MHEC Pledge to Remain Drug Free Smart Form

MHEC Pledge to Remain Drug Free Smart Form


Regent offers the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) Pledge to Remain Drug Free Smart Form via the Regent Award product licensing.  This Smart Form will streamline the applicant experience and increase the level of applicant self-service in the completion of MHEC processing. Regent provides the ability to track the completion of the MHEC Pledge to Remain Drug Free Smart Form for both Centralized and Decentralized Awards.  The Smart Form allows the institution to customize the overview message that a student sees on the form.  Student demographic information is pre-populated and the student is able to electronically sign the form.  A printable pdf output of the completed application is available to both applicants and staff.  The MHEC Pledge to Remain Drug Free Smart Form is a 'lifetime' document, meaning the student only needs to sign the Pledge once during their time at the Institution.


Institutions can customize the MHEC Overview message on the Smart Form through configuration. 

Under Institution Setup in Regent Award, select the ‘Portal’ tab then the ‘Smart Form’ sub-tab.

  • Select ‘Edit’ to customize the 'MHEC Overview' (in the MHEC Drug Free Pledge Form Settings section) which displays on the Smart Form.

Signing the Form

Upon completion of the Pledge to Remain Drug Free Smart Form, applicants have the option to sign the document via the electronic signature process or paper signature process. 

E-Signature Process 

If the applicant chooses the e-signature process, the applicant is presented with system capability acknowledgments, as well as terms and conditions prior to e-signing the form to ensure the applicant can successfully complete the process. Upon successfully e-signing the Smart Form, the signed PDF copy of the completed form is automatically attached to the document requirement in Student Experience and in Regent. The document status is updated in Student Experience to a ‘Completed on [Date]’ status and the document status in Regent is updated to a ‘Satisfied’ status. 

Note:  e-Signatures are not case sensitive.

Paper Signature Process

After selecting the paper signature process and submitting the Smart Form, an unsigned PDF copy of the completed form is automatically attached and downloadable via the document requirement in Student Experience and in Regent.  The document follows the current paper signature process flow and will update to “Received” in Regent Award and then will be moved to "Satisfied" once reviewed by a person.