/ Release Notes Release Notes



Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

The release includes enhancements listed in the 'Enhancements' section below. This release also addresses product defects as listed in the 'Bugs' section below.

Configuration Updates

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The following configuration options were added or updated in release  


Fund Setup>General Tab>Fund Eligibility Section

  • New Field: EFC Minimum/Maximum
    • Entry Grid for EFC Minimum and Maximum amounts by FAY
  • New Field: Pell Eligibility Required?

    • Field Type: Checkbox


Communication Setup

  •  Filters
    • New Filters
      • Standard Fund Awarded
      • Standard Scholarship Documentation Submitted
      • Standard Scholarship Documentation Incomplete
      • Standard Scholarship Documentation Needed
  • Templates
    • New Email Templates
      • Standard Fund Awarded
      • Standard Scholarship Documentation Submitted
      • Standard Scholarship Documentation Incomplete
      • Standard Scholarship Documentation Needed
    • New Text Templates
      • Standard Fund Awarded
      • Standard Scholarship Documentation Submitted
      • Standard Scholarship Documentation Incomplete
      • Standard Scholarship Documentation Needed
    • New Context Load Setting
      • Load All Campus Documents Context Data


Ranking & Priority

  • New Sorting and Ranking option: 'Document Received On Date'


Certain Tasks have updated behavior. If the conditions reoccur that would normally re-trigger a Task, then the system replaces the existing task with a new task. The new Task has the same characteristics, but is updated to match the latest triggering conditions.

List of affected Tasks:

  • Review All Actionable Documents

  • Review Received Document from Student

  • Review Conflicting Information Document(s)

  • Review C-code Resolution Document(s)

  • Review Student Document(s)

  • Review Facilitate Verification Document(s)

  • Review PJ Document(s)

  • Review Facilitate Military Review Document(s)

Admin and User Guide Updates 


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-25555Regent FundAwarding

Title: Update RQL to Pull Documents Appropriately for both Query Tool AND Fund Eligibility

Ticket: RS-25555; RS-25294; RS-25556;


Regent Query Language was updated to ensure Documents are queried correctly both within the Query Tool and when a Fund is configured to award based on a query assigned in Fund Eligibility. Please note, these changes require that any existing queries being used by Fund Eligibility be re-saved.

RS-25442Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Title: New ISIR Validation and Comment Codes for 22-23 and 23-24 FAYs

Tickets: RS-25294; RS-25442;


  • For 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 FAY, valid values added for ISIR field ‘DHS Match Flag’:
    • 'D'
    • 'I'
  • For 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 FAY, SAR comment codes added. New comment codes will be automatically included in the Active ISIR logic as necessary. The ISIR - Student Detail report in Regent can be used to identify any ISIRs processed with these codes between the 4/2 ED upgrade and client upgrade to 6.3.1.
    • 407: The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has identified that a case has already been created.
    • 408: The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has not yet confirmed the validity of your Alien Registration Number, which is required for you to receive federal student aid. Please review your Alien Registration Number and make any corrections as needed.
  • For 2023-2024 FAY, valid value added for ISIR fields NSLDS TEACH Grant Discharge Code 1, NSLDS TEACH Grant Discharge Code 2, and NSLDS TEACH Grant Discharge Code 3.
    • ‘NA’
RS-25288Regent FundAwarding

Title: Create a Process to Sync Prior Application (Questionnaire) Data

Tickets: RS-25288; RS-25424;

Regent has been updated to allow schools to send a negative resource amount via the Import External Resource file, that will be used as a ‘Package To’ target during packaging. If the Cost of Attendance is $0, the system will allow packaging up to the negative resource amount (COA minus a negative External Resource amount = positive External Resource amount).

RS-25278Regent FundAwarding

Title: New data elements available for creating queries in the Query Tool

Tickets: RS-25168; RS-25167; RS-2516; RS-25127; RS-25128;


The following SBL-related data elements have been added as options to select within the Query Tool:

  • Student Data Group
    • Race
    • Ethnicity
    • High School Diploma Type
    • High School City

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Query Tool

RS-25243Regent ReviewTasks

Title: Replace Task for Re-Triggered Tasks

Tickets: RS-25298; RS-25243; RS-25411; RS-25412; RS-25413; RS-25415;

Regent has improved the task triggering functionality for Tasks that use the configuration in Task Setup, Document Use Setup. The improved conditions apply when the Task has multiple possible triggering conditions (such as multiple Document Use Types), and an Open or otherwise unresolved task already exists. If the conditions reoccur that would normally re-trigger the Task, then the system replaces the existing task with a new task with the same characteristics. A system message notes the prior and next task IDs. The Prior and Next Task ID fields are also displayed on the Task Details.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Regent Award Task Triggers

RS-25227Regent FundAwarding

Title: Add Ability to Use ‘Document Received On Date’ in Ranking and Priority Configuration

Tickets: RS-25109; RS-25212; RS-25213; RS-25214; RS-25215;

'Document Received On Date' has been added to the Ranking and Priority setup, which is available to clients with a Regent Fund license. The ‘Document Received On Date’ is available as both a Sorting and Ranking element. If the ‘Document Received On Date’ is selected, users are then able to select one or more documents that are used to sort or rank the identified students.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Regent Fund Ranking and Priority Tool

RS-25106Regent FundUser Interface

Title: Support Added for Number and Date Data Types for Smart Form Questions/UDFs in Query Tool

Tickets: RS-25295; RS-25106; RS-25326; RS-25327; RS-25328; RS-25329; RS-25330; RS-25331; RS-25332; RS-25333; RS-25334; RS-25335; RS-25432; RS-25436; RS-25501;


  • ‘Data Type’ can now be assigned to question codes in Regent Smart Forms in order to present the proper operators and input fields for these question codes when they are selected in the Query Tool.
  • UDF and Smart Form question codes with data types of ‘Amount,' ‘Number,’ and ‘Date’ will now have operators/input fields specific to numbers/dates in the Query Tool, rather than operators/inputs related to a text field.
    • For example, when a UDF or Smart Form question code with a type of ‘Number’ is selected in the Query Tool, the operator options are Equals, Not Equals, Less than, Less than or equal, Greater than, Greater than or equal, Between, Not between, Is empty, and Is not empty. Validations on the input field will disallow alpha characters.
  • Validation rules for values for UDFs with Amount/Number/Date types (UDF Value Field Type,) have also been added in the SBL import process and on the Add Institutionally Defined Data screen at student level.
  • Available Query Tool data elements have been updated so that users will first select a new ‘User Defined Field’ option before being presented with a secondary selection dropdown with a list of UDF Names, rather than the list of UDF Names being presented in the top-level selection field under a UDF header.
    • The UDF header in the top level list has been moved to the bottom of the options and marked as ‘Deprecated.’ If an existing query with a deprecated option is edited, updated data elements must be selected.
  • Available Query Tool data elements have been updated so that users will first select a Smart Form Question option before being presented with a secondary dropdown list with the options previously listed under the Smart Form header, including the names of configured Smart forms, with the addition of Document Status, Academic Year Start Date, Academic Year End Date, Payment Period Start Date, and Payment Period End Date.
    • When a Smart Form name is selected, a list of question codes for that form are presented in a secondary selection field.
    • The Smart Form header in the top level list has been moved to the bottom of the options and marked as ‘Deprecated.’ If an existing query with a deprecated option is edited, updated data elements must be selected.
  • Validation has been added to UDF setup screen for changes made to UDF Field Value Type. If the UDF Field Value Type is changed and there are values associated to the UDF that do not meet validation criteria for the new value type, an error message will be triggered.
  • Please note: Per existing functionality, if UDF names (and Smart Form question codes) are changed/deleted, they are no longer available to Query Builder.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Institution Setup Data Elements, Student Details, Attributes Document (SBL Data Dictionary), Query Tool

RS-24585Regent FundCommunications

Title: Regent Fund: Standard Communication – Fund Awarded

Tickets: RS-24585; RS-25365; RS-25366; RS-25367; RS-24581;


Standard communication text and email templates and filters have been created to notify students when they have received an award. Communication will generate when an Active student has at least one award in an Offered or Accepted status for an Academic Year, and the communication has not previously generated for the AY.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters

RS-24584Regent FundCommunications

Title: Regent Fund: Standard Communication – Documentation Submitted

Tickets: RS-24584; RS-25355; RS-25356; RS-25357; RS-24581;


Standard communication text and email templates and filters have been created to notify students when their documentation has been submitted for potential scholarship opportunities. Communication will generate when a student is Active and has at least one document requirement in a Received status with a Document Use Type of ‘Facilitate Scholarship Review.’ Communication will be sent every 14 days when one or more document requirements with a Document Use Type of ‘Facilitate Scholarship Review’ exist in a Received status, for a maximum of 90 days.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters

RS-24583Regent FundCommunications

Title: Regent Fund: Standard Communication – Documentation Incomplete

Tickets: RS-24583; RS-25352; RS-25353; RS-25354; RS-24581;


Standard communication text and email templates and filters have been created to notify students when their submitted documents for potential scholarship opportunities are incomplete. Communication will generate when a student is Active and has at least one document requirement in an Incomplete status. Communication will generate every 14 days when one or more document requirement exists in an Incomplete status, for a maximum of 90 days.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters

RS-24582Regent FundCommunications

Title: Regent Fund: Standard Communication – Documentation Needed

Tickets: RS-24582; RS-25311; RS-25312; RS-25313; RS-24581;


Standard communication text and email templates and filters have been created to notify students when documentation is needed to review the student for potential scholarship opportunities. Communication will generate when a student is Active and has a document requirement where the Document Use Type is ‘Facilitate Scholarship Review.’ Communication will generate every 14 days when one or more document requirement with a Document Use Type of ‘Facilitate Scholarship Review’ is in a Needed status, for a maximum of 90 days.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters

RS-24555Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Implement New Standard Fund Rules for Configuring Custom Funds

Tickets: RS-24423; RS-24555; RS-25318; RS-25319;

Regent has improved the configurability of new funds that use custom-coded logic (“custom rulesets”). Regent created a standard set of rules for awarding those custom funds. The new standard fund rules can apply many of the standard settings from Fund Setup. The new standard rules also use updated JavaScript-based technology that replaces the older, preexisting hard-coded ruleset technology. New custom rulesets may use the standard fund rules as a baseline, and then add additional custom logic for a client’s specific needs. Preexisting/current custom rulesets are not affected by the new standard fund rules.

RS-25277Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Fund Setup: Pell Eligibility and EFC Range Configuration

Tickets: RS-25277; RS-25290; RS-25291; RS-25295;

Regent added new configurations to Fund Setup in the Fund Eligibility sub-section. When a new ‘Pell Eligibility Required?' field is selected, the student must have a Pell Eligible ISIR at the Undergraduate level. A new Minimum/Maximum EFC configuration sub-panel setting was also added. That configuration allows schools to add one row per Federal Award Year with a Min and Max EFC range.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Fund Setup Data Elements


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-25500Regent AwardPackaging

In Disbursement Schedule Setup, Programs sub-tab, when an administrator saved changes, the screen did not appear to respond. The Save button was still clickable and allowed saving the changes multiple times.

The screen did not disable the Save button when the system was still saving changes.

The screen disables the save button when the system is saving changes. The screen displays a gray overlay and stops accepting input until the changes are saved. The screen then goes into View mode.

In Regent Award, authenticate with a user role with permissions to Edit Disbursement Schedule. Navigate to the Disbursement Schedule, Programs sub-tab. Edit the disbursement schedule’s selected programs. Add and remove many programs. Click the Save button exactly once. Confirm the system disables the Save button after clicking once. Confirm the screen blocks additional input with a visual gray overlay. Wait for the screen to change to View mode. Refresh. Confirm the list of selected programs are matching the changes. Reload RNA Setup before packaging with the changed programs.

RS-25496Regent AwardPackaging

A school could not Export Student Transactions (EST) due to errors EST-0059 or “the student needs to be packaged,” even after repackaging students multiple times.

Several different users at a school had updated the same set of configuration settings over several hours. However, the system unexpectedly took many more hours to save all the changes. The EST errors occurred due to the delay in persisting all the new configuration changes to the database.

Regent analyzed many configuration screens for possible inefficiencies when saving changes to the database. Regent updated many screens with faster code. For example, when a Disbursement Schedule is saving multiple changes to the selected Programs, the system first makes a list of all the changed program selections, and then saves all the changes together at once. Previously, that screen was saving each individual changed program to the database one at a time. Separately, Regent also has improved logic for marking a student as being queued for repackaging after configuration is changed.

Many configuration screens were updated with faster code for saving changes; refer to the list below. Testing needs to confirm the system correctly saves all new configuration changes, and only those changes, to the database. It might be helpful to take a screenshot of the previous configuration settings to compare against the new changed settings. Testing also needs to confirm the changes are saved quickly enough to allow repackaging a student with the updated configuration and successful EST. Remember to always reload RNA setup to apply any configuration changes before repackaging, and click Refresh if needed to view updates.

To test: In a test environment, identify a student who has unpaid disbursements ready to EST. Keep a browser window open with the student’s Academic Plan visible. Open a separate browser for the Export Student Transactions screen and select the student but do not yet Export. In a third browser window, make configuration changes and Save per the list below. Refresh to view the configuration changes. Confirm the system saved the new changes and did not update any other settings. Reload RNA Setup. Go back to the student’s Academic Plan and repackage using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). View the student Summary Tab and Refresh until the Last Packaged date is updated. Switch to the Export Student Transaction screen and EST the student. Confirm the student is not blocked with errors EST-0059 or a message saying the student needs to be packaged.

The following configuration screens were updated:

  1. Disbursement Schedule Setup, Sites sub-tab
  2. Disbursement Schedule Setup, Programs sub-tab
  3. Institution Setup, General tab
  4. Campus Setup, General tab
  5. Program Setup, Sites sub-tab
  6. Program Setup, Terms/Enrollment Levels sub-tab
  7. Term Setup, Programs sub-tab
  8. Fund Setup, Sites sub-tab
  9. Fund Setup, Programs sub-tab
  10. Fund Setup, Budgets sub-tab, Sites selection
  11. Cost Setup → Cost Groups, selected Site Associations
  12. Cost Setup → Cost Groups, selected Program Associations
RS-25484Regent AwardStudent Experience

‘Personal Information’ header in Student Demographics section of Master Access Questionnaire was missing the last letter.

The code had incorrect spelling.

The spelling of “Information” has been corrected.

Open a new Access Master document in the Student Experience Portal. Confirm the Personal Information header is spelled correctly.

RS-25460Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

A Fund was configured in Fund Setup to 'Exclude Header/Trailer Terms.’ When students added Summer enrollment, the system unexpectedly increased the amounts in the past Fall and Spring terms.

The system did not correctly adjust the cost balances for the ineligible Summer term.

The system correctly accounts for costs in ineligible terms.

Use the institutional Fund configured with ‘Exclude Header/Trailer Terms’ and packaging to a percentage of COA. Reload RNA setup if needed. Package a student who has an award from that fund and amounts in the Fall and Spring terms, and who does not yet have Summer registration. Add registration for Summer. Repackage the student. Confirm the system calculates the correct, unchanged amounts based on Fall and Spring costs only.

RS-25451Regent AwardAwarding

A student had an Overlapping Academic Year (OAY) with relatively low loan amounts. Regent awarded separate loans for the the overlap period and the remainder of the Academic Year, with the same Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan amounts in all the terms in the AY.

Regent did not correctly check for the calculated eligible amount in the overlap period terms being the same as the normal unadjusted per-PP amount for the whole Academic Year.

Regent only creates a separate loan period for the overlap terms if the sum of the overlap term amounts, plus the OAY amounts, would exceed the annual limits. Regent also checks that the student has an active enrollment within the OAY.

Ensure configuration is enabled to adjust loan amounts for overlapping years. Package a student who has overlapping loans with amounts from a previous OAY, and the previous loan amounts are low enough that Regent can package normal calculated award amounts in the overlap terms and the remaining terms in the AY. Package the student. Confirm the system creates one Subsidized and one Unsubsidized loan for the year-long default loan period. Confirm the loan amounts are the same throughout all the terms in the AY. Confirm the loan period dates match the full AY dates.

RS-25387Regent FundConfiguration/Setup

In Fund Setup, the ‘Amount Per Payment Period’ configuration settings were unexpectedly blocking multiple rows within the same FAY and same effective dates that had different, non-overlapping enrollment levels. The system also unexpectedly did not start with empty values for the Min/Max Enrollment Units, and unexpectedly blocked unique rows with empty FAY and Effective Dates.

Several settings in Fund Setup were not allowing unique combinations of values. The system was still requiring values for FAY, Effective Date range, and Enrollment Units Min/Max when the rows were otherwise configured correctly with non-overlapping, unique configurations.

The system includes Enrollment when checking for the unique combination of values in the ‘Amount per Payment Period.’ Specifically, the system looks for non-overlapping ranges for Enrollment Status Min/Max and Enrollment Units Min/Max and uses the enrollment when checking for unique combinations of rows. The Optional fields were also changed to not require values.

In a test environment, add and save a new non-Title-IV Fund in Fund Setup. Configure the ‘Amount Per Payment Period’ with several rows having different, non-overlapping, Enrollment Level ranges. Confirm the system allows configuring and saving multiple rows that have different FAY. Confirm the system allows multiple rows per FAY if they are unique by date range, FAY, and enrollment level. Confirm the system allows saving unique rows that have only Enrollment Level selected and have blank values for FAY, Effective Dates, Min and Max Enrollment Units.

RS-25062Regent AwardUser Interface

The Saved Parameter Sets editor did not allow saving changes due to validation errors. The Institution and OPE-ID fields had no values selected.

On initial load, the data was missing to display on the user interface when the Saved Parameter Sets editor was opened.

The loading procedure was adjusted to display the data correctly.

Expand the Processes on the left hand navigation. Select Saved Parameter Sets. Select any saved parameter set, such as TSM or FAH. Click on View/Edit button. Confirm the ‘Institution’ and '8 Digit OPE-ID' fields are populated. If the instance has multiple Institutions, confirm you can search on the Institution menu and OPE-ID values.

RS-24832Regent FundConfiguration/Setup

Regent Award unexpectedly set Sorting Elements and Ranking Elements back to the first selected value when the first selected value was not removed from the table by the ‘Remove All’ button.

Regent Award had incorrect logic around ‘Remove’ button.

Regent Award is updated to apply the same functionality to ‘Remove’ button as the ‘Remove All’ button.

In Regent Award, create a Ranking and Priority with the High School GPA for Sorting Elements. For Ranking Elements, select a Ranking type of Weighted Points. Click ‘Edit’ and change the Sorting Elements and Ranking Elements to Cumulative GPA clicking the ‘Remove’ button.

RS-24451Regent AwardDocuments

In Document Setup, Document Due Date and Expiration, when the document’s configuration selected the “Year After FAY” for the Year, Regent used the subsequent year after the second year of the FAY for the document’s expiration date, e.g., FAY 2022-2023 used FAY 2023-2024.

The system used an incorrect formula for the FAY range calculation.

The system uses the correct formula for FAY range calculation.

Test by configuring a document to be expired, and try to assign the expired document to a student. In Document Setup, configure a Document with the expiration of “Year After FAY,” similar to the following configuration:

  • FAY-scoped Document Requirement, such as the Proof of Identity/Statement of Educational Purpose
  • Scope is a single Federal Award Year, such as 2022-2023
  • Date Used for Document Due Date Assignment: Static Date
    • Month: January
    • Day: 1
    • Year: Year After FAY
  • Date Used for Document Expiration Date Assignment: Static Date
    • Month: January
    • Day: 2
    • Year: Year After FAY

Reload RNA Setup.

To test, take any student and add the document with that expired FAY, such as “2022-2023 Proof of Identity/Statement of Educational Purpose”, for Federal Award Year: 2022-2023. The document should not be assigned. The system should show the validation message: “Document expired.“

RS-20126Regent Award/ReviewTasks

Multiple bulk change actions on the tasks queue did not apply changes for all selected bulk change actions.

When the Task was updated from the queue list with the first of the bulk change operations, its versioning stayed the same, which prevented the saving on the next bulk operation update. The problem occurred for updating tasks when the second and later bulk operations took place.

Regent has updated logic to refresh the task versioning before each next bulk update. The change also fixed the proper task updating sequence.

Go to Task section > Assigned Task section. Click on a task queue, such as Review ISIR. Select an action and several tasks. Click on “+ Add another bulk change action”. Select the action for the second Bulk change action. Repeat adding another bulk change action. Click on Submit button. Confirm all set actions were applied on the selected tasks. Note, by design, the system will only allow updating the currently visible tasks.

RS-25450Regent AwardR2T4

The PWD Gross Amount was incorrectly rounded.

The code was missing the round to Net logic that occurs prior to calculating the fee.

The code was updated to round to Net prior to calculating the fee.


Identify an existing student with the rounding issue. Recreate the original R2T4 for the student (ensure a PWD is created). Review and confirm the PWD gross loan amount on the PWD tab is rounding as expected.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 
  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note

Purpose of Script:
This build script ensures Regent Award is using updated course data for all students upon upgrade. In some cases, resource conflicts at the database level might have caused deadlocks and stopped the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process from completing. Some students might have had pending data changes, such as new course information from the Student Batch Load (SBL) process. For the affected students, the system could not update information such as total unit values.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script identifies any students that have course data changes or other SIS-provided data that was loaded but was not yet fully processed. The script then runs the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process for those students. The CE Rollup process updates the unit totals and other information.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the certified release of Regent Award. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the certified release.

How to Test the Script:
Before upgrading, find an affected student who had SBL data loaded in a failed CE Rollup process, where the student’s current course data do not match the unit totals displayed on the Academic Plan screen. Perform the upgrade. Refresh the Process Log. Confirm the Process CE Rollup process is Complete. View the affected student. Repackage the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the total units match the course data.


Purpose of Script:

Un-delete objects related to a Disbursement record marked as ‘Must Not Delete,’ to eliminate “orphaned” Disbursement records.

Data Changed by the Script:

Previously deleted Payment Period, Enrollment, and AYs related to a non-deleted Disbursement record will be restored.

How to Access the Script: 

Included in release.

How to Test the Script:

Find a Disbursement record sent to COD and subsequently zeroed out. Ensure related Payment Period, Enrollment, and AY records have not been deleted.

Data Views  

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-25421Data Views

Title: Data View Updates per Release



The following Data Views were created per changes to tables:

  • dataExtract_OverlappingAcademicYearLoanAggregateDetail_View_v001
  • dataExtract_FundEligibilityEFCMinMaxConfigration_View_v001

The following new Data View was created:

  • dataExtract_CommunicationTemplateFile_View_v005
  • dataExtract_RankingPrioritySetupRankingElement_View_v002
  • dataExtract_Fund_View_v011
  • dataExtract_RankingPrioritySetupSortingElement_View_v002
  • dataExtract_Task_View_v004

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary

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