ISIR Import and Export
SOP Title: ISIR Import and Export | ||
Document #: {INSERT #} | Revision #: 1.0 | Effective Date: MM/DD/YYYY |
Author: [Name] | Reviewer: [Name] | Approver: [Name] |
1 Purpose
These procedures will guide {INSERT TEAM NAME} through [list process(es)].
2 Scope
The {INSERT TEAM NAME} will be impacted by this procedure.
3 Roles and Responsibility
{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} with a {define role} will be responsible for [list action].
4 Definitions
TERM | Definition |
Term | Definition |
5 Procedure
5.1 ISIR Imports not utilizing the TD Client and SAIG Mailbox within Regent Award
Any user with appropriate permissions
Regent Award
ISIR file has been placed in the SAIG mailbox by CPS.
Basic Flow
The user retrieves ISIR files from the SAIG mailbox and uploads them to the Regent File Watcher (FW) sFTP ISIRLoad_FW folder.
Regent Award checks for the file, and if a file is detected, begins the ISIR import process.
The user reviews the process log to determine the status
If a failure, determine the cause and:
Resolves the issue, or
Contacts Regent Client Support
Regent Award runs the automated ISIR matching process to match an ISIR(s) to an existing student record.
Post -condition
ISIR file has been matched to student.
Alternative Flow
The user imports the ISIR files into Regent Award
Navigates to Processes and Import Process
Selects “Import ISIR” process type
Selects the files
Clicks “Import”
Reviews the process log to determine the status
If a failure, determine the cause and:
Resolves the issue, or
Contacts Regent Client Support
Regent Award runs the automated ISIR matching process to match an ISIR(s) to an existing student record.
5.2 ISIR Imports utilizing the TD Client and SAIG Mailbox within Regent Award
Any user with appropriate permissions
Regent Award
ISIR file has been placed in the SAIG Unprocessed sFTP folder from CPS by the TD Client.
Basic Flow
ISIR files are automatically retrieved from CPS via the TD Client and placed in the SAIG Unprocessed sFTP folder.
The user navigates to the SAIG Processes and Receive Files
Identifies and selects the specific message class and or file(s)
Clicks “Receive Selected SAIG Files”
If configured to automatically import, Regent Award checks for the file, and if a file is detected, begins the ISIR import process.
If configured to manually import, the user:
Navigates to Processes and Import Process
Selects “Import ISIR” process type
Selects files from the SAIG Unprocessed sFTP folder
Click “Import”
Reviews the process log to determine the status
If a failure, determine the cause and:
Resolves the issue, or
Contacts Regent Client Support
Regent Award runs the automated ISIR matching process to match an ISIR(s) to an existing student record.
Post -condition
ISIR file has been matched to student.
5.3 ISIR Correction Exports not utilizing the TD Client and SAIG Mailbox within Regent Award
Any user with appropriate permissions
Regent Award
Correction have been made to ISIRS
Basic Flow
The user:
Navigates to Processes and Export Process
Selects the “Export ISIR Correction” process type
Selects export criteria
Clicks “Export”
If a saved parameter set has been created, navigates to the Saved Parameter Sets:
Identifies the appropriate Parameter Set Name
Selects “Execute Process”
Regent Award places the file in the respective sFTP folder.
The user reviews the process log to determine the status
If a failure, determine the cause and:
Resolves the issue, or
Contacts Regent Client Support
Transmits the file using SAIG Mailbox not configured in Regent Award.
Post -condition
ISIR Correction files have been successfully transmitted to CPS
5.4 ISIR Correction Exports utilizing the TD Client and SAIG Mailbox within Regent Award
Any user with appropriate permissions
Regent Award
Correction have been made to ISIRS
Basic Flow
The user:
Navigates to Processes and Export Process
Selects the “Export ISIR Correction” process type
Selects export criteria
Clicks “Export”
If a saved parameter set has been created, navigates to the Saved Parameter Sets:
Identifies the appropriate Parameter Set Name
Selects “Execute Process”
Reviews the process log to determine the status
If a failure, determine the cause and:
Resolves the issue, or
Contacts Regent Client Support
If configured to automatically transmit, Regent Award checks for the file, and if a file is detected, begins the ISIR correction transmission process.
If configured to manually transmit, the user navigates to the SAIG Processes and Send Files
Select Files Pending Transmission and process type
Identifies and selects file(s)
Clicks Send
Reviews the transmitted files log to determine status
Post -condition
ISIR Correction files have been successfully transmitted to CPS