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These are the codes and validation messages that will appear on the Process Log and Disbursement Details UI when running the EST for DRI and EST for AR processes.  Users will be able to override these validation messages in order to disburse an award.  The codes and messages will also display in the activity log as a record of the validations that were triggered and overridden for a given EST process.

EST CodeCategory/GroupMessageResolution
EST-0001$0 TransactionsA disbursement status of [disbursementStatusCode] only supports negative disbursements - Disbursement transaction amount would be $[transactionAmount] and is therefore invalidReview the student's awards to determine if the student requires an upward adjustment to scheduled amounts.  If not, no further action is required.
EST-0002CODA valid MPN is not on file and is required for the [codExportCode] awardDetermine if the student is missing the MPN. If the MPN has been completed, determine if the student's MPN needs to be manually linked.
EST-003FAYAcademic Year's#0 [{0}] Federal Award Year [{1}] was not found.Review the institutional configuration
EST-0004FAYAcademic Year's#0 [{0}] Federal Award Year#{1} was not found.Review the institutional configuration
EST-0005OtherAn undefined error occurred in RNA for this process/studentReview the institutional configuration.
EST-0006CODAward [{0}] can not be exported due to a Pell COA of 0.Review the Pell COA on the Program configuration for the student's program.
EST-0007CODAward [{0}] has an incorrect origination fee of [{1}].Review and update the fund fee configuration to ensure Regent Award has been updated appropriately for the FAY and according to scheduled disbursement dates.  
EST-0008ISIRAward [{0}] has no ISIR reference.Import the ISIR file under the Processes section
EST-0009ISIRAward [{0}] is blocked due to ISIR [{1}] correction had been exported and no response has been received.Import the ISIR file under the Processes section
EST-0010ISIRAward [{0}] is blocked due to ISIR [{1}] restricts packaging until correction is received.Import the ISIR file under the Processes section
EST-0011ISIRAward [{0}] is blocked due to ISIR without verification.Complete verification using the verification/correction wizard and clear all ISIR related tasks (when applicable) 
EST-0012FundAward [{0}] is blocked due to no associated fundReview configuration and determine if fund configuration is accurately set up. 
EST-0013OtherAward [{0}] is blocked due to non-managed flag.Review configuration and determine if fund configuration is accurately set up. 
EST-0014DocumentAward [{0}] is restricted by Document Requirement(s) [{1}].Review all open blocking documents on the student's document tab.  Update the document as appropriate to Satisfied or Waived (when applicable).  
EST-0015TaskAward [{0}] is restricted by Task(s) [{1}].Review the student's task tab with all restricting tasks and resolve as appropriate. 
EST-0016Import AwardAward [{0}] is restricted by unprocessed import award(s) [{1}].No action required.  Allow for the import awards process to complete prior to releasing the disbursement. Refer to the Runbook for scheduled jobs. 
EST-0017ISIRAward [{0}] references a non-active ISIR/Corrected ISIR [{1}]; this award must be repackaged prior to EST.Review and clear ISIR related tasks, update documents and MAP the student to repackage using the active ISIR
EST-0018OtherAward Disbursement [{0}] disbursements have net amount equal to paid amount.Review configuration and determine if fund configuration is accurately set up. 
EST-0019Disbursement ScheduleAward Disbursement [{0}] is blocked due to missing Disbursement Schedule [{1}] reference.Review the disbursement schedule configuration.  Confirm the disbursement schedule effective date. 
EST-0020DocumentAward Disbursement [{0}] is restricted by Document Requirement(s) [{1}].Review all open blocking documents on the student's document tab.  Update the document as appropriate to Satisfied or Waived (when applicable).  
EST-0021DocumentAward Disbursement [{0}] is restricted by Document Requirement(s) [{1}].Review all open blocking documents on the student's document tab.  Update the document as appropriate to Satisfied or Waived (when applicable).  
EST-0022Disbursement ScheduleAward Disbursement [{0}] is restricted by lack of attendance in starting payment period.Review student course tab to ensure attendance is being populated by the SBL
EST-0023OtherAward Disbursement [{0}] is restricted by prior payment period not hard closed, or current payment period does not have attendance.Review student course tab to ensure attendance is being populated by the SBL
EST-0024TaskAward Disbursement [{0}] is restricted by Task(s) [{1}].Review the student's task tab with all restricting tasks and resolve as appropriate. 
EST-0025Academic PlanAward Disbursement's [{0}] Payment Period [{1}] was not found in Academic Plan [{2}].Review the student's awards to ensure the BP was completed accurately.  If not, MAP the student correct the student.  
EST-0026CODAward has never been sent to COD or the initial response is pendingExport COD originations using the export process
EST-0027FAYAward Period's [{0}] Federal Award Year [{1}] was not found.Review student Academic Plan to ensure Federal Award Year is present
EST-0028FAYAward Period's [{0}] Federal Award Year#{1} was not found.Review student Academic Plan to ensure Federal Award Year is present
EST-0029Academic PlanAwardPeriod's [{0}] Academic Year [{1}] was not found in the plan.Review the student's awards to ensure the BP was completed accurately.  If not, MAP the student correct the student.  
EST-0030OtherAward's [{0}] disbursements have net amount equal to paid amount.Review the fund fee configuration and confirm for accuracy.
EST-0031OtherAward's [{0}] Fund [{1}] belongs to a campus [{2}] not included in this batch package process.Review the fund configuration for the campus. 
EST-0032OtherAward's [{0}] Fund [{1}] was not found in Location [{2}] or institution.Review the fund configuration for the location. 
EST-0033OtherBlocked due to ineligibility for the Award [{0}] on the payment period [{1}].Review all associated tasks and resolve as appropriate. 
EST-0034CODCredit Requirements were not met for Award [codExportCode] for [awardYear]  FAY, Academic Year [year] due to a valid credit decision not being related to this awardPlus Loans ONLY- Locate the Review COD Rejects task under the Review Disbursement/COD queue and resolve the reject error code as appropriate.
EST-0035OtherDisbursement [{0}] for Fund [{1}] is blocked due to {2} break starting {3} ending {4}.Review student awards and update scheduled disbursement dates using MAW. 
EST-0036ISIRDisbursement [{0}] is restricted due to ISIR without verification.Complete verification using the ISIR verification/correction wizard and clear all ISIR related tasks (when applicable) 
EST-0037OtherDisbursement could not be verified for EST {: [verifiedForESTMessage]}Review the Academic Plan and disbursement level validation checks such as ISIR status (verification or corrections), blocking tasks or documents, and disbursement schedule. 
EST-0038CODDisbursement has never been sent to COD or the initial response is pendingExport student transactions for EST for DRI-COD funds that are set to DRI-True then Export COD disbursements records. 
EST-0039Disbursement ScheduleDisbursement schedule [{0}] has invalid setup; at least one item must enabled.Review the disbursement schedule configuration.  Confirm the disbursement schedule effective date. 
EST-0040Disbursement ScheduleDisbursement schedule is non-disbursable.Review and update configuration if the fund set up is not correct
EST-0041Disbursement ScheduleDisbursement schedule requires attendance, but there is no attendance in payment period.Review student course tab to ensure attendance is being populated by the SBL
EST-0042Disbursement ScheduleEffective disbursement Schedule has changed.Review the disbursement schedule configuration.  Confirm the disbursement schedule effective date. 
EST-0043OtherEnrollment [{0}] has no registered or anticipated units therefore the Award [{1}] is ineligible on payment period [{2}].No action required.  The correct units must be provided in the SBL.
EST-0044OtherEnrollment [{0}] is after program completion and therefore the Award [{1}] is ineligible on payment period [{2}].No action required.  The correct units must be provided in the SBL.
EST-0045Disbursement ScheduleFailed to lookup disbursement schedule.Review the disbursement schedule configuration.  Confirm the disbursement schedule effective date and confirm the disbursement schedule is associated with the active program on the Academic Plan
EST-0046OtherFund [{0}] is blocked at the award period level by a estimated EFC settings.Review student's Academic Plan to determine award status.  Awards must be in an Accepted status to be included on the actual EST. 
EST-0047Disbursement ScheduleInsufficient progression units for release.No action required.  The disbursement schedule requirements have not been met.  
EST-0048Disbursement ScheduleInsufficient progression weeks for release.No action required.  The disbursement schedule requirements have not been met.  
EST-0049Disbursement ScheduleInsufficient units ({0}) for release.No action required.  The disbursement schedule requirements have not been met.  
EST-0050Disbursement ScheduleInsufficient weeks ({0}) for release.No action required.  The disbursement schedule requirements have not been met.  
EST-0051Disbursement ScheduleNo disbursement schedule has been setup for Fund [{0}] / Program [{1}] / Site [{2}].Review configuration and determine if disbursement schedules have been accurately set up for the Fund/Program/Site. 
EST-0052Disbursement ScheduleNo disbursement schedule has been setup for Fund [{0}] / Program [{1}] / Site [{2}].Review configuration and determine if disbursement schedules have been accurately set up for the Fund/Program/Site. 
EST-0053OtherOne or more required parameters is missing or incorrect for this export - the process was cancelledReview the institutional configuration
EST-0054R2T4Open R2T4 with 'Block Disbursements' exists for academic plan.Review the open R2T4 on the R2T4 History tab and finalize or delete the R2T4 as appropriate  
EST-0055CODPer setup, this partial payment of $[transactionAmount] is not allowed because the COD Last Accepted amount of $[lastAcceptedCODDisbursementNetAmount] is less than the current Net Amount of $[disbursementNetAmount] for this disbursementLocate the Review COD Rejects task under the Review Disbursement/COD queue and resolve the reject error code as appropriate.
EST-0056SAPSAP status has not been calculated, which prevents release.The SBL will need to be loaded to include the appropriate SAP status for a prior PP or be manually added to the student using the SAP Wizard. 
EST-0057SAPSAP status prevents release.Review the student's SAP status to confirm accuracy. If the student is in a suspended status the disbursements will be blocked and should be canceled by Regent Award.
EST-0058PackagingStudent is currently undergoing packaging and disbursements cannot be determined at this timeNo action required, allow for batch packaging to complete as indicated in the runbook.  
EST-0059PackagingStudent is queued for packaging and disbursements cannot be determined at this timeNo action required, allow for batch packaging to complete as indicated in the runbook.  
EST-0060CODThe latest COD response for the Award was not acceptedLocate the Review COD Rejects task under the Review Disbursement/COD queue and resolve the reject error code as appropriate.
EST-0061CODThe latest COD response for the Disbursement was not acceptedLocate the Review COD Rejects task under the Review Disbursement/COD queue and resolve the reject error code as appropriate.
EST-0062OtherThe Site at the Disbursement level does not belong to the Campus at the same levelReview configuration and determine if disbursements schedules have been accurately set up for the Fund/Program/Site. 
EST-0063State GrantsThe transaction amount for this State Grant IL disbursement is not negative for the '{, 'N/A'}' term and cannot be disbursed/exported at this timeN/A
EST-0064$0 TransactionsThe transaction amount would be $0 in this case and the option was chosen to not include it for ESTReview the student's awards to determine if the student requires an upward adjustment to scheduled amounts.  If not, no further action is required.
EST-0065DocumentThese documents restrict this EST export because they do not have a status of either Satisfied or Waived: [documentName]Review all open blocking documents on the student's document tab.  Update the document as appropriate to Satisfied or Waived (when applicable).  
EST-0066PackagingThis award cannot be exported for EST. The award is not associated to a disbursement schedule. Please package the student.Review the disbursement schedule configuration.  Confirm the disbursement schedule effective date. 
EST-0067PackagingThis Disbursement is not mapped to a fund at the Disbursement levelReview configuration and determine if the fund and disbursement schedule have been associated. 
EST-0068State GrantsThis State Grant IL award does not have a valid payment authorization code on file for the '{, 'N/A'}' term and cannot be disbursed/exported at this timeN/A
EST-0069NSLDSThis student has an uncleared NSLDS Alert and cannot be disbursed/exported at this timeReview the NSLDS file and make any corrections as necessary and then package the student.
EST-0070Import AwardThis student has unprocessed Import Award data and cannot be disbursed/exported at this timeNo action required.  Allow for the import awards process to complete prior to releasing the disbursement.  Refer to the Runbook for scheduled jobs. 
EST-0071OtherThis student is blocked from processing and cannot be disbursed/exported at this time {[message]}Review all associated documents/tasks and resolve as appropriate.
EST-0072OtherThis student is currently undergoing EST for this same fund (fundName) and cannot be processed again at the same timeNo action required. The student is currently undergoing EST for the same fund in another process
EST-0073NSLDSThis student was added to the NSLDS TSM monitoring list within the past 7 days and cannot be disbursed/exported at this timeNo action required.  If the student was added to NSLDS TSM monitoring list, the disbursement cannot be released until 7 days after the date of export to NSLDS. 
EST-0074Disbursement SchedulePayment Period missing: SAP status can not be determined which prevents releaseThe SBL will need to be loaded to include the appropriate SAP status for a prior PP or be manually added to the student using the SAP Wizard. 
EST-0075Disbursement ScheduleUnable to verify; unable to load fund model rulesetsReview the disbursement schedule configuration for custom fund ruleset
EST-0076EST COD Acceptance check on DisbursementThis disbursement has not been Accepted at COD with the Disbursement Release Indicator = TrueLocate the Review COD Rejects task under the Review Disbursement/COD queue and resolve the reject error code as appropriate
EST-0077OtherThis disbursement is duplicated in the EST process which indicates a data issue that needs analysis.Review the award's disbursements and make any corrections via MAW to resolve any duplicate disbursement numbers.
EST-0078OtherThe paidAmount for this disbursement would be < 0 and cause awarding issues if allowed to process Review the award's disbursement amounts and make any corrections via MAW.
EST-0079OtherThe Institutional setting of true for 'WB Reconciliation Process' prevents this Disbursement from being exported due to a "queued" WB transaction needing reviewReview the paid amount in Regent Award against the WB Response file amount and make any corrections as necessary.
EST-0080Academic PlanAcademic Year's #0 disbursements must be excluded from actual and expected EST.No action required. Awards within an AY0 are not permitted to be included on the EST process.
EST-0081OtherAward Disbursement [{0}] is restricted due to inability to determine attendance for payment period.Review the student's Academic Plan and confirm attendance for the award period.
EST-0082State GrantsFailed to lookup Roster Award for payment period.Confirm a state roster was imported for the award period.
EST-0083State GrantsFailed to lookup Roster Award Disbursement for payment period.Confirm a state roster was imported for the award period.
EST-0084State GrantsRoster Award Disbursement is $0 or amount does not equal R8 calculated amount for payment period.Confirm a state roster was imported and amount matches that within Regent Award.
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