Inherited Verification Status

Inherited Verification Status


Schools may elect to use the Institution Setup option "ISIR Verification Status Override," in order to limit the manual work of re-verifying subsequent ISIRs.  When a subsequent ISIR is made active, either automatically or manually, and this setup option is in use, Regent Award will "inherit" the verification status of the prior active ISIR (for the same FAY).

  • Source of correction must be D (CPS) or S (School), or otherwise be an Active ISIR, in order to automatically inherit a status of "Verified"
    • Some Applicant-generated ISIRs will not automatically be made Active, so as a result, those Inactive Applicant-generated ISIR transactions will not automatically inherit a "Verified" status unless a user marks that Applicant-generated transaction as the Active ISIR.  See Automatic Active ISIR Logic
  • This option only applies to the ISIR that is made Active, whether by Regent Award's automated logic or manually
  • The correctionAppliedAgainstTransactionNumber value is irrelevant.
  • Regent Award inherits any verification status from the previous, active ISIR, except for "Not Verified."
  • Regent Award will not inherit the verification status when:
    • The verification status has not been set by the ISIR Correction/Verification Wizard.  
    • A new ISIR has a Verification Selection Change flag (“verificationSelectionChangeFlag”) equal to “C” (change in verification tracking group).  

It is the user's responsibility to confirm that the "Verified" status is still appropriate and to update to "Not Verified" if the new imported ISIR created a conflict with the originally verified information.  Regent recommends marking an ISIR as "Verified" at the same time the ISIR is corrected via the ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard.  In this way, when the corrected ISIR is received, the Verification status will be inherited to the newly imported ISIR.
