Award Change Hash Values
Definitions of Hash Values as found in dataExtract_AwardChange_View_v001
This document contains the definitions of each of the hash values in the dataExtract_AwardChange_View_v001 Regent Award Data View.
Each hash value is comprised of either a single value or a collection of values concatenated together. Each hash value is meant to provide visibility into the state of the award at the time of each change.
Version Information
The first three characters each hash determine the version of the hash. Therefore, in the following hash value example, the version is 001.
Ex: 0010000000007974000653520170101
Each hash value is a varchar(200) TSQL data type.
The award's eligibleAmount. This is a value in the Award Data Model. Award data is in the dataExtract_Award_View_v001 and dataExtract_Award_View_v002 data views.
This value is padded on the left with leading zeroes to a final length of 13 characters. The eligibleAmount value is in decimal format with a precision of 3.
Example: 001000002204.000 – the eligible amount in this hash is $2204.000
This hash is the combination of the following data values. The order below is the order of concatenation.
- eligibleAmount
- estimatedAmount
- acceptedAmount
- offeredAmount
- autoAcceptedAmount
- amount
- budgetedAmount
These are values in the Award Data Model. Award data is located in the dataExtract_Award_View_v001 and dataExtract_Award_View_v002 data views.
Each amount in this hash is padded on the left with leading zeroes to a final length of 13 characters. The amounts are in decimal format with a precision of 3.
Example showing the breakdown of each amount in the hash: 001000002204.000000002204.000000000000.000000002204.000000000000.000000002204.000000000000.000
The combination of the following columns, in the order below, for the ISIR attached to the award.
- isirRecordDataId
- corresponding to dataExtract_ISIR_View.isirRecordDataId
- Length = 20, Padded with leading 0's
- awardYear – The FAY of the ISIR attached to the award.
- This is the 4-digit year where '2020' would correspond to FAY 19/20.
- Length = 4
- transactionNumber
- corresponding to dataExtract_ISIR_View.transactionNumber
- Length = 2
- isirRecordPackageOptionId (not available in the data views)
- Length = 2
The combination of the following columns, in the order below, for the NSLDS attached to the award. The link of on the NSLDS is on the following column: a.isirRecordId
- NSLDSAggregateSubsidizedTotal
- corresponding to dataExtract_ISIR_View.NSLDSAggregateSubsidizedTotal
- Length = 13
- NSLDSAggregateCombinedTotal
- corresponding to dataExtract_ISIR_View.NSLDSAggregateCombinedTotal
- Length = 13
- NSLDSPellLifetimeEligibilityUsed
- corresponding to dataExtract_ISIR_View.NSLDSPellLifetimeEligibilityUsed
- Length = 13
- offeredOnDate
- corresponding to dataExtract_Award_View_v002.offeredOnDate
- Length = 8
- Format (YYYYMMDD)
COA Hash
The combination of the following columns, in the order below, for the ISIR attached to the award. The link of the ISIR is on the following column: a. loanPeriodId
- loanperiod.needFM
- corresponding to dataExtract_LoanPeriod_View_v001
- Length = 13
- loanperiod.needIM
- corresponding to dataExtract_LoanPeriod_View_v001
- Length = 13
- loanperiod.cost
- corresponding to dataExtract_LoanPeriod_View_v001
- Length = 13
- loanperiod.directCost
- corresponding to dataExtract_LoanPeriod_View_v001
- Length = 13
- loanperiod.billedByInstCost
- corresponding to dataExtract_LoanPeriod_View_v001
- Length = 13
- loanperiod.unmetNeedFM
- corresponding to dataExtract_LoanPeriod_View_v001
- Length = 13
- loanperiod.unmetNeedIM
- corresponding to dataExtract_LoanPeriod_View_v001
- Length = 13
- loanperiod.unmetCost
- corresponding to dataExtract_LoanPeriod_View_v001
- Length = 13
- loanperiod.unmetDirectCost
- corresponding to dataExtract_LoanPeriod_View_v001
- Length = 13
- loanperiod.unmetBilledByInstCost
- corresponding to dataExtract_LoanPeriod_View_v001
- Length = 13
- (loanperiod.manualResources + loanperiod.resources)
- corresponding to dataExtract_LoanPeriod_View_v001
- Length = 13
- Award.pellCOA
- corresponding to dataExtract_Award_View_v002
- Length = 13
Each amount in this hash is padded on the left with leading zeroes to a final length of 13 characters. The amounts are in decimal format with a precision of 3.
Example showing the breakdown of each amount in the hash: 001000014404.000000000000.000000014906.000000009050.000000009050.000000007132.000000007132.000000007634.000000001778.000000001778.000000000000.000000000000.000
Award Period Hash
The combination of the following columns, in the order below, for the ISIR attached to the award The link of the ISIR is on the following column: a.awardPeriodId
- awardPeriod.startDate – The Award Period Start Date attached to the award
- corresponding to dataExtract_AwardPeriod_View_v001.startdate
- Length = 8
- Format (YYYYMMDD)
- awardPeriod.endDate – The Award Period End Date attached to the award
- corresponding to dataExtract_AwardPeriod_View_v001.enddate
- Length = 8
- Format (YYYYMMDD)
- federalawardyear.awardYear – The FAY of the award period attached to the award
- corresponding to dataExtract_AwardPeriod_View_v001.right(federalAwardYear,4)
- This is the 4-digit year where '2020' would correspond to FAY 19/20.
- Length = 4
Example showing the breakdown of each value in the hash: 00120180904201903012019
Loan Period Hash
The combination of the following columns, in the order below, for the loan period attached to the award. The link of the ISIR is on the following column: a. loanPeriodId
- loanperiod.startDate – The loan period start date
- corresponding to dataExtract_LoanPeriod_View_v001.startdate
- Length = 8
- Format (YYYYMMDD)
- loanperiod.endDate – The loan period end date
- corresponding to dataExtract_LoanPeriod_View_v001.enddate
- Length = 8
- Format (YYYYMMDD)
Example showing the breakdown of each date in the hash: 0012018090420190301
Enrollment Hash
The enrollment hash looks at the award's enrollment level type Id. If this value is null, then the hash value will be set to 'Not Calculated', else the enrollment level type id will be used.
- EnrollmentLevelType.enrollmentLevelTypeId – The PK from the EnrollmentLevelType table
- corresponding to dataExtract_Enrollment_View_v001.enrollmentLevelTypeCode
- Dataview already does the conversation from the PK to the Name
- Length = 1
- Format 1 number from 0 to 4
- 0 = Full Time
- 1 = Three Quarter Time
- 2 = Half Time
- 3 = Less Than Half Time
- 4 = None
- corresponding to dataExtract_Enrollment_View_v001.enrollmentLevelTypeCode
Example showing the breakdown of each value in the hash: 0010
Document Hash
The document hash is created by looking to see if there are any blocking documents that are directly related to the fund type. If the award (fund) has a blocking document then the value will be set to 1, else the value will be 0.
If there are any ('NEEDED','INCOMPLETE','UNSATISFIED') documents that will stop the award from being paid, the value will be flipped to 1, else 0.
Example showing the breakdown of each value in the hash: 0010
Task Hash
The task hash is created by looking to see if there are any blocking tasks that are directly related to the fund type. If the award (fund) has a blocking tasks then the value will be set to 1, else the value will be 0.
If there are any ('OPEN','INPROCESS','REOPENED','REVIEWED') tasks that will stop the award from being paid, the value will be flipped to 1, else 0.
Example showing the breakdown of each value in the hash: 0010
Grade Level Hash
The grade level hash is created by looking at the awards enrollment and using the column grade level on the enrollment row
- Enrollment.gradeLevel
- corresponding to dataExtract_Enrollment_View_v001.gradeLevel
- Length = 1
Example showing the breakdown of each value in the hash: 0010
Award Status Hash
The award Status Hash is created by looking at the award's current award status name
- award.awardStatusCode
- corresponding to dataExtract_Award_View_v002.awardStatusCode
Example showing the breakdown of each value in the hash: 001Offered