Report Description
As part of FISAP reporting, we need to maintain the Part VI Program Summary Report for the Federal Award Year. This report will show the distribution of aid recipients and the amounts spent during the Federal Award Year—by taxable and untaxed income levels—for undergraduate dependent students, undergraduate independent students, and/or graduate/ professional students.
The section VI Grid report provides the amounts to be entered into the FISAP web screens for the income grids and for the SEOG/Perkins/FWS award information.
CCC needs the ability to run this at the enterprise level.
Report Parameters / Filters
- Enterprise (single select)
- Institution (multi select)
- Campus (multi select)
- Site (multi select)
- Federal Award Year (single select)
Part VI Program Summary Report
FISAP Income Grids Federal Award Year YYYY - YYYY For Locations with OPEID # = 00123400, 00123401, 00123402 FISAP Part VI |
Output Columns
- Taxable And Untaxed Category Student Type
- Federal Perkins Loans
- Recipients (a)
- Funds (b)
- Recipients (c)
- Funds (d)
- Recipients (e)
- Funds (f)
- Unduplicated Recipients (g)
- The student must have an official ISIR on file that was used to award federal aid from and the student must have had enrollment in the federal award year specified by the report parameters.
- Official ISIRs are identified as transaction numbers “01” or greater and which have an “official” Expected Family Contribution (EFC) calculated by the Central Processing System (CPS). (Primary EFC not blank)
- If student has an ISIR but Expected Family Contribution is blank on ISIR, then do not count that student for this report.
- The student must have an actual enrollment for one or more payment periods associated to the federal award year specified by the report parameters to be included in the FISAP report.
- The less-than-full-time row counts all students that were enrolled at less-than-half-time when they received that column's particular fund. This would be considered a duplicate count of the student who was also counted in the income bucket row.
- The unduplicated count of students required for FISAP Part 6, Section A should count the student only one time when they are placed in the grid. The rows allow for counting the student multiple times based on the awards he has received; however, the unduplicated recipient column would show the student only once. For example, the student who is in the undergraduate dependent income bracket $24,000-$29,999 receiving Perkins, FSEOG, and FWS would show in each award column as a recipient count and their award amount; however, they would only be reported one time in the unduplicated recipient column. This is not the sum of the previous columns.
- For Perkins (FPERK) and FWS recipients: A student who was a recipient in more than one academic category in federal award year (e.g., undergraduate one term and graduate in another, dependent in one term and independent in another, or full time in one term, less than full time in another) should be reported in the category in which he or she was enrolled during the final term of the federal award year. If the student is a graduate student, they are always included in the independent graduate column regardless of dependency status. For FSEOG recipients, always include the student in an undergraduate category.
- For any cross payment period, include awards only if it is awarded for reporting year. For instance reporting year is 13-14 FAY and the cross payment period is awarded from 14-15 FAY not 13-14 FAY budget. Do not include this award. This should be included in next year 14-15 FAY.
- FWS earnings (paid amount) should come from Work Study Tab for the student. Use the sum of the FWS earnings (paid amount) for the FAY specified by the report parameters.
- For FSEOG and FPERK, use the sum of the paid disbursements for the FAY specified by the report parameters.
Data Definition
Report Label | Description |
Total “Automatic” Zero EFC | Given the ISIR transaction number found above, check the Auto Zero EFC field #228 when “Y”, the student is counted as having an automatic zero EFC. Total “Automatic” Zero EFC students will display all the student from income grid and graduate professional who had auto zero EFC |
Dependency Status | Get Student Dependency Status From ISIR. Field #? |
Graduate or Undergraduate | Enrollment for the last payment period associated with the federal award year selected. Program Type Mapping (Similar logic is used on other screens and processes, i.e., reports) The following program types map to the general type of "Undergraduate" Undergraduate Prep-Undergrad Ed Licensure CTP Programs The following program types map to the general type of "Graduate" Graduate Post-Graduate Prep-Grad Post-Bach Licensure |
Income Range | For the ISIR found above: If independent undergraduate and/or graduate then use the ISIR field #315 (FISAP Total Income) to be assigned to an income bucket, or If dependent undergraduate and FISAP Total Income is not null then use FISAP Total Income to be assigned to an income bucket, or If dependent undergraduate and FISAP Total Income is null, then use ISIR field #295 (Total Income) plus field #310 (Student’s Total Income). |
Fund Name | The name of the fund |
Total less-than-full-time students | The student’s academic enrollment level that is defined as less-than-full-time by the school and the student has an award associated to an enrollment level of less-than-full-time. For Total Count all the student from income grid and graduate professional who has less than full time enrollment |
TOTAL | Count all the income grid PLUS graduate professional |