/ Release Notes Release Notes


Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

The release includes enhancements listed in the 'Enhancements' section below. This release also addresses product defects as listed in the 'Bugs' section below.

New/Updated Configuration Options

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The following configuration options were added or updated in release  


  • ISIR-related and Non-ISIR-related "Restrict Packaging" Tasks will block the initial export of a student in 'Ready to Package Export Process', when the Task has a status of Open, In-Process, Reviewed, Re-Opened, or On-Hold. Students previously exported in RTP files will be re-exported in Pending status.

Admin and User Guide Updates 

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As part of Regent, the following Admin and User Guide pages were added/updated:

Exporting Student Transactions (Est)

Ready to Package (RTP) Process

Ready to Package

History Tab

Year Round Pell (YRP or 150% Pell)

Awarding Business Process Analysis (BPA)

Document Setup Data Elements

Fund Setup Data Elements

The following page has been updated recently, apart from the Regent release:

Program Setup Data Elements


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-25623Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Title: Updated the EST Process to Require the Student Number to Be Specified when the "Partition files by # of Students" option is Selected.

Tickets: RS-25623; RS-25143;

Regent has updated the EST Process to require the student number to be specified when the ‘Partition files by # of Student’s option is selected. Previously, if the number of students was not selected, this partitioning option was ignored.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Exporting Student Transactions (Est)

RS-25187Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Alphabetized dropdown list for ‘Select Fund’ field in Add Award Wizard

Tickets: RS-25086; RS-25187; RS-25440;

In Add Award Wizard in Regent, the ‘Select Fund’ field dropdown options have been updated to be in alphabetical order. The field has also been updated to auto-display matching options from the list based on typed entry.

RS-23781Regent PlanStudent Experience

Title: Regent Plan: Removed Parenthesis from ‘Under Direct Costs for Academic Year’ and ‘Over Direct Costs for Academic Year’ values

Tickets: RS-24381; RS-23781; RS-25578;


Within the Academic Year of Regent Plan and My Borrowing, parentheses were removed from positive values that populate in the Under/Over Direct Costs column, and in the ‘per term’ Under/Over Direct Costs row. Where ‘Under Direct Costs for Academic Year’ or ‘Over Direct Costs for Academic Year’ are negative amounts for a term, the value will be placed in parenthesis.

RS-8812Regent ReviewTasks

Title: Block Export in RTP files for Tasks that Block Packaging

Tickets: RS-23968; RS-8812; RS-25597;

Ready To Package (RTP) Export process was updated to block the initial export of a student when a Task configured to ‘Restrict Packaging’ exists for the student, and that Task has an unresolved status (Open, In-Process, Reviewed, Re-Opened, or On-Hold). Both ISIR-related and non-ISIR Tasks will block export. In the event a student was previously exported in the ‘Ready to Package’ file and now has an unresolved Task configured to block packaging, the student will be re-exported in a Pending status.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Ready to Package (RTP) Process, Ready to Package


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-25748Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

A client with multiple Institutions could not add and save a new Institution after upgrading to

When the administrator tried to create the new Institution, the screen did not properly specify the default value on one of the new configuration settings. The system could not create the new Institution in the database.

When Regent creates a new Institution, the system correctly populates all the required fields. Also, as a temporary workaround, a script (RS-25752) was also developed to create a temporary placeholder institution that can then be edited by the client.

In Enterprise Setup, click Add Institution. Enter the External Institution ID and other required fields. Save. Refresh. Confirm the Institution is successfully Saved. Select and Edit the new Institution. Save changes. Refresh. Confirm the new changes are saved. Remember to Reload RNA Setup to apply any new configuration changes.

RS-25709Student ExperienceStudent Portal (SNAP)

My Borrowing was not displaying after reducing all loan amounts to $0 with Change My Borrowing.

Incorrect logic was causing My Borrowing to not display when all awards were reduced to $0.

The logic was updated to allow My Borrowing to display when all awards are reduced to $0.

Identify a student with Offered loans. Click on the Change My Borrowing Amounts Link on the Dashboard. Reduce all award amounts to $0. Click on the Dashboard to ensure the Change My Borrowing Link displays. Click on the Financial Aid tab to ensure the Change My Borrowing tile displays.

RS-25702Student ExperienceStudent Portal (SNAP)

The Change My Borrowing distributions were different than the increased Borrowing Amount.

The logic lacked the proper handling of multiple Subsidized and/or Unsubsidized loans in the Increased Borrowing Amount method.

Additional logic was added for the handling of multiple Subsidized and/or Unsubsidized loans to prevent incorrectly increasing multiple awards for the same fund above the maximum eligibility for the AY and/or Grade Level.

Identify a student with multiple Subsidized and/or Unsubsidized loans. Decline all awards via My Borrowing. Click on the Change My Borrowing Link on the Dashboard. Increase the award amounts. Ensure the amounts are the correct amounts.

RS-25665Regent AwardPackaging

Regent incorrectly adjusted Unsubsidized loan amounts for some cases when a program change resulted in an internal Overlapping Academic Year (OAY). The Subsidized loan amount was correct, but the Unsubsidized amount was incorrectly reduced.

The logic was incorrectly applying the OAY Subsidized amount to the Unsubsidized loans on the full award period, not just the overlap period.

The system applies the OAY Subsidized amount adjustment to the Unsubsidized amounts in the overlap period only.

Test with an undergraduate student who has a fairly high EFC and very low current Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans. Ensure the student has plenty of remaining Subsidized and Unsubsidized aggregate eligibility. Process an undergraduate-to-undergraduate Program Change as Not Substantially Equal (NSE), resulting in an internal overlapping academic year (OAY) with low OAY amounts that would not cause any adjustment to Regent’s normal calculated amounts. Review the loan amounts in the new AY. Confirm the Subsidized amount is correctly awarded at the normal amount for the full AY. Confirm the Unsubsidized amount is also awarded at the normal amount per term for the full AY.

RS-25607Regent AwardPackaging

Regent did not track Overlapping Academic Year (OAY) information for a student with unusual AY data. The affected student had a previous Academic Year with dates crossing two additional Regent AYs. The very short, second AY started and ended before the third AY, and that short second AY did not have any loans.

The OAY logic was checking for the next Academic Year on the Regent Academic Plan, without considering whether that next OAY contained loans.

The OAY logic finds the next Regent Academic Year containing Subsidized or Unsubsidized loans that could be affected by the previous OAY’s loans. The system also double-checks to see if any subsequent AY would gain new loans during repackaging.

Package the affected student with current and future Academic Years. Confirm the system detects and tracks the Overlapping Academic Year information for the next Academic Year containing Direct Loans.

RS-25606Regent AwardPackaging

When Regent tracked Overlapping Academic Year (OAY) information, the system was using some AY dates that did not match what was on file at COD.

Regent was using AY dates from the Regent Academic Plan.

Regent uses the AY dates sent to COD.

Package a student who has an Overlapping Academic Year scenario. For the loans in the previous AY, note the loan types, FAY, and sequence number (001, 002, etc.) View the Loans tab and select the loans to see the Academic Year dates that Regent would report to COD. Compare the Loans tab AY dates to the OAY dates. Confirm the OAY dates match the Loans tab AY dates.

RS-25600Regent AwardAwarding

A student was packaged with Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans when they had exceeded their current eligibility at another institution. It appeared the student’s ISIR data was being ignored.

The previous Overlapping Academic Year (OAY) amounts exceeded the student’s current grade level 1 annual limit. The system calculated negative OAY usage, resulting in packaging new loans in Regent.

Regent checks to see if the Subsidized and Unsubsidized OAY amounts are already over the current grade level. If the OAY amounts already exceed the grade-level limits, the remaining eligibility is set to zero.

Package the affected student, or another student who has an external OAY with loan amounts exceeding their current grade level at the Regent school. Confirm the system does not package any new loans in the overlap period. Confirm the total loan amounts packaged in the full Academic Year do not exceed the limits for the grade level in Regent.

RS-25589Regent AwardEnrollment

When a student’s term changed to a new term with the same start date but a different end date, the original term was not being replaced by the updated term.

The application did not replace a regular term with another term due to only planned terms being used when creating/processing the Academic Plan.

The application was updated to replace a regular term with another term when creating/processing the Academic Plan.

Import SBL with a regular term on a course. MAP student. Import SBL to update the term for the course to another term. MAP student. Ensure the term was updated in the Academic Plan to the correct term.

RS-25587Regent FundConfiguration/Setup

In Fund Setup, the ‘Amount Per Payment Period’ configuration settings were unexpectedly blocking multiple rows within the same FAY and same effective dates that had different, non-overlapping enrollment levels. The system also unexpectedly did not default to empty values for the Min/Max Enrollment Units, and unexpectedly blocked unique rows with empty FAY and Effective Dates.

Several settings in Fund Setup were not allowing unique combinations of values. The system was still requiring values for FAY, Effective Date range, and Enrollment Units Min/Max when the rows were otherwise configured correctly with non-overlapping, unique configurations.

The system was updated for non-overlapping ranges for Enrollment Status Min/Max and Enrollment Units Min/Max to use the enrollment when checking for unique combinations of rows. The Optional fields were also updated to not require values.

In a test environment, add and save a new non-Title-IV Fund in Fund Setup. Configure the ‘Amount Per Payment Period’ with several rows having different, non-overlapping, Enrollment Level ranges. Confirm the system allows configuring and saving multiple rows that have different FAY. Confirm the system allows multiple rows per FAY if they are unique by date range, FAY, and enrollment level. Confirm the system allows saving unique rows that have only Enrollment Level selected and have blank values for FAY, Effective Dates, Min and Max Enrollment Units. When the configuration has successfully saved, Reload RNA Setup. Package a student who would be eligible for the fund. Confirm the student is packaged according to the configured amounts.

RS-25577Regent AwardPackaging

When two students each had multiple previous Overlapping Academic Years (OAYs), Regent calculated incorrect loan amounts.

The system did not properly handle multiple previous OAYs for the scenario when one previous OAY’s dates were contained within another previous OAY.

Regent has an additional check to handle intersecting dates for multiple previous OAYs. The system tracks the OAY amounts together using the larger date range.

Package the affected students who have two previous OAYs. Review the Subsidized and Unsubsidized amounts. Confirm the Regent loans are packaged with the correct amounts.

RS-25543Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire


Incorrect Text was Displayed in the Verification Worksheet Smart Form.

Incorrect text dependency was being used, resulting in the incorrect text being displayed.

The text dependency was updated.


Complete the Verification Worksheet and ensure the following items are accurate:

  • In the Financial Aid Verification Process description, ensure that ‘…our FAFSA…' is now displayed as ‘…your FAFSA…’.
  • In the Tax Transcript section, ensure that ‘…transcript for both you and your spouse…’ is now displayed as ‘…you…’ for dependent students and non-married student statuses.
  • In the Parent Income and Tax Data, ensure both single parent text and married parents text is displaying the correct verb tense throughout.
RS-25537Student ExperienceStudent Portal (SNAP)

The Reduce Option was inadvertently displaying for $0 awards in Change My Borrowing.

Incorrect logic was causing the Reduce Option to display when an award amount was $0.

The logic was updated to ensure the Reduct Option does not display when an award amount is reduced to $0.

Identify a student with Accepted loans. Click on the Change My Borrowing Amounts Link on the Dashboard. Reduce an award amount to $0. Ensure the Reduce Option is no longer available for the award.

RS-25513Regent AwardPackaging

A student had an undergraduate-to-graduate program change resulting in an internal Overlapping AY. In the overlap period, the student’s Graduate Unsubsidized loan amount was only reduced by the Undergraduate Unsubsidized OAY amount. The system unexpectedly did not reduce the Graduate Unsubsidized award for the undergraduate OAY Subsidized loan amount.

When Regent adjusted the Graduate loans for the previous OAY amounts, the system did not adjust for the undergraduate Subsidized loans.

Regent has improved logic to handle OAY adjustments for Undergraduate-to-Graduate Program Changes. The system adjusts the Graduate loans for the previous OAY Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan amounts.

Test using an undergraduate student who has Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans. Load SBL data with a program change into a Graduate program, with the Graduate program’s courses starting before the end of the previous undergraduate AY. Load Graduate-level ISIRs for the new program. Process the Program Change as Not Substantially Equal (NSE). Package the student. Confirm the system displays the correct amounts for the previous OAY Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan amounts. In the new Graduate program, add cost adjustments if needed to ensure a higher COA in the overlap period than the $20500 annual limits for the Graduate Unsubsidized loan. Package the student. Confirm the Graduate Unsubsidized loan amount is reduced by the overlapping AY Subsidized and Unsubsidized amount, to not exceed $20500 combined Sub and Unsub amounts for the overlap period. Confirm the total Unsub in the new AY does not exceed $20500.

RS-25469Regent AwardStudent Experience

In the Master Regent Access questionnaire, the question “Will you have your first bachelor’s degree before you begin" had the incorrect FAY for both the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 versions of the questionnaire.

The code was displaying an incorrect Federal Award Year for both the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 versions.

The correct Federal Award Year is displayed.

Open the Regent Access questionnaire. Navigate to the question, “Will you have your first bachelor’s degree before you begin" the FAY. Confirm the correct year is displayed for that version of the Questionnaire.

RS-25468Regent AwardPackaging


Regent Award unexpectedly showed BP Errors - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Regent Award was not able to associate some disbursements during the packaging results validation process and treated them as empty that resulted in the object refence errors.


The condition was added to handle all disbursement values properly.


Run BP for the affected student. Review BP results. No object reference errors should happen.

RS-25455Regent AwardUser Interface

In Regent Award, on the Overlapping AYs tab, the “Updated” date and time was not always correct when the user edited OAY fields such as the ‘Active' flag.

When a user modified the OAY, the system saved the “Updated” date using Universal Time (UTC). When the user changed the ‘Active’ Flag, the system did not detect the change to the nullable field.

The “Updated” date uses the database server’s system date and time for modifications. The system also detects when a user changes the OAY ‘Active’ flag.

Test with a student in a term-based program. On the History tab, Overlapping AYs sub-tab, Add a New Manual Overlapping Academic Year. In the ‘Adjust Overlapping Academic Year’ window, complete the Override AY Start and End dates, Type, Total Sub, Total Unsub, and set Active to Yes. Save. Refresh. Confirm the Overlapping AYs tab displays the correct current date and time. View the Details and confirm the Updated date and time also match the most recent saved time. Edit the Override AY Start and Override AY End dates and add Notes. Save. Refresh. Confirm the system now displays the date and time of the most recent update. Edit the Manual OAY again. Change the Active flag from Yes to No. Save. On the Overlapping AYs tab, clear the filter for the 'Active' column. Confirm the Updated date and time reflects the time of the most recent saved changes.

RS-25454Regent AwardTasks

After a program change, Regent triggered two unexpected Overlapping Academic Year (OAY) Tasks: ‘Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Same AY as Internal OAY’ and ‘Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Previous Overlapping AY.’ Further testing discovered that the system was unexpectedly not triggering the Task for ‘Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Same AY as Internal OAY’ when the student had a manual loan in a later AY, and the previous AY had its dates change to overlap the later AY containing the manual loan. Instead, the system unexpectedly triggered yet another Task, 'Review Internal OAY Crossing Multiple AYs.’

The Task for ‘Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Same AY as External OAY’ was checking for manual loans in the prior AY. The Task for ‘Review Internal OAY Crossing Multiple AYs’ was counting all intersecting AYs.

The Task for ‘Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Same AY as External OAY’ was corrected to check for manual loans within the same Regent AY. The Task for 'Review Internal OAY Crossing Multiple AYs' was updated to correctly count previous OAYs.

Testing will likely need multiple different test students with specific dates. Testing needs to confirm the incorrect Task is no longer triggered, and also confirm the Task is working as expected.

Before testing, confirm the following Tasks are all Active and assigned to a Task Queue. Reload RNA Setup to apply any changes.

  • Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Previous Overlapping AY
  • Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Same AY as Internal OAY
  • Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Same AY as External OAY
  • Review Internal OAY Crossing Multiple AYs

First, prepare test data to confirm the original bug is corrected for the misfiring 'Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Same AY as Internal OAY' Tasks. Load original test data for an Undergraduate student with Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan eligibility. Package the student and clear any blocking documents and tasks. Edit both the Sub and Unsub loans to be Manual, changing the ‘New Offer’ amounts and selecting ‘Override Eligibility Rules’ so the loans have different positive amounts than the normal calculated eligibility. Package the student using Modify Academic Plan (MAP). Note the loan Academic Year End Date from the Loans tab. Load an SBL with a Program Change into a new, term-based program that starts before the loan AY end date. Process the Program Change with “Substantially Equal” set to False. Confirm Regent creates an Internal OAY for tracking the loan data, with the AY end date matching the date from the Loans tab. Review the Tasks. Confirm the system does not generate two tasks for ‘Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Same AY as Internal OAY.’ Also confirm the other, expected tasks are triggered: Confirm that two ‘Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Previous Overlapping AY’ tasks are created, one for each manual Loan. Also, only if the previous OAY crossed multiple later AYs, confirm the ‘Review Internal OAY Crossing Multiple AYs’ task is created. Confirm the Tasks are not generated for ‘Review Eligibility Change' or ‘Review Manual Award’ or ‘Review Overlapping Period for Overaward.’ Set all Tasks to Waived. Finally, confirm the Tasks are not retriggered: In the new program’s AY2, use Add Award Wizard (AAW) to add a Manual Subsidized loan and then a Manual Unsubsidized loan, overriding eligibility rules and New Offer amounts so the loan amounts do not match the Calculated Eligibility. MAP the student. Confirm the system does not trigger the new Tasks.

Next, test to confirm the correct expected behavior for the task, 'Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Same AY as Internal OAY.' Prepare data for a second test student. Load the SBL and ISIR files. MAP. In Modify Award Wizard (MAW), change the Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans to Accepted status without changing any amounts, so the loans remain non-Manual. View the AY dates on the Loans tab. Load SBL and ISIR data with a future program change into a term-based program with a future program start date that starts after the loan AY end date, and also has a future program completion date that is also later than today’s date. Process the program change as Substantially Equal is False. Confirm the system does not create any OAY, because the dates are not overlapping. In MAW, edit the loans in the new, term-based program so those new loans have different New Offer amounts and become Manual. MAP. Load a third SBL, adding a new course in the previous program, so the previous program’s end date is now overlapping the start date of the new program. MAP. Re-process the program change to move the start date and create the overlap with the previous AY. MAP. Confirm the system displays the OAY banners. Test: Confirm the system creates two Tasks for ‘Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Same AY as Internal OAY,' one for each of the Manual loans in the later AY. Confirm the system does not create any ‘Review Eligibility Change’ Tasks. Confirm the system does not create new Tasks for ‘Review Internal OAY Crossing Multiple AYs.’

RS-25393Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award unexpectedly blocked student packaging with ‘Value cannot be null. Parameter name: disbursementSchedule’ error.

Regent Award was incorrectly missing a null check when looking up disbursement schedule parts.

Regent Award has been updated to add the null check.

In Regent Award, package the reported student or run Batch Packaging process for that student.

RS-25303Regent AwardPackaging

At a school with configured Modules under Term Setup, some students had an incorrect Cost of Attendance.

Regent used incorrect units and weeks data for calculating the costs for students with the configured Modules.

Regent uses the module’s specific units and weeks when calculating the Cost of Attendance. Additionally, a one-time ad-hoc data-cleanup script (RS-25704) was created to allow COA recalculation after the configured Module Freeze COA Dates.

Use a test environment at a school with configured Modules. Test for COA in a term that has future dates for the Modules ‘Freeze COA’ settings, or use a “time machine” test environment that can change the server date. Remember to reload RNA for any configuration changes. Package several students who are enrolled in different combinations of courses for the first configured Module; the second configured Module; or in both Modules. Review the COA for each student. Confirm the system calculates the correct COA.

RS-25296Regent AwardPackaging


Packaging was blocked for some students due to ‘Federal Award Year [2023] is not valid for loan period’ error for unknown reason.


Regent Award was not able to relate the declined awards to any loan period during the packaging process


Logic was updated to unblock the valid packaging for awards with Declined status.


Run BP/MAP for the affected students. Review BP results. No errors should occur.

RS-25269Regent AwardR2T4

Regent award unexpectedly did not populate ‘PP Start Date’ and ‘Scheduled PP End Date’ fields in R2T4 Step 2 for Subscription Period Students.

Regent Award was incorrectly missing these dates for the Non Use 50 Percent case.

Regent Award is updated to add a new method to set and call the required date.

In Regent Award, open R2T4 for the reported student and check PP Start Date and Scheduled PP End Date fields.

RS-25226Regent AwardEST/Disbursements


Regent created duplicate student records for data views when splitting feature was used during EST-for-AR process.


File names were duplicated because the IOProcessRawFile table was joined only to the IOProcess table and displayed files associated with the specific process.


Joined the IOProcessRawFile table to the ESTRecordStudentTransaction to display only files associated with a specific student.


Perform EST for AR with Partition Records Into Separate Files checked. Set # of Students from 1 to 600. Review dataExtract_ESTRecord_View table at DB. No duplicate entries should be visible.

RS-25139Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

In a Saved Parameter Set, for an Export Student Transactions (EST) process, when the ‘Partition Records Into Separate Files’ setting was enabled and run manually, the process unexpectedly did not split records into separate files when number of students was specified. The system generated one file for all students which was incorrect behavior.

Regent Award was not saving the “# of Students” value when a user unselected and re-selected the “Partition Records Into Separate Files” checkbox to see the parameters. The system left the “# of Students” selection disabled and did not save any values from '# of Students'. The process executed on this parameter set did not divide the file into parts by the number of students.

The logic was updated to save all selection parameters properly.

Navigate to Processes → Saved Parameter Sets. View/Edit a saved process for Export Student Transactions. Edit the saved parameters to select 'Partition Records Into Separate Files' and select “# of Students” checkbox and enter a number. Export. View the output on the Process Log entry. Confirm the system divides the files into the number of students. Edit the saved parameter set again to have a different number of students. Update the Saved Parameter Set. Schedule and Run the scheduled process using the saved parameter set. Confirm the Process exported output is divided into multiple files by the number of students.

RS-25126Regent AwardR2T4

The R2T4 Wizard included loans that have never been originated in the R2T4 (Return to Title Four) calculation and resulted in a PWD (Post Withdrawal Disbursement).

The system linked the R2T4 PWD to the incorrect loan without origination, because of multiple loans in the same payment period.

The code fix was applied so that the system will link R2T4 PWD to the correct originated loans.

Testing may need a “time machine” to change the server date. Make sure that in the Institution setup “Date used to consider non-rebuild loans as originated” is configured to COD Initial Export Date. Reload RNA Setup if needed. To test the reported students, the user will need to use a time machine set to a date that falls in the reported payment periods where issue happened. After reversing and adding R2T4, confirm only the 2023 originated loans are included in the PWD.

RS-25085Regent AwardCOD

Regent Award unexpectedly did not update COD Pell LEU on History Tab based on a new COD Response File. The Pell amount was incorrect.

Regent Award was not using the latest COD Pell LEUs to calculate Pell Award Amounts.

Regent Award is updated to ensure loading in the latest COD Pell LEU value from the COD data and uses that value as the Pell LEU value in awarding calculations.

In Regent Award check that the latest COD Pell LEU data is shown on the History tab, and the COD date is the latest Date Received. Then, package a student to be sure that the system is using the latest COD file as the main data source for LEU.

RS-25081Regent AwardPackaging


Programs disappeared from Academic Plan when the new loan period was added into the Academic Year.


Regent Award broke the relation between program term and Course Enrollment Program record during the manual modification of AY after program was completed. That made the program change banners disappear as program data was replaced by new records.


The validation logic was improved for program change process to match existing Course Enrollment Program records and avoid program data replacement.


Find the affected student. Review existing program change banners on Academic Plan. Run packaging. Review the data on Academic Plan again. No program change records should disappear.

RS-25009Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Regent Award was not able to repackage a student according to new valid disbursement schedule when a nonterm to a Subscription Period program change took place.

Regent Award used the old program's schedule for creating and updating the new program’s disbursements after the program change.

The logic was updated to use the associated Disbursement Schedule for each program's payment periods after the program change.

Navigate to the affected student with a pending program change. Perform the nonterm to term-based program change. Run packaging. View disbursement details. Verify that after the program change, the Pell disbursements are split based on the disbursement schedule associated with the new program.

RS-24924Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award unexpectedly did not package Subsidized loans for students in ‘Prep-Graduate’ program types.

Regent Award was incorrectly not awarding SUB for PrepGraduate program types by design.

Regent Award is updated to remove halt condition for SUB-Eligibility RuleSet 1.1 when ProgramType is PrepGraduate. Also, updated to include the amount of 5500 for SUB award limit and 23000 Agg Sub Limit for PrepGraduate ProgramType.

In Regent Award, add a Subsidized loan for a student in the ‘Prep-Graduate’ program type.

RS-24678Regent AwardCOD

Duplicate COD Document ID values were generated when the COD Export process happened simultaneously.

Two COD Export processes executed within the same second. That resulted into duplication of 'Document Id' entity values.

Regent updated the COD Export process to ensure each COD Export process runs for at least one second to prevent another COD Export process from running within the same second and creating the same Document ID.

Find at least two affected students with data ready for COD Export. Perform simultaneous pressing of ‘Export COD’ button. Verify the export files. Confirm no duplicate documentIds are present.

RS-24505Regent PlanStudent Experience

Regent Award did not display a Glossary hyperlink in the My Borrowing section for Packaging Philosophy display names.

Regent Award was using the incorrect field name in the My Borrowing section.

Regent Award was updated to use the correct field name.

In Regent student portal, navigate to the My Borrowing tab. Confirm glossary hyperlinks are present.

RS-24499Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was unexpectedly rounding Pell down after PWD completion.

Regent Award was incorrectly rounding the existing Disbursement amount instead of using the PWD's rounded gross amount to set the Disbursement amount.

Regent Award is updated to ensure using the correct value to set the Disbursement amount.

In Regent Award, complete PWD where rounding is needed for Pell. Make sure Pell is rounded up correctly.

RS-24282Regent AwardRunbook

Some Scheduled Processes were unexpectedly not running. The processes were configured to run Multiple Times Daily.

The screen was not saving the ‘Multiple Times Interval' field to the database.

Regent Award is updated to allow entering and saving valid values and updating existing records from the screen.

In Regent Award, confirm an affected Scheduled Process is configured to run hourly for multiple times per day. Run the process as a scheduled process. Confirm the scheduled process runs successfully.

RS-24138Regent AwardReports

The Pell LEU (Lifetime Eligibility Used) Report was not displayed by the system.

The system used an expression which selected too much data and it caused slowness.

The system uses a stored procedure that speeds up the data retrieving for the report.

Navigate to Reports tab. Click Pell LEU Report. Select the required parameters and click View Report button. Confirm the system generates the report.

RS-24127Regent AwardProgram Change

Regent Award was not anchoring the new Academic Year (AY) correctly after a Not Substantially Equal (NSE) program change for a student.

Regent Award sometimes incorrectly set up the Academic Year and Payment Period start date after a nonterm NSE program change.

Regent Award is updated to correctly calculate a start date.

Load SBL data for the affected student. In Regent Award, complete a nonterm NSE program change. Check if the new program is anchoring correctly to the start date. Confirm the student’s progression is tracked correctly.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 
  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note

Purpose of Script:
This ad-hoc script is a workaround to allow multi-institution clients to create additional new Institutions. A bug introduced in the release (RS-25748) prevented adding any new Institutions under Enterprise Setup in releases and

Data Changed by the Script:
The script creates a placeholder Institution with a temporary Institution Name and temporary Institution External ID. An administrator can then edit and save the Institution’s configuration settings.

How to Access the Script:
The script may be requested from a Regent Account Manager by opening a CZ ticket.

How to Test the Script:
Always test first using a non-production environment. Set the script parameters for tempInstitutionName and tempInstitutionExternalId to unique values not already being used. Run the script on the test database. Confirm the script is executed successfully without errors. Refresh Enterprise Setup. Confirm the new Institution is displayed. Confirm the Institution’s External ID value matches the one used in the script. In Institution Setup, edit the configuration settings. Save the changes. Refresh. Confirm the Institution settings were saved. Remember to Reload RNA Setup to apply any changes before packaging.


Purpose of Script:
This build script ensures Regent Award is using updated course data for all students upon upgrade. In some cases, resource conflicts at the database level might have caused deadlocks and stopped the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process from completing. Some students might have had pending data changes, such as new course information from the Student Batch Load (SBL) process. For the affected students, the system could not update information such as total unit values.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script identifies any students that have course data changes or other SIS-provided data that was loaded but was not yet fully processed. The script then runs the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process for those students. The CE Rollup process updates the unit totals and other information.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the certified release of Regent Award. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the certified release.

How to Test the Script:
Before upgrading, find an affected student who had SBL data loaded in a failed CE Rollup process, where the student’s current course data do not match the unit totals displayed on the Academic Plan screen. Perform the upgrade. Refresh the Process Log. Confirm the Process CE Rollup process is Complete. View the affected student. Repackage the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the total units match the course data.

Data Views  

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-25738Data Views

Title: Data View Updates per Release

Tickets: RS-25738;


The following Data Views were created per changes to tables:

  • dataExtract_AwardCODMetadata_View_v005
  • dataExtract_Institution_View_v015

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary

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