/ Release FAQs Release FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions document is not all encompassing, but provides some very basic information to questions that are projected from the client community. For additional information, please submit a ticket to Client Support.

Can anyone take Release  

All clients are expected to take R4.2.0.0. for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

What is included in Release

There are 4 new features, 6 enhancements, and the new 2018-2019 regulatory updates to support ISIR processing and verification for the new aid year.

Highlights of the 4.2 Release include the following:

  • R8 now supports awarding for Year Round PELL which allows the Federal Pell Grant (Pell Grant) to package up to 150 percent of the student’s Pell Grant Scheduled Award (PGSA) for a Federal Award Year (FAY).
  • 2018-2019 regulatory updates include:
    • ISIR processing and corrections import
    • Updates to ISIR Tab and ISIR Wizard
    • SAR comment code updates
    • Reject code updates
    • EFC calculation formula updates
    • Updates to TEACH amounts for Federal Sequestration
    • Document Setup enhancements for handling of certain tax documents
  • CCM added the ability for users to Import and Export Program, Term and Program Group Configuration via CSV format (the XML based import/export processes for these configuration areas were made available in a prior release) as well as the ability to Import and Export Document Setup data via both XML and CSV format.
  • A new configuration option to have the R2T4 Wizard automatically cancel any Title IV funds (except for the Federal Work Study) on a student’s account, during the R2T4 period, that are not included in the R2T4 calculation.
  • The new COD WB Reconciliation Process allows users to export disbursements that were paid via COD on the Web to update their Accounts Receivable (AR) system.

There also 60 bug fixes resolved in this release.

What regulatory updates are included in this Release

The specific items related to regulatory items are:

  • Support for processing and auto-awarding of Year Round Pell (PELL150%)
  • New IRS request flags (Student and Parent level)
  • Ability to import 2018-2019 ISIRs and send out corrections
  • New ISIR reject codes
  • Update for NSLDS TSM and FAH Data Import Templates
  • Update for SAR C-Codes
  • EFC Formula / Calculations Updates
  • TEACH Sequestration Updates

What are the known issues in Release

IssueDetailsWorkaround exists


During program changes, cases where enrollment from prior term with attendance is missing from Academic PlanScript.RS-11295
RS-11749Incorrect anticipated academic years when loading a student during conversion who is currently in a 180 day gap with no return course information.No, but plan is updated correctly if student returns


RS-11704When an imported FSEOG award has a different FAY than an existing Pell award, and R8 is linking the SEOG to a budget, R8 unexpectedly matches the budget using the Pell's FAYN/A
RS-11678SBL Error: "Error while processing the data file: Index and length must refer to a location within the string.<br />Parameter name: length" when file size is very large. Happens very rarely.Can break SBL file into smaller chunks
RS-11626NonTerm RPS Loan Amount Proration using Anticipated instead of Registered units

Two methods of workarounds:

1) (preferred/recommended) Adjust the student's individual program length to include the extra units

2) Or, add a program-level negative Course Adjustment for the extra units

RS-11520Single term loan not adhering to configured disbursement scheduleManually split disbursements through MAW
RS-11240Review Eligibility Change task unexpectedly triggers for some non-manual awardsN/A

How do I find out more on how to use the Client Configuration Management tools (CCM)?

You can find more information in the Client Support Knowledge Base, CZ 2.0

Is Year-Round PELL the same as 150% PELL?

Yes, you may hear the regulation related to allowing a student up 150% of their eligible PELL amount in the same aid year referred to as both Year-Round PELL and 150% PELL. In general, most customers will refer to this as Year-Round PELL.

Are SNAP questionnaires include the regulatory updates?

While the regulatory updates aren't technically included in the 4.2 release itself, the support team is leading the necessary configuration updates for each customer instance. The 4.2 release is needed for the new updates to work in the updated questionnaires.

How can I upgrade to Release  

Submit a Customer Zone ticket via the client portal or via email to clientsupport@regenteducation.com.  If you do not yet have an account, please reach out to Susan Sherrick directly at susan.sherrick@regenteducation.com.

Are there any specific configuration and/or permissions requirements for Release

There is a new permission setting related to the R2T4 enhancement for cancelling of excluded Title IV disbursements. It can be found under "Institutions → Institution Permissions → Student Permissions → Awards Tab → R2T4 Wizard → "Edit Auto-Cancel Excluded Title IV Disbursements for R2T4."

I submitted a ticket and don't see it in this release, how do I see request status?  

Clients submitting tickets in Customer Zone are receiving a weekly Customer Zone Open Tickets report with a column in the report called 'Planned Release'. This field is populated in Customer Zone as items are slated into releases and can be tracked by clients on a weekly basis in this manner.

How do I find out what the workarounds are for the known issues reported in the Product Brief for this release?  

Submit a Customer Zone ticket via the client portal or via email to clientsupport@regenteducation.com.  If you do not yet have an account, please reach out to Susan Sherrick directly at susan.sherrick@regenteducation.com.

At User Conference, you indicated you are starting on Student Experience enhancements, have you made any progress in this release?

No, the initial roll-out of the new Student Experience will be in Release 5.0 which comprises of a new student portal, call center feature, and other enhancements to R8 and Financial Planner. Additional new features related to Student Experience are also planned for 5.1 and beyond.

What is the schedule for the next release?  5.0? What is planned in that release?

5.0 is schedule for release in March 2018 and will include features relative to enhanced Student Experience, Financial Planner, Call Center, Client Configuration Management Tools, Advanced Packaging Tools, and COD Regulatory Updates. 

How does this release affect Regent Review, Financial Planner, or Regent Access? 

Regulatory Updates are part of the 4.2 release, all the products in the Regent Suite are affected by regulatory updates and must be updated when the release is Generally Available. 

Will there be additional FAQ's and/or release documents in the future? 

For every major release Regent will provide the following:

    1. FAQs
    2. Product Brief
    3. Release Notes
    4. Project Contour (Client Configuration Management) User Guide