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Table of Contents

Change Tracking Log

1.0October 17, 2016
Page Creation, See
Jira Legacy
Inna Olshansky

Report Description

This report identifies students who have withdrawn from all courses

Report Parameters / Filters

  • Enterprise
  • Institution (multi-select)
  • Campus (multi-select)
  • Site (multi-select)
  • Type
    • Term Based
    • Non-term Based
    • NonStandard Term
  • Term (multi-select) (only if Term is chosen from Type)
  • Payment Period Start Date Range From  (only if Non-Term Type is chosen)
  • Payment Period Start Date Range To (only if Non-Term Type is chosen)
  • Withdrawal Date Range From (only if None of the above two options are chosen)
  • Withdrawal Date Range To  (only if None of the above two options are chosen)
  • Enrollment Level (multi-select)
    • All 
    • Full time
    • Three-quarter time
    • Half time
    • Less than half time
  • Student is Active?
    • All
    • Yes
    • No

Output Columns

  • External Student ID (1 thru 4 as applicable)
  • First Name 
  • Last Name 
  • Payment Period 

  • Payment Period Start Date

  • Payment Period End Date

  • Enrollment
  • Registered Units (Total for the current active program)
  • Census Units (Total for the current active program)
  • Completion Units (Total for the current active program)
  • Progression Units (Total for the current active program)
  • Attended - If the student attended one or more courses in the payment period/term selected, then display a Y in this column. if not, display N.
  • Attendance Date (latest from all the withdrawn courses for the PP?)
  • Withdraw Date (latest from all the withdrawn courses for the PP?)
  • R2T4 Status
  • Date of Determination 
  • Finalized Date
  • Days to Finalize
  • Student is Active?


  • Payment Period Selected payment period 
  • Student ID External Student ID 1
  • Last Name Student's last name from the Student Information Tab 
  • First Name Student's first name from the Student Information Tab 
  • Enrolled Date Start date of the payment period 
  • Registered Units Sum of the units enrolled for the payment period from the Courses Tab 
  • Census Units Sum of the units enrolled for the payment period from the Courses Tab 
  • Completion Units Sum of the units enrolled for the payment period from the Courses Tab 
  • Progression Units Sum of the units enrolled for the payment period from the Courses Tab 
  • Enrollment Level Student's enrollment level from the Courses Tab 
  • Attendance Date Student's most recent attendance date for the payment period from the Courses Tab 
  • Attended Value = Yes if student has at least one attended flag for the payment period from the Courses Tab 
  • Withdraw Date Student's most recent withdraw date for the payment period from the Courses Tab 
  • R2T4 Status The status of the R2T4, if it exists
  • "Days to Finalize". Count the number of days between the Date of Determination and the Finalized Date (Status Date). If a partial day, round the value to the nearest day.
  • Only populate the Finalize Date column and the Days to Finalize columns if the record in the row is finalized.