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Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent /, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements which include:

  • 2023-2024 Regent Access Year

    • 2023-2024 Access Questionnaires

    • Access Export File for 2023-2024 Forms per 2023-2024 ISIR format                    

  • 2023-2024 ISIR Support

    • 2023-2024 Message Classes added to SAIG Process

      • Please remember that the new message classes are dynamically set as Active for SAIG processes for the new 2023-2024 year upon upgrade if the related classes were configured as Active for the 2022-2023 FAY.

        • If SAIG scheduled processes are active for the prior FAY, please set 23-24 to inactive until new aid year configuration including document requirements as related to VWS are in place in Production and Release 6.2 is in place in Production.

        • Reminder to HOLD 23-24 ISIR processing until all new aid year configuration including document requirements as related to VWS are in place in Production, along with Release 6.2 which contains Full 23-24 ISIR functionality.

    • 2023-2024 ISIR Print Updates     

    • 2023-2024 Updates to ISIR Comparison Tool

    • 2023-2024 ISIR Import and ISIR Correction files

    • 2023-2024 ISIR Correction Wizard

    • Note: Full 2023-2024 ISIR Functionality will be available in Regent 6.2

  • Access:

    • Master Access Questionnaire in Student Experience Accepts Numbers in Name Fields

  •  Regent Award for Salesforce:

    • Full Scheduled Sync Logging and Status

  • Fund Setup:

    • Expanded ‘Per Payment Period’ Options

New/Updated Configuration Options

The following configuration options were added or updated in release 6.1.1:  

 Click here to expand...

Document Setup>General

  • Field Name: Auto Process During

    • Added checkbox option: Assign by SAP

      • Non-editable- will be auto-selected if ‘Enable SAP Assignment’ is checked on the SAP Assignment tab.

Document Setup>SAP Assignment tab (NEW)

  • Field Name: Enable SAP Assignment

    • Field Type: checkbox

    • Help Text:  When this field is enabled, this document is assigned to students meeting the SAP Status(s) and SAP Failure Reason(s) selected below during the packaging process.

SAP Statuses section

  • Field Name: Apply to all SAP Statuses

    • Field Type: checkbox

    • If not selected, multi-select boxes are presented below 

  • Available SAP Status Box and Selected SAP Status Box

    • Defines SAP Status(es) to which the document requirements applies. 

    • Selection options:

      • FA Probation

      • FA Suspended

      • FA Warning

      • MTF Suspended

      • Satisfactory

      • Not Calculated

SAP Failure Reason section

  • Available Reasons Box and Selected Reasons Box

    • Defines SAP Failure Reason that will generate the document requirement. 

    • Selection options:

      • Anticipated Maximum Timeframe

      • Completion Ratio

      • GPA

      • Maximum Timeframe

Fund Setup > General tab > Amount Per Payment Period section

  • Enrollment Status Min (moved into table)

    • Field Type: Dropdown

    • Field Options:

      • Full Time

      • Three Quarter Time

      • Half Time

      • Less Than Half Time

  • Enrollment Status Max (moved into table)

    • Field Type: Dropdown

    • Field Options:

      • Full Time

      • Three Quarter Time

      • Half Time

      • Less Than Half Time

  • Enrollment Units Min (new column)

    • Field Type: Numeric box

    • Allows numbers of 0 to 100

  • Enrollment Units Max (new column)

    • Field Type: Numeric box

      • Allows numbers of 0 to 100

  • Payment Period Start From (new column)

    • Field Type: Date

  • Payment Period Start To (new column)

    • Field Type: Date

Communication Setup > Communications

  • The following new Standard Filters were added to the ‘Filter’ dropdown when adding a new communication or updating an existing communication:

    • Standard CFP - Undergrad

    • Standard CFP - Grad

Admin and User Guide Updates 


The following enhancements are included in

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-24364Regent AwardCommunications

Title: New SAP Assignment Tab in Document Setup

Tickets: RS-24115; RS-24364; RS-23893;


A new SAP Assignment tab has been added to Document Setup. Documents may be assigned based on a student’s SAP Status or SAP Failure Reason. The SAP Status and SAP Failure Reason may be used in conjunction with one another or independently.

The SAP Status options include:

  • Satisfactory
  • FA Probation
  • FA Suspended
  • Not Calculated
  • FA Warning
  • MTF Suspended

The SAP Failure Reason options include:

  • GPA
  • Completion Rate (Pace)
  • Maximum Timeframe
  • Anticipated Maximum Timeframe
  • Status Provided Manually
  • Status Provided from SIS
RS-24155Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Academic Years Not Closing after 180 Days

Tickets: RS-24155; RS-22944; RS-24241;


Regent updated the 180-day closure logic to hard-close periods with a 180-day gap in them when the prior period was for a prior program. The period with the 180-day gap will not close until the 180th day after the last attended period has been reached and any prior periods under the same program are also closed.

Regent also updated the Abbreviated Period closure logic to hard-close periods with Abbreviated Periods when the prior period was for a prior program. The period with the Abbreviated Period will not close until the end date of the Manual AY Abbreviated Period has been reached and any prior periods under the same program are also closed.

A build script will be executed as part of an upgrade to the release that will identify and fix existing Nonterm students for 180 days and abbreviated periods by identifying students with a 180-days since the last attended period and abbreviated periods that have not been hard-closed and setting the flag to close the period if the flag is not already set.

NOTE: Batch Packaging will need to be executed after the upgrade for schools with Nonterm programs either based on the scheduled process or manually in order for the resolution to apply and Academic Plan to update. If Batch Packaging does not include ‘Inactive’ students, the ‘Inactive’ students would require a user to MAP the student(s) before updates are realized. A client with a high volume of nonterm students will need to expect the script to take up to a couple of hours to run.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: 180 Day Rule for Nonterm Students

RS-24134Regent AwardCommunications

Title: Create a Standard CFP Filter (One CFP per FAY by e-Mail and/or Text)

Tickets: RS-24134; RS-24204;


The following new communication filters were created to support sending a College Financing Plan separately from the Award Notification:

  • Standard CFP - Undergrad

  • Standard CFP - Grad

The Communication filters will pick up students meeting the following conditions:

  1. Standard CFP - Undergrad filter: conditions

    1. Must have an active program with an Undergraduate programTypeCode.

  2. Standard CFP - Grad filter conditions:

    1. Must have an active program with a Grad programTypeCode.

  3. Student has an initial packaged CFP award(s) or external resource where the award or resource is in:

    1. An ‘Offered’ or ‘Accepted’ status with an amount greater than $0,

    2. A payment period with a Federal Award Year matching the communication being sent.

The Communication will be sent based on the following frequency basis::

  1. Once for any student meeting the criteria above since the last time the communication was run for the respective Communication Type of Email or Text.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters.

RS-23714Regent AwardFunds (SEOG / Work Study / State)

Title: Wisconsin State Grant Updates FAY 2022-2023

Tickets: RS-23714; RS-23991; RS-23557;

Regent Award was enhanced with annual updates for the Wisconsin Grant Private-Nonprofit (WG-PNP). The updates include state regulatory updates for Wisconsin's Federal Award Year (FAY).

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Wisconsin Grant - Private Non-Profit (WG-PNP).

RS-21854Regent AwardEnrollment

Title: Update Course ‘Disqualified Repeat’ Logic

Tickets: RS-21854; RS-24027; RS-24116;

Updated the Repeat logic to only include courses from primary (active) programs when determining course repeat limits.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Remedial and Repeat Units.

RS-21777Regent ReviewISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Regulatory Updates for 23-24 ISIR Processing

Ticket: RS-20650; RS-21770; RS-21771; RS-21778; RS-21779; RS-24010; RS-21780; RS-23220; RS-24205;


Per guidance from the Department of Education:

  • Updates have been made to Regent’s ISIR Details page, ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard, Compare ISIRs Wizard, ISIR Print functionality to accommodate processing of 23-24 ISIRs.
  • Updates have been made to Regent’s ISIR Import and Correction Export processes to accommodate processing of 23-24 ISIRs.
  • The 2023-2024 ISIR-related message classes have been added to the SAIG Mailbox Integration feature.
  • Regent’s EFC Calculation logic has been updated for processing of 2023-2024 ISIRs.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Message Classes Supported by Regent Award.

RS-20653Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Access Questionnaires for 2023-2024

Tickets: RS-20653; RS-20652; RS-24002; RS-24003; RS-24004; RS-24005; RS-24006;


New Access forms for the 23-24 FAY have been created, to align with the 23-24 FAFSA. The new forms also include informational text updates to the Student/Spouse and Parent earned income questions to add clarity.

RS-20121Student ExperienceCommunications

Title: Update the Standard Parent Signature Request Communication Template

Tickets: RS-20121;


The Standard Parent Signature Request Communication template was modified to include updated parent links and language to avoid confusion and ensure parents do not inadvertently create student accounts. The updates will be applied automatically to any unaltered version of the template (new or existing) upon upgrading to the release. A standard template that has been modified will not be updated or modified when upgrading.

RS-20062Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Configure Additional Awarding Rules

Tickets: RS-20062; RS-24201; RS-24202; RS-24116;


The Enrollment Status Min/Max configuration fields in Fund Setup were moved from outside of the ‘Per Payment Period’ grid to inside the grid.  These fields will work in correlation with the other configurations (e.g. FAY, Flat Amount Per Payment Period) for each row.  The school’s current configured values for these fields will need to be reconfigured by clients upon upgrade as they were not moved over automatically as defined by the requirements for this enhancement.

Validation has been added to ensure each row is unique and no overlap exists, to assist users in configuring the appropriate values.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Fund Setup Data Elements.

RS-19858Regent AccessStudent Portal

Title: Allow Numbers in Name Fields on Access Master

Tickets: RS-19858; RS-20652; RS-24007;


The Access master form (state Financial Aid Application in use in Student Experience only) has been updated to allow numbers in the First Name and Last Name fields for student and parents, to align with the FAFSA and with Student Experience account creation logic.

RS-24209Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Intuitive Budgeting not recognizing Accelerate Begin Actual

Tickets: RS-24209; RS-23742;


The anticipate future terms logic has been updated to account for actual registration in future terms. The number of units used for future anticipation will continue to adjust with changes in student registration in the latest (furthest into the future) registered term until the first Title IV award is disbursed for the current term. Adjustments will resume when the next term has Actual registration and continue until the first Title IV disbursement of the next term.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Anticipate Remainder of Plan Based on Previous Enrollment Levels

RS-23860Regent Award for SalesforceUser Interface

Title: Full scheduled sync logging and status

Tickets: RS-23860; RS-23867;


The Configuration for Regent Award for Salesforce application has been updated to display log data for the scheduled full syncs. The new “Jobs” sidebar tab is located on “Config Regent Award for Salesforce” app under the Configuration tab.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Regent Award for Salesforce (RAFSF) (Archived)


The following bugs are resolved in

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-24361Regent Award/ReviewPackaging

Three students could not be packaged. An error occurred: Failed to Process. Error Msg: Sequence contains no elements

The code contained incorrect logic for a specific situation when distributing using payment period amounts. The logic bug caused an exception when the Academic Plan tried to sort an item with a null reference.

The code for payment period amount distribution has a new check for null references.

Package the affected students. Confirm no error occurs. Confirm the students are successfully packaged.

RS-24253Regent AwardStudent Experience

In the Student Experience Portal, when a student tried to select a borrowing plan, an error occurred: “Your Financial Aid is unable to be processed.”

In some specific cases, the system tried to assign awards onto incorrect loan periods.

The logic was corrected to prevent trying to assign awards into non-queueable loan periods.

Access the Student Experience Portal using an account for the affected student. Select a plan in My Borrowing. Confirm no error occurs. Confirm the student’s Financial Aid is packaged for the selected Borrowing Plan.

RS-24232Regent AccessISIR Processing/Verification

When a Regent Access application was submitted and signed by a student and parent, the ISIR export/import process ignored the application.

Root Cause
For a specific scenario, the system incorrectly put the 22-23 application status to 'Completed' instead of 'Processed' and that caused a status so the ISIR formatted output was not generated.

The code fix was applied so that applications will not be set into the 'Completed' status instead of 'Processed.' Additionally, a workaround script RS_23571 can be used to correct the application status.

Create and continue through a Regent Access application as a Dependent student. On the e-signature page, e-sign the application, then click the browser’s Back button to go back into the Smart Form, and then click the Save button. Separately, sign the application as a Parent. In Regent, process the ISIR export and import process. Confirm the ISIR formatted application is created in Regent.

RS-24074Regent AwardPackaging

Students had blocking documents assigned for verification, but a customer reported that loans were still packaged.

Root Cause
Document Restrictions on Packaging were confirmed to be working correctly in the code. However, the Activity Log Entry for SULA (Subsidized Usage Limit Applies) SUP calculations referred to all Subsidized awards as "Repackaged" when the loan was not actually repackaged.

The Activity Log Entry message has updated text to say "Did not repackage" instead of "Repackaged" when the system was blocked from packaging or repackaging the Subsidized loan.

In Document Setup, configure a restriction for 2022-2023 Verification Worksheet V4/V5. Reload RNA setup. Assign the Document in Needed status on an affected Student. Run Batch Packaging on the student. Verify on the Academic Plan that awards are not packaged. Check the Activity tab. Confirm the Activity Log Entry message says "Did not repackage" instead of "Repackaged."

RS-24054Regent AwardR2T4

A student enrolled in a mix of module and full-term-length courses in the same term. In the R2T4 calculation for Step 2, the system miscounted all the days as Break Days after the last modular course ended.

Some of the R2T4-related calculation “masks” had incorrect logic for counting days. When a term contained a mix of short modular courses and non-modular full-term courses, the masks were only counting the days from the module courses.

For terms with modules, the masks consider all the courses within a term when counting days.

Test with an affected student with a mix of module and full-term-length courses in the same term, with the last modular course ending after the term’s census date. Ensure the student has attendance in all courses. Withdraw the student from all courses. Create an R2T4. In Step 2, confirm the Break Days amount matches the count of days in the term, as adjusted for any configured Instructional Breaks.

RS-23741Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was not adding awards if the Site Associations section was set to specific sites in Packaging Grid.

Regent Award was incorrectly using Programs XREF in LoadInstitutionData.

Regent Award LoadInstitutionData was updated to ensure set Sites XREF instead of Programs XREF.

In Regent Award, add an award that has specific sites chosen on the Site Associations section in Packaging Grid, to a student who is assigned to that specific site.

RS-23599Regent AwardPackaging

The system did not package reported with giving an error about paid disbursements of loans were moved to another Payment Periods.

For the student who did not have paid Direct Loans the system incorrectly shifted Payment Period and anchored it from previous term to the next term, i.e. from Winter to Summer.

The code fix was applied so that the system will not shift Payment Periods and further anchor it to another term.

Perform MAP and ensure that there are no errors.

RS-23490Regent AwardUser Interface

Regent Award was unexpectedly incorrectly calculating Cumulative Units on the Academic Plan tab if a student had Course Adjustments.

Regent Award was returning the active=false APP record which caused Cumulative Units to be incorrectly tallied in enrollment.GetAcademicPlanProgram.

Regent Award is updated to return the active=true record when both share the same programstartdate in enrollment.GetAcademicPlanProgram.

In Regent Award, compare the sum of Cumulative Units from the Courses tab and Academic Plan if a student has Course Adjustments for the current program.

RS-23419Regent AwardAwarding

The Wisconsin (WI) Grant was of incorrect amounts according to 2021-2022 WG-PNP Tuition Calculator for 3 semesters enrolled.

The system incorrectly rounded term amounts when the first term has a Wisconsin grant amount of zero dollars.

The code fix was applied so that system will round terms correctly.

Navigate to affected students and perform MAP (Modify Academic Plan). Ensure that WI Grant amounts are correct for Spring 2022 and Summer 2022 terms.

RS-23385Regent AccessCommunications

Regent unexpectedly doesn't send Communication to student after student Account is created on Portal and after Virginia state alternative FASFA application is completed.

Regent had account creation completion email and application completion communication email incorrectly setup resulting in those email not being sent to user.

Regent configuration was corrected to make sure there is no restrictions for email sending.

In Regent student Portal register a student and complete the Virginia Questionnaire application. Make sure two emails are sent - one for registration completion and one for application completion.

RS-17711Regent AwardDocuments

Regent unexpectedly didn't create Document Audit Log record for Master Promissory Note (MPN) Document when it is Satisfied by COD PN Responce file import.

Regent not created Document level audit log entry when updated status for MPN Document after COD PN Response import.

Regent COD PN Response processing logic was updated to make sure MPN Document status change is logged into Document Audit Log.

In Regent open student that has MPN document in Needed status. Import COD PN Response that satisfy this document. Review Document Audit Log and make sure there is a record of change of the status to Satisfied

The following bugs are resolved in

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-24278Regent AwardProgram Change

A Regent Award school prepared to test Automated Program Changes. When a program change was processed, the system did not automatically process as Substantially Equal. In addition, when a user tried to manually process a Program Change in the Program Management Wizard (PMW), for two programs that would normally be Substantially Equal, the system set the default value to False for Substantially Equal (SE). When an additional program was added to the Program Group, the PMW kept initializing and would not load.

The test environment had Program Change automation enabled, but some programs had incorrect configurations for their associated Sites. Also, the Default Site was not configured.

Regent Award’s Program Change Automation was updated to keep the same default determination of Substantially Equal (SE) or Not Substantially Equal (NSE) as when program change automation is not enabled. The system will not automatically process Program Changes for SE programs if the programs are not in the same Program Group.

Testing for Manual PMW Program Change: Test in a test environment. First, confirm the Program configuration is correct: Ensure each program is configured correctly with associated Sites. Also confirm that the school has a default Site configured. In the Program Groups, configure two or more SE programs in the same Program Group. Set ‘Automate Program Changes for SE Program Groups’ to Yes. Reload RNA Setup. Load Program Change data for a student, with one of the programs within the Program Group and the other program not in the Program Group. In the PMW, process the program change manually. Confirm the system defaults the new program to be Substantially Equal.

Testing for Automated Program Changes: On another test student, load two programs from the same Site and in the same preconfigured Program Group. Run Batch Packaging for the second test student. Confirm the system processes the Program Change automatically. Review the student’s Activity Log and Academic Plan. Confirm the automated Program Change was processed as Substantially Equal.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 
  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note

Purpose of Script:
This build script ensures Regent Award is using updated course data for all students upon upgrade. In some cases, resource conflicts at the database level might have caused deadlocks and stopped the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process from completing. Some students might have had pending data changes, such as new course information from the Student Batch Load (SBL) process. For the affected students, the system could not update information such as total unit values.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script identifies any students that have course data changes or other SIS-provided data that was loaded but was not yet fully processed. The script then runs the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process for those students. The CE Rollup process updates the unit totals and other information.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the release. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the release.

How to Test the Script:
Before upgrading, find an affected student who had SBL data loaded in a failed CE Rollup process, where the student’s current course data do not match the unit totals displayed on the Academic Plan screen. Perform the upgrade. Refresh the Process Log. Confirm the Process CE Rollup process is Complete. View the affected student. Repackage the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the total units match the course data.

Data Views  

The following Data View updates relate to

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-24292Regent AwardData Views

Title: Data View Updates per 6.1.1 Release

Tickets: RS-24292; RS-24124;


The following Data Views were created per changes to tables:

  • New Data Extract Views:
    • dataExtract_Document_SAPFailureReason_View_v001
    • dataExtract_Document_SAPStatus_View_v001
  • Updated Data Extract Views:
    • dataExtract_Document_View_v008
    • dataExtract_FundAmountPerPaymentPeriod_View_v003
      • Note: Previous name was dataExtract_FundAmountPerPaymentPeriod_Config_View_v002
    • dataExtract_StudentInstitutionallyDefinedData_View_v003

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary

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