/ Release Notes Release Notes



Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent 6.2, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System. (For 6.2.1 information, see Release Notes)

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements which include:

  • Remainder of 2023-2024 ISIR Processing Functionality (most 2023-2024 ISIR processing was released in

  • 2023-2024 Verification Worksheet

  • TEACH Sequestration Reduction Amount

  • Focused Batch Packaging

  • Ability to Limit EST File Size

New/Updated Configuration Options

The following configuration options were added or updated in release 6.2:  

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Admin and User Guide Updates 

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As part of Regent, the following Admin and User Guide pages were added/updated:

Regent Award for Salesforce (RAFSF) (Archived)

Activity Log Entries

Exporting Student Transactions (Est)

Batch Packaging


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-24467Regent Award for SalesforceUser Interface

Title: Full Sync Jobs History Screen Improvements- Regent Award for Salesforce

Tickets: RS-24467; RS-24318;


The full sync Jobs history screen in Regent Award for Salesforce has been improved to allow for better navigation through the sync history. This includes a refresh option as well as ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ buttons for navigating pages.

RS-24248Regent AccessStudent Experience

Title: Access Re-alphabetize School Names After Update to List

Tickets: RS-23919; RS-24248;

Description: An update was made to ensure the list of Schools for selection in Access forms are still presented in alphabetical order when new school are added or names are changed.

RS-23862Regent Award for SalesforceUser Interface

Title: RASF: Improve Full Sync Performance and Limitations

Tickets: RS-24531; RS-23862;

Description: The full sync process in Regent Award for Salesforce (RAFSF) has been improved to optimize the run time for the syncing records between Regent Award and the Salesforce application.

RS-23568Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Regulatory Updates to Verification Worksheet for FAY 2023-2024

Tickets: RS-21766; RS-23568; RS-24409;

The ISIR Verification Worksheet (VWS) has been updated with the 2023-2024 annual regulatory changes for Regent Review.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Verification Worksheet.

RS-21773Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Remaining Fall Regulatory Updates- SAR Comment Codes and Reject Codes

Tickets: RS-22713; RS-21773; RS-21775;


Updated SAR Comment Codes and Reject Codes in Regent to support processing of 23-34 ISIRs.

RS-244484Regent AwardTechnical Design

Title: Limit Batch Packaging Activity Log Entries

Tickets: RS-24484; RS-23150;

The Award Change Activity Log entries have been updatedto only be created during batch packaging or other packaging methods when there is at least one change to an award to reduce duplicative entries.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Activity Log Entries.

RS-23151Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Title: Update the Export Student Transactions (EST) Process Partitioning Parameters and File Name

Tickets: RS-23151; RS-24404; RS-24405; RS-24406; RS-24407; RS-24408; RS-23150;


The current EST process partitioning parameter was updated to include additional partitioning options. When the partitioning parameter is selected, different partitioning options become available. The resulting EST files are parsed out into separate files for each partitioning option selected. For example, if both ‘Fund’ and ‘FAY’ are selected, separate files are created for 2021-2022 Federal Direct Subsidized Loan, 2022-2022 Federal Direct Subsidized Loan, 2021-2022 Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan, and 2022-2022 Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan funds. The following partitioning options are now available:

  • Fund
  • Institution
  • Campus
  • Site
  • FAY
  • Transaction Type
    • All zero and positive amounts are placed in one file and all negative amounts are placed in a separate file.
  • #of Students_____ (Specify Number of Students)
    • Separate files are created up to the specified number of students specified (e.g. 500).

All EST files are now sorted by Internal Student ID and the file name has been updated to include the selected parameter option(s). If ‘# of Students’ is selected as a partitioning option, the Internal Student ID of the first student and the last student in the file are included as part of the file name (e.g. 0111_3333).

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Exporting Student Transactions (Est).

RS-19779Regent AwardTechnical Design

Title: Limit Batch Packaging Process to Only Package Students with Changes

Tickets: RS-19779; RS-24477; RS-24478; RS-24479; RS-24480; RS-24481; RS-24482; RS-24483; RS-24484;

A new parameter, ‘Process Students with Data Changes Only’ has been added to the Batch Packaging export process that allows the process to be limited only to students with data changes impacting awarding. This provides an option for schools to reduce the daily batch packaging process times.

Regent currently flags students for repackaging under specific conditions which may prevent disbursement during the EST process (EST Validation Error Code 0059: Student is queued for packaging and disbursements cannot be determined at this time).

Regent has added additional conditions that flag a student to be repackaged to better ensure disbursements are not made when packaging could potentially affect awarding eligibility. Schools may see an increase in the number of EST-0059 error codes due to specific data changes. To minimize the number of EST-0059 error codes, schools should schedule the Batch Packaging process to run after receiving a significant volume of data changes (e.g. SBL Imports) and prior to execution of the EST process.

A full batch packaging process is required to be run upon upgrading to the 6.2 or higher release. If schools choose to run a daily Batch Packaging using the ‘Process Students with Data Changes Only’ parameter, Regent recommends schools update their Runbook to also include a full batch packaging process on a weekly basis.

Examples of such Data changes include:

  • Specific Import/Export Processes

  • Any Import or Export Process that creates or updates a Task

  • Specific updates in the Regent Award User Interface (e.g. Cost Adjustment)

  • Updates to awards in Student Experience Portal (e.g. Acceptance)

  • Institution Configuration Changes (manual or imported changes)

  • Campus Configuration Changes (manual or imported changes)

  • Pertinent configured dates (e.g. Census Date)

  • Tasks triggered by specific events (e.g. Term End Date)

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Batch Packaging.


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-24352Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Regent Award was not able to link some awards to a disbursement schedule to award disbursements during the Export Student Transactions (EST) EST-for-DRI process.

The awards were created during the Import Awards and Disbursements process. When matching to loan period during import award processing to create the award in Regent Award, a loan period with the incorrect award period scope (AY/FAY) was selected.

Loan period assignment logic was fixed for import award processing. The fix will prevent future Imported Awards from being assigned to the incorrect award period. A cleanup script RS_24464 was developed for data cleanup of previously affected imported awards. Schools may work with their Regent Account Manager to run the script to identify any affected awards and determine a cleanup approach.

Import awards for AY-scoped funds onto students who also have FAY-scoped awards. Confirm the Import Awards are imported successfully. Run EST-for-DRI for an eligible student. No EST-0066 errors should occur.

RS-24301Regent AwardCOD

Some COD files were rejected for a COD Schema issue caused by a negative Disbursement Net Amount value.

The Total Fee Amount was greater than the Disbursed Amount. Regent sent an invalid negative DisbursementNetAmount value on the disbursement when it was sent to COD.

The general logic was updated so that in the particular case, i.e. in an R2T4 calculation and in the COD export process, when the Total Fee Amount is greater than the Disbursed Amount, there will be no negative values for Disbursement Net Amount sent to COD.

Navigate to an affected student. Perform Modify Academic Plan (MAP). Export the Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans to COD. View the exported COD data. Verify that the DisbursementNetAmount value and DisbursementFeeAmount value are 0 dollars for Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans.

RS-24243Regent AwardAwarding

Some Pell Grant awards were not consistently alternating rounding up and down for the payment periods in the Federal Academic Year (FAY).

The Pell rounding was tracking the ‘over/under’ remainder amounts from each payment period and always adding that amount to the next term, then rounding to the full dollar amounts.

The pattern of ‘over/under’ amounts will hold so long as the Pell Enrollment Level of the terms is the same. For four terms, that means the second term amount is truncated instead of standard rounding to force the ‘round down’ pattern. If the next term or payment period (PP) has a different Pell enrollment level, then the rounding pattern resets - i.e., rounding up for that new enrollment level, then rounding down for the following term with the same Pell enrollment level. The sum of all the PPs for the FAY still does not exceed the full-time enrollment level limit.

Testing needs a Time Machine environment that can set a specific server date. For the affected students, set the date to April 4, 2022, which is the date before the Pell Recalculation Date for the ‘2022-04 Spring’ term. Perform MAP (Modify Academic Plan) and ensure that the pattern of rounding amounts up, then down, is kept as long as the terms have the same Pell enrollment level.

RS-24123Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Regent unexpectedly calculated an incorrect EFC value in the Second step of ISIR Correction Wizard in comparison with the original CPS-provided value though no corrections were made in wizard.

Regent incorrectly processed negative values for Parent's Aggregated Gross Income (AGI) setting it value to 0 (zero) instead of treating it as 0 (zero) for calculation, making Regent trigger CPS rule that replaces Parent's AGI with sum of Parent 1 Earned From Work and Parent 2 Earned From Work.

Regent logic was updated to ensure negative Parent's AGI is treated as 0 (zero) for EFC calculation but original negative value is kept for further rules and assumptions processing.

In Regent, find a student with negative Parent's Aggregated Gross Income in ISIR. Open Correction Wizard for this ISIR. Proceed to Step 2 of Wizard and make sure EFC calculated in Regent is not changed.

RS-24047Regent AwardPackaging

Subsidized Loans Awarded Above Federal Need for loan period containing donut hole.

The yearly SUB limit was overawarded if an Academic Year had both manual and non-manual awards in different loan periods.

The Regent Award logic was updated so that the system would not overaward yearly SUB limit even if manual awards are present.

Find the affected student. Add manual loan amount into the first term. The 2nd term should be donut hole. Run packaging. Verify the results. The 3rd term should contain the remaining eligible annual loan amount.

RS-24014Regent AwardPackaging

A student had accepted multiple Subsidized loans in an Academic Year. Some of the Accepted Subsidized loan amounts were canceled by the system.

Regent had assigned and moved all the eligibility to the earliest Subsidized loan in the loan period. However, that loan’s Accepted amount was limited due to the Student Accepted Amount value on the loan. The other Subsidized loan was zeroed out due to the removed eligibility.

A code fix was done for loans with a ‘Student Accepted Amount’ or ‘User Accepted Amount’ value. If an existing loan has a positive value for the ‘Student Accepted Amount’ or ‘User Accepted Amount’ fields, the system will try to keep the eligibility on that award instead of moving eligibility to the earliest loan.

Note: Testing may require a time machine for testing the original reported student. Navigate to an affected student who has multiple Subsidized loans with the same start and end date, where the student has accepted the full Subsidized eligibility, and the loans are not fully paid. Use Modify Award Wizard (MAW) and confirm the two loans have different Student Accepted Amounts. Package the student on a date during the current loan period. Confirm the remaining unpaid eligibility moves back to the second Subsidized loan. Confirm the student is awarded the full Subsidized loan eligibility in the loan period.

RS-23986Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

For two students, Regent Award unexpectedly did not automatically clear EST-0041 and EST-0049 errors when their attendance requirement was met.

In some cases, Regent Award’s Export Student Transactions (EST) Message assignment logic was not recognizing the correct Attendance value due to it being linked to the wrong Course Enrollment record.

Regent Award is updated to ensure the disbursement checks are using the Payment Period's Course Enrollment record, rather than the Enrollment's Course Enrollment record.

In Regent Award, run EST for DRI on an affected unpaid disbursement in the term for the affected students who have attendance in the terms. Confirm the disbursements are successfully paid without the attendance related errors.

RS-23737Regent AwardAwarding

At a school using configured to Determine Student Census, Regent Award was unexpectedly reducing Census units when a withdrawn course had attendance and withdrawn after census in the term, causing incorrect Pell calculation.

The student had a FAY-scoped blocking document that prevented Regent Award from setting the 'First Packaged On With Valid ISIR' date.

Regent Award is updated to remove checks for blocking documents or blocking tasks in the student level census calculator when determining if the student was first packaged with a valid ISIR.

In Regent Award, package an affected student, who has withdrawn from a course after the Census date and has a Title IV blocking document or blocking tasks. Check the Pell calculation and amount of Census units. Confirm the system is calculating the correct Census units.

RS-23482Regent AwardPackaging

Regent unexpectedly returned Year Round Pell (YRP) part of the Pell after R2T4 finalization during subsequent packaging.

Regent incorrectly cancelled YRP disbursements having a finalized R2T4.

Regent logic was updated to make sure YRP disbursements are correctly processed after R2T4 finalization.

In Regent Award find a student with YRP Pell. Perform an R2T4 resulting in Refund for that term, so that portion of Pell is remaining on the student. Finalize R2T4 and MAP student several times. Make sure the correct Pell amount remains on the student’s Academic Plan.

RS-23443Regent AwardAwarding

The system calculated Pell Grant amounts incorrectly for some students in a nonterm short program of study, in a program less than one Academic Year in length.

The system did not adjust Pell Formula 4 amounts by program units for short nonterm programs if students had over-registration, where the amount of actual registered units was greater than the number of units for program completion.

The code fix is applied so that the system adjusts Pell Formula 4 amount by program units for short nonterm programs.

Navigate to the affected students and package using Modify Academic Plan (MAP). Ensure that Pell amounts are as expected in accordance with Pell Formula 4.

RS-23166Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award unexpectedly underawarded a Direct Unsubsidized loan by $1.

Regent Award incorrectly underawarded the loan when calculating the net to gross amount.

Regent Award is updated to ensure that the "net to gross amount" calculation is correct.

In Regent Award, package the affected student. Check the Direct Unsubsidized loan. Confirm the amount is correct.

RS-22938Regent AwardUser Interface

Regent Award had a spelling Error in the Permissions setup sentence.

Regent Award was using the word ‘Satus’ in ‘Allow to update Disb Satus to "Paid"’ permission setup.

Regent Award is updated to ensure that Permissions setup uses the word Status in ‘Allow to update Disb Status to "Paid"’ permission setup.

Navigate to Modify Award Wizard Permissions setup in Regent Award and see ‘Allow to update Disb Status to "Paid"’ permission setup.

RS-21029Regent AwardPackaging

Some students near their Pell Lifetime Eligibility Usage (LEU) limits had their paid Pell Grant amounts adjusted up or down by one dollar.

The system sometimes incorrectly adjusted paid Pell Grant amount based on Pell LEU.

The code fix was applied so that the Pell Grant LEU adjustment issue was corrected.

Perform Modify Academic Plan (MAP) for the reported students, repackaging them several times. Ensure that there are no one-dollar amount adjustments.

RS-20379Regent AwardAccount Management

Regent Award had a spelling Error in the Electronic Signature document setup.

Regent Award was using the word Manualy in “Manualy Entered in R8” Electronic Signature option.

Text updated from “Manualy Entered in R8 Electronic” to “Manually Entered in Regent”.

Navigate to the Electronic Signature document setup tab in Regent Award and see the “Manually Entered in Regent” option.

RS-20043Regent AwardTasks

Regent Award had a spelling Error in Review PLUS Loan Denial Task.

Regent Award was using the word ‘Counceling’ in ‘PLUS Counceling Completed’ option.

Regent Award is updated to ensure that Review PLUS Loan Denial Task setup uses the word ‘Counseling’ in ‘PLUS Counseling Completed’ option.

Navigate to Review PLUS Loan Denial Task General setup in Regent Award and see ‘PLUS Counseling Completed’ option.

RS-19831Regent AwardUser Interface

A spelling error was present in the Budgets tab of Fund Setup. In Budget History, ‘Acedemic Year' was written instead of 'Academic Year.’

The code had a spelling error in Fund Setup.

The spelling error in the code was fixed.

Access Regent Award as an Administrator. Navigate to the Administration menu. Choose Fund Setup and select the Budget tab for a fund that has an Academic Year scope in the Budget History. Ensure that there are no spelling errors in the word "Academic."

RS-18681Regent AwardPackaging

'Override' FAY crossover default option did not match 'Crossover FAY' value in the Advanced Packaging Wizard.

Regent incorrectly provided default 'Override' FAY crossover option that mismatched 'Crossover FAY' on Advanced Packaging. That resulted in a bad user experience and caused Pell cancellations for current 'Crossover FAY' as the previous FAY for 'Override' FAY crossover was selected by default.

'Override' FAY Crossover default option logic was updated to show the same FAY as at 'Crossover FAY'.

Find the affected student. Run packaging via MAP wizard. Navigate 'Advanced Packaging'. Review 'Crossover FAY' and 'Override' columns for Summer 2022. By default 'Override' column should have the same FAY value as 'Crossover FAY'.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 
  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note

Purpose of Script:
This build script ensures Regent Award is using updated course data for all students upon upgrade. In some cases, resource conflicts at the database level might have caused deadlocks and stopped the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process from completing. Some students might have had pending data changes, such as new course information from the Student Batch Load (SBL) process. For the affected students, the system could not update information such as total unit values.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script identifies any students that have course data changes or other SIS-provided data that was loaded but was not yet fully processed. The script then runs the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process for those students. The CE Rollup process updates the unit totals and other information.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the certified release of Regent Award. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the certified release.

How to Test the Script:
Before upgrading, find an affected student who had SBL data loaded in a failed CE Rollup process, where the student’s current course data do not match the unit totals displayed on the Academic Plan screen. Perform the upgrade. Refresh the Process Log. Confirm the Process CE Rollup process is Complete. View the affected student. Repackage the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the total units match the course data.


Purpose of Script:
This ad-hoc data-cleanup script removes previously Imported Awards that were affected by the logic bug in RS_24352. The script cleans up the associated data in the database so those awards can be successfully packaged and disbursed. Optionally, the script also allows schools to re-process the already-loaded Import Awards and Disbursement (IAD) data.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script identifies awards that were imported into the incorrect award period type for the fund’s scope, for example, AY-based awards that were incorrectly imported onto FAY-based award periods. The update script removes the associated incorrect individual Import Award record and the legacy award and disbursement data from the database.

Optionally, the script can also mark the IAD records for reprocessing. Schools will need to review the student populations and identify the appropriate approach. For example, if a school already manually managed or awarded replacement awards, the school would keep the default script cleanup behavior and would not mark the IAD data for reprocessing, to prevent creating duplicate awards.

How to Access the Script:
The script is available upon request from the Regent Account Manager. Not all schools will need cleanup, as most awards were unaffected by the bug.

How to Test the Script:
Run the list-only script to identify any affected awards. If any awards are found, review the affected students and determine the cleanup approach. NOTE: Schools can choose whether to update individual students/awards or to update all identified students/awards based on script parameters. If the school chooses to additionally reprocess the imported award data, the school can also review the affected students' IAD in the Program Management Wizard (PMW). After upgrading to the release, run the script to update the data based on the agreed approach with the Regent Account Manager.

After the script runs, confirm the student has an Activity Log entry recording the data cleanup. Repackage the student, such as using the Modify Academic Plan (MAP) wizard. Refresh the Academic Plan. If the script did not reprocess the IAD data, confirm the original award is no longer present on the student’s Academic Plan. Note: If the script reprocessed the Import Awards, students must be repackaged to reprocess the IAD data. If the IAD data was reprocessed, confirm the student has the Imported Award on the Academic Plan. If the student is eligible, disburse the student through the Export Student Transactions (EST) process. Confirm the student is paid successfully without any EST-0066 error.

Data Views  

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-24508Regent AwardData Views

Title: Data View Updates per Release

Tickets: RS-24508;


The following Data Views were created per changes to tables:

  • dataExtract_Document_SAPStatus_View_v002
  • dataExtract_Document_SAPFailureReason_View_v002
  • dataExtract_CourseEnrollmentProgram_View_v004
  • dataExtract_IOProcess_View_v002
  • dataExtract_Student_View_v006

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary

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