Student Batch Load (SBL)

Student Batch Load (SBL)

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Attributes Document (SBL Data Dictionary) 

  1. Lists attributes that make up SBL.
  2. Provides a data definition for each field.
  3. Shows required fields.
  4. Identifies field restrictions, if there are any, including valid values.
  5. Shows schema field names.

SBL Schema DB mapping

  1. Lists SBL elements in the order they have to be specified.
  2. Shows parent/child relationships.
  3. Shows required fields.
  4. Identifies field restrictions, if there are any, including Value Lists for fields with a restricted list of valid values.
  5. Maps out the relationship between the SBL fields and the Database tables and fields.
  6. Can assist in building an SBL.xml file.

Student Batch Load (SBL) Schema 

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