/ A-B-A Program Change Enhancement Details A-B-A Program Change Enhancement Details

Quality Improvement

Regent 8 (R8) has been enhanced to accommodate student's returning to a prior program. This will be referred to as an A-B-A Program Change.

Reason for Improvement

It is common for a student to change programs during their college career and sometimes they decide to return to a prior program after exploring other subject areas. 

Example Scenario

Student enrolls and attends Program A for a period of time. Student then has a program change into Program B. Student may or may not attend Program B, but Program B has become the active program in R8. Student then changes programs back to Program A.

End-User Impact

FA Users
Will be able to process A-B-A program changes . What are the tasks? besides being able to do it. What are the steps. What will we see in the IU?

Technical Support

Institutions wishing to perform an A-B-A program change will need to use the existing <nextProgramExternalProgramID> and the <nextProgramStartDate> attribute nodes on the <academicInformation> node (Fig. 1) of the Student Batch Load (SBL). This will indicate to R8 that the student is returning to a program.

When R8 receives Program A in the 2 "next" nodes, and a Course Enrollment Program (CEP) record for the same program already exists, R8 will always create a new CEP record for program. If there is more than one CEP record for program A, R8 will match up to the latest instance of program A that comes after program B. (Fig. 2)

SBL Examples For A-B-A Program Change

  • <AcademicInformationType> node placing the student in Program A the first time:

Program A
<academicInformation externalProgramId="HW0122" programStartDate="2016-07-25" programCompletionDate="2016-09-10"/>
  • <AcademicInformationType> node moving the student from Program A to Program B:
Switch to Program B
<academicInformation externalProgramId="HW0122" programStartDate="2016-07-25" programCompletionDate="2016-09-10" nextProgramExternalProgramId="HW0061" nextProgramStartDate="2016-09-11"/>
  • <AcademicInformationType> node moving the student from Program B to Program A for the second time:
Switch Back to Program A
<academicInformation externalProgramId="HW0061" programStartDate="2016-09-11" programCompletionDate="2017-01-04" nextProgramExternalProgramId="HW0122" nextProgramStartDate="2017-01-05"/>

Steps to Replicate: Can I use our testing steps if I fill in the blanks?

Scenario 1 - Student initially sent in as A, but before start date changes to B; start date comes so B is “locked” in for Term 1; during Term 1 student changes to A; Term 2 begins so student is locked for A. 

Scenario 2: Student initially sent in as A; start date comes so A is locked for Term 1. During Term 1, student changes to B; student locked in as B for Term 2. During Term 2 student changes to A; student locked in as A for Term 3
Scenario 3: Student initially sent in as A; start date comes so A is locked for Term 1. During Term 1, student changes to B and then later to C. Student locked as C for Term 2. During Term 2, student changes to B; student locked in as B for Term 3.
Scenario 4: Student initially sent in as A; start date comes so A is locked for Term 1. During Term 1, student changes to B and then later to C and then later to A. Student locked as A for Term 2. 

Expected Results

User will be able to import SBLs using the Next Nodes to process ABA Program Changes returning the student back to prior programs.

Related Tickets

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Figure 1. - The <nextProgramExternalProgramID> and the <nextProgramStartDate> attribute nodes

nextProgramExternalProgramIDValid Values

An identifier that is unique to the program that the student is moving to in a program change, and maps to another system being used by the school. This is used to map the Program from the SIS to the program in Regent and indicates the active program for the student.  

If this field is provided, then the next program start date must also be provided.
Maps to the External Program ID defined on Program Setup.
nextProgramStartDateValid Values

Date the student began the program they are moving to in a program change.  The program start date is used primarily in cases when no actual enrollment exists, so that R8 can anchor the Academic Plan and provide an estimated package.  For a non-term program, once real enrollment exists, the program start date becomes the start date of the first course for the program.  For term, the start date is the start date of the first term.  If the program start date changes before actual enrollment, then any subsequent Academic Years will get updated.

If this field is provided, then the next program external program ID must also be provided.
Valid date format CCYY-MM-DD

Figure 2. - select image to enlarge


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