Reports: Student - Withdrawn All Courses
Reports: Student - Withdrawn All Courses
Report Description
This report identifies students who have withdrawn from all courses
Report Parameters / Filters
- Enterprise
- Institution (multi-select)
- Campus (multi-select)
- Site (multi-select)
- Type
- Term Based
- Non-term Based
- NonStandard Term
- Term (multi-select) (only if Term is chosen from Type)
- Payment Period Start Date Range From (only if Non-Term Type is chosen)
- Payment Period Start Date Range To (only if Non-Term Type is chosen)
- Withdrawal Date Range From (only if None of the above two options are chosen)
- Withdrawal Date Range To (only if None of the above two options are chosen)
- Enrollment Level (multi-select)
- All
- Full time
- Three-quarter time
- Half time
- Less than half time
- Student is Active?
- All
- Yes
- No
Output Columns
- External Student ID (1 thru 4 as applicable)
- First Name
- Last Name
Payment Period
Payment Period Start Date
Payment Period End Date
- Enrollment
- Registered Units (Total for the current active program)
- Census Units (Total for the current active program)
- Completion Units (Total for the current active program)
- Progression Units (Total for the current active program)
- Attended - If the student attended one or more courses in the payment period/term selected, then display a Y in this column. if not, display N.
- Attendance Date (latest from all the withdrawn courses for the PP?)
- Withdraw Date (latest from all the withdrawn courses for the PP?)
- R2T4 Status
- Date of Determination
- Finalized Date
- Days to Finalize
- Student is Active?