Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Below are the setup items to be used for each term that you configure in the system. If you only have non-term programs, then no setup is required in this section.

Table of Contents

General Subtab

Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeValuesBusiness Rules

Term Name

Displays name for the term in the system, SNAP and for reports.


Text box - 60 characters max


Display NameWhen text is entered into this field, the Term Display Name is used throughout the portal. If this textbox is blank, the Term Name is displayed.OptionalText box - 30 characters maxAlpha/Numeric

External Term Id

SIS term Id used in the SBL to link the term in the course record to the setup items associated with it.


Text box - 60 characters max


External Term Code

Additional external term identifier. OptionalText box - 60 characters maxAlpha/Numeric Anchor_Toc447867257_Toc447867257Academic Calendar/Period/Unit

Inherit from Campus


  • Selected
  • Unselected

If selected, the values are inherited from Campus setup.

Academic Calendar Type



  • SAY - Federal Award Year
  • BBAY1 - Borrower Based
  • BBAY2 - Borrower Based
  • BBAY3

Academic Period Type



  • Standard Term Semester,
  • Standard Term Trimester,
  • Standard Term Quarter,
  • Standard Term Quarter 4,
  • Non-Standard 2 SE9W Terms,
  • Non-Standard 3 SE9W Terms,
  • Non-Standard 4 SE9W Terms,
  • Non-Standard 5 SE9W Terms

Academic Unit Type



  • Semester
  • Quarter
  • Clock hour
  • Other
Anchor_Toc447867258_Toc447867258General Settings

Start Date

Start Date of the Term


Date picker


End Date

End Date of the Term


Date picker


Cross Over

Indicator if the term overlaps two award years.

Read only

Text box

  • Yes
  • No

Calculated by Regent Award, using the rules provided.

Crossover occurs when an enrollment period is in two Federal Award Years.

A Federal Award Year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. An enrollment period that spans over these days is a crossover. 

Inherit from Campus



  • Selected
  • Unselected

If selected, the values are inherited from Campus setup.

Alternate EFC Months


Text box

Used to calculate the EFC for the term. If a decimal is included, standard rounding rules will be used to determine the number of months to use for selecting the term Alt EFC from the active ISIR.

Accelerate Begin Actual for Registered Units



  • Any Registered Units
  • Full Time
  • Three Quarter Time
  • Half Time
  • Less than Half Time
Allows you to set an enrollment level that will trigger packaging to use actual enrollment instead of anticipated enrollment. It will work similar to the Begin Actual Date flag, but based on an enrollment level status in instead of a date. No matter what value is chosen in this field, Regent Award will flip to actual under any circumstances on the Begin Actual Date.
The "Accelerate Begin Actual for Registered Credits" is used as the enrollment threshold to specify when (prior to the census date) to use actual units in packaging a student. It works in conjunction with Begin Actual Date. The system will begin using actual enrollment once one of the actions has occurred. Here is an example: The census date is October 15th, the begin actual date is October 10th, and the accelerate begin actual value is ½ time. If the current date is October 1st and the student only enrolls for 3 units, Regent Award will continue to use anticipated enrollment.
If the current date is October 1st and the student enrolls for 15 units, Regent Award will use actual enrollment since the actual enrollment is greater than ½ time. If the current date is October 11st and the student only enrolls for 3 units, Regent Award will use actual enrollment since the begin actual date is after October 10th.

Completes SAY?


Radio button

  • Yes
  • No

Indicator to designate which term is the final term in the SAY for a program. Trailing terms will automatically complete the SAY.  However, it should be set on the last term (used for anticipating enrollment) in the SAY (i.e. on the spring terms) if you do not want to use anticipated enrollment for the Summer in the awarding process.

COD Term Start Date OverrideWhen selected, Regent Award will consume the Payment Period Start Date from the WB Response File and set a Payment Period Override Date to be used on subsequent COD Exports. OptionalRadio button
  • Yes
  • No
This configuration option is permission-based and can only be modified by users who have the permission turned on.Is Header?Define if a Term is a Header.OptionalDrop-down
  • Yes
  • No


  • This field only displays if:  Calendar Type = SAY and Crossover = yes. 
    • Note:  Crossover will automatically display if the term crosses over 7/1 based on the begin and end dates configured for the term.
  • If if the term does not cross over 7/1 based on the begin and end dates configured for the term and the term needs to be set as a 'header' for the SAY, the 
    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA
     script will need to be ran. 
    • If this script is required, it must be run each time a new SAY Term and/or SAY Program is added or if the Program/Term association is updated.  
    • Script Description:  This script sets Summer terms as a 'header' and sets Spring terms to complete the SAY for SAY Programs.  The programterm cross-reference table is not currently being set for the Programterm_completesSAY and Programterm_isHeader fields when the term is configured. 
TrackOptionalAlphanumeric (up to 20 characters)Defines the track field. Displayed only when BBAY is selected.Allow Term to Start Anticipated AYRequiredDrop-down
  • Yes
  • No
When this option is set to "Yes," Regent Award can use the term as the anchor (first) term in an anticipated BBAY1 or BBAY2. Anticipated AYs can start with this term, even when a student has no registration for that term. If this field is set to a value of "No," then the term will not start an AY unless the student has actual registered units in the term.Anticipate 0 Units for TermRequiredDrop-down
  • Yes
  • No
When this option is set to "Yes," Regent Award will anticipate 0 units for the term prior to the Begin Actual Date. With 0 units anticipated, no awards will be made for the term unless the student has actual registered units. When this option is set to "No," and the Begin Actual date has not been met, Regent Award will anticipate using the Anticipated Enrollment Level Type defined for the student's program.

BBAY Anchor Determination



  • Inherit (default)
  • Actual Registered Units by the Term Start Date
  • Actual Registered Units by the Term Begin Actual Date
  • Actual Registered Units by the Term Census Date
  • Actual Registered Units by the Term Auto Withdraw Date
  • Direct Loans Greater Than $0

Stipulates when Regent Award can "anchor" a term-based BBAY. Regent Award determines "anchor" eligibility based on a configured Term Date or when Direct Loans are greater than $0 in the term.

  1. The "Actual Registered Units by the Term Start Date" uses Term Setup's "Start Date" to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date.
  2. The "Actual Registered Units by the Term Begin Actual Date" uses Term Setup's "Begin Actual Date" to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date.
  3. The "Actual Registered Units by the Term Census Date" uses Term Setup's "Census Date 1" (term's first Census Date) to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date. Student-level Census Functionality Note: Regent Award uses the Term Setup's Census Date 1 regardless of the Student-level Census Date.
  4. The "Registered Units by the Term Auto Withdraw Date" Date uses Term Setup's "Auto Withdraw Date" to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date.
  5. Direct Loans Greater Than $0 will anchor the term when Direct Loan amounts in the term are packaged with an amount greater than $0. Note: Enrollment and Term Dates will not be considered when this option is selected.

See Anchoring a BBAY for more details.

Use for Anticipation?


Radio button

  • Yes
  • No

Designates when the Term should be used for anticipating enrollment.
For example – if the school is SAY with Fall, Spring, Summer terms and Summer is NOT checked as "use for anticipation" - then the system will not include a Summer term in the academic plan unless an SBL is imported with courses on it for Summer. If it is checked, then the system will always include that term in the academic plan as it anticipates it out into the future.

Begin Actual Date


Date picker


The "Begin Actual Date" is the date used to specify when (prior to the census date) to use actual units in packaging a student. Prior to this date, anticipated units will be used.

Pell Recalculation Date


Date picker


Used to recalculate the enrollment status based upon all courses for which attendance has been reported by the Pell Recalculation date. If the enrollment status based upon attendance is less than the enrollment status as of Census, the enrollment status will be reduced and Pell will be recalculated based upon the recalculated enrollment status.

SAP Date


Date picker


The earliest date the school can begin SAP evaluation for the term.

Census Date 1


Date picker


The census date is used to set the Pell "initial calculation" date which is often referred to as the census date. All courses enrolled on or before this date and are not dropped or withdrawn on or before this date will be included in the census units.

Census Date 2


Date picker


Supports the ability to provide a census date for students who are enrolled in only the second module of a term. 

Last Day for Drop/Add


Date picker


This field can be used to provide the last date within the term that a school allows a student to drop or add courses for that term.  Within Regent Award, this date will be used in SAP Calculations. 

Previously, Regent Award's SAP logic used the Census Date 1 value to included or exclude courses that were attended but withdrawn before that date, in the SAP attempted and cumulative units calculations.  However, Census is a date used for Pell calculations.  When it comes to SAP calculations and the determination as to whether to include or exclude withdrawn courses as attempted, schools use the "Last Day for Drop/Add" date. 

Note:  This field was added in release;  All existing customers had the new "Last Day for Drop/Add" value set to the same value as the current Census Date 1 for each existing term, at the time of upgrade.

Financial Aid Determination DateOptionalDate pickerMM-DD-CCYY


Below are the setup items to be used for each term that you configure in the system. If you only have non-term programs, then no setup is required in this section.

Table of Contents

Term Setup - Top Grid 

Field NameDescription
NameTerm Name, such as "Summer 2021"
Unit TypeUnit Type, such as "Semester Credit"
Academic CalendarAcademic Calendar Type, such as "BBAY2 - Borrower Based"
TrackTrack, if any
StartTerm Start Date
EndTerm End Date
CensusTerm Census Date 1
External Term IDExternal Term Id value

General Subtab

Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeValuesBusiness Rules

Term Name

Displays name for the term in the system, SNAP and for reports.


Text box - 60 characters max


Display NameWhen text is entered into this field, the Term Display Name is used throughout the portal. If this textbox is blank, the Term Name is displayed.OptionalText box - 30 characters maxAlpha/Numeric

External Term Id

SIS term Id used in the SBL to link the term in the course record to the setup items associated with it.


Text box - 60 characters max


External Term Code

Additional external term identifier. OptionalText box - 60 characters maxAlpha/Numeric

Used to identify terms eligible for Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC).  

External Term Code will align with the MHEC term value + FAY (example: 232022) for matching.  MHEC term values listed below:

  1. 23 = Leading Summer
  2. 24 = Fall
  3. 25 = Spring
  4. 26 = Trailing Summer
  5. 1 = Annual (will not be used)

Academic Calendar/Period/Unit

Inherit from Campus


  • Selected
  • Unselected

If selected, the values are inherited from Campus setup.

Academic Calendar Type



  • SAY - Federal Award Year
  • BBAY1 - Borrower Based
  • BBAY2 - Borrower Based
  • BBAY3

Academic Period Type



  • Standard Term Semester,
  • Standard Term Trimester,
  • Standard Term Quarter,
  • Standard Term Quarter 4,
  • Non-Standard 2 SE9W Terms,
  • Non-Standard 3 SE9W Terms,
  • Non-Standard 4 SE9W Terms,
  • Non-Standard 5 SE9W Terms

Academic Unit Type



  • Semester
  • Quarter
  • Clock hour
  • Other

General Settings

Start Date

Start Date of the Term


Date picker


End Date

End Date of the Term


Date picker


Cross Over

Indicator if the term overlaps two award years.

Read only

Text box

  • Yes
  • No

Calculated by Regent Award, using the rules provided.

Crossover occurs when an enrollment period is in two Federal Award Years.

A Federal Award Year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. An enrollment period that spans over these days is a crossover. 

Inherit from Campus



  • Selected
  • Unselected

If selected, the values are inherited from Campus setup.

Alternate EFC Months

Used to calculate the EFC for the term.


Text box

If a decimal is included, standard rounding rules will be used to determine the number of months to use for selecting the term Alt EFC from the active ISIR.

Accelerate Begin Actual for Registered Units

Allows you to set an enrollment level that will trigger packaging to use actual enrollment instead of anticipated enrollment. It will work similar to the Begin Actual Date flag, but based on an enrollment level status in instead of a date. No matter what value is chosen in this field, Regent Award will flip to actual under any circumstances on the Begin Actual Date.

The "Accelerate Begin Actual for Registered Credits" is used as the enrollment threshold to specify when (prior to the census date) to use actual units in packaging a student. It works in conjunction with Begin Actual Date. The system will begin using actual enrollment once one of the actions has occurred. Here is an example: The census date is October 15th, the begin actual date is October 10th, and the accelerate begin actual value is ½ time. If the current date is October 1st and the student only enrolls for 3 units, Regent Award will continue to use anticipated enrollment.
If the current date is October 1st and the student enrolls for 15 units, Regent Award will use actual enrollment since the actual enrollment is greater than ½ time. If the current date is October 11st and the student only enrolls for 3 units, Regent Award will use actual enrollment since the begin actual date is after October 10th.



  • Any Registered Units
  • Full Time
  • Three Quarter Time
  • Half Time
  • Less than Half Time

Completes SAY?

Indicator to designate which term is the final term in the SAY for a program. Trailing terms will automatically complete the SAY.  However, this indicator should be set on the last term (used for anticipating enrollment) in the SAY (i.e. on the Spring term) if you do not want to use anticipated enrollment for the Summer in the awarding process.


Radio button

  • Yes
  • No

COD Term Start Date OverrideWhen selected, Regent Award will consume the Payment Period Start Date from the WB Response File and set a Payment Period Override Date to be used on subsequent COD Exports. OptionalRadio button
  • Yes
  • No
This configuration option is permission-based and can only be modified by users who have the permission turned on.
Is Header?Define if a Term is a Header.OptionalDrop-down
  • Yes
  • No
  • This field only displays if:  Calendar Type = SAY and Crossover = yes. 
    • Note:  Crossover will automatically display if the term crosses over 7/1 based on the begin and end dates configured for the term. 
  • If if the term does not cross over 7/1 based on the begin and end dates configured for the term and the term needs to be set as a 'header' for the SAY, a script such as RS-71 will need to be run.
    • If this script is required, it must be run each time a new SAY Term and/or SAY Program is added or if the Program/Term association is updated.  
    • Script Description:  This script sets Summer terms as a 'header' and sets Spring terms to complete the SAY for SAY Programs.  The programterm cross-reference table is not currently being set for the Programterm_completesSAY and Programterm_isHeader fields when the term is configured. 
  • See Optional Header and Trailer Terms for Standard Academic Year (SAY) Programs
TrackDefines the track field. OptionalAlphanumeric (up to 20 characters)
Displayed only when BBAY is selected.
Allow Term to Start Anticipated AYWhen this option is set to "Yes," Regent Award can use the term as the anchor (first) term in an anticipated BBAY1 or BBAY2. Anticipated AYs can start with this term, even when a student has no registration for that term. If this field is set to a value of "No," then the term will not start an AY unless the student has actual registered units in the term.RequiredDrop-down
  • Yes
  • No

Anticipate 0 Units for TermWhen this option is set to "Yes," Regent Award will anticipate 0 units for the term prior to the Begin Actual Date. With 0 units anticipated, no awards will be made for the term unless the student has actual registered units. When this option is set to "No," and the Begin Actual date has not been met, Regent Award will anticipate using the Anticipated Enrollment Level Type defined for the student's program.RequiredDrop-down
  • Yes
  • No

BBAY Anchor Determination

Stipulates when Regent Award can "anchor" a term-based BBAY. Regent Award determines "anchor" eligibility based on a configured Term Date or when Direct Loans are greater than $0 in the term.

  1. The "Actual Registered Units by the Term Start Date" uses Term Setup's "Start Date" to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date.
  2. The "Actual Registered Units by the Term Begin Actual Date" uses Term Setup's "Begin Actual Date" to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date.
  3. The "Actual Registered Units by the Term Census Date" uses Term Setup's "Census Date 1" (term's first Census Date) to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date. Student-level Census Functionality Note: Regent Award uses the Term Setup's Census Date 1 regardless of the Student-level Census Date.
  4. The "Registered Units by the Term Auto Withdraw Date" Date uses Term Setup's "Auto Withdraw Date" to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date.
  5. Direct Loans Greater Than $0 will anchor the term when Direct Loan amounts in the term are packaged with an amount greater than $0. Note: Enrollment and Term Dates will not be considered when this option is selected.

See Anchoring a BBAY for more details.



  • Inherit (default)
  • Actual Registered Units by the Term Start Date
  • Actual Registered Units by the Term Begin Actual Date
  • Actual Registered Units by the Term Census Date
  • Actual Registered Units by the Term Auto Withdraw Date
  • Direct Loans Greater Than $0

Use for Anticipation?

Designates when the Term should be used for anticipating enrollment.
For example – if the school is SAY with Fall, Spring, Summer terms and Summer is NOT checked as "use for anticipation" - then the system will not include a Summer term in the academic plan unless an SBL is imported with courses on it for Summer. If it is checked, then the system will always include that term in the academic plan as it anticipates it out into the future.


Radio button

  • Yes
  • No

Begin Actual Date

The "Begin Actual Date" is the date used to specify when (prior to the census date) to use actual units in packaging a student. Prior to this date, anticipated units will be used.


Date picker


Pell Recalculation Date

Used to recalculate the enrollment status based upon all courses for which attendance has been reported by the Pell Recalculation date.

  • For terms that are not in Subscription Period programs, if the enrollment status based upon attendance is less than the enrollment status as of Census, the student's enrollment level will be reduced and Pell will be recalculated based upon the recalculated enrollment status.
  • For terms that are in Subscription Period programs, if the enrollment status based upon attended courses during the term is less than the program's configured Subscription Period Enrollment Level, the student's enrollment level for the term's Pell recalculation will be reduced to match the actual units with attendance during the term dates.


Date picker


Reanticipate Academic Plan Date

(Previous name: SAP Date)

 This field is used to delay re-anticipation of courses that are not marked as completed for a closed term. If a student does not have their expected progression units marked as successfully completed before the end of a term, then normally, Regent will extend the student's Academic Plan to add on the missing units to the end of the Academic Plan. When this date is configured to be after the term's end date, Regent will not re-anticipate those missing units until the student is packaged on or after this date.

Renamed from the previous label, 'SAP Date.'


Date picker


Default to term end date.

Should be greater or equal than term end date.

Census Date 1

The census date is used to set the Pell "initial calculation" date which is often referred to as the census date. All courses enrolled on or before this date and are not dropped or withdrawn on or before this date will be included in the census units.


Date picker


Alternative Census Date Supports the ability to provide a census date for students who are enrolled in only the second module of a term. 


Date picker


Census Date 2 When configured, Census Date 2, Census Date 3, and Census Date 4 fields will be used to determine if the current calculated term census date should be updated to one of the configured values, based on course attendance as of each date configured. OptionalDate pickerMM-DD-CCYYEnabled when Census Date 1 value is present. Validation ensures that date value entered is not less than Census Date 1 value.
Census Date 3 OptionalDate pickerMM-DD-CCYYEnabled when Census Date 2 value is present. Validation ensures that date value entered is not less than Census Date 2 value.
Census Date 4 OptionalDate pickerMM-DD-CCYYEnabled when Census Date 3 value is present. Validation ensures that date value entered is not less than Census Date 3 value.

Last Day for Drop/Add

This field can be used to provide the last date within the term that a school allows a student to drop or add courses for that term.  Within Regent Award, this date will be used in SAP Calculations. 

Previously, Regent Award's SAP logic used the Census Date 1 value to included or exclude courses that were attended but withdrawn before that date, in the SAP attempted and cumulative units calculations.  However, Census is a date used for Pell calculations.  When it comes to SAP calculations and the determination as to whether to include or exclude withdrawn courses as attempted, schools use the "Last Day for Drop/Add" date. 


Date picker


Note:  This field was added in release;  All existing customers had the new "Last Day for Drop/Add" value set to the same value as the current Census Date 1 for each existing term, at the time of upgrade.

SAP Evaluation Start Date

Defines the first day when Regent will try to automatically calculate a SAP status for a term, at a school with a Calculated SAP policy. 

Regent recommends that schools configure this date to be after the last day when a class could be added for the term, to prevent prematurely calculating a SAP status that could change. If this date is set to before the Term's end date, Regent also recommends that the school enable the setting, 'Delay SAP Calculation Due to Missing Grades' in Institution Setup.

RequiredDateMM/DD/CCYYThe default value is the term's End Date.

SAP Evaluation End Date

Defines the last day when RNA will try to automatically calculate a SAP status for a term, at a school with a Calculated SAP policy and using 'Auto-Generate SAP Node from Student GPA.' Regardless of the SAP Evaluation Period End Date, Regent will still always calculate a new SAP status if a new SBL SAP node is received for the term on or after the term's SAP Evaluation Period Start Date.

Regent recommends that schools configure this date to the last day when grades could be posted for the term, and prior to when a new GPA is posted for the next term.

RequiredDateMM/DD/CCYYThe default value is the term's End Date.
Financial Aid Determination DateDefines a specific, point-in-time date for a Term. Regent Award can check a student's enrolled units as of this date, for use in Custom Fund Rulesets.

Auto Withdraw Date

Required.OptionalDate pickerMM-DD-CCYY

The system looks at the student's units as of this date. 

State Grant Census Date 1


Date picker


State Grant Census Date 1

This date will be used to calculate attended remedial qualified units and attended program applicable units. It will exclude courses that have a withdrawn date after this date.State Grant Census Date 2


Date picker


State Grant Census Date 2

This date will be used to calculate attended remedial qualified units and attended program applicable units. It will exclude courses that have a withdrawn date after this date.

State Grant Census Date 3


Date picker


State Grant Census Date 3

This date will be used to calculate attended remedial qualified units and attended program applicable units. It will exclude courses that have a withdrawn date after this date.State Grant Census Date 4


Date picker


State Grant Census Date 4

This date will be used to calculate attended remedial qualified units and attended program applicable units. It will exclude courses that have a withdrawn date after this date.


Date picker


Programs Subtab

Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeValuesBusiness Rules
Available ProgramsAvailable Programs to assign to term.OptionalMulti-select list box

Selected ProgramsPrograms assigned to the term.OptionalMulti-select list box

Program Type
Read only

Enrollment Level
Read only

Modules Subtab

Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeValuesBusiness Rules
NameA unique name for the Module.RequiredText box - 60 characters max

External Module IDA unique identifier for the Module. It should be unique across Campuses. This value needs to match the field sent in the SBL file for, externalModuleId.RequiredText box - 60 characters max

Start DateThe start date of the Module.RequiredDate pickerMM-DD-CCYY
End DateThe end date of the Module.RequiredDate pickerMM-DD-CCYY
Freeze COA Date
RequiredDate pickerMM-DD-CCYYThis field allows for an additional freeze option other than the census date. Schools may adjust costs when a student attended and then dropped all courses in a module. They need Regent Award to allow for the COA to be adjusted based on the actual time the student attended the course. Schools now have the ability to freeze a student's COA when the student actually dropped the units (after add/drop period - census date.) The Freeze COA Date field is set for a term, and it is pushed down to the module level. If no attendance is sent on the SBL file by COA freeze date, costs are frozen. Therefore, if attendance comes in after the COA freeze date, the user must manually perform adjustments in COA wizard.
Expected Attendance Date
RequiredDate pickerMM-DD-CCYYRegent Award is expecting to receive attendance for a course by this date. This field allows Regent Award to identify periods of non-enrollment. Regent Award will reflect the periods for when a student is actually enrolled. This allows Regent Award to adjust duration COA items and EFC calculations based on when the student is in attendance.
Last Day for Drop/Add
RequiredDate pickerMM-DD-CCYYThis field specifies separate Drop/Add periods associated with each configured Module.  If provided, Regent Award will exclude courses that are withdrawn on or before this date from any aspect of the SAP calculation, regardless of attendance.