Reports: Current Year Pell Used by School

Report Description

This report provides a list of students receiving Pell for the selected award year.

Report Parameters / Filters

  • Enterprise
  • Institution (multi-select)
  • Campus (multi-select)
  • Site (multi-select)
  • Federal Award Year  (multi-select)
  • Status (Active, All)
  • Date ISIR Imported From
  • Date ISIR Imported To
  • Student is Active?

Output Columns

  • External Student ID (1 thru 4 as applicable)
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • ISIR Transaction #
  • ISIR Import Date
  • NSLDS Pell School Code (1)
  • NSLDS Pell Last Update Date (1)
  • NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to Date (1)
  • NSLDS Pell Percent Scheduled Award by Award Year (1)
  • NSLDS Pell School Code (2)
  • NSLDS Pell Last Update Date (2)
  • NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to Date (2)
  • NSLDS Pell Percent Scheduled Award by Award Year (2)
  • NSLDS Pell School Code (3)
  • NSLDS Pell Last Update Date (3)
  • NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to Date (3)
  • NSLDS Pell Percent Scheduled Award by Award Year (3)
  • Student is Active?