Manually Adding Additional Requirements

Manually Adding Additional Requirements

Manually adding and managing documents and requirements is completed directly on the student's record in Regent Award. Access the student's record and go to the Documents tab. Then click on the Add Document icon. Then click on Select Document Requirement. You can then select the appropriate document from the group on the right.

It is recommended that you complete all of the items highlighted below (if applicable) and then click on the Save icon.

Note: When a student gains eligibility mid-year (such as resolving drug conviction ineligibility, clearing a student loan default, or regaining UEH eligibility after it had been denied), they can receive Pell/CBA eligibility only for the payment period in which the eligibility requirement is met (and forward), but Direct Loan eligibility is for the full academic year/loan period.
Thus you should add a term/payment period scoped Unusual Enrollment History (UEH) document to block Pell and CBA for the appropriate completed term/payment period(s). This document would be added manually for prior terms at the time annual UEH document requirement is satisfied.

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