Reports: Overall Status/Portfolio Executive
Reports: Overall Status/Portfolio Executive
Report Description
From Regent Award we need the ability to quickly report to schools on the overall ‘health’ and status on the processing of their financial aid.
The Overall Status/Portfolio Executive Report is a high level summary of estimated, offered, accepted, declined, COD-accepted, and paid awards by fund type for a date range of program start dates. It can be sorted by institution, campus, or program start date.
Report Parameters / Filters
- Enterprise
- Institution (multi-select)
- Campus (multi-select)
- Sites (multi-select)
- Program Start Date Range From
- Program Start Date Range To
- Grouped By:
- Enterprise
- Institution
- Campus
- Site
- Program Start Date
- Federal Award Year (multi-select)
- Student is Active?
- All
- Yes
- No
Output Columns
- For each fund in fund setup, SUM by group chosen above:
- Amount Estimated
- Amount Offered
- Amount Accepted
- Amount Declined
- COD Accepted Amount
- Paid Amount