/ Release FAQs Release FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions document is not all encompassing, but provides some very basic information to questions that are projected from the client community. For additional information, please submit a ticket to Client Support.

Can anyone take Release  

All clients are expected to take R4.1.0.0. for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

What is included in Release  

R4.1.0.0 contains the following categories of work:

    1. Merging of the 3.x and 4.x branches of code
    2. Dual Program support
    3. Defect fixes
    4. Product enhancements
    5. COD 2017-2018 schema/regulatory updates

How can I upgrade to Release  

Submit a Customer Zone ticket via the client portal or via email to clientsupport@regenteducation.com.  If you do not yet have an account, please reach out to Susan Sherrick directly at susan.sherrick@regenteducation.com.

Why is Regent merging 3.x code branch with a 4.x code branch?  

This consolidation effort will combine features from 3.x and 4.x code lines into one code base for all clients. This consolidation effort will yield one unified product code base for all customers thus providing more efficient product support and stabilization.

How will Regent merging 3.x code branch with a 4.x code branch affect my daily processing such as packaging, etc? 

Regent development has also been working on preemptively identifying and reconciling any variances in the Batch Packaging processes that are possibly caused by the code merge activities. The BP Compare Process involves executing Batch Packaging (plus COD, EST) in 2 versions of the Regent8 product and comparing the results. The goal of the process is to identify and account for all database level changes that occur due to the differences in the code base. Ultimately, Regent will use the BP variances data to assist the customers prepare and work through these variances during upgrade.

Are there any specific configuration and/or permissions requirements for Release  

  1. In order for a school to choose and be able to use the new "Assume attendance functionality", a school must access the Institution Setup screen and set the Assume Attendance value to 'Yes', and set he "Effective as of" date so that R8 can assume attendance on courses whose end date is on or after the "Effective as of" date or a date in the future of the "Effective as of" date.This configuration option will also be available at the Campus and Program setup levels in R8.  Programs can inherit the configured value from the Campus, and the Campus can inherit the configured value from the Institution.
  2. A school will be able to choose via a configuration option on the Institution Setup screen will allow a customer to choose whether or not to use the Automated Pre-Start Program Change functionality. If a school chooses “Yes” in the “Automated Pre-start Program Changes” field, the “Automate Program Changes within X days of Plan Start” field will become available (field will remain inactive if “No” is chosen in the “Automated Pre-start Program Changes” field), The value entered in the “Automate Program Changes within X days of Plan Start” field will determine how many days after the start of the learner’s academic plan in R8, that a program change can automated as of the start date. Access to both of these configuration options are controlled by Permissions.
  3. Several changes has been implemented in Regent 8 setup to accommodate the Automated Program Change enhancement:
    1. The Institution Setup screen now allows a school to choose whether or not to use the Automated Program Change functionality (including during Abbreviated Period if applicable).
    2. The following enhancements will be implemented on the current Program Groups screen:
      1. Label tab heading “General.”
      2. Add the “External Program Group ID” field to the UI.
      3. Add the “External ID” field to the grid in the top half of the screen.
  4. New SNAP configuration options that support the Award Portlet enhancements.

What are the main 2017-2018 COD changes ? 

  • COD Export File updates to support the 4.0c schema
  • Updates to program related fields
  • Changes to Enrollment Status value sent to COD
  • Annual Updates to Pell YTD and Direct Loan Rebuild processes

I submitted a ticket and don't see it in this release, how do I see request status?  

Clients submitting tickets in Customer Zone are receiving a weekly Customer Zone Open Tickets report with a column in the report called 'Planned Release'. This field is populated in Customer Zone as items are slated into releases and can be tracked by clients on a weekly basis in this manner.

How do I find out what the workarounds are for the known issues reported in the Product Brief for this release?  

Submit a Customer Zone ticket via the client portal or via email to clientsupport@regenteducation.com.  If you do not yet have an account, please reach out to Susan Sherrick directly at susan.sherrick@regenteducation.com.

Will there be additional FAQ's and/or release documents in the future? 

For every major release Regent will provide the following:

    1. Release FAQs
    2. Release Product Brief
    3. Release Notes
    4. Recorded Release Overview when applicable