1. Update the Marital Status document to ‘Satisfied’. 

          1. FA User will update the task status to ‘Closed’ or ‘Complete’ for Review Proof of Marital Status document

          2. Add FAFSA Correction document (new document that does not allow attachments) with a comment in the Reason field to indicate student needs to submit a correction for MSC. 

          3. Add Verification Worksheet (VWS) Revised Request document with a message to complete after their corrected FAFSA for MSC has been completed and received.

          4. Student completes correction to FAFSA for MSC. 

      3. New ISIR is imported into Regent Award with  the corrected marital status.

        1. The student completes the Verification Worksheet-Revised Request with the change in marital status. 


  • Student is verified and ready to package  

Alternative Flow 

  • FA user denies the MSC:  

    • FA User will add update the Marital Status document to the applicable status (unsatisfactory.) 

    • Add a Verification Worksheet-Revised Request document and add comments to the student to indicate the change in marital status was denied and needs to complete VWS based on the original ISIR marital status.  

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