Troubleshooting Steps For Disbursement

If funds are not disbursing as expected, then check the 'Message' column of the EST Process Report (available in the Process Log), which includes checks for the following:

    • Have registration and attendance requirements been met (per the fund's Disbursement Schedule)?
    • Have the awards been originated with COD (view the COD Tab)?
    • Has an accepted response been received from COD?
    • Has the disbursement been submitted for release to COD (DRI= true)?
    • Has a disbursement response been received from COD?
    • Is there an un-cleared NSLDS Transfer Monitoring (TSM) alert (History Tab)?
    • Is there a 7-Day NSLDS Transfer Monitoring (TSM) hold (History Tab)?
    • Is the student a first time borrower subject to the 30-day delay for their first disbursement?
    • Are there any document requirements blocking disbursement?
    • Are there any uncompleted tasks blocking disbursement?
    • Does the Process Log show the disbursement process completed successfully?