Importing Student Document Requirements

Importing Student Document Requirements

Note: The CSV process was deprecated in 2014 and has been replaced by the XML format import.


The Import Student Document process allows a school to import a list of student document requirements.

This data is provided via an XML file that abides by a specific XML Schema. 

XML Schema

Data Dictionary and Example XML


Prepare the document requirements file to be imported. The file must be in XML format and adhere to the XML schema. 

Click Import Process in the Processes bar on your Dashboard. Then select Import Student Documents, then press Select and browse to the file location and then press the Import icon. Once the file is imported, go to the Process Log to view the details.

In the Process Log, you can check the status of the file as it is loaded. If the file is large, the process may take a while to complete. Any student records that fail to load will be included in the Process Log (See the section on Process Log for more information). Click on the student tab for the appropriate file in the process log to see the reasons the student record failed.

When a document file is delivered by the institution through the sFTP process to be imported into Regent Award, it should be placed in the StudentDocumentLoadXML_FW sFTP file folder.

Once the academic year is over, students are no longer eligible to submit document requirements for prior academic years and these document requirements are moved to an Unsatisfied status so that they no longer appear in communications and no longer display in the student portal as Needed or Incomplete.