Ready to Package

Ready to Package

SOP Title: Ready to Package

Document #:


Revision #:


Effective Date:








1 Purpose

These procedures will guide {INSERT TEAM NAME} through list process(es)

2 Scope

The {INSERT TEAM NAME} will be impacted by this procedure.

3 Roles and Responsibility

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} with a {define role} will be responsible for list action

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} will be responsible for list action share.

4 Definitions





5 Procedure

5.1 Ready to Package Status 


  • User with appropriate permissions 

  • Regent Award 

  • Student 


  • ISIRs are imported into Regent and matched to a student  

Basic Flow 

  1.  ISIR is in a ‘clean’ status 

    1. The active ISIR transaction for the FAY is clean (i.e. not selected for and does not populate any documents that restrict packaging).  

    2. If the active ISIR was selected for Verification, it must have a verification status or inherited verification status = "Verified".   

    3. The current active ISIR does not have a ‘Correction Status’ of ‘Corrected’, ‘Marked for Transmission’, or ‘Transmitted’. 

    4. All student documents that are setup to Restrict Packaging and/or Disbursement and are associated to the FAY of the ISIR (AY and PP scope also have an FAY association) or student-scoped are in ‘Satisfied’ or ‘Waived’ status. 

    5. All ISIR tasks (e.g. subsequent unclean ISIR) that are setup to restrict packaging, disbursements, or positive and negative disbursements for the FAY are in a status of ‘Completed’, ‘Closed’ or ‘Waived’.  All Tasks that restrict packaging are Closed, Complete, or Waived.

      1. Student records that were previously exported for the FAY but now have an unresolved Task that Restricts Packaging, will be set to a Pending status for the RTP file.

  2. The user navigates to Processes 

    1. Clicks on the Export Process 

    2. Selects the Export Ready to Package File (CSV) 

    3. Clicks Export 

    4. Retrieves the RTP file output from the sFTP and makes available to the appropriate team. 


  • The RTP output file is produced   

Alternative Flows 

  • Change in the file occurs  

  1.  Student sent on RTP as “Pending” if one of the following changes occurs: 

    1. Student makes a correction which triggers a new ISIR and student is selected for verification 

    2. A new student scope or FAY scope document is added to the student in a ‘Needed’ or ‘Incomplete’ status  

  • Unsub Only (“X” Dependency Status)

  1. Varies by FAY:

    1. FAY 2023-2024 and earlier: Student’s ISIR has a Special Circumstances flag value of 4.

    2. FAY 2024-2025: Student’s ISIR indicates ISIR Reject 14, Unsub Only, as the only reject code.

  2. Student is sent on RTP

5.2 Updated Ready to Package Status to Pending 


  • User with appropriate permissions 

  • Regent Award 

  • Student 


  • ISIRs are imported into Regent and matched to a student 

Basic Flow 

  1. FA Directors leverage the ‘Ready to Package’ report in Regent Award to review students included on the RTP File.

    1. Clicks Reports Menu

      1. Selects ‘Ready to Package’

      2. Inputs Enterprise, Institution, and Campus

      3. Clicks “View Report” 



Change Log


Description of Change



Description of Change


May 24, 2024

Reviewed preexisting OGB content.

Added alt-flow to cover regulatory change for 2024-2025 Unsub Only.

Jennifer Black