Release 3.5 FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions document is not all encompassing, but provides some very basic information to questions that are projected from the client community. For additional information, please submit a ticket to Client Support.

  1. Can anyone take Release 3.5?  
    Any client currently on the R8 R3.x branch may take R3.5 for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

  2. What is included in Release 3.5?  

    R3.5 contains the following categories of work:

    1.  Prior/Prior functionality, which is a part of the annual regulatory updates.
    2. Other 2017-2018 ISIR, Verification and Reject Code regulatory updates.
    3.  Phase 1 set of features of the Self service toolkit functionality, which includes course data overrides, deletion and restoration as well as disbursements override capabilities. These Self Service tools allow schools to control, update and correct student's courses and disbursements manually while still allowing the system to perform relevant automated processes.  
    4. Defect fixes
    5. Product enhancements

  3. How can I upgrade to Release 3.5?  
    Submit a Customer Zone ticket via the client portal or via email to  If you do not yet have an account, please reach out to Susan Sherrick directly at

  4. What is Prior / Prior and how is that used?  
    Prior-Prior Year (PPY) refers to a policy enabling students and families to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) using tax information from two years ago. For example, a high school senior planning to enroll in college in Fall 2017 will file FAFSA using taxes from 2015 instead of 2016. The effective date of PPY is 10/1/2016 and the Department is encouraging the schools to implement PPY at that time. Regent's capability to support PPY is rolled out with this release.

  5. Are there any specific configuration and/or permissions requirements for Release 3.5?  
    Customers will need to configure school specific documents for the C-Code 399 solution.
    School specific permissions must be set by school Regent system administrator to enable access to the new Override capabilities.

  6. What 2017-2018 regulatory updates are included in Release 3.5?  
    The following regulatory updates are being made available in 3.5: 
    1. Set of features to support Prior-Prior Year (PPY)
    2. Ability to consume and display 2017-2018 ISIR files and ISIR Correction files
    3. Ability to calculate 2017-2018 EFC
    4. Ability to support C-Code 399 and enforce conflicting information review and processing
    5. Ability to identify students that have conflicting information between the 2 tax years
    6. Sequestration restriction for TEACH Grants
    7. Updated ISIR tab and ISIR Corrections/Verification Wizard to remove verification items that are no longer applicable  
    8. Reject Codes updates
    9. Implemented new 2017-2018 Federal Award Year C-Codes 

  7. What is Course Overrides? 
    The Course Override feature provides users the ability to override course data received by R8 through the SBL, due to cases where such data may have been sent incorrectly and the adjustments need to be made in R8 vs. source system data. R8 has also been enhanced to provide the ability to delete a course from the R8 UI. Only those users with permissions to Edit a course will be able to access the edit screen in order to enter override data or delete/restore a course. Note that appropriate school level permissions must be enabled so that users other than those with administrator level access can use override capabilities.

  8. What is Course Deletion (and Restoration)? 
    R8 has also been enhanced to allow for a course to be deleted (and restored) from the UI, which will allow schools to remove bad data from a student's record that has been imported via their SBL file. Only users who are granted the permission to delete a course from a student's record via the R8 UI may delete and restore courses. Note that appropriate school level permissions must be enabled so that users other than those with administrator level access can use course deletion capabilities.

  9. What is Disbursement Overrides? 
    The disbursement override feature will provide users with the ability to override disbursement release in Regent 8 (R8) for cases where disbursements may be held up from releasing (payment) due to any number of data/system issues, and the disbursement needs to be made in R8 immediately due to student processing needs/timing. This enhancement to R8 provides the end user with the ability to override a specific award's disbursement, for a specific student, which is a more granular approach to disbursing aid then was previously available in R8 via the Export Student Transaction process. Note that appropriate school level permissions must be enabled so that users other than those with administrator level access can use override capabilities.  It is critically important to note that any time the COD acceptance disbursement override is used, the user must still resolve the causal issue(s) and get the disbursement record accepted so the disbursement records at COD, in Regent, and in the school’s student accounting system can be reconciled. 

  10. How do Disbursement Overrides work?  
    As part of the Disbursement Overrides enhancement, the end user will be presented with ALL of the EST process validation errors that would cause the disbursement to complete the EST process, along with the option to manually override those validations in order to force the disbursement to be paid. The end user will be required to enter comments regarding the overridden validations, for auditing purposes. Once a disbursement has been paid, an activity log entry was added explaining the disbursement was paid as a result of overriding specific validation checks, along with the comments entered by the end user. 

  11. Do I need any special training for this release? 
    Specific training can be addressed in the course of the release testing and acceptance. Additionally, Regent will provide a recorded release overview to all clients soon after the release GA date.

  12. Is there a webinar on this release that I can get more information?
    Regent will provide a recorded release overview to all clients soon after the release GA date. Internal release over view will be conducted via a live webinar for all Regent Staff on 9/27. 

  13. Is there any documentation on this release?  
    Release Notes for R3.5 are expected to be available in conjunction with the build.

  14. Are there any defect fixes in this release?  
    Please refer to the Release Notes for specific fixes available in the release.

  15. What usability improvements have you made to this release? 
    Please refer to the Release Notes for specific improvements available in the release.

  16. What new Document Use Types are included in this release?
     Regent 8 has been enhanced by adding the following new values to the "Select the Process that this document facilitates" drop down under the Document Use section in Document Setup: 
    • Facilitate Veteran Assistance Benefits
    • Facilitate Tuition Assistance Benefits
    • Facilitate External Resources Benefits
    • Facilitate Institutional Resources
    • Facilitate Consortium Review
    • Review Non-Title IV Documents

  17. How will C-Code 399 be handled? 

    Students who receive a 399 C Code on their 2017-2018 ISIR must have both 2017-2018 and 2016-2017 disbursements blocked immediately, while the C Code is resolved. The 399 C Code will only ever be given on the 2017-2018 ISIR; the 2016-2017 ISIR will not have this code. Therefore, Regent has enhanced the ISIR import process to detect that the C Code 399 exists on the student's 2017-2018 ISIR and as a result, assign the 2016-2017 blocking document to the student. Specific document configuration is required to utilize this functionality and is documented in the Release Notes. Per current functionality, the 2017-2018 blocking document will assign as expected based upon document configuration. Please submit a ticket to if you have questions or need assistance with the document configuration updates.

  18. Is there a solution for handling duplicate Tax Transcript document requirements for 2016-2017 and 2017-2018? 
    Regent is providing the following solution to support this: Delivery Services will run this script daily until 9/30/2018 that will identify any 2016-2017 scoped document for which there is a 2017-2018 scoped matching document. For those identified documents, the script will check the 2016-2017 scoped document status. If the 2016-2017 doc status is "Satisfied”, the system will copy that status and the corresponding document attachment (if one exists) over to the 20172018 document unless 2017-2018 document was assigned to the student manually. For audit trail purposes, a system generated note will be added to the Notes field on the 2017-2018 document indicating that the document status was copied from the 2016-2017 document status.

  19. I submitted a ticket and don't see it in this release, how do I see request status?  
    Clients submitting tickets in Customer Zone are receiving a weekly Customer Zone Open Tickets report with a column in the report called 'Planned Release'. This field is populated in Customer Zone as items are slated into releases and can be tracked by clients on a weekly basis in this manner.

  20. Will there be additional FAQ's and/or release documents in the future? 
    In additional to release notes, for every major release Regent will provide the following:
    1. Release FAQs
    2. Release Product Brief
    3. Release Overview Live Webinar (internal only)
    4. Recorded Release Review