Exporting Student Transactions (Est)

Exporting Student Transactions (Est)

All payment (and adjustments) transactions to be posted to the student account are processed through the student transactions the Export Student Transactions process. From the Process bar, click the Export Student Transactions process in the Processes list on your Dashboard. Select the EST type (Actual, DRI or Expected), make selections for each of the various options in the process. If you select Expected, additional options are presented at the bottom of the page. The DRI process is used for the purpose of setting the DRI flag to true prior to exporting of originated Pell and Loan records to COD for the purpose of obtaining approved COD disbursement records. The Actual EST process will not process Pell and Loan records for disbursement unless the DRI was set to true via the DRI EST process and the records were then submitted to and approved by COD for disbursement.

All EST files are sorted by Internal Student ID. If the "Partition Records Into Separate Files" option is chosen, the resulting EST files will be parsed out into separate files for each partitioning option selected. For example, if both ‘Fund’ and ‘FAY’ are selected, separate files are created for 2021-2022 Federal Direct Subsidized Loan, 2022-2022 Federal Direct Subsidized Loan, 2021-2022 Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan, and 2022-2022 Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan funds. The partitioning options available include:

  • Fund
  • Institution
  • Campus
  • Site
  • FAY
  • Transaction Type
    • All zero and positive amounts are placed in one file and all negative amounts are placed in a separate file.
  • # of Students
    • If the # of Students partitioning option is selected, the # of Students is required to be specified.
    • Separate files are created up to the specified number of students specified (e.g. 500).

The EST process for non-term uses the Payment Period Start date range to select the students to be processed. For term-based programs leave this item blank and select the appropriate terms later in the selection process.
If you do not check the Select All Students box, you can filter for a student ID, and then click the Add icon next to the student to add them to the selected student list, if this is done, the process will only be run for the specific student(s) selected.
Once you have made all the appropriate selections, click on the Export icon at the bottom of the page.

In the Process Log, you can check the status of the file as it is loaded. If the file is large, the process may take a while to complete. Any student records that fail to load will be included in the Process Log (See the section on Process Log for more information). Click on the student tab for the appropriate file in the process log to see the reasons the student record failed to package.

The system creates a file including all student transaction information meeting the criteria you set. You may upload this file into your Student Information System.
There are cases where a student will change campuses but still have a pending disbursement from the original campus that needs to be disbursed. The Export EST Process provides an option to change the student selection criteria to look for disbursements based on the campus and site the student was or is attending. The following selection criteria is listed on the Export EST screen: "Currently Enrolled Site" and "Site with which Disbursements are Associated." This selection dictates how the EST process gathers and exports disbursements. If "Currently Enrolled Site" is selected, the EST Export process exports disbursements associated to the student's current campus and site. If the "Site" with which disbursements are associated is selected, the EST Export process exports disbursements associated with the campus and site where the disbursements were created under. If a selection is not made, the EST Export process defaults to "Currently Enrolled Site."

Processing of Export Student Transactions for Awards Processed through COD

For the Federal awards that are required to be processed through COD such as Pell Grant, TEACH, and Direct Loans, the following steps must be followed before funds will be made available for disbursement to the student AR system via the actual EST process.

  1. Export COD records for originations through the Export COD process.
  2. Import COD responses through the Import COD process. If the response is rejected, the student will need to restart at step 1 once the reject is resolved.
  3. EST for DRI for COD to approve the disbursement (see explanation below). If the funds already have DRI=True, running EST for AR will disburse those funds. If the disbursement is set to DRI=true, then the disbursement will get paid on the next EST Actual run.
  4. Export COD records for disbursements (now that DRI = TRUE) through the Export COD process
  5. Import COD responses through the Import COD process. If the response is rejected, the student will need to restart at step 1 once the reject is resolved.
  6. EST for AR to disburse the funds. The EST for AR will not run through eligibility checks as they have already been processed during step 3, 4, and 5.
  7. If the EST for AR is not processed on the same as the EST for DRI, then from the EST for AR results in the process log, run the Update AR Release date process to correct the DRI true date

Exporting Previously Exported Student Transactions

Click the Process Log in the Processes bar on your Dashboard. In the table search for the Exported Student Transactions file that you want to re-export, and click on the row. At the bottom right of the page, click on the file name of the Download file to export it.

Process to Update the AR Release date

If the EST for AR is not processed on the same as the EST for DRI, then from the EST for AR results in the process log, run the Update AR Release date process to correct the DRI true date. For more details see Updating the AR Release Date 

Exporting Expected Aid

From the Process bar, click the Export Student Transactions process in the Processes list on your Dashboard. Select the EST type (Expected), make selections for each of the various options in the process. If you select Expected, additional options are presented. If you enter a student ID, the process will only be run for that specific student.
Once you have made all the appropriate selections, click on the Export icon at the bottom of the page.

In the Process Log, you can check the status of the file as it is loaded. If the file is large, the process may take a while to complete. Any student records that fail to load will be included in the Process Log (See the section on Process Log for more information). Click on the student tab for the appropriate file in the process log to see the reasons the student record failed to package.
The system creates a file including all student transaction information meeting the criteria you set. You may upload this file into your Student Information System A/R system.

EST File Name 

A backend Institution level setting determines the maximum number of characters in which the file name can have.  It is a backend setting called maxEstFullFileNameLength and is defaulted to 255 characters. The default setting of 255 characters is able to be adjusted via a script which can be requested by submitting a Customer Zone ticket. The EST process will create files names to fit within the defined value (default = 255 or script value).

The EST full file name is the drive + path + filename.

Currently, an EST export file name would have a name such as this

  • C:\Regent File Repo\School_QA\ExportStudentTransaction\EST_Expected_334228_School_QA_1418603_20220913_233758200.xml

  • This is 125 characters long.

The following parts of the full file name are always present:

  • The repo folder path (e.g. C:\Regent File Repo\School_QA\ExportStudentTransaction\)

  • Process level settings:

    • EST process type (e.g. EST_Expected)

    • BatchId (e.g. _334228)

  • DEX service settings for:

    • InstanceId (e.g. _School_QA)

    • ProcessTransationId (e.g. _1418603

    • DateTime (e.g. _20220913_233758200)

If one or more of the partitioning options are selected, the process:

  • First calculates the space remaining to determine the file name:
    • Space remaining = maxEstFullFileNameLength (backend Institution setting; default = 255) minus full file name length (length of the parts of the full file name that are always present)
  • Then builds the partition portion based on the selected parameter options to create the remaining file name:
    • Fund Name (limited to 30 characters)
    • Institution Name (limited to 30 characters)
    • Campus Name (limited to 30 characters)
    • Site Name (limited to 30 characters)
    • FAY (e.g. 2022-2023 = 2023)
    • Transaction Type (e.g. Pos or Neg)
    • Internal Student IDs (e.g. _0111_3333)
  • If the file name exceeds the maxEstFullFileNameLength, the process reduces the characters for Fund Name, Institution Name, Campus Name, and Site Name by 1 character (e.g. From 30 characters to 29 characters).
  • The process continues to reduce the characters for Fund Name, Institution Name, Campus Name, and Site Name by 1 character until the file name fits within the maxEstFullFileNameLength setting limit.

EST Full File Name Examples:

No partitioning options selected:

  • C:\Regent File Repo\School_QA\ExportStudentTransaction\EST_Expected_25_School_QA_276_20120815_201731806.xml

    • Repo Folder Path:

      • C:\Regent File Repo\School_QA\ExportStudentTransaction\

    • EST Process Type:

      • EST_Expected

    • BatchId:

      • 25

    • Instance Id:

      • School_QA

    • Process TransactionId:

      • 276

    • DateTime:

      • 20120815_201731806

With all partitioning options selected:

  • C:\Regent File Repo\School_QA\ExportStudentTransaction\EST_Expected_25_FundName_InstitutionName_CampusName_SiteName_2022_Pos_0111_3333_School_QA_276_20120815_201731806.xml

    • Repo Folder Path:

      • C:\Regent File Repo\School_QA\ExportStudentTransaction\

    • EST Process Type:

      • EST_Expected

    • BatchId:

      • 25

    • Fund Name:

      • FundName

    • Institution Name:

      • InstitutionName

    • Campus Name:

      • CampusName

    • Site Name

      • SiteName

    • FAY

      • 2022

    • Positive/Negative Transactions:

      • Pos

    • First and Last Student Ids in file:

      • 0111_3333

    • Instance Id:

      • School_QA

    • Process TransactionId:

      • 276

    • DateTime:

      • 20120815_201731806

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