Release: Regent 8


8.16 Release Release Notes

Revised May 18, 2017



Regent 8.16 Release Release Notes
The following items have been resolved in the current release.

Downloadable PDF Release Notes: Release Notes



Apply "Payment Period" cost frequency cost item per payment period

  • In previous versions of Cost Setup, when Payment Period is selected (as the Cost Frequency for a Cost Item) the cost amount was divided across the AY instead of applying the amount to each payment period for Non-term programs. This occurs for the Cost Per "flat rate" and "unit" options. This change will apply the costs specified in setup to each payment period for both Non-term and Term programs.

SNAP Account Registration Complete - Send Registration Email Notification

  • A change was made to only send the account Registration confirmation email only after the student has fully completed the registration process.

Portal: Document Requirement Messages and Reasons URL Links

  • The message or description text from Document Setup will now support hyperlinking when a URL and appropriate HTML tags are used.

Various messaging updates were updated on the following screens from the student portal e-Signature process

  • Signature Option screen
  • Paper Signature Confirmation screen
  • Electronic Signature Confirmation screen
  • Preview My Forms screen



Conversion Queue still showing Blank and Complete

Program Change Bar Issues found during "Capella UAT" testing

Import Award file fails to load / SBL Rebuild Import Award files timeout: CE Rollup taking a long time to process

Cannot award 16/17 SEOG or FWS: Fund Budget was not found for AwardDisbursement

16/17 YTD Pell File fails to finish processing / SBL Rebuild Import Award files timeout: CE Rollup taking a long time to process

AY's Calculating with only one term which will cause COD Reject 046 (SAY SULA AY Length Issue)

Single Term Loans Not Packaging with Full Eligibility up to COA

Award Allocations are including ineligible terms - last term of AY is LTHT

Anticipated Enrollment Level on Academic Plan Not Adhering to Program Setup of Half-Time

SAP Wizard should not allow user edits to Calculated SAP Record

MAP: Buttons to proceed through Basic or Advanced Package Disappear

SAP status displays incorrectly on the Summary tab

AAW/MAW: Non-Loan Awards should be made Manual when amounts are different than Calculated Eligibility

2017-18 COD Reject 994 - PELL- Missing 4.0c Schema Program Credential Level

Electronic Signature Process not Honoring ExternalStudentId2

PMW: Loan Period Reduction not being Respected (SULA)

Verification Worksheet - Progress Bar/Navigation Display Issue

Loan EFC should only use terms in the Loan Period - Proration packaging incorrectly

17/18 Crossover PELL Canceled After Payment

Pell Crossover Not Awarding Based on Crossover Period Configuration

Site Setup Programs tab gives Failed to get Reader or Unclosed quotation mark error

Portal: Object Reference Error Occurring When Attempting to Accept Awards

Keywords:, R4.1.0.3, R4.1.0.3 Release Notes