Access - Export Files
Heather Smith
Jennifer Flora Black
Courtney Brown (Deactivated)
Two types of Access data export files are available: the Access Database Extract File (CSV) and the Access ISIR Formatted File (TXT).
Access Database Extract File
The Access Database Extract File is a CSV file that includes all fields from all applications, excluding those in a ‘Not Started’ status. The file includes information such as the user identification that the student used when creating an account, answers provided in the application, application status, and chosen signature option. The file also includes the applicant’s dependency status and Student Aid Index (SAI), as determined based upon responses in the application. If more than one application exists for the same user on the same export file, a separate line is listed for each unique application.
Regent Access clients may opt to consume the Access Database Extract File into their SIS or Document Management system in order to assign additional required documents (e.g. Verification documents) to the applicant based on specific information in the application.
The file is run through the 'Export Access Database Extract File' option in Export Processes in the Regent Process menu or as a Scheduled Process from a saved parameter set. The file is available for download via a secure File Transfer Protocol (sFTP), in the “SNAP Exports” directory. Regent Access clients are asked to provide a list of IP addresses to be whitelisted by Regent. Whitelisting is a security feature that allows clients to define a list or range of trusted IP addresses from which users can access the sFTP.
Export Access Database Extract File Process Options
There are three selection parameters when setting up an Access Database Extract File to be ran.
Completed Applications Only: Options are 'Yes' and 'No.' Determines whether "completed applications only" will be included in the run of the process or if the file will also include uncompleted applications.
Include Dependency Status: Options are 'Yes' and 'No.' Determined whether a column for dependency status will be included or will not be included in the file.
Export Type: Options are 'Export data for applications created or modified since last export’ and ‘Export data for all applications.'
Note: A scheduled process can be set up to create the database extract file on a regular basis and only show new/updated applications since the last time the file was exported. It's important to note that if an "ad hoc" export process is ran, the next scheduled process may not include the expected results.
Access Database Extract File Layout and Mapping
The table below represents the file Access Database Extract File layout and field mapping for the 2025-2026 Access master form. Multiple FAYs can be represented on the Access Database Extract File at the same time, but the table below shows only columns applicable to the 25-26 form. Fields marked with the scales symbol are new or updated for the Access export to accompany 2025-2026 ISIR regulatory updates.
Column Name on File | Field on Form | Field Type on Form | Valid Values | Notes |
Column Name on File | Field on Form | Field Type on Form | Valid Values | Notes |
username | N/A |
userExternalId | N/A |
userCreatedDate | N/A |
userLastIpAddress | N/A |
applicationId | N/A |
institution | N/A |
institutionExternalId | N/A |
campus | N/A |
campusExternalId | N/A |
site | N/A |
siteExternalId | N/A |
program | N/A |
programExternalId | N/A |
electronicSignatureRequiredTypeCode | N/A |
type | N/A |
| Financial Aid Application |
name | N/A |
| Name from Document Setup |
status | N/A |
createdDate | N/A |
eSigned | N/A |
eSignedDate | N/A |
sai | N/A |
| -1500 to 999999 | Student Aid Index. Replaces the former EFC in FAY 2023-2024 and previous FAYs. |
dependencyStatusCode | N/A |
| I= Independent D= Dependent Z= Provisional Independent X= Rejected Dependent |
dependencyStatus | N/A |
| Independent |
correctionProcessDate | N/A |
originalSocialSecurityNumber | Social Security Number | Textbox | 9-digit numeric value. Values may also be blank or nine zeroes (000000000) |
studentsFirstName | First Name | Textbox |
middleName | Middle Name | Textbox |
studentsLastName | Last Name | Textbox |
academicYear | N/A |
| Example: 2025 |
academicYearRange | N/A |
| Example: 2024-2025 |
areYouOnActiveDutyInUSArmedForces | The student is currently serving on active duty in the U.S. armed forces for purposes other than training. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
asofTodayAnEmancipatedMinor | The student is or was a legally emancipated minor, as determined by a court in their state of residence. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
asofTodayInLegalGuardianship | The student is or was in a legal guardianship with someone other than their parent or stepparent, as determined by a court in their state of residence. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
certificationIntroduction |
| Text Only |
| Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
certificationOptionA |
| Radio Button | 1 | Client custom field. |
certificationOptionB |
| Radio Button | 1 | Client custom field. |
certificationOptionC |
| Radio Button | 1 | Client custom field. |
certificationPermanentResidency |
| Radio Button | 1 | Client custom field. |
certifyPermandentResidencyApplication |
| Text Only |
| Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
doYouWantSelectiveServiceToRegisterYou | I certify that I am in compliance with federal Selective Service registration requirements. | Checkbox | Blank | Only shown for some states, to males between age 18 and 25 |
eitherParentAttendCollege | Did either of the student’s parents attend or complete college? | Dropdown | 1 = Neither parent attended college |
encourageCreateProfile |
| Text Only |
| Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
federalSchoolCode1 | Federal School Code 1 | Dropdown |
| Options are: |
federalSchoolCode10 | Federal School Code 10 | Dropdown | Blank | Options are: |
federalSchoolCode11 | Federal School Code 11 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode12 | Federal School Code 12 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode13 | Federal School Code 13 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode14 | Federal School Code 14 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode15 | Federal School Code 15 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode16 | Federal School Code 16 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode17 | Federal School Code 17 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode18 | Federal School Code 18 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode19 | Federal School Code 19 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode2 | Federal School Code 2 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode20 | Federal School Code 20 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode3 | Federal School Code 3 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode4 | Federal School Code 4 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode5 | Federal School Code 5 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode6 | Federal School Code 6 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode7 | Federal School Code 7 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode8 | Federal School Code 8 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode9 | Federal School Code 9 | Dropdown |
firstBachelorsDegreeBy | When the student begins the XXXX school year, will they already have their first bachelor's degree? | Dropdown | 1= Yes |
FISAPTotalIncome | N/A - hidden question for storing calculated value |
| Dependent students: Sum of Parent Total Income and Student Total Income. Independent and Provisional Independents: Student total income. |
gradeLevelInCollege | When the student begins the XXXX school year, what will their college grade level be? | Dropdown | 1 = First Year (Freshman) |
gradeLevelInCollegeFundingMessage | N/A- informational text only |
| Text is shown/hidden based on client. Column will be blank in file for all clients. |
haveChildrenYouSupport | The student has children or other people (excluding their spouse) who live with the student and will receive more than half of their support from the student now and between July 1, XXXX and June 30, XXXX. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
highSchoolCity | High school city | Textbox |
highSchoolEquivalentDiplomaName | Which state-recognized high school equivalent did or will the student receive? | Dropdown | 1= GED |
highSchoolEquivalentDiplomaState | Issuing state | Dropdown | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
highSchoolName | High school name | Textbox |
highSchoolState | High school state | Dropdown | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
houseBill1079 |
| Radio Button | 1 | Client custom field. |
HSDiplomaOrEquivalent | High school completion status when the student begins the XXXX school year. | Dropdown | 1= High School diploma |
inFosterCare | At any time since the student turned age 13, they were in foster care. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
inStateRates |
| Text Only |
| Client custom question. Text only. Column will be blank in file for all clients. |
isTheStudentHispanic | Is the student of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? |
| 1= No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
maxPellIndicator | N/A - hidden question for storing calculated value |
| 1 = Nonfiler | Max Pell Indicator when student qualifies for a Maximum Pell Grant amount |
minimumPellIndicator | N/A - hidden question for storing calculated value |
| 1 = Dep. Single parent and AGI <= 325% poverty line | Min Pell Indicator when student qualifies for a Minimum Pell Grant amount |
otherCircumstancesNoneOfTheAbove | None of these | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Other Circumstances option |
parentCity | City | Textbox |
parentDateOfBirth | Parent's date of birth | MMDDYYYY Dropdown Date |
parentDeductiblePaymentsToIRAKeoghOther | IRA deductions and payments to self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentEarnedIncomeTaxCreditReceivedDuringTaxYear | Did the parent receive the earned income tax credit (EITC)? | Dropdown | 1= Yes |
parentEmailAddress | Parent's email address | Textbox |
parentFederalBenefitsNoneOfTheAbove | None of these | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentFiled1040or1040NR | Did or will the parent file a XXXX IRS Form 1040 or 1040-NR? | Radio Button | 1= Yes |
parentFiledJointReturnWithCurrentSpouse | Did or will the parent file a XXXX joint tax return with their current spouse? | Radio Button | 1= Yes |
parentFiledNonUSTaxReturn | Indicate which of the following situations applies to the parent for XXXX. | Radio Button | 1 = The parent filed or will file a tax return with Puerto Rico or another U.S. territory |
parentFiledScheduleABDEForH | Did the parent file a schedule A, B, D, E, F, or H with their XXXX IRS Form 1040? | Dropdown | 1= Yes |
parentFirstName | Parent's first name | Textbox |
parentForeignEarnedIncomeExclusion | Foreign earned income exclusion | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentFreeorReducedPriceSchoolLunchBenefits | Free or reduced-price school lunch | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentIncomeEarnedFromWork | Income earned from work | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentIRARollover | IRA rollover into another IRA or qualified plan | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentITIN | N/A |
| Column will be blank on file. Field was consolidated with SSN field on form, to maintain current account validation processes. |
parentKilledintheLineofDuty | Was the student's parent or guardian killed in the line of duty while (1) serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces on or after September 11, 2001, or (2) performing official duties as a public safety officer? | Radio Button | 1= Yes |
parentLastName | Parent's last name | Textbox |
parentMiddleName | Parent's middle name | Textbox |
parentPensionRollover | Pension rollover into another IRA or qualified plan | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentPhoneNumber | Parent's mobile phone number | Textbox |
parentReceivedEITC | Earned income tax credit (EITC) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentReceivedFederalHousingAssistance | Federal housing assistance | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentReceivedMedicaid | Medicaid | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentReceivedRefundableCreditFor36BHealthPlan | Refundable credit for coverage under a qualified health plan (QHP) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentReceivedSNAP | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentsAdjustedGrossIncomeFromIRSForm | Adjusted gross income | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentsBusinessAndOrInvestmentFarmNetWorth | Current net worth of businesses and investment farms | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentsCashSavingsAndChecking | Current total of cash, savings, and checking accounts | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentScheduleCAmount | Net profit or loss from IRS Form 1040 Schedule C | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentsChildSupportReceived | Annual Child Support Received | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentsDeceased | At any time since the student turned 13, they were an orphan (no living biological or adoptive parent.) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
parentsEducationalCredits | Education credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning credits) | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentsGrantOrScholarshipAid | Amount of college grants or scholarships reported as income to the IRS | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentSignatureDate | N/A |
parentSignatureName | N/A |
parentsInvestmentNetWorth | Current net worth of investments, including real estate | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentsLegalResidenceDate | Month and year parent became a full-time resident of the state/country indicated. | MMDDYYYY Dropdown Date |
parentsMaritalStatus | Parent Current Marital Status | Dropdown | 1 = Single | Note: Update needed to align option values with ISIR option values. |
parentsNumberinCollegeParentsExcluded | How many people in the parent's family will be in college between July 1, XXXX and June 30, XXXX? | Dropdown | 1 through 9 |
parentsNumberofFamilyMembers | How many people are in the parent's family? | Dropdown | 1 through 20 |
parentSocialSecurityNumber | Parent's Social Security number (SSN), Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) number | Textbox | 9-digit numeric value. Values may also be blank or nine zeroes (000000000) |
parentSpouseOrPartnerAdjustedGrossIncome | Adjusted gross income | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentSpouseOrPartnerCity | City | Textbox |
parentSpouseOrPartnerDateOfBirth | Parent spouse or partner's date of birth | Date |
parentSpouseOrPartnerDeductiblePaymentsToIRAKeoghOther | IRA deductions and payments to self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentSpouseOrPartnerEducationCredits | Education credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning credits) | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentSpouseOrPartnerEmailAddress | Parent spouse or partner's email address | Textbox |
parentSpouseOrPartnerFiled1040or1040NR | Did or will the parent spouse or partner file a XXXX IRS Form 1040 or 1040-NR? | Radio Button |
parentSpouseOrPartnerFiledNonUSTaxReturn | Indicate which of the following situations applies to the parent spouse or partner for XXXX. | Dropdown | 1 = The parent spouse or partner filed or will file a tax return with Puerto Rico or another U.S. territory |
parentSpouseOrPartnerFiledScheduleABDEForH | Did the parent spouse or partner file a schedule A, B, D, E, F, or H with their $App.Fay(-3) IRS Form 1040? | Dropdown | 1= Yes |
parentSpouseOrPartnerFirstName | Parent spouse or partner's first name | Textbox |
parentSpouseOrPartnerForeignEarnedIncomeExclusion | Foreign earned income exclusion | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentSpouseOrPartnerIncomeEarnedFromWork | Income earned from work | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentSpouseOrPartnerIncomeTaxPaid | Income tax paid | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentSpouseOrPartnerIRARollover | IRA rollover into another IRA or qualified plan | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentSpouseOrPartnerITIN | N/A |
| Column will be blank on file. Field was consolidated with SSN field on form, to maintain current account validation processes. |
parentSpouseOrPartnerLastName | Parent spouse or partner's last name | Textbox |
parentSpouseOrPartnerMiddleName | Parent spouse or partner's middle name | Textbox |
parentSpouseOrPartnerPensionRollover |
parentSpouseOrPartnerPhoneNumber | Parent spouse or partner's mobile phone number | Textbox |
parentSpouseOrPartnerScheduleCAmount | Net profit or loss from IRS Form 1040 Schedule C | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentSpouseOrPartnerSocialSecurityNumber | Parent spouse or partner’s Social Security number (SSN), Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) number | Textbox | 9-digit numeric value. Values may also be blank or nine zeroes (000000000) |
parentSpouseOrPartnerState | State | Dropdown | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
parentSpouseOrPartnerStreetAddress | Parent spouse or partner's permanent mailing address | Textbox |
parentSpouseOrPartnerSuffix | Suffix | Textbox |
parentSpouseOrPartnerTaxExemptInterestIncome | Tax exempt interest income | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentSpouseOrPartnerTaxReturnFilingStatus | Indicate the parent spouse or partner's income tax filing status for XXXX. | Dropdown | 1 = Single |
parentSpouseOrPartnerUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributions | Untaxed portions of IRA distributions | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentSpouseOrPartnerUntaxedPortionsOfPensions | Untaxed portions of pensions | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentSpouseOrPartnerZipCode | Zip Code | Textbox |
parentsStateofLegalResidence | Parent's State of Residence | Dropdown | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
parentState | State | Textbox | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
parentsTaxReturnFilingStatus | Indicate the parent's income tax filing status for XXXX. | Dropdown | 1 = Single |
parentStreetAddress | Parent's permanent mailing address | Textbox |
parentSuffix | Suffix | Textbox |
parentsUntaxedPensions | Untaxed portions of pensions | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentSupplementalSecurityIncomeBenefits | Supplemental Security Income (SSI) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentsUSIncomeTaxPaid | Income tax paid | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentTANFBenefits | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentTaxExemptInterestIncome | Tax exempt interest income | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributions | Untaxed portions of IRA distributions | Textbox |
| Amount value |
parentWICBenefits | Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentZipCode | Zip Code | Textbox |
pellGrantEligibilityFlag | N/A - hidden question for storing calculated value |
| Y Blank | Pell Grant Eligibility Flag Y = This transaction determined eligible for a Pell Grant Blank = This transaction determined ineligible for a Pell Grant |
permanentMailingAddress | Permanent mailing address | Textbox |
personalCircumstancesNoneOfTheAbove | None of these | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
provisionalSAI | N/A - hidden question for storing calculated value |
| -1500 to 999999 Blank | Student Aid Index value calculated for Provisional Independent students only (dependencyStatusCode = ”Z”) |
pursuingTeacherCertification | Will the student be pursuing an initial teaching certification at the elementary or secondary level? | Dropdown | 1= Yes | Not shown on form if firstBachelorsDegreeBy is "No." |
residencyCertificationOptionVerification |
| Checkbox | 1= Selected | Clent custom field. |
riskOfHomelessDetermination | If the answer is "Yes," did any of the following determine the student was homeless or at risk of becoming homeless? | Checkbox | 1= Yes | Other Circumstances question |
SAIComputationType | N/A - hidden question for storing calculated value |
| 1 to 13 | Student Aid Index (SAI) Computation Type |
SAIFormula | N/A - hidden question for storing calculated value |
| A, B, or C | Student Aid Index (SAI) Formula |
schoolList | N/A | Text Only |
| Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
senateBill13033 | N/A | Text Only |
| Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
specialCircumstancesApproved | N/A |
| Client custom field. |
spouseAdjustedGrossIncome | Adjusted gross income | Textbox |
| Amount value |
spouseCity | City | Textbox |
spouseDateOfBirth | Spouse's date of birth | Date |
spouseDeductiblePaymentsToIRAKeoghOther | IRA deductions and payments to self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans | Textbox |
| Amount value |
spouseEducationCredits | Education credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning credits) | Textbox |
| Amount value |
spouseEmailAddress | Spouse's email address | Textbox |
spouseFiled1040or1040NR | Did or will the student spouse file a XXXX IRS Form 1040 or 1040-NR? | Radio Button | 1= Yes |
spouseFiledNonUSTaxReturn | Did the spouse earn income in a foreign country in XXXX, were they employed by an international organization but not required to report their income on any tax return, or did they file a tax return with Puerto Rico or another U.S. territory? | Radio Button | 1= Yes |
spouseFiledScheduleABDEForH | Did the student spouse file a schedule A, B, D, E, F, or H with their XXXX IRS Form 1040? | Dropdown | 1= Yes |
spouseFirstName | Spouse's first name | Textbox |
spouseForeignEarnedIncomeExclusion | Foreign earned income exclusion | Textbox |
| Amount value |
spouseIncomeTaxPaid | Income tax paid | Textbox |
| Amount value |
spouseIRARollover | IRA rollover into another IRA or qualified plan | Textbox |
| Amount value |
spouseITIN | Spouse's Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) number | Textbox |
spouseLastName | Spouse's last name | Textbox |
spouseMiddleName | Spouse's middle name | Textbox |
spousePensionRollover | Pension rollover into another IRA or qualified plan | Textbox |
| Amount value |
spousePhoneNumber | Spouse's mobile phone number | Textbox |
spouseScheduleCAmount | Net profit or loss from IRS Form 1040 Schedule C | Textbox |
| Amount value |
spousesIncomeEarnedFromWork | Income earned from work | Textbox |
| Amount value |
spouseSocialSecurityNumber | Spouse's Social Security number (SSN) | Textbox | 9-digit numeric value. Values may also be blank or nine zeroes (000000000) |
spouseState | State | Dropdown | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
spouseStreetAddress | Spouse's permanent mailing address |
spouseSuffix | Suffix | Textbox |
spouseTaxExemptInterestIncome | Tax exempt interest income | Textbox |
| Amount value |
spouseTaxReturnFilingStatus | Indicate the student spouse's income tax filing status for $App.Fay(-3). | Dropdown | 1 = Single |
spouseUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributions | Untaxed portions of IRA distributions | Textbox |
| Amount value |
spouseUntaxedPortionsOfPensions | Untaxed portions of pensions | Textbox |
| Amount value |
spouseZipCode | Zip Code | Textbox |
stateTuitionRatesIneligle |
| Text Only |
| Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
studentDeductiblePaymentsToIRAKeoghOther | IRA deductions and payments to self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentEarnedIncomeTaxCreditReceivedDuringTaxYear | Did the student receive the earned income tax credit (EITC)? | Dropdown | 1= Yes |
studentEthnicity | Describe the student’s ethnicity. | Textbox |
studentFederalBenefitsNoneOfTheAbove | None of these | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentFiled1040or1040NR | Did or will the student file a XXXX IRS Form 1040 or 1040-NR? | Radio Button | 1= Yes |
studentFiledJointReturnWithCurrentSpouse | Did or will the student file a XXXX joint tax return with their current spouse? | Radio Button | 1= Yes |
studentFiledNonUSTaxReturn | Did the student earn income in a foreign country in XXXX, were they employed by an international organization but not required to report their income on any tax return, or did they file a tax return with Puerto Rico or another U.S. territory? | Radio Button | 1= Yes |
studentFiledScheduleABDEForH | Did the student file a schedule A, B, D, E, F, or H with their XXXX IRS Form 1040? | Dropdown | 1= Yes |
studentforeignEarnedIncomeExclusion | Foreign earned income exclusion | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentFreeOrReducedPriceSchoolLunchBenefits | Free or reduced-price school lunch | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentGender | What is the student’s gender? | Dropdown | 1= Male |
studentIRARollover | IRA rollover into another IRA or qualified plan | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentITIN | Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) number | Textbox |
studentNameSuffix | Suffix | Textbox |
studentPensionRollover | Pension rollover into another IRA or qualified plan | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentRace | What is the student’s race? | Checkbox | 1= White | Multiple responses are displayed in file as comma separated |
studentReceivedEITC | Earned income tax credit (EITC) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentReceivedFederalHousingAssistance | Federal housing assistance | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentReceivedMedicaid | Medicaid | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentReceivedRefundableCreditFor36BHealthPlan | Refundable credit for coverage under a qualified health plan (QHP) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentReceivedSNAP | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentsAdjustedGrossIncomeFromIRSForm | Adjusted gross income | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentsBusinessAndOrInvestmentFarmNetWorth | Current net worth of businesses and investment farms | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentsCashSavingsAndChecking | Current total of cash, savings, and checking accounts | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentScheduleCAmount | Net profit or loss from IRS Form 1040 Schedule C | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentsChildSupportReceived | Annual Child Support Received | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentsDateofBirth | Date of Birth | MMDDYYYY Dropdown Date |
| Validation is for date between "today's date minus 15" and 'today's date minus ninety-one" |
studentsEducationalCredits | Education credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning credits) | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentsEmailAddress | Email address | Textbox |
studentsGrantOrScholarshipAid | Amount of college grants or scholarships reported as income to the IRS | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentSignatureDate | N/A |
studentSignatureLocation | N/A |
| If configured, City and State where student e-signed form |
studentSignatureName | N/A |
studentsIncomeEarnedFromWork | Income earned from work | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentsInvestmentNetWorth | Current net worth of investments, including real estate | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentsLegalResidenceDate | Month and year student became a full-time resident of the state/country indicated. | MMDDYYYY Dropdown Date | XX/XX/XXXX | Validation is for date between "today's date" and 'today's date minus ninety" |
studentsMaritalStatus | Student Marital Status | Dropdown | 1= Single | Note: Update needed to align option values with ISIR option values. |
studentsNumberinCollege | How many people in the student's family, including the student, will be in college between July 1, XXXX and June 30, XXXX? | Dropdown | 1 through 9 |
studentsPermanentCity | City | Textbox |
studentsPermanentPhoneNumber | Mobile phone number | Textbox |
studentsPermanentState | State | Dropdown | Two-character state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
studentsPermanentZipCode | Zip Code | Textbox |
studentsStateofLegalResidence | Student's State of Residence | Dropdown | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
studentsTaxReturnFilingStatus | Indicate the student's income tax filing status for XXXX. | Dropdown | 1 = Single |
studentsUntaxedPensions | Untaxed portions of pensions | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentSupplementalSecurityIncomeBenefits | Supplemental Security Income (SSI) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentsUSIncomeTaxPaid | Income tax paid | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentTANFBenefits | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentTaxExemptInterestIncome | Tax exempt interest income | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentUnaccompaniedHomelessYouthUnaccompaniedAtRiskofHomelessnessAndSelfSupporting | At any time on or after July 1, XXXX, was the student unaccompanied and either (1) homeless or (2) self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? | Dropdown | 1= Yes | Other Circumstances question |
studentUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributions | Untaxed portions of IRA distributions | Textbox |
| Amount value |
studentUpdatedFamilySize | How many people are in the student's family? | Dropdown | 1 through 20 |
studentWICBenefits | Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
transactionNumber | N/A |
unaccompaniedAndHomelessFAA | Financial aid administrator (FAA) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Other Circumstances option |
unaccompaniedAndHomelessGeneral | Director or designee of an emergency or transitional shelter, street outreach program, homeless youth drop-in center, or other program serving those experiencing homelessness. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Other Circumstances option |
unaccompaniedAndHomelessHS | The student's high school or school district homeless liaison or designee. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Other Circumstances option |
unaccompaniedAndHomelessTRIO | Director or designee of a project supported by a federal TRIO or GEAR UP program grant. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Other Circumstances option |
unsubOnly | Are the student's parents unwilling to provide their information, but the student does not have an unusual circumstance that prevents them from contacting the parents or obtaining their information? | Radio Button | 1= Yes | Unusual Circumstances question |
unusualCircumstance | Do unusual circumstances prevent the student from contacting their parents or would contacting their parents pose a risk to the student? | Radio Button | 1= Yes | Unusual Circumstances question |
veteranofUSArmedForces | The student is a veteran of the U.S. armed forces. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
WAInStateTuitionRates |
| Text Only |
| Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
WAInStateTuitionRatesIneligible |
| Text Only |
| Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
WAorphanOrWardOfCourtOrFosterCareCommentCode166 |
| Text Only |
| Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
wardOfCourt | At any time since the student turned age 13, they were a ward of the court. | Checkbox |
| Personal Circumstances option |
WAResidencyDACAStatus |
| Radio Button | 1= Yes | Client custom field. |
transactionDataSourceTypeCode | N/A |
| 3= FAFSA Partner Portal | Client requested ISIR fields populate default data for importing into other systems. |
transactionType | N/A |
| A= Application | |
transactionLanguage | N/A |
| E= English | |
applicationDataSourceTypeCode | N/A |
| 3= FAFSA Partner Portal |
The table above can be downloaded as an Excel file here:
Note: For clients who make application corrections via import file, this table can be used to identify column names that correspond to FAY 2025-2026 questions.
The table below represents the file Access Database Extract File layout and field mapping for the 2024-2025 Access master form. Multiple FAYs can be represented on the Access Database Extract File at the same time, but the table below shows only columns applicable to the 24-25 form. Fields marked with the scales symbol are new or updated for the Access export to accompany 2024-2025 ISIR regulatory updates.
Column Name on File | Field on Form | Field Type on Form | Valid Values | Notes |
Column Name on File | Field on Form | Field Type on Form | Valid Values | Notes |
username | N/A | |||
userExternalId | N/A | |||
userCreatedDate | N/A | |||
userLastIpAddress | N/A | |||
applicationId | N/A | |||
institution | N/A | |||
institutionExternalId | N/A | |||
campus | N/A | |||
campusExternalId | N/A | |||
site | N/A | |||
siteExternalId | N/A | |||
program | N/A | |||
programExternalId | N/A | |||
electronicSignatureRequiredTypeCode | N/A | NOTREQUIRED | ||
type | N/A | Financial Aid Application | ||
name | N/A | Name from Document Setup | ||
status | N/A | |||
createdDate | N/A | |||
eSigned | N/A | |||
eSignedDate | N/A | |||
sai | N/A | -1500 to 999999 | Student Aid Index. Replaces the former EFC. | |
dependencyStatusCode | N/A | I= Independent | ||
dependencyStatus | N/A | Independent | ||
correctionProcessDate | N/A | |||
originalSocialSecurityNumber | Social Security Number | Textbox | 9-digit numeric value. Values may also be blank or nine zeroes (000000000) | |
studentsFirstName | First Name | Textbox | ||
middleName | Middle Name | Textbox | ||
studentsLastName | Last Name | Textbox | ||
academicYear | N/A | Example: 2025 | ||
academicYearRange | N/A | Example: 2024-2025 | ||
areYouOnActiveDutyInUSArmedForces | The student is currently serving on active duty in the U.S. armed forces for purposes other than training. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
asofTodayAnEmancipatedMinor | The student is or was a legally emancipated minor, as determined by a court in their state of residence. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
asofTodayInLegalGuardianship | The student is or was in a legal guardianship with someone other than their parent or stepparent, as determined by a court in their state of residence. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
certificationIntroduction | Text Only | Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. | ||
certificationOptionA | Radio Button | 1 | Client custom field. | |
certificationOptionB | Radio Button | 1 | Client custom field. | |
certificationOptionC | Radio Button | 1 | Client custom field. | |
certificationPermanentResidency | Radio Button | 1 | Client custom field. | |
certifyPermandentResidencyApplication | Text Only | Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. | ||
doYouWantSelectiveServiceToRegisterYou | I certify that I am in compliance with federal Selective Service registration requirements. | Checkbox | Blank | Only shown for some states, to males between age 18 and 25 |
eitherParentAttendCollege | Did either of the student’s parents attend or complete college? | Dropdown | 1 = Neither parent attended college | |
encourageCreateProfile | Text Only | Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. | ||
federalSchoolCode1 | Federal School Code 1 | Dropdown | Options are: | |
federalSchoolCode10 | Federal School Code 10 | Dropdown | Blank | Options are: |
federalSchoolCode11 | Federal School Code 11 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode12 | Federal School Code 12 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode13 | Federal School Code 13 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode14 | Federal School Code 14 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode15 | Federal School Code 15 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode16 | Federal School Code 16 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode17 | Federal School Code 17 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode18 | Federal School Code 18 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode19 | Federal School Code 19 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode2 | Federal School Code 2 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode20 | Federal School Code 20 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode3 | Federal School Code 3 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode4 | Federal School Code 4 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode5 | Federal School Code 5 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode6 | Federal School Code 6 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode7 | Federal School Code 7 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode8 | Federal School Code 8 | Dropdown | ||
federalSchoolCode9 | Federal School Code 9 | Dropdown | ||
firstBachelorsDegreeBy | When the student begins the XXXX school year, will they already have their first bachelor's degree? | Dropdown | 1= Yes | |
FISAPTotalIncome | N/A - hidden question for storing calculated value |
| -99999999999999 to 99999999999999 | Dependent students: Sum of Parent Total Income and Student Total Income. Independent and Provisional Independents: Student total income. |
gradeLevelInCollege | When the student begins the XXXX school year, what will their college grade level be? | Dropdown | 1 = First Year (Freshman) | |
gradeLevelInCollegeFundingMessage | N/A- informational text only | Text is shown/hidden based on client. Column will be blank in file for all clients. | ||
haveChildrenYouSupport | The student has children or other people (excluding their spouse) who live with the student and will receive more than half of their support from the student now and between July 1, XXXX and June 30, XXXX. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
highSchoolCity | High school city | Textbox | ||
highSchoolEquivalentDiplomaName | Which state-recognized high school equivalent did or will the student receive? | Dropdown | 1= GED | |
highSchoolEquivalentDiplomaState | Issuing state | Dropdown | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
highSchoolName | High school name | Textbox | ||
highSchoolState | High school state | Dropdown | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
houseBill1079 | Radio Button | 1 | Client custom field. | |
HSDiplomaOrEquivalent | High school completion status when the student begins the XXXX school year. | Dropdown | 1= High School diploma | |
inFosterCare | At any time since the student turned age 13, they were in foster care. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
inStateRates | Text Only | Client custom question. Text only. Column will be blank in file for all clients. | ||
isTheStudentHispanic | Is the student of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? | 1= No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin | ||
otherCircumstancesNoneOfTheAbove | None of these | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Other Circumstances option |
parentCity | City | Textbox | ||
parentDateOfBirth | Parent's date of birth | MMDDYYYY Dropdown Date | ||
parentDeductiblePaymentsToIRAKeoghOther | IRA deductions and payments to self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentEarnedIncomeTaxCreditReceivedDuringTaxYear | Did the parent receive the earned income tax credit (EITC)? | Dropdown | 1= Yes | |
parentEmailAddress | Parent's email address | Textbox | ||
parentFederalBenefitsNoneOfTheAbove | None of these | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentFiled1040or1040NR | Did or will the parent file a XXXX IRS Form 1040 or 1040-NR? | Radio Button | 1= Yes | |
parentFiledJointReturnWithCurrentSpouse | Did or will the parent file a XXXX joint tax return with their current spouse? | Radio Button | 1= Yes | |
parentFiledNonUSTaxReturn | Indicate which of the following situations applies to the parent for XXXX. | Radio Button | 1 = The parent filed or will file a tax return with Puerto Rico or another U.S. territory | |
parentFiledScheduleABDEForH | Did the parent file a schedule A, B, D, E, F, or H with their XXXX IRS Form 1040? | Dropdown | 1= Yes | |
parentFirstName | Parent's first name | Textbox | ||
parentForeignEarnedIncomeExclusion | Foreign earned income exclusion | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentFreeorReducedPriceSchoolLunchBenefits | Free or reduced-price school lunch | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentIncomeEarnedFromWork | Income earned from work | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentIRARollover | IRA rollover into another IRA or qualified plan | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentITIN | N/A | Column will be blank on file. Field was consolidated with SSN field on form, to maintain current account validation processes. | ||
parentKilledintheLineofDuty | Was the student's parent or guardian killed in the line of duty while (1) serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces on or after September 11, 2001, or (2) performing official duties as a public safety officer? | Radio Button | 1= Yes | |
parentLastName | Parent's last name | Textbox | ||
parentMiddleName | Parent's middle name | Textbox | ||
parentPensionRollover | Pension rollover into another IRA or qualified plan | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentPhoneNumber | Parent's mobile phone number | Textbox | ||
parentReceivedEITC | Earned income tax credit (EITC) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentReceivedFederalHousingAssistance | Federal housing assistance | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentReceivedMedicaid | Medicaid | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentReceivedRefundableCreditFor36BHealthPlan | Refundable credit for coverage under a qualified health plan (QHP) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentReceivedSNAP | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentsAdjustedGrossIncomeFromIRSForm | Adjusted gross income | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentsBusinessAndOrInvestmentFarmNetWorth | Current net worth of businesses and investment farms | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentsCashSavingsAndChecking | Current total of cash, savings, and checking accounts | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentScheduleCAmount | Net profit or loss from IRS Form 1040 Schedule C | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentsChildSupportReceived | Annual Child Support Received | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentsDeceased | At any time since the student turned 13, they were an orphan (no living biological or adoptive parent.) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
parentsEducationalCredits | Education credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning credits) | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentsGrantOrScholarshipAid | Amount of college grants or scholarships reported as income to the IRS | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentSignatureDate | N/A | |||
parentSignatureName | N/A | |||
parentsInvestmentNetWorth | Current net worth of investments, including real estate | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentsLegalResidenceDate | Month and year parent became a full-time resident of the state/country indicated. | MMDDYYYY Dropdown Date | ||
parentsMaritalStatus | Parent Current Marital Status | Dropdown | 1 = Single | Note: Update needed to align option values with ISIR option values. |
parentsNumberinCollegeParentsExcluded | How many people in the parent's family will be in college between July 1, XXXX and June 30, XXXX? | Dropdown | 1 through 9 | |
parentsNumberofFamilyMembers | How many people are in the parent's family? | Dropdown | 1 through 20 | |
parentSocialSecurityNumber | Parent's Social Security number (SSN), Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) number | Textbox | 9-digit numeric value. Values may also be blank or nine zeroes (000000000) | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerAdjustedGrossIncome | Adjusted gross income | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerCity | City | Textbox | ||
parentSpouseOrPartnerDateOfBirth | Parent spouse or partner's date of birth | Date | ||
parentSpouseOrPartnerDeductiblePaymentsToIRAKeoghOther | IRA deductions and payments to self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerEducationCredits | Education credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning credits) | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerEmailAddress | Parent spouse or partner's email address | Textbox | ||
parentSpouseOrPartnerFiled1040or1040NR | Did or will the parent spouse or partner file a XXXX IRS Form 1040 or 1040-NR? | Radio Button | ||
parentSpouseOrPartnerFiledNonUSTaxReturn | Indicate which of the following situations applies to the parent spouse or partner for XXXX. | Dropdown | 1 = The parent spouse or partner filed or will file a tax return with Puerto Rico or another U.S. territory | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerFiledScheduleABDEForH | Did the parent spouse or partner file a schedule A, B, D, E, F, or H with their $App.Fay(-3) IRS Form 1040? | Dropdown | 1= Yes | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerFirstName | Parent spouse or partner's first name | Textbox | ||
parentSpouseOrPartnerForeignEarnedIncomeExclusion | Foreign earned income exclusion | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerIncomeEarnedFromWork | Income earned from work | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerIncomeTaxPaid | Income tax paid | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerIRARollover | IRA rollover into another IRA or qualified plan | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerITIN | N/A | Column will be blank on file. Field was consolidated with SSN field on form, to maintain current account validation processes. | ||
parentSpouseOrPartnerLastName | Parent spouse or partner's last name | Textbox | ||
parentSpouseOrPartnerMiddleName | Parent spouse or partner's middle name | Textbox | ||
parentSpouseOrPartnerPensionRollover | ||||
parentSpouseOrPartnerPhoneNumber | Parent spouse or partner's mobile phone number | Textbox | ||
parentSpouseOrPartnerScheduleCAmount | Net profit or loss from IRS Form 1040 Schedule C | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerSocialSecurityNumber | Parent spouse or partner’s Social Security number (SSN), Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) number | Textbox | 9-digit numeric value. Values may also be blank or nine zeroes (000000000) |
parentSpouseOrPartnerState | State | Dropdown | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
parentSpouseOrPartnerStreetAddress | Parent spouse or partner's permanent mailing address | Textbox | ||
parentSpouseOrPartnerSuffix | Suffix | Textbox | ||
parentSpouseOrPartnerTaxExemptInterestIncome | Tax exempt interest income | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerTaxReturnFilingStatus | Indicate the parent spouse or partner's income tax filing status for XXXX. | Dropdown | 1 = Single | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributions | Untaxed portions of IRA distributions | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerUntaxedPortionsOfPensions | Untaxed portions of pensions | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentSpouseOrPartnerZipCode | Zip Code | Textbox | ||
parentsStateofLegalResidence | Parent's State of Residence | Dropdown | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
parentState | State | Textbox | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
parentsTaxReturnFilingStatus | Indicate the parent's income tax filing status for XXXX. | Dropdown | 1 = Single | |
parentStreetAddress | Parent's permanent mailing address | Textbox | ||
parentSuffix | Suffix | Textbox | ||
parentsUntaxedPensions | Untaxed portions of pensions | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentSupplementalSecurityIncomeBenefits | Supplemental Security Income (SSI) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentsUSIncomeTaxPaid | Income tax paid | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentTANFBenefits | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentTaxExemptInterestIncome | Tax exempt interest income | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributions | Untaxed portions of IRA distributions | Textbox | Amount value | |
parentWICBenefits | Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Parent Federal Benefits Received option |
parentZipCode | Zip Code | Textbox | ||
permanentMailingAddress | Permanent mailing address | Textbox | ||
personalCircumstancesNoneOfTheAbove | None of these | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
provisionalSAI | N/A - hidden question for storing calculated value |
| -1500 to 999999 Blank | Student Aid Index value calculated for Provisional Independent students only (dependencyStatusCode = ”Z”) New for 2024-2025 ISIR regulatory changes. |
pursuingTeacherCertification | Will the student be pursuing an initial teaching certification at the elementary or secondary level? | Dropdown | 1= Yes | Not shown on form if firstBachelorsDegreeBy is "No." |
residencyCertificationOptionVerification | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Clent custom field. | |
riskOfHomelessDetermination | If the answer is "Yes," did any of the following determine the student was homeless or at risk of becoming homeless? | Checkbox | 1= Yes | Other Circumstances question |
schoolList | N/A | Text Only | Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. | |
senateBill13033 | N/A | Text Only | Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. | |
specialCircumstancesApproved | N/A | Client custom field. | ||
spouseAdjustedGrossIncome | Adjusted gross income | Textbox | Amount value | |
spouseCity | City | Textbox | ||
spouseDateOfBirth | Spouse's date of birth | Date | ||
spouseDeductiblePaymentsToIRAKeoghOther | IRA deductions and payments to self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans | Textbox | Amount value | |
spouseEducationCredits | Education credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning credits) | Textbox | Amount value | |
spouseEmailAddress | Spouse's email address | Textbox | ||
spouseFiled1040or1040NR | Did or will the student spouse file a XXXX IRS Form 1040 or 1040-NR? | Radio Button | 1= Yes | |
spouseFiledNonUSTaxReturn | Did the spouse earn income in a foreign country in XXXX, were they employed by an international organization but not required to report their income on any tax return, or did they file a tax return with Puerto Rico or another U.S. territory? | Radio Button | 1= Yes | |
spouseFiledScheduleABDEForH | Did the student spouse file a schedule A, B, D, E, F, or H with their XXXX IRS Form 1040? | Dropdown | 1= Yes | |
spouseFirstName | Spouse's first name | Textbox | ||
spouseForeignEarnedIncomeExclusion | Foreign earned income exclusion | Textbox | Amount value | |
spouseIncomeTaxPaid | Income tax paid | Textbox | Amount value | |
spouseIRARollover | IRA rollover into another IRA or qualified plan | Textbox | Amount value | |
spouseITIN | Spouse's Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) number | Textbox | ||
spouseLastName | Spouse's last name | Textbox | ||
spouseMiddleName | Spouse's middle name | Textbox | ||
spousePensionRollover | Pension rollover into another IRA or qualified plan | Textbox | Amount value | |
spousePhoneNumber | Spouse's mobile phone number | Textbox | ||
spouseScheduleCAmount | Net profit or loss from IRS Form 1040 Schedule C | Textbox | Amount value | |
spousesIncomeEarnedFromWork | Income earned from work | Textbox | Amount value | |
spouseSocialSecurityNumber | Spouse's Social Security number (SSN) | Textbox | 9-digit numeric value. Values may also be blank or nine zeroes (000000000) |
spouseState | State | Dropdown | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
spouseStreetAddress | Spouse's permanent mailing address | |||
spouseSuffix | Suffix | Textbox | ||
spouseTaxExemptInterestIncome | Tax exempt interest income | Textbox | Amount value | |
spouseTaxReturnFilingStatus | Indicate the student spouse's income tax filing status for $App.Fay(-3). | Dropdown | 1 = Single | |
spouseUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributions | Untaxed portions of IRA distributions | Textbox | Amount value | |
spouseUntaxedPortionsOfPensions | Untaxed portions of pensions | Textbox | Amount value | |
spouseZipCode | Zip Code | Textbox | ||
stateTuitionRatesIneligle | Text Only | Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. | ||
studentDeductiblePaymentsToIRAKeoghOther | IRA deductions and payments to self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentEarnedIncomeTaxCreditReceivedDuringTaxYear | Did the student receive the earned income tax credit (EITC)? | Dropdown | 1= Yes | |
studentEthnicity | Describe the student’s ethnicity. | Textbox | ||
studentFederalBenefitsNoneOfTheAbove | None of these | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentFiled1040or1040NR | Did or will the student file a XXXX IRS Form 1040 or 1040-NR? | Radio Button | 1= Yes | |
studentFiledJointReturnWithCurrentSpouse | Did or will the student file a XXXX joint tax return with their current spouse? | Radio Button | 1= Yes | |
studentFiledNonUSTaxReturn | Did the student earn income in a foreign country in XXXX, were they employed by an international organization but not required to report their income on any tax return, or did they file a tax return with Puerto Rico or another U.S. territory? | Radio Button | 1= Yes | |
studentFiledScheduleABDEForH | Did the student file a schedule A, B, D, E, F, or H with their XXXX IRS Form 1040? | Dropdown | 1= Yes | |
studentforeignEarnedIncomeExclusion | Foreign earned income exclusion | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentFreeOrReducedPriceSchoolLunchBenefits | Free or reduced-price school lunch | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentGender | What is the student’s gender? | Dropdown | 1= Male | |
studentIRARollover | IRA rollover into another IRA or qualified plan | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentITIN | Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) number | Textbox | ||
studentNameSuffix | Suffix | Textbox | ||
studentPensionRollover | Pension rollover into another IRA or qualified plan | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentRace | What is the student’s race? | Checkbox | 1= White | Multiple responses are displayed in file as comma separated |
studentReceivedEITC | Earned income tax credit (EITC) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentReceivedFederalHousingAssistance | Federal housing assistance | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentReceivedMedicaid | Medicaid | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentReceivedRefundableCreditFor36BHealthPlan | Refundable credit for coverage under a qualified health plan (QHP) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentReceivedSNAP | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentsAdjustedGrossIncomeFromIRSForm | Adjusted gross income | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentsBusinessAndOrInvestmentFarmNetWorth | Current net worth of businesses and investment farms | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentsCashSavingsAndChecking | Current total of cash, savings, and checking accounts | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentScheduleCAmount | Net profit or loss from IRS Form 1040 Schedule C | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentsChildSupportReceived | Annual Child Support Received | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentsDateofBirth | Date of Birth | MMDDYYYY Dropdown Date | Validation is for date between "today's date minus 15" and 'today's date minus ninety-one" | |
studentsEducationalCredits | Education credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning credits) | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentsEmailAddress | Email address | Textbox | ||
studentsGrantOrScholarshipAid | Amount of college grants or scholarships reported as income to the IRS | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentSignatureDate | N/A | |||
studentSignatureLocation | N/A | If configured, City and State where student e-signed form | ||
studentSignatureName | N/A | |||
studentsIncomeEarnedFromWork | Income earned from work | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentsInvestmentNetWorth | Current net worth of investments, including real estate | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentsLegalResidenceDate | Month and year student became a full-time resident of the state/country indicated. | MMDDYYYY Dropdown Date | XX/XX/XXXX | Validation is for date between "today's date" and 'today's date minus ninety" |
studentsMaritalStatus | Student Marital Status | Dropdown | 1= Single | Note: Update needed to align option values with ISIR option values. |
studentsNumberinCollege | How many people in the student's family, including the student, will be in college between July 1, XXXX and June 30, XXXX? | Dropdown | 1 through 9 | |
studentsPermanentCity | City | Textbox | ||
studentsPermanentPhoneNumber | Mobile phone number | Textbox | ||
studentsPermanentState | State | Dropdown | Two-character state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
studentsPermanentZipCode | Zip Code | Textbox | ||
studentsStateofLegalResidence | Student's State of Residence | Dropdown | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
studentsTaxReturnFilingStatus | Indicate the student's income tax filing status for XXXX. | Dropdown | 1 = Single | |
studentsUntaxedPensions | Untaxed portions of pensions | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentSupplementalSecurityIncomeBenefits | Supplemental Security Income (SSI) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentsUSIncomeTaxPaid | Income tax paid | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentTANFBenefits | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
studentTaxExemptInterestIncome | Tax exempt interest income | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentUnaccompaniedHomelessYouthUnaccompaniedAtRiskofHomelessnessAndSelfSupporting | At any time on or after July 1, XXXX, was the student unaccompanied and either (1) homeless or (2) self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? | Dropdown | 1= Yes | Other Circumstances question |
studentUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributions | Untaxed portions of IRA distributions | Textbox | Amount value | |
studentUpdatedFamilySize | How many people are in the student's family? | Dropdown | 1 through 20 | |
studentWICBenefits | Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Student Federal Benefits Received option |
transactionNumber | N/A | |||
unaccompaniedAndHomelessFAA | Financial aid administrator (FAA) | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Other Circumstances option |
unaccompaniedAndHomelessGeneral | Director or designee of an emergency or transitional shelter, street outreach program, homeless youth drop-in center, or other program serving those experiencing homelessness. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Other Circumstances option |
unaccompaniedAndHomelessHS | The student's high school or school district homeless liaison or designee. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Other Circumstances option |
unaccompaniedAndHomelessTRIO | Director or designee of a project supported by a federal TRIO or GEAR UP program grant. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Other Circumstances option |
unsubOnly | Are the student's parents unwilling to provide their information, but the student does not have an unusual circumstance that prevents them from contacting the parents or obtaining their information? | Radio Button | 1= Yes | Unusual Circumstances question |
unusualCircumstance | Do unusual circumstances prevent the student from contacting their parents or would contacting their parents pose a risk to the student? | Radio Button | 1= Yes | Unusual Circumstances question |
veteranofUSArmedForces | The student is a veteran of the U.S. armed forces. | Checkbox | 1= Selected | Personal Circumstances option |
WAInStateTuitionRates | Text Only | Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. | ||
WAInStateTuitionRatesIneligible | Text Only | Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. | ||
WAorphanOrWardOfCourtOrFosterCareCommentCode166 | Text Only | Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. | ||
wardOfCourt | At any time since the student turned age 13, they were a ward of the court. | Checkbox | Personal Circumstances option | |
WAResidencyDACAStatus | Radio Button | 1= Yes | Client custom field. | |
transactionDataSourceTypeCode | N/A |
| 3= FAFSA Partner Portal | Client requested ISIR fields populate default data for importing into other systems. |
transactionType | N/A |
| A= Application | |
transactionLanguage | N/A |
| E= English | |
applicationDataSourceTypeCode | N/A |
| 3= FAFSA Partner Portal |
The table above can be downloaded as an Excel file here:
Note: For clients who make application corrections via import file, this table can be used to identify column names that correspond to 24-25 questions.
The table below represents the file Access Database Extract File field mapping for the 2023-2024 Access master form. Multiple FAYs can be represented on the Access Database Extract File at the same time, but the table below shows only columns applicable to the 23-24 form.
Note: fields listed below are not in layout order of the CSV file.
Column Name on File | Field on Form | Field Type on Form | Valid Values | Notes |
Column Name on File | Field on Form | Field Type on Form | Valid Values | Notes |
academicYear | N/A |
academicYearRange | N/A |
areYouMaleOrFemale | Are you male or female? | Dropdown | 1-Male;2-Female; |
areYouOnActiveDutyInUSArmedForces | Are you currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces or are a National Guard or Reserves enlistee called into federal active duty for purposes other than training? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
asofTodayAnEmancipatedMinor | Are you now or were you an emancipated minor (released from control by his or her parent or guardian) as determined by a court in your state of legal residence? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
asofTodayInLegalGuardianship | Does someone other than your parent or stepparent have legal guardianship of you, as determined by a court in your state of legal residence? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
atRiskOfHomelessness | At any time on or after July 1, XXXX, did the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or was self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
bannerPrimaryBackgroundColor | N/A |
bannerPrimaryForegroundColor | N/A |
bannerSecondaryBackgroundColor | N/A |
bannerSecondaryForegroundColor | N/A |
certificationIntroduction | N/A | Text Only |
certificationOptionA |
| Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | Client custom field. |
certificationOptionB |
| Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | Client custom field. |
certificationOptionC |
| Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | Client custom field. |
certificationPermanentResidency |
| Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | Client custom field. |
certifyPermandentResidencyApplication | N/A | Text Only |
| Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
contentWidth | N/A | Textbox |
degreeCertificate | What college degree or certificate will you be working on when you begin the XXXX-XXXX school year? | Dropdown | 1-1st Bachelors Degree;2-2nd Bachelors Degree;3-Associate Technical Degree;4-General Associates Degree;5-Certificate or Diploma of less than 2 Years;6-Certificate or Diploma of at least 2 years;7-Teaching Certificate;8-Graduate or Professional;9-Other or Undecided; |
doYouWantSelectiveServiceToRegisterYou |
| Checkbox | 1-I certify that I am in compliance with federal Selective Service registration requirements. |
drugConvictionAffectingEligibility | Have you been convicted for a drug offense while you were receiving student aid? | Radio Button | 1-No;3-Yes; |
encourageCreateProfile | N/A | Text Only |
| Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
fathersHighestSchoolCompleted | Highest Level of Education Parent 1 Completed | Dropdown | 1-Middle school/Jr. High;2-High School;3-College or Beyond;4-Other/unknown; |
fathersStepfathersDateofBirth | Parent 1 Date of Birth | Date |
fathersStepfathersFirstName | Parent 1 First Name | Textbox |
fathersStepfathersIncomeEarnedFromWork | Parent 1 Income Earned from Working ($) | Textbox |
fathersStepfathersLastName | Parent 1 Last Name | Textbox |
fathersStepfathersSocialSecurityNumber | Parent 1 SSN | Textbox |
federalSchoolCode1 | School 1 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode10 | School 10 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode2 | School 2 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode3 | School 3 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode4 | School 4 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode5 | School 5 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode6 | School 6 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode7 | School 7 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode8 | School 8 | Dropdown |
federalSchoolCode9 | School 9 | Dropdown |
firstBachelorsDegreeBy | Will you have your first bachelor's degree before you begin the 2023-24 school year? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
gradeLevelInCollege | Expected Grade Level in College | Dropdown | 0-1st Year or Freshman, Never Attended;1-1st Year or Freshman, Attended Before;2-2nd Year or Sophomore;3-3rd Year or Junior;4-4th Year or Senior;5-5th Year or More, Undergraduate;6-1st Year Graduate or Professional;7-Continuing Graduate or Professional; |
gradeLevelInCollegeFundingMessage | N/A | Text Only |
| Text is shown/hidden based on client. Column will be blank in file for all clients. |
haveChildrenYouSupport | Do you have children who will receive more than half of their support from you between July 1, XXXX and June 30, XXXX? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
haveLegalDependentsOtherThanChildrenOrSpouse | Do you have dependents (other than your children or spouse) who live with you and who receive more than half of their support from you, now and through June 30, XXXX? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
highSchoolCity | High School City | Textbox |
highSchoolName | Name of High School | Textbox |
highSchoolState | High School State | Dropdown | Two-letter state code |
houseBill1079 |
| Radio Button | 1 | Client custom field. |
HSDiplomaOrEquivalent | High School Diploma or Equivalent | Dropdown | 1-High School Diploma from a high school;2-GED or diploma equivalent;3-Homeschooled;4-None of the Above; |
inStateRates | N/A | Text Only |
| Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
interestedInWorkStudy | Are you interested in being considered for work-study? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No;3-Don't Know; |
logoAlignment | N/A | Textbox |
logoHeight | N/A | Textbox |
logoUrl | N/A | Textbox |
middleInitial | Middle Name | Textbox |
mothersHighestSchoolCompleted | Highest Level of Education Parent 2 Completed | Dropdown | 1-Middle school/Jr. High;2-High School;3-College or Beyond;4-Other/unknown; |
mothersStepmothersDateofBirth | Parent 2 Date of Birth | Date |
mothersStepmothersFirstName | Parent 2 First Name | Textbox |
mothersStepmothersIncomeEarnedFromWork | Parent 2 Income Earned from Working ($) | Textbox |
mothersStepmothersLastName | Parent 2 Last Name | Textbox |
mothersStepmothersSocialSecurityNumber | Parent 2 SSN | Textbox |
originalSocialSecurityNumber | Social Security, DACA, or ITIN Number | Textbox |
orphanOrWardOfCourtOrFosterCare | At any time since you turned age 13, were both of your parents deceased, or were you in foster care or were you a dependent or ward of the court? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
parentDislocatedWorker | As of today, are either of your parents a dislocated worker? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No;3-Don't know; |
parentFoodStampBenefits | Parents' Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
parentFreeorReducedPriceSchoolLunchBenefits | Parents' Free or Reduced Price School Lunch | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
parentReceivedFederalBenefits | Did you, your parents, or anyone in your parents' household receive benefits from any federal benefit programs such as Medicaid or SSI, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Free or Reduced Price School Lunch, TANF or WIC benefits? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
parentsAdjustedGrossIncomeFromIRSForm | Parents' AGI from Income Tax Return | Textbox |
parentsBusinessAndOrInvestmentFarmNetWorth | Parents' Businesses or Farm Net Worth ($) | Textbox |
parentsCashSavingsAndChecking | Parents' Cash, Savings, and Checking Account Amounts ($) | Textbox |
parentsChildSupportPaid | Parents' Child Support Paid | Textbox |
parentsChildSupportReceived | Parents' Child Support Received | Textbox |
parentsCombatPay | Parents' Combat Pay | Textbox |
parentsCoopEarnings | Parents' Co-op Earnings | Textbox |
parentsEducationalCredits | Parents' Education Credits | Textbox |
parentsEligibilityToFileSchedule1 | Parent's Eligibility to file Schedule 1 | Radio Button | 1-No;2-Yes;3-Don't Know; |
parentsEmailAddress | Parents' Primary E-Mail Address | Textbox |
parentsGrantOrScholarshipAid | Parents' Grant or Scholarship Aid | Textbox |
parentSignatureDate | N/A | Textbox |
parentSignatureName | N/A | Textbox |
parentsInterestIncome | Parents' Interest Income | Textbox |
parentsInvestmentNetWorth | Parents' Real Estate or Investment Net Worth ($) | Textbox |
parentsIRAPayments | Parents' IRA Payments | Textbox |
parentsLegalResidenceDate | Parents' Residency Date | Date |
parentsLegalResidenceDateCO | Parents' Residency Date | Date |
parentsLegalResidentsBefore | Parents' Residency Before 01/01/XXXX | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
parentsMaritalStatus | Parents' Marital Status | Dropdown | 1-Married or Remarried;2-Never Married;3-Divorced or Separated;4-Widowed;5-Unmarried and Both Parents Living Together; |
parentsMaritalStatusDate | Parents' Marital Status Date | Date |
parentsMilitaryOrClergyAllowances | Parents' Military or Clergy Allowances | Textbox |
parentsNeedBasedEmployment | Parents' Need-Based Employment | Textbox |
parentsNumberinCollegeParentsExcluded | Parents' Household Number in College | Dropdown | 1-9 |
parentsNumberofFamilyMembers | Parents' Household Number of Family Members | Dropdown | 1-9 |
parentsOtherUntaxedIncome | Parents' Other Untaxed Income | Textbox |
parentsPensionPayments | Parents' Pension Payments | Textbox |
parentsSecondaryEmailAddress | Parents' Secondary E-Mail Address | Textbox |
parentsStateofLegalResidence | Parents' State of Residency | Dropdown | Two-letter state code |
parentsTaxFilingStatus | Parents' Income Tax Filing Status | Dropdown | 1-Single;2-Married - Filed Joint Return;3-Married - Filed Separate Return;4-Head of Household;5-Qualifying Widow(er);6-Don't Know; |
parentsTaxReturnCompleted | Parents' Income Tax Return Status | Dropdown | 1-Already Completed and Filed;2-Will File;3-Will Not File; |
parentsTypeOfTaxFormUsed | Parents' Type of Income Tax Return | Dropdown | 1-IRS 1040;3-A foreign tax return, IRS 1040NR or IRS 1040NR-EZ;4-A tax return with Puerto Rico, another U.S. Territory, or Freely Associated State; |
parentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensions | Parents' untaxed portions of IRA distributions and pensions | Textbox |
parentSupplementalSecurityIncomeBenefits | Parents' Medicaid SSI Benefits | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
parentsUSIncomeTaxPaid | Parents' Taxes Paid from Income Tax Return | Textbox |
parentsVeteransNoneducationBenefits | Parents' Veterans Noneducation Benefits | Textbox |
parentsWillFileInformation | N/A | Text Only |
parentTANFBenefits | Parents' TANF Benefits | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
parentWICBenefits | Parents' WIC Benefits | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
permanentMailingAddress | Permanent Mailing Street Address | Textbox |
RegentAccess_stateCode | N/A | Textbox |
residencyCertificationOptionVerification |
| Checkbox | 1- selected; blank | Client custom field. |
senateBill13033 | N/A | Text Only |
| Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
specialCircumstances |
| Radio Button | 1-I will be unable to provide parent information on this application due to special circumstances.;2-My application requires parent information before submission - continue with the application process. |
specialCircumstancesApproved | N/A | Dropdown |
| Client Custom Field |
specialCircumstancesHint | N/A | Text Only |
spousesIncomeEarnedFromWork | Spouse's Income Earned From Working ($) | Textbox |
stateTuitionRatesIneligle | N/A | Text Only |
| Client custom field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
studentFoodStampBenefits | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
studentFreeOrReducedPriceSchoolLunchBenefits | Student's Free or Reduced School Price Lunch | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
studentHousingStatus1 | Housing Plan for School 1 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; |
studentHousingStatus10 | Housing Plan for School 10 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; |
studentHousingStatus2 | Housing Plan for School 2 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; |
studentHousingStatus3 | Housing Plan for School 3 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; |
studentHousingStatus4 | Housing Plan for School 4 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; |
studentHousingStatus5 | Housing Plan for School 5 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; |
studentHousingStatus6 | Housing Plan for School 6 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; |
studentHousingStatus7 | Housing Plan for School 7 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; |
studentHousingStatus8 | Housing Plan for School 8 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; |
studentHousingStatus9 | Housing Plan for School 9 | Dropdown | 1-On Campus;2-With Parents;3-Off Campus or Other; |
studentLegalResidentBefore | Did you become a full-time resident of the state/country you entered above before January 1, XXXX? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
studentOrSpouseDislocatedWorker | As of today, are you (or your spouse) a dislocated worker? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No;3-Don't know; |
studentReceivedFederalBenefits | In XXXX or XXXX, did you, your spouse, or anyone in your household receive benefits from any federal benefit programs such as Medicaid or SSI, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Free or Reduced Price School Lunch, TANF or WIC benefits? Answering these questions will NOT reduce eligibility for student aid or these programs. | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
studentsAdjustedGrossIncomeFromIRSForm | Student's AGI from Income Tax Return | Textbox |
studentsBusinessAndOrInvestmentFarmNetWorth | Student's Businesses or Farm Net Worth ($) | Textbox |
studentsCashSavingsAndChecking | Student's Cash, Savings, and Checking Account Amounts ($) | Textbox |
studentsChildSupportPaid | Student's Child Support Paid | Textbox |
studentsChildSupportReceived | Student's Child Support Received | Textbox |
studentsCombatPay | Student's Combat Pay | Textbox |
studentsCoopEarnings | Student's Co-op Earnings | Textbox |
studentsDateofBirth | Date of Birth | Date | 01/01/2000-01/01/2000; |
studentsDriversLicenseNumber | Student's Driver's License Number | Textbox |
studentsDriversLicenseStateCode | Student's Driver's License State | Dropdown | Two-letter state code | Field options are all fifty states plus US territories, Canadian provinces, and "Foreign Country" |
studentsEducationalCredits | Student's Education Credits | Textbox |
studentsEligibilityToFileSchedule1 | Student's Eligibility to file Schedule 1 | Dropdown | 1-No;2-Yes;3-Don't know; |
studentsEmailAddress | Student’s Primary Email Address | Textbox |
studentsFirstName | First Name | Textbox |
studentsGrantOrScholarshipAid | Student's Grant or Scholarship Aid | Textbox |
studentSignatureDate | N/A | Textbox |
studentSignatureLocation | N/A | Textbox |
studentSignatureName | N/A | Textbox |
studentsIncomeEarnedFromWork | Student's Income Earned from Working ($) | Textbox |
studentsInterestIncome | Student's Interest Income | Textbox |
studentsInvestmentNetWorth | Student's Real Estate or Investment Net Worth ($) | Textbox |
studentsIRAPayments | Student's IRA Payments | Textbox |
studentsLastName | Last Name | Textbox |
studentsLegalResidenceDate | Please provide the month and year you became a full-time resident of the state indicated. | Date |
studentsLegalResidenceDateCO | Please provide the month and year you became a full-time resident of the state indicated. | Date |
studentsMaritalStatus | Student's Marital Status | Dropdown | 1-Single;2-Married or Remarried;3-Separated; 4-Divorced or Widowed; |
studentsMaritalStatusDate | Student's Marital Status Date | Date |
studentsMilitaryOrClergyAllowances | Student's Military or Clergy Allowances | Textbox |
studentsNeedBasedEmployment | Student's Need-Based Employment | Textbox |
studentsNumberinCollege | Student's Household Number in College | Dropdown | 1-9 |
studentsNumberofFamilyMembers | Student's Household Number of Family Members | Dropdown | 1-20 |
studentsOtherNonReportedMoney | Student's Other Non-Reported Money Received | Textbox |
studentsOtherUntaxedIncome | Student's Other Untaxed Income | Textbox |
studentsPensionPayments | Student's Pension Payments | Textbox |
studentsPermanentCity | Permanent Mailing City | Textbox |
studentsPermanentPhoneNumber | Student’s Primary Telephone Number | Textbox |
studentsPermanentState | Permanent Mailing State | Dropdown | Two-letter state code |
studentsPermanentZipCode | Permanent Mailing Zip Code | Textbox |
studentsStateofLegalResidence | Student's State/Country of Residence | Dropdown | Two-letter state code |
studentsTaxFilingStatus | Student's Income Tax Filing Status | Dropdown | 1-Single;2-Married - Filed Joint Return;3-Married - Filed Separate Return;4-Head of Household;5-Qualifying Widow(er);6-Don't Know; |
studentsTaxReturnCompleted | Student's Income Tax Return Status | Dropdown | 1-Already Completed and Filed;2-Will File;3-Will Not File; |
studentsTypeofTaxFormUsed | Student's Type of Income Tax Return | Dropdown | 1-IRS 1040;3-A foreign tax return, IRS 1040NR or IRS 1040NR-EZ;4-A tax return with Puerto Rico, another U.S. Territory, or Freely Associated State; |
studentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensions | Students' untaxed portions of IRA distributions and pensions | Textbox |
studentSupplementalSecurityIncomeBenefits | Student's Medicaid or SSI Benefits | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
studentsUSIncomeTaxPaid | Student's Taxes Paid from Income Tax Return | Textbox |
studentsVeteransNoneducationBenefits | Student's Veterans Noneducational Benefits | Textbox |
studentTANFBenefits | Student's TANF Benefits | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
studentWICBenefits | Student's WIC Benefits | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
studentWillFileInformation | N/A | Text Only |
title | N/A | Textbox |
transactionNumber | N/A | Textbox |
unaccompaniedYouthDeterminedByHUD | At any time on or after July 1, XXXX, did the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or was self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
unaccompaniedYouthDeterminedBySchoolDistrictLiaison | At any time on or after July 1, XXXX, did your high school or school district homeless liaison determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or was self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
veteranofUSArmedForces | Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces? | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; |
WAareYouMaleOrFemale | Gender | Dropdown | 1-Male;2-Female;3-X; | Client custom field |
WAfirstBachelorsDegreeBy | Will you have your first bachelor’s degree before July 1, XXXX? This includes bachelors degrees earned at non-US higher education institutions. | Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | Client custom field. |
WAInStateTuitionRates | N/A | Text Only |
| Client Custom Field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
WAInStateTuitionRatesIneligible | N/A | Text Only |
| Client Custom Field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
WAorphanOrWardOfCourtOrFosterCareCommentCode166 | N/A | Text Only |
| Client Custom Field. Text only. Column is blank in file for all clients. |
WAResidencyDACAStatus |
| Radio Button | 1-Yes;2-No; | Client custom field |
username | N/A |
userExternalId | N/A |
userCreatedDate | N/A |
userLastIpAddress | N/A |
applicationId | N/A |
institution | N/A |
institutionExternalId | N/A |
campus | N/A |
campusExternalId | N/A |
site | N/A |
siteExternalId | N/A |
program | N/A |
programExternalId | N/A |
electronicSignatureRequiredTypeCode | N/A |
type | N/A |
| Financial Aid Application |
name | N/A |
| Name from Document Setup |
status | N/A |
createdDate | N/A |
eSigned | N/A |
eSignedDate | N/A |
EFC | N/A |
dependencyStatusCode | N/A |
| I= Independent; D= Dependent |
dependencyStatus | N/A |
| Independent; Dependent |
correctionProcessDate | N/A |
The table above can be downloaded as an Excel file here:
Note: For clients who make application corrections via import file, this table can be used to identify column names that correspond to 23-24 questions.
The "Access Export Processes" permission is required to generate the Access Database Extract File and is located under Global Permissions → Process Permissions → Export Processes. By default, all user roles, except the Regent admin role, will NOT have access to this permission (i.e. the permission will be disabled). The permission is enabled by default for the Regent admin user role.
Access Export File in an ISIR Layout Format
The Access export file in an ISIR Layout Format is a flat text file that is able to be manually generated for a given award year (e.g. 2024-2025) via the 'Export eAccess ISIR Format' process on the Export Process Screen, or as a Scheduled Process for a saved parameter set. Once the file is generated, it is accessible and downloadable from the sFTP ExporteAccessISIRFormat folder. The 'Enable Regent Access' configuration must be selected for a client to use the 'Export eAccess ISIR Format' process.
Export Process Screen:
An Access application is exported when all of the following conditions are met:
Application has been signed.
Application has an FAY that is 2020-2021 and beyond.
Combination of the distinct FAY/FSC (Federal School Code) that have not been exported before.
An Access ISIR Formatted file will be created for each distinct Federal Award Year/Federal School Code (FAY/FSC) combination. Only the Federal School Code for the specific file being created will display as the "1st Federal School Code" in the file. No other Federal School Codes listed will be present. For example, if an applicant selects 10 Federal School Codes on the application, 10 unique ISIRs will be created with each school’s Federal School Code listed for the first Federal School Code.
Each file is named with the FAY and School code distinctly identified in the file name as follows:
"eAccess" + "ISIRFormat" +"FAY" + "FSC" (e.g. eAccess_ISIRFormat_2021_09999_PROD_87_20200612_122706113.txt).
ISIRs in Regent
If the 'Enable Regent Access' configuration is enabled and Regent has enabled the process to route the export file into Regent, the ISIRs will be made available via the ISIR tab for each Institution with a corresponding Federal School Code list on the application. If an EFC/SAI recalculation is required, a staff user with the appropriate permissions can make a correction for the respective Institution via the ISIR Verification Wizard in Regent Award to generate a subsequent ISIR Record.
Regent Access clients also have the ability to import the ISIR Formatted Access flat text file into their Student Information System (SIS) to assist in the auto-generation of required documents (e.g. verification worksheet) and the creation of process flows in the school's Financial Aid Management (FAM) system. For example, the school’s FAM can be configured to create the Verification Worksheet upon an ISIR import and made available to students to complete via the school’s current portal. The verification process may surface corrections that require an SAI recalculation to determine eligibility. If an SAI recalculation is required, a staff user with the appropriate permissions can manually add a new document requirement in Regent Award for the applicant to complete again or the school’s current verification module within the FAM can be utilized.
All Access questions are mapped and formatted using the ISIR Data Record Layout from the EDE Technical Reference for the appropriate award year (e.g. 2024-2025).
Derived ISIR Values for Access
Below is a list of all derived values for 2024-2025 and later FAYs. If no derived value is present in the list below, the ISIR Data Record Layout from the EDE Technical Reference for the appropriate award year (e.g. 2025-2026) will be used if the field is able to be mapped. Note: Some questions will not be mapped, such as state-specific questions.
A scales symbol marks any changes from the FAFSA updates from the most recent aid year. For FAY 2025-2026, no fields changed in the Access Derived Values.
ISIR Field Name | Derived Value |
ISIR Field Name | Derived Value |
yearIndicator | Uses 4 for the 2023-2024 Award Year, 5 for 2024-2025 Award Year, 6 for 2025-2026 Award Year, etc. |
originalSocialSecurityNumber | Uses SSN if provided; otherwise uses the student externalId1 (assigned to the student by Regent Access) with prefixed 0's to derive the 9-digit social security number. In ISIR Corrections, is a 9-digit numeric value. Value may also be blank or nine zeroes (000000000) |
originalNameID | Uses the first two characters of 'studentsLastName' |
transactionNumber | Uses an initial value, based on a configured value in Institution Setup - see The initial configured transactionNumber is applied to the first time the application is being exported. Regent increments the transaction number in subsequent exports. |
studentsCitizenshipStatus | Always uses 3 for neither a U.S. Citizen or an Eligible Non-Citizen |
parentsStateofLegalResidence | Uses the parentsStateofLegalResidence (if it has a value); or if parentsStateofLegalResidence is blank, uses the studentsStateofLegalResidence; or if parentsStateofLegalResidence AND studentsPermanentState are both blank, use studentsPermanentState |
transactionDataSourceTypeCode | Uses '3' for FAFSA Partner Portal for initial application and corrected application. |
transactionType | Uses ‘A' for the initial application and 'C’ for an application correction. |
transactionLanguage | Uses 'E” for English |
transactionReceiptDate | Use the current date upon the export of the Access ISIR-formatted file. |
applicationDataSourceTypeCode | Uses '3' for FAFSA Partner Portal for initial application and corrected application. |
applicationReceiptDate | Uses the application or the correction date. |
transactionProcessedDate | Use the current date upon the export of the Access ISIR-formatted file. |
correctionFlags | Always uses zeros ("0") in each of the fields. |
highlightFlags | Always uses zeros ("0") in each of the fields. |
commentCodes | Always uses zeros ("0") in each of the fields. |
studentIsSelectedForVerification | Always uses a value of No ("N"). |
dependencyStatusCode | Dependency Status. For the initial release, some "Unsub Only" students with special circumstances have the "X" values replaced with "Z" values. Possible values: D = Dependent, I = Independent, X = Rejected Dependent (allows awarding Unsub loans only), Y = Rejected Independent, and Z = Provisional Independent (2024-2025 and later). |
EFC/SAI | For 2024-2025 FAY and later, SAI holds the value of the Student Aid Index (SAI). Numeric values, -1500 to 999999 or Blank. For 2023-2024 FAY and earlier, holds the value of the Expected Family Contribution (EFC). |
provisionalSAI | For 2024-2025 FAY and later. Provisional Student Aid Index (Provisional SAI). Numeric value, calculated instead of SAI for students with a ‘Provisional Independent’ dependency status ("Z"). Numeric values, -1500 to 999999 or Blank |
FISAPTotalIncome | Total Income for FISAP (Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate). Sum of Parents' Total Income and Student/Spouse Total Income. Numeric Integer, up to 15 characters including a negative sign, can be negative or blank. Values |
Filler (Access Field: AccessISIR) | A value of 1 will be present in the first position of this filler space and is able to be used to identify the ISIR is an Access ISIR, if Regent Access is enabled. |
Filler (Access Field: mainFederalSchoolCode) | A six-digit Federal School Code will be present beginning with the second position of this filler space and is able to be used to identify the school code to which the file is being routed, if Regent Access is enabled. |
Filler (Access Field: studentExternalId) | The Regent Award studentExternalId for the default Institution (e.g. state-level) will be present if Regent Access is enabled and right justified and allow up to 60 characters in length. |
Filler (Access Field: snapApplicationID) | The |
parentSocialSecurityNumber | If value entered on form for Parent Social Security Number begins with any digit other than a '9', the entered value will map to this field. If value entered on form for Parent Social Security Number begins with a '9', the entered value will map to parentITIN. Value may also be blank or nine zeroes (000000000) |
parentSpouseOrPartnerSocialSecurityNumber | If value entered on form for Parent Spouse or Partner Social Security Number begins with any digit other than a '9', the entered value will map to this field. If value entered on form for Parent Spouse or Partner Social Security Number begins with a '9', the entered value will map to parentSpouseOrPartnerITIN. Value may also be blank or nine zeroes (000000000) |
parentITIN | Mapped from parentSocialSecurityNumber field if value entered on form for Parent Social Security Number begins with a '9'. |
parentSpouseOrPartnerITIN | Mapped from parentSpouseOrPartnerSocialSecurityNumber field if value entered on form for Parent Spouse or Partner Social Security Number begins with a '9'. Value may also be blank or nine zeroes (000000000) |
Regent Access clients are responsible for determining the criteria and process in which an Access ISIR file is matched to students in their system if the student does not have a social security number or ITIN/DACA number (e.g. name, date of birth, and address).
The "Export eAccess ISIR Format" permission is required to generate the Access Export file in an ISIR Layout Format and is located under Global Permissions → Process Permissions → Export Processes. By default, all user roles, except the Regent admin role, will NOT have access to this permission (i.e. the permission will be disabled). The permission is enabled by default for the Regent admin user role.
Change Log
Date | Editor | Description of Change |
Date | Editor | Description of Change |
December 21, 2023 | Jennifer Black | Added four fields to field mapping for release: dependencyStatusCode, efc, provisionalSAI, and FISAPTotalIncome. Also added this Change Log to the preexisting page. |
December 27, 2023 | Heather Smith | Updated with Access Database Extract File table reflecting 24-25 data and updated table with derived values for ISIR format file mapping to reflect only 24-25 fields |
February 28, 2024 | Bianca Bagwell | Updated Access Database Extract File Layout and Mapping Column Header from EFC to SAI for 2024-2025 |
March 5, 2024 | Jennifer Black | Added notes for SSN fields that values may also be blank or nine zeroes (000000000): originalSocialSecurityNumber, parentSocialSecurityNumber, parentSpouseOrPartnerSocialSecurityNumber, spouseSocialSecurityNumber. |
May 10, 2024 | Heather Smith | Updated incorrect/missing ISIR file derived values |
July 12, 2024 | Heather Smith | Added ISIR-related fields to ISIR Layout Format values table per 6.8 update |
December 13, 2024 | Jennifer Black | Formally documented the provisionalSAI and FISAPTotalIncome fields in the 2024-2025 Excel file and field mapping. Fields were added in, December 2023; ticket RS-26465, enhancement RS-26042, documentation ticket RI-424. |
December 13, 2024 | Jennifer Black | Added 2025-2026 eAccess field mapping, including new fields: SAIComputationType, SAIFormula, maxPellIndicator, minimumPellIndicator, pellGrantEligibilityFlag. Also added new 2025-2026 Excel file with field names. New fields are noted with the symbol. Release, November 2024; tickets RS-28430, enhancement RS-27786. |
December 13, 2024 | Jennifer Black | Corrected preexisting documentation in Derived Values for transactionNumber. Added reference to configurable Institution Setup setting. Also updated Derived Values for 2025-2026: removed the markers from items that did not change for 2025-2026 updates compared to 2024-2025. |