Pell COA Override
The Pell COA Override wizard is not currently supported for FAY 2024-2025 and later.
SOP Title: Pell COA Override | ||
Document #: {} | Revision #: 1.0 | Effective Date: MM/DD/YYYY |
Author: {NAME} | Reviewer: {NAME} | Approver: {NAME} |
1 Purpose
These procedures will guide {INSERT TEAM NAME} through list process(es)
2 Scope
The {INSERT CLIENT TEAM NAME} will be impacted by this procedure.
3 Roles and Responsibility
{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} with a {define role} will be responsible for list action
{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} will be responsible for list action share.
4 Definitions
TERM | Definition |
Term | Definition |
5 Procedure
5.1 Adding a Pell COA Override
User with appropriate permissions
Regent Award
Student has been awarded Pell
Basic Flow
The user navigates to the Awards tab
Clicks on Pell Cost of Attendance Override
Clicks Add
Chooses either Federal Award Year or Payment Period(s)
If Federal Award Year, selects award year from the drop down
Enters applicable amounts for On Campus, With Parents and/or Off Campus
Clicks Save
Click Repackage
If Payment Period(s)
Enters amounts for Fulltime and Less than half time
Adds applicable terms under Term Selection
Clicks Save
Click Repackage
CNavigates back the Awards Tab
Confirms the new Pell COA has been applied to the student’s AY or Payment Period(s).
Pell COA override is applied to student
Change Log